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腭裂手术年龄对腭咽闭合功能影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过回顾性调查,研究在不同年龄修复腭裂后腭咽闭合功能恢复的规律。方法将102例年龄在10岁以上,腭裂术后2年以上的单侧完全性唇腭裂患者,根据接受腭裂手术的年龄分为三组,A组:0~3.00岁手术组(n=37)、B组:3.01~6.00岁手术组(n=36)和C组:6.01岁以上手术组(n=29)。随访时进行鼻咽纤维镜检查,对其最大腭咽闭合程度进行等级评价。并对不同手术年龄组间的腭咽闭合程度进行统计学检验。结果统计学检验显示腭咽闭合程度在A组与B组以及A组与C组间差异有显著性(P<0.05),B组与C组间差异有显著性趋势(P=0.051)。说明0~3.00岁接受腭裂修复术患者术后腭咽闭合功能的恢复要明显优于3.01岁以上接受腭裂修复术的患者,而3.01~6.00岁接受腭裂修复术患者术后腭咽闭合功能的恢复要优于6.01岁以上接受腭裂修复术的患者。结论在不同年龄进行腭裂修复术其术后腭咽闭合功能恢复的程度不同。手术年龄越小,恢复程度越好。  相似文献   

目的:用Goslon Yardstick评价系统来评价替牙列期和恒牙列期单侧完全性唇腭裂患者上、下颌牙弓协调性的差异,为继发牙畸形的诊断、矫治设计和序列治疗提供依据。方法:对40例患者取牙模型并根据牙列情况分为两组,替牙列期组(n=18)和恒牙列期组(n=22)。用石膏模型,对其牙弓关系行Goslon Yardstick等级评价,并对不同牙列期组间的Yardstick等级进行统计学检验。结果:替牙列期组中,22.2%患者上下颌牙弓协调性差,属于GoslonYardstick等级4和5;Goslon Yardstick均值为2.72。恒牙列期组中,40.9%患者上下颌牙弓协调性差,属于GoslonYardstick等级4和5;Goslon Yardstick均值为3.46。结论:单侧完全性唇腭裂患者恒牙列期比替牙列期上下颌牙弓协调性差,治疗难度更大。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腭裂畸形本身及修复术对牙弓形态发育的影响.方法 应用牙颌模型CT扫描测量系统,对比分析正常(牙合)成人、单侧完全性唇腭裂(UCLP)均已修复组以及腭裂未修复组成人患者牙弓形态特征.结果 腭裂术后组上颌牙弓各段宽度、牙弓前段长度均显著小于未手术组(P < 0.01);未手术组上颌牙弓前段宽度、上下颌牙弓长度均显著小于正常组(P < 0.01),而上下颌牙弓后段宽度大于正常组(P < 0.001).结论 腭部裂隙对上颌牙弓发育的影响仅仅局限于牙弓前部裂隙邻近的区域,腭裂手术是造成上颌牙弓宽度缩窄的主要原因,同时也抑制了上颌牙弓前段长度发育.  相似文献   

目的研究在不同年龄修复腭裂对腭咽闭合运动连续性的影响。方法将102例年龄在10岁以上、腭裂术后2年以上的单侧完全性唇腭裂患者,根据接受腭裂手术时的年龄分为三组,A组:0~3.00岁组(n=37),B组:3.01~6.00岁组(n=36),C组:6.01岁以上组(n=29)。随访时进行鼻咽纤维镜检查,对其腭咽闭合运动是否为连续性运动进行判定,并对不同手术年龄组间腭咽闭合运动连续性的差异进行统计学检验。结果三组中连续性腭咽闭合运动患者的比例分别为83.8%(A组)、66.7%(B组)和44.8%(C组),不连续性腭咽闭合运动患者的比例分别为16.2%(A组)、33.3%(B组)和55.2%(C组)。腭咽闭合运动的连续性在3组间的差异有显著性(P0.05)。结论在不同年龄进行腭裂修复术,其术后腭咽闭合运动的连续性不同。手术年龄越小,连续性越好。  相似文献   

