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云南西部小兽体表革螨群落种多度分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文用Preston对数正态分布模型对云南西部室内及室外农耕地生境小兽体表革螨群落的种多度分布进行了研究。在X轴为log3标尺的倍程刻度、Y轴为普通算术刻度的半对数直角坐标系中,革螨群落的种多度趋近对数正态分布(理论曲线的拟合优度为0.8263),个体数量很大的优势种类(毒厉螨、纳氏厉螨及柏氏禽刺螨等)及仅有1个个体的稀有种类在群落中只是少数,绝大多数种类的个体数量居中,其中位于第3倍程、个体数在5~13之间的种类最多,共有15种。  相似文献   

寄生在小兽体表的革螨是具有重要医学意义的节肢动物。本文用物种数、Simpson优势度指数、Shannon多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和主成分分析对云南省28县市5个动物地理小区小兽体表革螨的生态分布和多样性进行了比较分析。捕获的14544头小兽隶属于10科35属67种,共采集到革螨80791只,经分类鉴定属于10科33属112种。结果表明横断山中部小区革螨和小兽的物种丰富度和多样性指数均比其他动物地理小区的高。纳氏厉螨和毒厉螨是云南省的优势种和广布种,其生态分布和海拔没有明显的关系。与此相反,小兽宿主的分布因小区和海拔的不同而不同,黄胸鼠和褐家鼠主要分布于海拔1600m以下,而齐氏姬鼠、大绒鼠和中华姬鼠是海拔2600m以上的优势种。革螨和小兽的多样性表现出随海拔减少而降低的趋势。主成分分析结果表明宿主因素(物种丰富度和多样性指数)是影响革螨分布的主要因素,其次为降雨量和经度。云南省革螨的物种多样性与小兽的多样性密切相关。  相似文献   

目的以云南省57种医学革螨作为分类单元,以形态特征为主列出60项分类性状特征来探讨云南省医学革螨不同属和种的亲缘关系。方法运用SPSS11.5统计软件中的系统聚类分析。对57种医学革螨进行数值分类。结果赫刺螨属和棘刺螨属单独从厉螨科中分离出来,其余种类的分类结果与传统的分类结果一致。结论数值分类能比较客观地反映医学革螨各分类阶元的分类地位与亲缘关系.分类结果与传统形态分类结果基本一致。  相似文献   

云南省19县市小兽体表蚤类的生态位研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对云南省19县市小兽体表蚤类生态位进行研究,并初步探讨两者间协同进化关系。采用Levins模型和Cowell-Futuymas模型分别测定47种小兽体表部分主要蚤种的生态位宽度和生态位重叠指数。生态位宽度最宽的是特新蚤(0.0987),其次是近端远棒蚤二刺亚种(0.0749)、低地狭臀蚤(0.0734),最窄的为伍氏病蚤(0.0216)。方叶栉眼蚤与近端远棒蚤二刺亚种生态位重叠指数最高(0.5),与伍氏病蚤的重叠指数最低(0.0021)。印鼠客蚤与缓慢细蚤生态位重叠指数最高(0.8660),与无值大锥蚤最低(0.0048)。蚤类生态位宽度值低,表明其与宿主动物之间的协同进化程度相对较高;生态位宽度值高,表明其与宿主动物之间的协同进化程度较低。两种蚤的生态位重叠值高,表明其在宿主选择上趋于相同或相近;反之,则差异较大。生态位宽度可以作为蚤类与其宿主动物间协同进化的一个判定指标。  相似文献   

用分子生物学方法检测螨体内汉坦病毒的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究汉坦病毒(HV)在革螨、总螨体内增殖、定位等。方法 采用聚合酶链反应和原位分子杂交法检测革螨、总螨体内HV—RNA。结果 用PCR技术从革螨、总螨体内检测到HV—RNA,最低检测为5只螨组;取革螨和恙螨幼虫、若虫定期测定TCID50/m1滴度,证明HV在革螨、恙螨体内可经期传播并有增殖现象;用原位分子杂交技术在革螨、恙螨的卵巢细胞、支肠细胞等组织中检测到HV—RNA。结论 研究结果证明HV在螨体内可经期传播,并有增殖现象;HV通常定位于螨的卵巢和支肠细胞等组织内。为革螨、恙螨的媒介意义提供了具有分子水平的直接证据。  相似文献   

以云南西部室内及室外农耕地生境25种、2536只小型哺乳动物(小兽)所组成的混杂样本所对应的体表革螨群落为依据,推导、建立了适于特定生境区域多种小兽(混杂样本)体表革螨群落总物种数估测的数学模型:St=Sb+NbS′eNa+Nb(SbNb-SaNa)式中,St为待测的多种小兽(混杂样本)体表革螨群落的总物种数;Na、Sa和S′e分别为混杂样本中数量最多的小兽宿主数、其体表实际所获革螨种数以及在抽样过程中漏掉的种数;Nb、Sb分别为多种小兽所组成的混杂样本的样本总数及其体表实际所获的革螨种数。以此模型估测出云南西部室内及室外农耕地生境小兽体表革螨群落总物种数约为79种  相似文献   

