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The unfavorable cervix remains a major obstacle to the successful induction of labor. Reported are results from an ongoing study of topical prostaglandin preparations used to effect preinduction cervical ripening. The current study compares the efficacy of 40 mg of prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha versus 5 mg of PGE2, applied to the cervix in a methyltylose gel the night before attempted induction of labor. A prospective double-blind protocol was used similar to that which previously established the efficacy of the 5 mg of PGE2 preparation versus placebo at this institution. Results indicate the superiority of the PGE2 preparation as measured by change in Bishop score, Pitocin requirement, rate of cervical dilatation, and percentage of failed inductions. Cesarean section rates were similar in the two study groups, and no fetal or maternal morbidity was attributable to the preinduction ripening technique.  相似文献   

Delivery with an unfavorable cervix using oxytocin is frequently unsuccessful. Used widely in Europe and increasingly in this country, locally applied prostaglandin E2 appears to improve labor induction. The present study prospectively evaluated the efficacy and safety of a prostaglandin gel (0.5 mg) placed intracervically. The use of the gel, when compared to a control group who received no pretreatment prior to labor induction, resulted in improved Bishop scores (7.5 +/- 1.0 vs. 1.8 +/- 0.3, P less than 0.0001), reduced induction to delivery intervals (10.1 +/- 2.1 vs. 20.6 +/- 2.0 hours), reduced oxytocin infusion duration (10.0 +/- 2.1 vs. 20.0 +/- 2.3 hours. P less than 0.0001) resulting in a lower cesarean delivery rate, 26 vs. 47 per cent (P greater than 0.05). Thirty-two per cent of patients receiving the prostaglandin gel labored and delivered within 12 hours and required no oxytocin. In addition, the use of prostaglandin E2 gel appeared safe in that no patient experienced an untoward reaction. Two cases of uterine hyperstimulation occurred that required uterine tocolysis but were not associated with fetal distress. The use of prostaglandin gel appears to be a safe and effective method to improve cervical inducibility in patients undergoing induction for a variety of maternal and fetal indications.  相似文献   

The efficiency and safety of Lamicel, a new synthetic cervical ripening agent, were compared with those of intravaginal prostaglandin E2 gel in a group of 80 primigravid women about to undergo induction of labor. Lamicel caused less uterine activity and fetal distress than prostaglandin gel, although the induction-delivery intervals were similar in both groups. More normal deliveries occurred in the Lamicel group than in the prostaglandin group. It is suggested that Lamicel is a useful, efficient preinduction ripening agent that is safer than intravaginal prostaglandin gel.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The success of induced labor depends on the degree of ripening of cervix. Pharmacological preparations are in widespread use for cervical ripening but are not free from side-effects and complications. Mechanical methods, i.e. the use of Foley catheter balloon, though effective have not gained much popularity because of the fear of infection. Therefore, this study has been conducted to prove the efficacy and safety of extraamniotic Foley catheter balloon and to compare it with intracervical prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) gel. METHODS: The randomized prospective study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Medical Microbiology of Nehru Hospital. Hundred women attending the labor ward for induction of labor were divided into two groups: Group A--Foley catheter, Group B--PGE2 gel. Cervical swabs before and after the insertion of ripening agents were taken for culture studies. Placental membranes were also sent for culture. Labor outcome, side-effects, and complications were compared in both the groups. The statistical methods used were Student's compared t-test, Chi-square test, and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: Foley catheter proved to be a very effective preinduction ripening agent for unfavorable cervix compared with PGE2 gel, as is evident by the mean Bishop score at 12 h (P<0.001). Preparation delivery interval was significantly shorter (P<0.05) in women who underwent cervical ripening with Foley catheter balloon than with the PGE2 gel. No clinical evidence of chorioamnionitis was present in both the groups. CONCLUSION: This study concludes that extraamniotic Foley catheter balloon is an effective, safe, simple, low-cost, reversible, non-pharmacological mechanical method of preinduction cervical ripening.  相似文献   