目的:评价手术辅助快速扩弓矫治成人上颌横向发育不足病例牙齿和基骨的变化。方法:上颌发育不足患者20例(男13例,女7例)按年龄分为扩弓组和手术组,扩弓组(平均年龄12.51±0.82岁)行矫形快速扩弓治疗;手术组(平均年龄19.07±2.54岁)行手术协助快速扩弓治疗。所有患者治疗前后摄头颅定位正侧位片和咬合片,头影测量分析、比较。结果:两组病例均有明显的扩弓效果,手术组牙弓宽度增加更为显著,扩弓组牙弓长度增加明显,但组间均无显著性差异;治疗前后,手术组B点显著后移,而扩弓组B点前移,组间有显著性差异(P<0.05);治疗前后,手术组腭平面后旋,扩弓组腭平面前旋,组间有显著性差异(P<0.01);治疗前后,两组病例上颌切牙均内倾,组间无显著性差异。结论:手术协助快速扩弓治疗成人上颌横向发育不足,可取得良好的扩弓效果;对上下颌骨、上颌切牙在矢状面的改变更有利于III类错畸形的矫正;在病例的选择上,更适用于低角病例。  相似文献   

腭裂手术年龄对代偿性发音发生率的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的通过回顾性调查,探讨在不同年龄修复腭裂对代偿性发音发生率影响的规律。方法将102例年龄在10岁以上、腭裂术后2年以上的单侧完全性唇腭裂患者,根据接受腭裂手术的年龄分为三组,A组:0-3.00岁(n=37)、B组:3.01-6.00岁(n=36)和C组:6.01岁以上(n=29)。随访时进行语音判听,判定其是否存在代偿性发音。并对不同手术年龄组间的代偿性发音发生率进行统计学检验。结果三组代偿性发音的发生率分别为27.0%、47.2%、和65.5%,统计学检验显示,代偿性发音发生率在3组间的差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论在不同年龄进行腭裂修复术,其术后代偿性发音的发生率不同。手术年龄越小,代偿性发音的发生率越小。  相似文献   

文萍  张强  陈香  程敏  陈婷婷 《口腔医学》2012,32(5):274-276,305
目的通过对深圳地区4~6岁乳牙期中国南方汉族儿童牙模型的纵向资料测量,研究其牙弓宽度及长度的生长发育规律。方法在深圳市某幼儿园随机抽取4岁乳牙期汉族儿童75名,连续3年定期追踪,收集其模型,最终合格者16名(男孩10名,女孩6名),获得模型48副,进行牙弓宽度和长度测量,对测量结果进行方差分析。结果从4岁到6岁,男孩上颌乳尖牙间牙列宽度(arch width of C,AWC)增长0.15 cm,下颌增长0.13 cm,女孩上颌增长0.09 cm,下颌增长0.12 cm,男孩上颌第二乳磨牙间牙列宽度(arch width of E,AWE)增长0.15 cm,女孩上颌增长0.08 cm,下颌增长0.14 cm;女孩前牙间牙弓长度(arch length of C,ALC)上颌减小0.07 cm,下颌减小0.08 cm,男孩上颌全牙列牙弓长度(arch length of E,ALE)减小0.14cm,均具统计学意义(P<0.05)。男孩下颌AWE,上下颌ALC,下颌ALE及女孩ALE无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论 4岁到6岁的生长变化中,乳牙列牙弓的宽度随年龄的增长而逐渐增宽,长度随年龄的增长有缩短的趋势。  相似文献   

目的 探讨两种治疗模式对上颌牙槽骨的生长发育及腭咽闭合的影响。方法 将124例腭裂分为A组(63例),用Latham或Millard法,B组(61例)用早期软腭粘接法,测量124例唇腭裂上颌石膏模型,测量X线片牙槽裂区骨桥。结果 A组牙弓横径较B组大;A组在双侧唇腭裂,上牙弓的前后径小于B组,但随患者年龄增长,两组差别逐渐减小;A组在唇腭裂单侧和双侧牙槽裂区分别有63.0%和83.3%的骨桥生长;A组和B组分别有15.9%和35.2%的患者需要咽瓣手术。结论 A组稳定的上牙弓能对抗唇肌的压迫。维持牙弓的宽度,但A组9岁以后双侧唇腭裂牙弓的前后径还需进一步的追踪。A组需要咽瓣手术的病例较B组少。  相似文献   