以云南西部室内及彀外农耕地生境25种,2536只小型哺乳动物(小兽)所组成的混杂样本所对应的体表革螨群落训依据,推导,建立了适于特定生境区域多种小兽,(混杂样本)体表革螨群落总物数估测的数学模型。St=Sb+Nb.S′e/Na+Nb(Sb/Nb-Sa/Na)式中St待测的多种小兽(混杂样本)体表革螨群落的总物种数,Na,Sa和S′e分别为混杂样本中数量最多的小兽宿主数,其体表表实际所获革螨种数以及  相似文献   

山东费县五种恙螨季节消长观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者于1995.5~1996.4对山东费县农田野鼠体外五种恙螨季节消长进行了逐月观察。结果表明,须纤恙螨主要出现在秋冬季(10月至翌年4月),高峰在12月份,为冬季优势螨种;临淮岗纤恙螨5月份始现,11月份消失,高峰在8月份,为夏季优势种;小盾纤恙螨集中出现在秋季及初冬(9~12月),其高峰在11月份,是9~12月间鼠体外绝对优势螨种;泰山纤恙螨主要出现在6~10月份,该螨种数量起伏较大;太平洋无前恙螨全部采自大仓鼠,主要出现在4~12月,高峰期在7月份。阐明当地不同季节优势螨种对研究该地恙虫病以及肾综征出血热(HFRS)传播媒介具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的社鼠是东洋界种,不仅一直被认为是农林业有害动物,而且被怀疑为滇西北鼠疫疫源地的鼠疫、恙虫病和流行性出血热(汉坦病毒)等病原体的储存宿主。为了了解洱海周边地带社鼠体表寄生虫的多样性,我们研究了89只社鼠体表寄生虫的群落组成。方法选取云南洱海周边的不同地理方位作为野外抽样调查地点,用鼠笼加食饵诱捕小兽并检获其体表寄生虫。体表寄生虫在显微镜下鉴定寄生虫的种类。用染虫率和虫指数反映体表寄生虫的流行和密度状况,用统计分析中的非参数检验(Non-parametric Mann-Whitney U)分析雌雄小兽宿主间寄生虫数量差异,用Spearman相关分析(Spearman correlation analysis)体表寄生虫数量与宿主身体参数的关系。结果捕获89只社鼠,其中70只社鼠侵染体表寄生虫,总侵染率为79%。采集到体表寄生虫51种,包括31种恙螨、13种革螨、4种蚤及3种吸虱。攸氏无前恙螨为优势恙螨种,占恙螨总数的66.23%;土尔克厉螨为优势革螨种,占革螨总数的38.48%;绒鼠怪蚤为优势蚤种,占蚤总数的42.86%;太平洋甲胁虱为优势吸虱种,占吸虱总数的80.07%。这51种体表寄生虫中,有11种被证明是人类疾病的主要媒介。U检验表明,体表寄生虫、恙螨、吸虱、蚤类和革螨的个体数量和物种数在雌雄宿主体表间的差异无统计学意义。Spearman相关分析表明,体表寄生虫、恙螨、吸虱、蚤类和革螨的个体数量与宿主身体参数(体重)之间无相关性。结论社鼠的体表寄生虫群落结构复杂,物种多样性高,其中有11种曾经报道与人类疾病有关。社鼠主要的体表寄生虫为吸虱、蚤类、革螨和恙螨,社鼠很可能成为鼠疫、流行性出血热和灌丛斑疹伤寒等病原体的贮存宿主。  相似文献   

本研究用立克次体属特异的gltA和ompB基因扩增引物,从吉林长白县捕获鼠中分拣的534只厩真厉螨中扩得gltA和ompB基因片段。通过基因片段的序列测定、BLAST比对和系统发育分析,显示两个扩增基因与猫立克次体Rickettsia fells同源性最高(99%),证明该地区厩真厉螨携带与猫立克次体近缘的立克次体。  相似文献   

A total of 174 small mammalian hosts were trapped in Ekpoma, Bendel State, Nigeria from October, 1986 to September, 1987 and examined for ectoparasites. 108 infested hosts had 10 species of ectoparasites comprising three species of mites (Laelaps (Echinolaelaps) muricola, Laelaps (E.) gigantea and Laelaps (E.) echidninus); two species of ticks (Amblyomma variegatum and Ixodes sp.); two species of fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis and X. braziliensis); and on especies each of sucking lice (Polyplax spinulosa) and subcutaneous larvae of Cordylobia anthropophaga. Rise in seasonal rainfall positively influenced the incidence of C. anthropophaga and adult fleas, but decrease reduced the incidence of ticks, mites and lice. The incidence of parasitic infestation was influenced by age of host, but not by the sex. Ectoparasite distribution was uneven on their hosts.  相似文献   

将蚤类、蜱类、革螨和恙螨这 4类寄生虫看作一个整体 ,各寄生虫群落优势种不明显 ,多样性指数和均匀度指数较高。寄生虫群落 ,在森林中棕背体外以不常纤蚤为主 ,在灌丛中黑线姬鼠以巢鼠厉螨为主 ,在农田中社鼠以毒厉螨为主 ,其他不同生境各鼠种均以东方纤恙螨为主。不同宿主寄生虫群落之间相似性指数较高 ,均大于 0 5。  相似文献   