The intravaginal application of prostaglandin E2 for preinduction cervical ripening has proved to be advantageous in the management of patients with an unfavorable cervix. The purpose of this double-blind randomized investigation was to compare the efficacy and safety of two methods of prostaglandin E2 delivery. Patients who were to have preinduction cervical ripening because of an unfavorable cervix (Bishop score less than or equal to 4) were randomly assigned to be given a single dose of prostaglandin E2 as either 2.5 mg of gel or a 3.0 mg "chip" intravaginally in a placebo-controlled manner. Sixty-nine patients received the active prostaglandin E2, 34 in the gel group and 35 in the "chip" group. The groups were similar in maternal age, race, parity, gestational age, and initial Bishop score. Both forms of prostaglandin E2 were easy to administer and helpful in priming an unfavorable cervix. The need for, duration of, and maximum dose of oxytocin were similar in both groups. Cesarean delivery because of failed induction occurred in 5 of 35 (14.3%) patients receiving a "chip" and 4 of 34 (11.8%) receiving the gel. However, patients receiving a "chip" experienced a 20% (7/35) incidence of hyperstimulation, compared with 2.9% (1/36) in those receiving the gel (p less than 0.05). The only case requiring immediate cesarean delivery because of intractable uterine hyperstimulation received a "chip." We conclude that both methods were effective for cervical ripening, but the lower incidence of uterine hyperstimulation seen with the gel would suggest that it is preferable to the "chip."  相似文献   

Intracervical application of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in a viscous gel was compared with conventional wax-based PGE2 vagitories (pessaries) for ripening of the cervix prior to induction of labor. A total of 226 healthy pregnant women at term were randomly allocated to receive intracervical gel with an effective dose of 0.5 mg (n = 116) or vagitories containing 2.5 mg PGE2 (n = 110). All women had a modified cervical score of less than or equal to 4. The numbers of cases contributed by each of the three centers were similar. There was no significant difference in parity, gestational length, maternal characteristics, indications for induction or preinduction cervical scores between the treatment groups. The rate of spontaneous birth was 71% in the gel group, compared with 69% in the vagitory group. Successful treatment was defined as active labor within 24 h or a change in cervical dilatation allowing artificial rupture of the membranes with subsequent progressive labor. The success rate was not significantly different in the gel group (82%) compared with the vagitory group (80%). There were no differences in the frequency of fetal distress, outcome of labor, assisted delivery rates or maternal side effects. The cervical scores were not different at 12 and 24 h after application. Intracervical gel and intravaginal application of PGE2 were similar in their efficacy and safety for ripening of the cervix and inducing labor at term.  相似文献   

Eighty patients with a Bishop score of less than or equal to 4 were randomly administered vaginal triacetin gel containing placebo or prostaglandin E2 in 1, 2, and 3 mg doses. Twelve to sixteen hours later, those not in labor underwent oxytocin induction. Increasing doses of prostaglandin were effective in ripening the cervix, and the higher doses were associated with significant success in inducing labor.  相似文献   

Labor characteristics and quantitation of uterine activity resulting from oxytocin induction of labor after intracervical prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) gel priming have not been previously reported. Forty-seven women with modified Bishop scores of 5 or less received preinduction priming with 0.5 mg of intracervical PGE2 gel. Oxytocin was used to induce labor after priming, and uterine activity was quantitated. A matched group of control patients was managed identically but did not receive PGE2 gel. In the gel group, modified Bishop scores improved significantly and in two patients (4%), priming alone induced labor. No uterine hyperstimulation or fetal heart rate abnormalities occurred during priming. Cesarean sections for all indications and those for failed induction were less common in the gel group. The length of the active phase and the second stage of labor were significantly shorter in the gel group. Uterine activity was similar in both groups. The data suggest a primary cervical action of the gel.  相似文献   

A randomized, prospective study compared the safety and efficacy of hygroscopic cervical dilators (36 patients) with intracervical prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) gel (38 patients) in preinduction cervical ripening. Maternal age, gestational age and parity were similar in both groups. Both groups had similar cervical Bishop scores upon admission. The change in the cervical score was 3.0 +/- 0.3 (mean +/- SEM) in the dilator group and 2.8 +/- 0.4 in the PGE2 group (P = .7). The mean length of time from amniotomy to delivery was similar in both groups (10.1 +/- 1.0 and 10.3 +/- 1.3 hours, respectively) (P = .9). The proportions of patients in each arm of the study undergoing cesarean section were similar. Eight cesarean sections (21.0%) were performed in the PGE2 group; seven (19.4%) were performed in the dilator group (P = .9). Maternal morbidity, five-minute Apgar scores and admissions to the neonatal intensive care unit were similar in the two groups. Because patients were required to stay in the labor-and-delivery unit for four to six hours of fetal monitoring after PGE2 application, the costs were higher in that group. The dilators and PGE2 gel appear comparable in efficacy as preinduction cervical ripening agents. The need to monitor patients receiving PGE2 gel, however, appears to favor the choice of the dilators from a cost and convenience perspective.  相似文献   