目的:研究不同拔牙模式对安氏Ⅱ1错牙合成年女性治疗前后牙弓宽度和面部软组织正貌的影响。方法:将40例安氏Ⅱ1错牙合需拔牙矫治的成年女性患者随机分为两组。 A组拔除上颌2颗第一前磨牙,下颌拔除2颗第二前磨牙,B组拔除4颗第一前磨牙。分析比较两组病例治疗前后牙弓宽度和面部软组织正貌指标的变化。结果:正畸治疗后,组内比较显示两组病例上下颌尖牙间宽度均增加,上下颌第一磨牙间宽度均减小,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);组间比较仅下颌尖牙和下颌第一磨牙间宽度变化有统计学意义(P<0.05),B组下颌尖牙宽度增加量大于A组,B组下颌第一磨牙牙弓宽度减小量小于A组。治疗前后比较,两组病例在面宽、口裂宽、下颌角间宽、容貌面长和鼻下颏下距的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。Pearson相关性分析显示牙弓宽度与软组织正貌指标之间无相关关系(P>0.05)。结论:安氏Ⅱ1错牙合病例正畸矫治后成年女性软组织正貌的变化不受拔牙模式影响,不同拔牙模式仅影响矫治后牙弓宽度的变化。  相似文献   

目的:研究正常乳牙(牙合)的性别差异以及生长发育规律。方法:在上海市徐汇区多所幼儿园内,获取3~6岁正常乳牙(牙合)儿童189名,通过口内光学扫描获取乳牙列的三维数字化模型。利用三维逆向工程软件Geomagic Studio12.0提取数据,测量乳牙(牙合)数字化模型的前牙牙弓弧长(APC)、全牙弓弧长(APE)、前牙牙弓长度(LC)、全牙弓长度(LE)、前牙牙弓宽度(C-C)、后牙牙弓宽度(E-E)、乳牙冠近远中径、上下颌间隙。采用SPSS 22.0软件包对测量数据进行统计学分析。结果:上下颌乳牙弓各参数的测量值均为男性显著大于女性(P<0.05)。按照年龄分组,3岁组中男性的上颌APC、C-C、E-E显著大于女性(P<0.05)。4岁组中,除上颌LC外,所有其他参数均具有显著差异(P<0.05)。5岁组中,除上颌APE,下颌APC、LC、LE、C-C外,其余上下颌各项参数均为男性显著大于女性(P<0.05)。6岁组中,除下颌APE外,其余参数均无显著差异。除上颌乳侧切牙和下颌乳中切牙外,其他乳牙的近远中径均为男性大于女性(P<0.05)。3~6岁不同年...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the reliability of using photographs of study casts as an alternative to casts for rating dental arch relationships. DESIGN: Repeated-measures study. SETTING: Cleft Palate Center of the University Medical Center Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. PATIENTS: Records of children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) (n = 49) at the age of 9 years were included. MEAN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Statistics of intra- and interexaminer agreement. RESULTS: No significant differences were found between the rating of dental casts and photographs of dental casts, using the Goslon Yardstick. CONCLUSIONS: Photographs of dental casts provide a consistent, reproducible method for rating dental arch relationships in patients with UCLP at the age of 9 years and provide a reliable alternative to the application of the Goslon Yardstick on dental casts.  相似文献   

