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The series included 36 patients, predominantly male, mean age 30.3 years. The most common cause of injury was motor car accident in 20 patients. Postreduction radial nerve injury occurred in nine cases. Open fracture humerus with radial nerve injury in seven cases. The fractures were situated in the middle or distal third of the humeral shaft. Most were transverse fractures. Twelve patients had surgery on the day of injury and the other 24 at a mean of 8 days later (3-14). Narrow dynamic compression plate was generally used for fixation. Exploration of the radial nerve demonstrated compression at the lateral intermuscular septum in 19 cases, entrapment in the fracture site in nine cases, and loss of its continuity in eight cases. Neurolysis was required in 20 cases, epineurorrhaphy in nine cases, interfascicular nerve grafts in five, and first-intention tendon transfer in two. Results of nerve surgery were assessed with the MRC (Medical Research Council) at a mean follow-up of 8.2 years. Outcome was rated good to excellent in 28 patients, fair in 1, and poor (failure) in 3. First-intention tendon transfers were performed in 2 patients and 2 patients were lost to follow-up. Mean delay to recovery was 7 months after neurolysis and nerve repair and 15 months after nerve grafts. The fracture was united in all cases. The mean time of union was 5 months.  相似文献   

Recognized injury of the femoral artery occurs in two per cent of patients with fracture of the femoral shaft. Delay in detection of these arterial injuries has led to unsatisfactory results in a young group of patients. Therefore, 40 patients who had suffered fracture of the femoral shaft 6-20 months (mean 13 months) prior to examination, were haemodynamically assessed using Doppler ankle/arm pressure indices to determine the incidence of occult femoral artery injury. Six patients (15%) exhibited haemodynamically significant abnormalities all in relation to previously injured limbs.  相似文献   

骨盆骨折并股神经损伤1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 病例资料  患者 ,男 ,34岁。 2 0 0 1年 10月 14日被石块砸伤骨盆部及左足 ,患者感腹股沟、耻骨联合部疼痛 ,左下肢活动障碍。在当地医院诊断为 :①骨盆多处骨折 ;②左第二跖跗关节脱位。经清创缝合、双下肢皮牵引等处理 ,疼痛减轻。因左膝关节活动障碍 ,保守治疗无好转于12月 3日来我院就诊。入院时查体 :一般情况好 ,右足外旋畸形 ,右下肢短缩3 0cm ,双侧腹股沟区、耻骨联合部压痛 ,骨盆分离挤压试验阳性 ,左股前内侧及小腿内侧痛觉减退 ,左股四头肌肌力Ⅰ级 ,被动伸膝正常 ,左膝反射消失 ,左踝反射正常 ,左足内、外翻正常。X线片…  相似文献   

Hoffa fracture associated with ipsilateral femoral shaft fracture is very rare.Three cases of this rare type of injury were retrospectively reviewed.The sites of femoral shaft fractures and Hoffa fractures were documented.All femoral shaft fractures were managed with internal fixation.The rate of misdiagnosis for the Hoffa fractures was documented.Functions of the affected knees were evaluated according to the modified Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) scores at two years follow-up.Femoral fractures were either transverse or composite in all three cases.Ipsilateral Hoffa fractures occurred at medial condyle in two cases,and lateral condyle in one case.Only one Hoffa fracture was identified preoperatively.All the femoral shaft fractures healed uneventfully.In the patient whose Hoffa fracture was correctly diagnosed,the modified HSS score was 94.In another patient,whose Hoffa fracture was treated by a second operation,the modified HSS score was 93.And in the third case,who refused additional operation for the Hoffa fracture,the modified HSS score was only 70.Conclusively femoral shaft fracture can be associated with ipsilateral Hoffa fracture,especially in motorcycle accident.This type of injury is very rare and misdiagnosis is common.  相似文献   

2006年6月~2011年6月,笔者采用闭合复位股骨重建髓内钉治疗11例同侧股骨干合并转子间骨折患者,取得满意的临床效果. 1 材料与方法 1.1 病例资料本组11例,男9例,女2例,年龄19~62岁.转子间骨折按Evans分型:ⅡA型9例,ⅡB型的2例;股骨干骨折按AO分型:A型5例,B型4例,C型2例.均为闭合骨折.伤后至手术时间2~18 d.  相似文献   

股骨重建钉治疗股骨近端合并同侧股骨干骨折   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨股骨重建交锁钉在股骨近端合并股骨干复杂骨折中的应用。方法我科自2001年1月至2006年7月对15例股骨近端合并中上段或中下段复杂骨折来采用重建交锁钉固定治疗进行回顾性分折。结果15例均获随访,优良率为93%。结论作者认为对股骨近端合并同侧股骨干复杂骨折。重建交锁钉内固定治疗效果良好,术后无需外固定,可早期功能锻炼,功能恢复佳。  相似文献   