Objective: Our purpose was to compare the safety ad efficacy of intravaginal misoprostal versus intracervical prostaglandin E2 (dinoprostone) gel for preinduction cervical ripening and induction of labor.Study design: One hundred thirty-five patients with indications for induction of labor and unfavorable cercices were randomly assigned to receive either intravaginal misoprostol or intracervical dinoprostate. Fifty microgram tablets of misoprostol were placed in the posterior vaginal fornix every 3 hours for a maximum of six doses. Prostaglandin E2 in gel form, 0.5 mg, was placed into the endocervix every 6 hours for a maximum of three doses. Medication was not given after either spontaneous rupture of membranes or beginning of active labor.Results: Among 135 patients enrolled, 68 received misprostol and 67 dinoprostone. The average interval from start of induction to vaginal delivery was shorter in the misoprostol group (903.3 ± 482.1 minutes) than in the dinoprostone group (1410.9 ± 869.1 minutes) (p < 0.001). Oxytocin augmentation of labor occurred more often in the dinoprostone group (65.7%) than in the misoprostal group (33.8%) p < 0.001). There were no significant differences between routes of delivery. Ten of the misoprostol-treated patients (14.7%) and 13 of the dinoprostone-treated patients (19.4%) had cesarean deliveries. There was a higher prevalence of tachysystole (six or more uterine contractions in a 10-minute window for two consecutive 10-minute periods) in the misoprostol group (36.7%) than in the dinoprostone group (11.9%) (p < 0.001). However, there were no significant differences in frequency of uterine hyperstimulation or hypertonus. There was a higher prevalence of meconium passage in the misoprostol group (27.9%) than in the dinoprostone group (10.5%) (p < 0.05). Thee was no significant difference in frequency of abnormal fetal heart rate tracings, 1- or 5-minute Apgar scores <7, neonatal resuscitations, or admissions to the neonatal intensive care unit between the two groups.Conclusions: Vaginally administered misoprostol is an effective agent for cervical ripening and induction of labor; however when given at this dosage, it is associated with a higher prevalence of tachysystole and meconium passage than is dinoprostone. Further studies to compare the safety of misoprostol to that of dinoprostone and to delineate an optimal dosing regimen for misoprostol are needed.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of a controlled release vaginal insert (Cervidil) with hospital compounded prostaglandin E2 vaginal gel for cervical ripening before labor induction.Methods: A prospective randomized study was performed between July 1996 and August 1997 on 200 patients undergoing cervical ripening before induction of labor. The efficacy and safety of a 12-hour controlled release 10-mg vaginal insert (Cervidil, Forest Pharmaceuticals) was compared with two 4-mg doses of prostaglandin E2 gel.Results: The study groups did not differ by parity, estimated gestational age, indications for induction, and initial Bishop scores. No differences were noted in Bishop score at 12 hours or change in Bishop score. No statistically significant differences were noted in the successful inductions, additional days of induction, and the number of patients discharged undelivered. There were no differences in mean time to active labor, cesarean section, meconium staining, 1 and 5 minute Apgar scores, cord pH values, NICU admissions, and incidence of hyperstimulation.   相似文献   

Preinduction cervical ripening with prostaglandin E2 intracervical gel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of two doses of intracervical prostaglandin E2 gel in patients with unfavorable Bishop scores. Mean change in Bishop score, success of softening, time to labor, and time to delivery were all significantly different in the two treatment groups as compared with the placebo group. Twenty-three of 30 treated patients had uterine contractions lasting greater than four hours and eight patients delivered during the observation period. Moreover, one case of uterine hyperactivity and five cases of severe fetal heart rate decelerations were noted in the treatment groups. Although efficacious for cervical ripening, caution is warranted when using this technique in patients at risk for placental insufficiency.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 preparations for preinduction cervical ripening   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
PGE2 is an effective agent for cervical ripening. It is most effective when administered intravaginally. Patients with unfavorable cervices who begin labor during cervical ripening have greater gestational ages, more baseline uterine activity, more initial uterine activity in response to PGE2, and lesser cesarean delivery rate than those patients who do not begin labor during cervical ripening. However, PGE2 should not be continued or administered when the patient is in active labor because it leads to unacceptable rates of hyperstimulation. Unfortunately, cervical ripening with PGE2 has little or no effect on the overall cesarean delivery rate.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the efficacy of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), dinoprostone and misoprostol for preinduction cervical ripening in primigravida at term. METHODS: Sixty-five term primigravida, each with an unfavorable cervix (Bishop score 6) in a greater proportion of subjects in the misoprostol (n = 18, 81.8%) and dinoprostone (n = 14, 66.7%) groups compared with the GTN group (n = 11, 55%). In subjects with a severely unfavorable cervix (Bishop score 相似文献   