??Objective    To evaluate the dental arch relationship of patients with unilateral complete cleft lip palate??UCLP??by comparing them with previous study and to provide theoretical basis on diagnosis??treatment plan design and team approach for patients with UCLP. Methods??Totally 52 UCLP patients treated in the Department of Orthodontics in the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University during March 2013 to March 2014 were selected. The dental models of UCLP patients were categorized using Great Ormond Street??London and Oslo Yardstick??Goslon Yardstick??index. Compare the results with the Goslon Yardstick scores of Chang Gung Craniofacial Center??Hospital of Tokyo University and 6 Eurocleft centers reported in previous studies and make statistical analysis. Results??Mean Goslon Yardstick score of UCLP treated in Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University was 3.75±0.93??36.5% patients had a Goslon Score of 4??and 59.6% patients were classified into poor and very poor categories. The results of our center showed significant differences from those of Eurocleft centers A??B??C??E and F??P < 0.05????but did not differ significantly from those of Eurocleft center D??Chang Gung center or Hospital of Tokyo University??P > 0.05??. Conclusion??Dental arch relationship in patients with UCLP in the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University is poor??which is similar to that in Chang Gung Craniofacial Center??Hospital of Tokyo University and Eurocleft center D??but is poorer than the other fove Eurocleft centers.  相似文献   

目的 评价单侧完全性唇腭裂(UCLP)患者上、下颌牙弓关系的协调性,并与亚洲和欧洲几大著名唇腭裂治疗中心的研究结果进行比较,为唇腭裂继发牙牙合畸形的诊断、矫治设计和序列治疗提供依据。方法 回顾性分析2013年3月至2014年3月于青岛大学附属医院口腔正畸科就诊的52例UCLP患者治疗前的记存模型,按照Goslon Yardstick 评价系统和Eurocleft三分类法进行牙弓协调性评价。与中国台湾长庚医院、日本东京大学医院及欧洲6所唇腭裂治疗中心(A~F)的同类研究结果相比较,并进行统计学分析。结果 本中心UCLP患者Goslon Yardstick平均等级为3.75 ± 0.93,Goslon Yardstick等级为4的患者最多,占36.5%,59.6%患者属于差及较差的等级。与台湾长庚医院、东京大学医院及欧洲唇腭裂D治疗中心的结果相接近(P>0.05),比其他5所欧洲唇腭裂治疗中心患者的牙弓协调性差(P<0.05)。结论 UCLP患者上、下牙弓协调性差。青岛大学附属医院接受正畸治疗的UCLP患者,上下牙弓协调性与台湾长庚医院、东京大学医院、欧洲唇腭裂D治疗中心接近,比其他5所欧洲唇腭裂治疗中心牙弓协调性差。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate dental arch relationships of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) treated with a two-stage palatal closure and to compare them with the six centers from the Eurocleft study that used various treatment protocols. DESIGN: Repeated-measures study. SETTING: Cleft Palate Craniofacial Unit of Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. PATIENTS: Records of 9-year-old children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (n = 43) were included.Interventions: The dental arch relationships of these patients were assessed by applying the Goslon Yardstick and subsequently compared with the Goslon outcome of the six-center Eurocleft study. MEAN OUTCOME MEASURES: Statistics of intra- and interexaminer agreement. RESULTS: For the Nijmegen UCLP group, 9% of dental arch relationships had a Goslon score of 1, 52% had a score of 2, 30% has a score of 3, 9% had a score of 4, and none had a score of 5. The mean Nijmegen Goslon score showed no significant differences with Eurocleft centers A, B, and E, which achieved the best treatment results, but did significantly differ from Goslon outcomes of Eurocleft centers D (p < .001), C, and F (p < .01), which had relatively poor treatment outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment outcome of the patients in the Nijmegen UCLP group treated with two-stage palatal closure was comparable with the results of the Eurocleft centers with the best outcome. Treatment protocol could not explain differences in the quality of treatment results.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-nine dental casts of subjects with complete unilateral clefts of the lip and palate from six European cleft palate centers were assessed by means of the Goslon Yardstick. The Yardstick proved capable of discriminating between the quality of the dental arch relationships between the six centers. Two centers showed especially poor results. Three centers obtained satisfactory results although differing surgical techniques were used in these centers. One of the centers showing satisfactory dental arch relationships employed a more complex and expensive treatment program than the other two centers, which both used simpler centralized treatment regimens.  相似文献   