A femoral neck fracture combined with an ipsilateral shaft fracture is often primarily not diagnosed. The later treatment is technically more difficult, because in the choice of operative technique for the shaft fracture the neck fracture it was not considered. In this case report the treatment of the shaft fracture with a reamed nail, and the secondary stabilisation of the femoral neck fracture with screws resulted in a pseudarthrosis of the femoral neck with an unfavourable inclination of the fracture plane. Both fractures healed without complications after changing the nail against a bridging plate and an intertrochanteric osteotomy with correction in two planes.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颅脑损伤对股骨干骨折愈合的影响.方法 18例脑外伤合并股骨干骨折患者(A组)和18例单纯股骨干骨折患者(B组)均行髓内钉内固定治疗,记录骨痂量和骨折愈合时间,并进行统计学分析.结果 骨痂体积: A组(233.63 ±8.72)cm3 ,B 组(48.40±2.09)cm3,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);骨折愈合时间:A组(11.83±1.58)周,B组(14.00±2.29)周,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 脑外伤和骨折愈合存在一定的联系,可以加快骨折愈合,增多骨痂量.  相似文献   

股骨干骨折伴同侧股骨颈骨折是一种少见的骨折,股骨颈骨折易遗漏,治疗上很棘手。作者1980年6月至2000年12月经治股骨干骨折伴同侧股骨颈骨折26例,报告如下。临床资料1.一般资料:本组26例,男16例,女10例;年龄21~72岁,平均39.5岁;左侧9例,右侧17例;骨干骨折:上1/3段4例,中1/3段16例,下1/3段6例。除4例为斜形骨折,其他22例均为粉碎骨折,其中9例是开放性骨折。股骨颈骨折类型:头下型2例,颈中型18例,基底型6例。伴股骨颈骨折入院时明确诊断21例,术前发现2例,术中…  相似文献   

肱骨干骨折后桡神经麻痹的系统评价   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的采用循证医学研究方法,系统评价肱骨干骨折后桡神经麻痹(radialnervepalsy,RNP)的不同处理方法,为临床治疗决策提供证据基础。方法采用PubMed、Datastar及CochraneDatabase等互联网公共搜索引擎作为检索工具,检索过去40年中发表的有关肱骨干骨折后桡神经麻痹的文献,再对入选文献的参考文献行手工检索,制定数据抽取问表,对入选文献进行数据抽取、汇总、归纳和荟萃分析。结果共检索到391篇原始文献,其中324篇得自电子检索,67篇得自手工检索。有35篇符合最终的入选标准,总计随访患者1045例。其中21篇文献共记录了发生于4517例肱骨干骨折中的532例桡神经麻痹,肱骨干骨折后桡神经麻痹的发生率为11.8%。肱骨干中1/5和中远1/5部位的桡神经麻痹发生率明显高于其他部位(P<0.05)。不同骨折类型中,横形和螺旋形骨折较斜形和粉碎性骨折更易于并发桡神经麻痹(P<0.0001)。肱骨干骨折后桡神经麻痹总的恢复率为88.1%,早期保守治疗的病例自发性恢复率为70.7%。观察等待组和早期手术探查组之间神经恢复的最终结果没有明显差别。结论对肱骨干骨折后桡神经麻痹采用早期保守治疗不会影响神经的最终恢复结果,可以避免许多不必要的手术。  相似文献   

患者,男性,22岁,因车祸致身体多处疼痛、畸形伴活动受限2 h送入当地医院,入院诊断:腹部脏器损伤,膀胱损伤,左股骨干骨折,左桡骨骨折.  相似文献   

Experience in the management of a complication of ipsilateral hip and knee arthroplasty is described. The cases of four female patients who sustained a femoral shaft fracture after ipsilateral hip and knee arthroplasty are reported. All fractures were treated operatively, and in all cases internal fixation devices failed. This complication of multiple joint arthroplasty presents a difficult management problem. Rigid fixation has a high failure rate for this type of fracture. Surface knee arthroplasty provides a better opportunity for internal fixation than a knee arthroplasty with a stemmed femoral component.  相似文献   

肱骨骨折伴桡神经损伤的治疗   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的分析肱骨骨折伴桡神经损伤的病因及治疗结果。方法肱骨骨折伴桡神经损伤43例,其中医源性桡神经损伤5例。手法复位+外固定6例,切开复位+内固定37例。术中见完全断裂8例(包括撕脱伤1例),挫伤18例,瘢痕挤压4例,骨折断端嵌压2例。行桡神经瘢痕粘连松解4例,神经外膜对端间断缝合7例(骨缩短3例),前臂外侧皮神经移植修复神经缺损1例。结果肱骨骨折均于6~12周愈合。桡神经损伤随访1~24个月,优(S3+,M4以上)36例;良(S3,M3)6例;差(S1,M1)1例,优良率97.7%。结论桡神经在肱骨干部位的损伤能取得良好的治疗效果,须注意手术时机宜早不宜迟,能选择截骨缩短术者不要考虑神经移植术。医源性桡神经损伤的预防和处理应引起重视。  相似文献   

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