A randomized double-blind trial was conducted over 48 hours comparing the effectiveness of prostaglandin E2 gel administered intracervically with that of demoxytocin buccal tablets for induction of labor in 103 patients with unripe cervical status (Bishop score 5 or less). A statistically significant difference was found in success frequency between the two groups, both on the first day (54.7 and 34.0%, respectively) and on the second day (82.0 and 61.9%, respectively; P less than .05). Without being matched, variables influencing the course of labor in the two groups were comparable. There was no statistically significant difference in the induction-delivery interval between the two groups during the first and second days of the trial. In both the prostaglandin E2 and the demoxytocin groups, patients who had not gone into labor during the first day showed a statistically significant increment in the Bishop score on the morning of the second day (2.4 and 1.3, respectively; P less than .01). The frequency of instrumental deliveries and cesarean section was the same in both groups; neither hypertonic uterine contractions nor side effects were observed in any patient. It is concluded that prostaglandin E2 gel administered intracervically is particularly well suited for the induction of labor in patients with unripe cervical status because of its combined contraction-inducing and cervical-ripening properties.  相似文献   

A double-blind randomized controlled trial compared the efficiency of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) gel in two different vehicle forms, one solid and the other more liquid, with respect to inducing labour in women with highly unfavourable cervical states. 43 received 0.5 mg PGE2 in a solid gel (Cerviprost) and 37 received 0.5 mg PGE2 in a more liquid cellulose-gel. After one application 18 (42%) and 9 (24%), respectively, went into labour (OR 2.8; 95% confidence interval: 0.8-6.0). After two applications of the gel 91 and 76%, respectively, were in active labour or had amniotomy performed as the cervical state had improved (OR 2.9; 95% confidence interval: 0.8-10.3). It is concluded that the solid gel was more efficient and safe than the more liquid gel.  相似文献   

Cervical ripening prior to induction of labor is often necessary for medical complications of pregnancy. We proposed to prospectively determine the safety of administering prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) gel intracervically in an outpatient setting. Four hundred forty-six patients underwent 515 gel procedures as outpatients. Trained perinatal nurses placed 0.5 mg of PGE2, prepared in a standard methylcellulose base, in the intracervical canal. The PGE2 dose was administered every two hours for a total of three doses if labor did not start. The patient was sent home two hours after the last dose if she was not in active labor. Labor started in 90 patients (20%) during the gel procedure; they were admitted to the labor-and-delivery unit. The remaining patients were discharged. Eighty-eight patients (20%) were later admitted in active labor prior to scheduled induction. One patient (0.02%) was found to have occasional prolonged decelerations on admission and underwent a cesarean section two hours after admission; the Apgar scores were 8 and 9 and the arterial pH, 7.21. Hyperstimulation with excessive intrauterine activity caused significant deceleration of the fetal heart rate in four patients (0.8%), two of whom required transfer to the labor-and-delivery unit but none of whom needed a cesarean section for fetal distress. PGE2 gel can be administered safely intracervically as an outpatient procedure by trained perinatal nurses.  相似文献   

Two hundred patients received a prostaglandin E2-containing gel for preinduction cervical ripening. The gel was administered every 6 hours until a Bishop score greater than or equal to 7 was obtained or the attending physician deemed induction necessary. Forty-eight percent of the patients labored "spontaneously" after one or more gel applications. The average cumulative change in Bishop score with sequential application of the gel was 2.7. Sequential application of the prostaglandin gel proved no more effective in the process of preinduction cervical ripening than single application of the gel with a similar period of observation.  相似文献   

Empty CellCervidil (n = 88)Pg E2 gel (n = 88)Empty Cell
Initial Bishop score (mean)3.03.1NS
12-h Bishop score (mean)8.59.1NS
Change in Bishop score 0–12 h (mean)5.86.0NS
Successful inductions71 (80.7%)77 (87.5%)NS
Additional days of induction2720NS
Patients discharged undelivered5 (5.7%)6 (6.8%)NS
Hyperstimulation5 (5.7%)4 (4.5%)NS
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