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In order to investigate the in vivo functional role of the liver in the immune responses in organ transplantation, effects of perioperative portal venous p.v. administration of donor lymphocytes on renal allograft survival were tested in the rat kidney transplant model. Donor lymphocytes were prepared from BN (BN, RT-1n) or third-party DA (RT1a) rat spleens and lymph nodes and injected p.v. or intravenously to Lewis (LEW, RT-1l) hosts on the day of transplantation (day 0). Untreated LEW hosts rejected BN renal grafts at 7.8 +/- 0.6 days (n = 10). Intravenous administration of 1 x 10(8) BN cells to LEW hosts on day 0 caused a slight, but not significant, prolongation of renal allograft survival (MST = 9.5 +/- 3.0 days, n = 13, NS), whereas portal venous inoculation of 1 x 10(8) BN cells on day 0 remarkably prolonged renal graft survival to 22.2 +/- 5.3 (n = 10, P less than 0.01). The prolongation of graft survival was antigen-specific; the administration of 1 x 10(8) DA cells p.v. to LEW hosts did not prolong the survival of BN renal grafts (MST = 7.4 +/- 0.8, n = 5). Spleen cells from p.v. treated LEW hosts 10 days after transplantation had no suppressor effect on the one-way MLC reaction of normal LEW responder cells toward donor BN or third-party DA stimulators. On the other hand, when serum from p.v.-treated LEW hosts was added to MLC at a concentration of 3 per cent of total volume, it suppressed the MLC reaction toward donor BN cells by 71.6 per cent, but not toward third-party DA stimulators (-8.5 per cent suppression, NS). Histological examination of p.v.-treated LEW hosts at 10 days after transplantation revealed that the liver had normal lobular architecture without expansion of portal tracts and infiltration of inflammatory cells. On the other hand, the transplanted kidney demonstrated a moderate mononuclear cell infiltration around the artery without an interstitial hemorrhage. Moreover, adoptive transfer of the serum from p.v.-treated LEW rats into the virgin secondary LEW hosts significantly prolonged the graft survival of BN kidneys from 7.8 days to 18.9 +/- 5.5 days (P less than 0.01), but not third-party DA graft survivals (MST = 7.5 +/- 0.6 days), indicating that an antigen-specific tolerogenic factor was released into the circulation through the process of allogeneic cells in the liver.  相似文献   

The effects of administration of donor lymphocytes via portal vein (PV) on capacity of alloreactivity and renal allograft survival were investigated in comparison with those of intra-venous (IV) administration in the rats. Orthotopic renal transplantations were performed from Brown-Norway (BN, RT-In) to Lewis (LEW, RT-11) male rats. Donor lymphocytes were prepared from BN or third party DA(RT-1a) rat spleens and lymph nodes and injected via PV or IV to LEW rats on the day of transplantation (day 0). Untreated LEW hosts rejected BN grafts at 7.8 +/- 0.6 days (n = 10). IV administration of 1 x 10(8) BN cells to LEW rats caused a slight prolongation of BN graft survival to 10.4 +/- 3.1 days (n = 9, p less than 0.05), whereas PV inoculation of the same number of BN cells further prolonged graft survival to 28.9 +/- 9.2 days (n = 9, p less than 0.01). This effect was antigen specific; the administration of 1 x 10(8) third party DA cells via PV to LEW rats did not prolong survival of BN graft (MST = 7.4 +/- 0.8, n = 6). Serum from tolerant recipients had significant antigen specific suppressor effect (70.6%) on the MLR proliferative reaction of LEW responder cells toward donor BN cells, but not third party DA cells. Spleen cells from these recipients did not show any suppressive effect. These results demonstrate that PV administration of donor lymphoid cells to recipients results in rapidly inducible and long-lasting immunologic tolerance specific to donor alloantigen, and that this tolerance is mediated by serum factor induced in hosts, but not by suppressor cells.  相似文献   