A study of associations between small mammals and ectoparasites in two adjacent nature reserves near Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil, revealed that ectoparasitic mites of the genus Laelaps Koch are host specific. Data on the prevalence and intensity of mite infestations were combined with measures of the reproductive activity of mite populations to estimate the association of each host-mite pair. Twelve morphologically distinct species of Laelaps occurred in monoxenous and oligoxenous associations with the cricetid rodent genera Oryzomys, Nectomys, Rhipidomys, and Calomys. Nine were referred to species recognized at the time of the study; three were described as new species in a recent publication. When mites initially assigned as the same species infested more than one host species, an examination of the morphological variation within and among mite specimens supported the hypothesis that mites infesting different hosts were reproductively isolated populations. Dispersal pathways apparently were restricted, occurring primarily between conspecific individuals. In one instance, two morphologically similar groups of Laelaps paulistanensis Fonseca were associated with two closely related rodent species, Oryzomys fornesi Massoia and O. nigripes (Olfers). Although the data presented here indicate that these two groups of mites are conspecific, further study is warranted.  相似文献   

1998年 6月至 1999年 5月在北京东灵山地区的 3类生境中全年共采集到鼠类体外寄生虫 48种 ,3 85 9只 ,其中蚤类 16种 ,5 82只 ,蜱类 3种 ,416只 ,革螨 2 2种 ,10 81只 ,恙螨 7种 ,1780只。在森林中 ,鼠类体外寄生虫群落物种丰富度棕背最高 (2 1) ,大仓鼠最低 (2 ) ;多度表现为社鼠最高 (16 4) ,大仓鼠最低 (7)。在灌丛中 ,鼠类体外寄生虫群落物种丰富度黑线姬鼠最高 (2 4) ,大仓鼠最低 (10 ) ;多度表现为社鼠最高 (76 5 ) ,大仓鼠最低 (2 5 2 )。在农田中 ,鼠类体外寄生虫群落物种丰富度黑线姬鼠最高(2 2 ) ,大林姬鼠最低 (6 ) ;多度表现为大仓鼠最高 (6 2 8) ,大林姬鼠最低 (39)。一般来说 ,鼠类体外寄生虫群落物种丰富度 ,革螨和蚤类较高 ,恙螨和蜱类较低 ,多度 ,恙螨和革螨较高 ,蚤类和蜱类较低  相似文献   

Ectoparasitic insects and mites on Yunnan red-backed voles (Eothenomys miletus) in Dali prefecture, Yunnan Province, southwest China, were studied between 2003 and 2004. In total, 34,389 individuals of 86 species of ectoparasitic insects (seven species of fleas and five species of sucking lice) and mites (23 species of gamasid mites and 51 species of chigger mites) were collected from 916 individual hosts. The diversity of ectoparasites on this single rodent species in such a small area was much higher than in previous reports, which concerned more host species and greater geographical areas. The majority of the ectoparasites were chigger mites, which accounted for 59.3 % of the parasite species and 87.4 % of the individual parasites. Most voles harbored parasites with an overall prevalence (P) of 82.5 % and mean abundance (MA) of 37.5 parasites per host. The dispersion coefficient (C) and patchiness index (m*/m) were used to study the spatial patterns of the seven dominant parasite species, and all seven had aggregated distributions. The species abundance distribution of the ectoparasites on the vole was fitted by Preston’s lognormal distribution (R 2?=?0.82), and the total expected parasite species was estimated from this plot as 167 species. Yunnan red-backed voles harbor many ectoparasites as revealed by examination of a large host population. Future field investigations should sample large numbers of host individuals to assess ectoparasite populations.  相似文献   

Twelve species of parasitic arthropods (one sucking louse, two fleas, one tick, and eight mites) were recovered from 51 meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus (Ord); whereas nine species (one sucking louse, one bot, three fleas, one tick, and three mites) were collected from 48 white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque), live-trapped on the grounds of Fort Detrick, Frederick County, MD., during 1990 and 1991. The most commonly collected arthropods from M. pennsylvanicus were the fur mite, Listrophorus mexicanus Fain (approximately 2,720 specimens); the tropical rat mite, Ornithonyssus bacoti (Hirst) (987); the laelapid mites, Laelaps kochi Oudemans (733) and Androlaelaps fahrenholzi (Berlese (322); the sucking louse, Hoplopleura acanthopus (Burmeister) (121); the tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say) (47); and the chigger mite, Neotrombicula whartoni (Ewing) (45). Arthropod densities were lower on P. leucopus, from which the most frequently recorded species were the sucking louse, Hoplopleura hesperomydis (Osborn) (98 specimens); the fleas, Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) (85) and Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) (61); and the mite, A. fahrenholzi (83). Although six species of arthropods parasitized both species of rodents, only two of these, A. fahrenholzi and D. variabilis, were relatively common on both hosts. Therefore, although the habitats of both host species partially overlap, their associated parasitic arthropods remain principally host specific. The potential significance of these findings with respect to vector-borne disease transmission is discussed.  相似文献   

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