The Goslon (Great Ormond Street, London and Oslo) Yardstick is a clinical tool that allows categorization of the dental relationships in the late mixed and or early permanent dentition stage into five discrete categories. Cases are allocated to these categories on a value judgment basis by reference to the anchor groups of the Goslon Yardstick. The categorization was sufficiently sensitive to distinguish the treatment results at different centers in this study. It is proposed that the Goslon Yardstick should facilitate cross-center studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the dental arch relationships of Japanese patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) from the orthodontic clinic of the University of Tokyo Hospital (UTH) compared with patients treated by the Oslo Cleft Team, Norway. DESIGN: Retrospective study and comparison with previous reports. MATERIALS: Dental models of 24 patients with UCLP in UTH taken before orthodontic treatment and before alveolar bone grafting were included. Surgeons in many hospitals performed primary surgeries. These models were matched for age and gender with 24 models from a consecutive series of patients treated by the Oslo Cleft Team as part of the Eurocran Good Practice Archive. A total of 48 models were evaluated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Dental arch relationship was rated with the Goslon Yardstick. The strength of agreement of rating was assessed with weighted kappa statistics. RESULTS: Intra- and interexaminer agreements evaluated by weighted kappa statistics were high, indicating good reproducibility. Almost 60% of the patients in UTH were classified into poor or very poor categories, and the mean Goslon score was 3.50. These results show a contrast to those in Oslo and were the poorest in comparison with previous reports. CONCLUSION: Dental arch relationships in patients with UCLP in UTH were poor. This seemed to be attributable to surgical procedures, but a factor of racial difference in the craniofacial morphology was also considered. Further intercenter research is required to clarify this point.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the dental arch relationships of children with a complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP), born consecutively between 1983 and 1987, who had undergone primary cleft repair in the West Yorkshire region of the United Kingdom. The treatment outcome of this UCLP sample was then compared with the results of a previously published intercenter European study. DESIGN: A retrospective study with standardized record collection and blind assessment. SETTING: Regional dental hospital providing secondary and tertiary health care to the local population. PATIENTS: 35 UCLP patients whose primary repair had been performed within West Yorkshire. INTERVENTIONS: Dental casts obtained for each subject within 12 months of their 10th birthday. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The West Yorkshire models were randomly mixed with an anonymous sample of 115 UCLP cases from other cleft centers in the U.K. The dental arch relationships of the 10-year-old models were assessed by applying the Goslon Yardstick. RESULTS: One-third of the West Yorkshire cleft sample were rated as belonging to Goslon group 2 (good result), another third to group 3 (fair result), and the remaining third to groups 4 and 5 (poor/very poor result). Numerically, the results were of a slightly higher standard than that previously published for other U.K. and European cleft centers but were inferior to the treatment outcome of two European centers. No statistically significant differences were found between the outcome results of the West Yorkshire group and the other cleft centers. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide useful baseline data against which progress in achieving improved treatment outcome for West Yorkshire UCLP children can be determined by future research.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The quality of outcomes in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) was compared between two senior plastic surgeons. One surgeon carried out a one-stage Wardill-Kilner palate repair. The other surgeon employed a vomer flap hard palate repair followed by a von Langenbeck soft palate closure (Oslo protocol). DESIGN: Retrospective analysis. PATIENTS: Thirty-four children (mean age 9.7 years) born with complete skeletal UCLP in Northern Ireland from 1983 to 1991 who received primary repair surgery from one of the two surgeons. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Cephalometric analysis was used to determine the craniofacial form and soft tissue profile. The quality of the dental arch relationships was independently assessed using the Goslon ranking system. RESULTS: Twenty-nine of the 34 subjects had good or satisfactory arch relationships. Comparison between the surgeons revealed that the Wardill-Kilner group had a greater proportion of Goslon grades of greater than 3, indicating poor arch relationships. However, this difference failed to reach statistical significance. There were no significant cephalometric differences between patients treated by the two surgeons. CONCLUSIONS: Although the difference was not statistically significant, the highest proportion of patients likely to require orthognathic surgery was found in those treated using the Wardill-Kilner technique.  相似文献   

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