T Kamei  M P Callery  M W Flye 《Surgery》1990,108(2):415-21; discussion 421-2
The effect of antigen given through the portal vein (PV) before transplantation or continuous drainage of a graft into the PV results in moderate prolongation of allograft survival. This study examines these treatment modalities further. Pretransplant donor antigen as 25 x 10(6) ultraviolet B-irradiated (12,000 joules/m2) donor spleen cells was given 7 days before heart transplantation through either the PV or systemic venous (IV) routes. On day 0, Lewis-to-Buffalo rat cardiac allografts were drained either into the PV or IV. Pretransplant PV donor antigen administration (p less than 0.005), but not by IV administration, significantly prolonged cardiac allograft survival across the strong RT 1 rat histoincompatibility barrier. Similarly PV, but not IV, drainage of the graft prolonged graft survival (p less than 0.005). Pretransplant IV antigen administration had no additive effect on PV drainage graft survival. In contrast, when pretransplant PV donor antigen was combined with PV drainage, 11 of 14 allografts (p less than 0.001) continued to function, free of rejection, after 150 days. Therefore for rat cardiac transplants a clearly synergistic graft-prolonging effect results when pretransplant PV donor antigen is combined with PV drainage of the allograts. These data clarify the potent tolerogenic effects of alloantigen not only administered into the PV but also continuously shed intraportally so that it is first processed by the liver.  相似文献   

The effects of using perioperative cyclosporine in conjunction with pretreatment with donor spleen cells or 3M KCl solubilized extracts of donor antigen were investigated in a LEW-to-DA rat renal allograft model. Cyclosporine given orally in a dose of 10 mg/kg/day around the time of transplantation (days -1, 0, +1), did not prolong renal allograft survival (median survival time [MST]--10 days). However when used in combination with pretreatment with either 10(8) donor spleen cells (1 day before transplantation), or 10(5) donor spleen cells (7 days before transplantation), pretreatment regimens that were in themselves ineffective, DA recipients accepted Lewis renal allografts indefinitely (MST greater than 100 days). Soluble antigen was prepared by 3M KCl extraction from donor spleen cells. Absorption assays were used to quantify the amount of class I major histocompatibility complex antigen in the preparation, and amounts of antigen equivalent to that expressed by 10(6)-10(8) donor spleen cells were used for pretreatment. These soluble antigen preparations given either 1 or 7 days before transplantation with or without perioperative cyclosporine did not prolong allograft survival of either homozygous or heterozygous donors (MST 10 days).  相似文献   

T Kamei  M P Callery  M W Flye 《Surgery》1989,106(6):1028-34; discussion 1034-5
The effect of pretransplant (day -6) systemic intravenous or portal venous immunization with modified donor antigen combined with cyclophosphamide treatment (75 mg/kg on day -4) on rat parathyroid allograft survival was evaluated. Systemic intravenous preimmunization of Buffalo recipients with 10(8) untreated Lewis donor spleen cells plus cyclophosphamide resulted in 100% accelerated rejection of Lewis parathyroid allografts (mean survival time, 7.3 +/- 0.9 days vs 10.8 +/- 1.1 days for controls). Portal venous administration of untreated cells plus cyclophosphamide reduced accelerated rejection to 40% but could not prolong graft survival (10.8 +/- 2.7 days). Intravenous or portal venous preimmunization with heat-inactivated cells (45 degrees C for 60 minutes) plus cyclophosphamide also did not prolong graft survival, with accelerated rejection occurring in 20% and 40% of recipients, respectively. In contrast, preimmunization by either route with ultraviolet B-irradiated cells (UVB; 12,000 joule/m2) plus cyclophosphamide significantly prolonged graft survival (intravenous = 22.2 +/- 6.0 days and portal venous = 21.4 +/- 7.2 days; p less than 0.005), with no accelerated rejection. Preimmunization with UVB cells combined with cyclophosphamide was synergistic, because neither treatment alone prolonged allograft survival (UVB cell preimmunization only = 10.8 +/- 1.3 days; cyclophosphamide only = 12.6 +/- 2.6 days). The effect of UVB preimmunization was donor specific because third-party Wistar-Furth UVB cells had no effect on Lewis graft survival (12.5 +/- 2.9 days). We conclude that pretreatment with UVB-modified donor antigen plus cyclophosphamide induces allospecific immune hyporesponsiveness and prolongs parathyroid allograft survival.  相似文献   

The effects of perioperative portal venous (P.V.) administration of donor lymphocytes on skin allograft survival were investigated in rat skin transplant model. Heterotopic skin transplantations were performed form Brown-Norway (BN, RT-1n) to Lewis (LEW, RT-1(1] male rats. P.V. administration of donor BN lymphocytes (1 x 10(8] resulted in significant prolongation of BN skin graft survival (MST = 13.4 +/- 3.9 days, p less than 0.05) compared with I.V. administration of same number of donor lymphocytes (8.6 +/- 1.2 days) or with PV administration of third party DA (RT-1a) rat's lymphocytes (7.4 +/- 0.8 days) or with untreated controls (9.0 +/- 1.4 days). These results suggested that this effect was antigen specific. P.V. administration of donor lymphocytes prevented recipient which received BN skin graft form developing delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to donor antigen. Serum from LEW recipients which induced unresponsiveness by PV administration with donor BN lymphocytes had significant antigen specific suppressor effect (77.0 +/- 5%) on the MLR proliferative reaction of LEW responder cells toward donor BN cells, but not third party DA stimulation. Moreover, this immunological unresponsiveness was transferable by the serum in kidney transplant model. These results indicate that PV administration of donor lymphocytes induces recipient's unresponsiveness to donor alloantigen in rat skin transplant model, and this effect is transferable by the suppressor factor in the serum.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intraportal administration of alloantigen is reported to reduce antigen-specific immune responses, although the underlying mechanisms for the reduced immunological reactions, especially those of the graft, are poorly understood. We examined intracellular cytokine production by graft-infiltrating lymphocytes (GILs) and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of beneficial effects on intraportal infusion of donor cells in rat small bowel transplantation (SBT). METHODS: Recipient rats (Lewis) were transplanted with small bowel from ACI rats. Tacrolimus (Tac) was injected daily from days 0 to 4. Bone marrow cells of ACI rats were infused via the portal or tail vein on the day of surgery. On day 5, both GILs and PBLs collected from SBT graft and peripheral blood, respectively, were analyzed for intracellular cytokine production of recipient-derived alphabeta-T cells. The Th1/Th2 balance in each group was designated as the ratio of the percentage of GILs or PBLs staining positive for intracellular IL-4 or IFN-gamma, respectively. The total cell numbers of GILs from SBT graft were also counted. RESULTS: Survival of recipients was markedly prolonged by the combination of Tac and donor-specific bone marrow infusion via the portal vein (DSBMI-PV-Tac) compared with the untreated control, Tac alone, or DSBMI tail vein plus Tac. DSBMI-PV-Tac significantly decreased the total cell numbers of GILs and also induced remarkable Th2-type response in GILs. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that DSBMI-PV-Tac decreased GILs and enhanced Th2-type response in SBT graft, both of which are associated with a significant prolongation of graft survival in SBT.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that a perioperative injection of donor mononuclear cells in combination with cyclosporine treatment on day 2 after transplantation prolongs heart allograft survival in rats. In this study we determined whether the efficacy of this treatment was influenced by the same factors that have been shown to affect the efficacy of preoperative administration of donor cells. The effect of the following factors were investigated: dosage and repetition of the donor cell injection, viability of the donor cells, immunosuppressive drugs other than cyclosporine, and the rat strain combination. We found that there was an optimal dosage of donor cells; dosages of 4 x 10(7) or 1 x 10(8) cells gave the best heart graft survival. Repetition of the donor cell injection was not useful. Reducing viability of the cells by irradiation did not abrogate the prolonged graft survival, whereas killing of the cells did. Methylprednisolone, azathioprine, or cyclophosphamide in combination with the perioperative donor cell injection did not prolong heart graft survival in comparison with treatment with the drug only. The efficacy of this treatment was also influenced by the rat strain combination. In some combinations, this treatment prolonged graft survival, whereas in others an effect was absent or undetectable. Importantly, this treatment never adversely affected graft survival. We conclude that the efficacy of this treatment is influenced by similar factors as found for preoperative treatment with donor cells. A major advantage of this treatment over preoperative blood transfusions is that it avoids sensitization.  相似文献   

目的 研究经他克莫司(Tac)处理的供者未成熟树突状细胞(imEX3)在延长大鼠移植心脏存活时间中的作用和机制.方法 以Wistar大鼠为供者,SD大鼠为受者,行颈部异位心脏移植.心脏移植前将受者随机分为3组,每组15只,进行不同的预处理.第1组:为对照组,术前7 d经受者的尾静脉注射生理盐水1.0ml;第2组:为未经Tac处理组,术前7 d经受者的尾静脉注射未经Tac处理的imDC 2×106(1.0 m1);第3组:为Tac处理组,术前7 d经受者的尾静脉注射经Tac处理的imDC 2×106(1.0 m1).术后观察:移植心脏的存活时间、受者与供者及无关供者(Lewis大鼠)的单向混合淋巴细胞反应(MLR)、心肌组织病理学表现及血清中白细胞介素(IL)-2、IL-4、IL-10和γ干扰素(IFN-γ)的水平变化.结果 第1、2、3组移植心脏的存活时间分别为(8.57±1.34)d、(20.92±2.68)d和(33.30±3.92)d.各组之间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);第2、3组受者对供者的MLR刺激指数较第1组明显降低,而对无关供者的MLR刺激指数则与第1组相近;各组受者血清IL-2、IFN-γ、IL-4、IL-10浓度问差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),第3组IL-2和IFN-γ(代表TH1细胞)水平明显降低,而IL-4和IL-10(代表TH2细胞)水平明显增高.结论 imDC能够延长大鼠心脏移植后的存活时间,经Tac处理的imDC能够进一步加强这种作用;且imDC所诱导的免疫低反应性是供者特异性的.其机制可能主要与调节T淋巴细胞免疫应答类型(TH1至TH2的免疫偏移)和诱导T淋巴细胞免疫应答降低有关.  相似文献   

Allograft survival is influenced by a complexity of known and unknown factors. The effect of several types of transfusion on renal allograft survival has been studied in mongrel dogs. Nontreated and drug-pretreated kidneys were transplanted. Preoperative and peroperative cell suspensions of unrelated dogs were transfused to graft recipients. All recipients received low-dose postoperative immunosuppression. One peroperative transfusion of 100 ml third-party blood enhanced graft survival of nontreated kidneys significantly. A transfusion of 100 ml blood 14 days before transplantation led to variable results, whereas a transfusion of cells obtained from a third party spleen, given 14 days before transplantation, did not prolong graft survival of nontreated kidneys at all. The administration of procarbazine hydrochloride and methylprednisolone to the donor before procuring the graft increased survival of canine renal allografts significantly. A combination of donor drug pretreatment and 100-ml peroperative third-party blood led to graft survival comparable to that obtained by either treatment. Pretreatment of the recipient with spleen cells 14 days before transplantation even abrogated the effect of donor drug pretreatment completely. These results show that preoperative transfusions cannot successfully be combined with donor drug pretreatment as commonly practiced in man. This is a possible explanation for the conflicting data on donor pretreatment in man. Furthermore this study gives evidence for the effectiveness of a peroperative blood transfusion on kidney graft survival.  相似文献   

Splenectomy and renal allograft survival in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of splenectomy on renal allograft survival is not clear. In the rat, spleens isolated from recipients with functioning grafts have been shown to be a major source of cells that are capable of suppressing the rejection response (suppressor T lymphocytes). Thus the removal of the spleen in these allograft recipients could be detrimental to renal allograft survival. This study investigates this hypothesis, and looks for the presence of suppressor cells in other lymphoid organs apart from the spleen. In the rat renal allograft model, donor Lewis spleen cells given to DA recipients intravenously 1 week before transplantation of a Lewis kidney leads to indefinite allograft survival (median survival time (MST) greater than 100 days). Splenectomy before or after pretreatment with donor spleen cells failed to abrogate this effect (MST greater than 100 days). Experiments were performed in which cells or serum were prepared from long-term surviving splenectomized animals which had already been pretreated and transplanted, and then were injected into untreated recipients (adoptive transfer experiments). This was done to determine if cells capable of suppressing graft rejection were present in lymphoid organs outside the spleen in these splenectomized recipients. Thus the IV transfer of 10(8) lymph node cells harvested from splenectomized DA recipients with a long-term surviving LEW graft (LTS), into untreated but lightly irradiated (200 rad) DA recipients resulted in indefinite survival of a fresh Lewis kidney (MST greater than 100 days). In contrast, adoptive transfer of normal DA lymph node cells was ineffective (MST 13 days). Thus splenectomy is not necessarily detrimental to graft survival, as cells capable of preventing graft rejection are found in other lymphoid organs, such as lymph nodes, in splenectomized recipients.  相似文献   

The induction of antigen-induced immunosuppression by highly purified lymphocyte populations of different phenotypes was investigated in a rat renal allograft model (LEW-to-DA). Lymphocyte populations were prepared from Lewis spleen cells by rosette depletion and flow cytometric separation. Rosette depletion was performed using appropriate monoclonal reagents. B cells were prepared from spleen lymphocytes by rosette depletion of T cells, using three monoclonal antibodies: MRC OX19 (anti-T-cell), MRC OX8 (anti-T-cytotoxic/suppressor) and MRC W3/25 (anti-T-helper). T cells were purified by rosette depletion of B cells with MRC OX12 (anti-rat-K-chain). After depletion the lymphocyte populations were analyzed by flow cytometry and the purity of each preparation determined. B cells were 93.6% pure and T cells were 92.4% pure. Intravenous injection of 5 X 10(6) of these LEW B or T cells one week before transplantation of a LEW kidney into a DA recipient resulted in was indefinite renal allograft survival (median survival time [MST] greater than 100 days). Purification of the enriched B and T cell preparations by flow sorting resulted in highly purified populations of spleen B cells (99.3%) and T cells (98.2%). Further fractionation of the T cells into cells of T helper (99.6%) (i.e., W3/25-positive) and T cytotoxic/suppressor phenotype (99.4%) (i.e., MRC OX8-positive) was performed. While purified B cells, T cells, and T helper cells, given at a dose of 10(6) cells intravenously one week before transplantation resulted in long-term renal allograft survival (MST greater than 100 days), cells of the T cytotoxic/suppressor phenotype did not prevent graft rejection at this dose (MST 10 days).  相似文献   

To assess the role of amniotic fluid (AMF) in the maintenance of pregnancy, immunosuppressive effects of AMF were studied in vivo, and the mechanisms of suppressor activity were analyzed immunologically in vitro in the rat. Female Lewis (LEW, RT-1l) rats mated with Brown-Norway (BN, RT-1n) rats for 14 days were sacrificed and cell-free AMF was obtained. AMF was diafiltered with PBS (PH 7.2) and reconstituted to 2 OD units measured at 280 nm. Untreated LEW hosts rejected BN renal grafts at 7.8 +/- 0.2 days (n = 10). Five days of intravenous inoculation of AMF into LEW hosts remarkably enhanced BN graft survivals (MST = 20.3 +/- 4.4 days, n = 12) compared with controls (P less than 0.01), and slightly prolonged third-party DA (RT-1a) graft survivals (MST = 9.4 +/- 0.8 days, n = 7) compared with control LEW hosts engrafted with a DA kidney (MST = 7.6 +/- 0.2 days, n = 6). Five days of intravenous inoculation of pregnant sera into LEW hosts had no effect on BN graft survival. The AMF suppressed the proliferative response of LEW lymphocytes against not only irradiated BN stimulator cells but also irradiated third-party DA stimulators. The AMF also suppressed allokiller T cell generation of normal LEW lymphocytes against BN cells by 70.1% and 51.3%, and against DA cells by 64.9% and 38.9% at concentrations of 25% and 12.5%, respectively (P less than 0.01). To dissect the immunosuppressive activity of AMF, the effect of AMF on cytokine production and interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptor expression of concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocytes were investigated. AMF suppressed interferon and IL-2 production. Interestingly, however, AMF did not suppress interleukin 3 (IL-3) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) production, as well as IL-2 receptor expression. These results demonstrated that rat AMF displayed a strong immunosuppression in vivo as well as in vitro, and that AMF might play an important role in the maintenance of pregnancy.  相似文献   

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