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为保证交通安全,减少由于驾驶员健康因素所造成的交通事故,确保道路畅通,我们于2000年3~12月对48768名机动车驾驶员进行了职业健康检查。现将色觉检查资料分析如下。1 对象与方法1.1 对象 对本市持A、B、C汔车驾驶执照的驾驶员48768名进行检查,其中男46879人,女1889人。1.2 方法 采用俞自萍“色盲检查图”检查。室内自然光线下,先用色盲检查图检查,能迅速准确读出2~3幅者为色觉正常,不能读出或仅部分读出者为色觉异常,再用色弱检查图检查,能迅速准确读出5幅以上的为色弱,不能读出或只能读出红、绿色盲图中一色者为色盲,对色盲者可用红、黄、蓝、绿、紫五种彩线  相似文献   

机动车驾驶员体检的项目是根据公安部的要求确定的。包括身高、视力、听力、有无红绿色盲、肢体有无残缺及躯体有无运动障碍等影响驾驶操作的疾病,其中以色觉检查最为重要。色觉异常的检出率虽然不是很高,但鉴于驾驶员的职业特殊性,对颜色的敏感性往往与交通事故的发生率密切相  相似文献   

随交通运输业的日益发展,从事机动车驾驶人员愈来愈多,而关于机动车驾驶员的听力损失的报道则不多见。为保证交通安全,保障驾驶员的身体健康,了解机动车驾驶员的听力状况,我们于1992年对焦作地区的机动车驾驶员听力进行了调查,现将结果报告如下:  相似文献   

机动车驾驶员职业禁忌证的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:为保障驾驶员安全与健康,制订健康检查标准及结果评定方法以及职业禁忌证。方法:由符合要求的专业人员,使用统一仪器,按规范方法参照WHO,公安部,卫生部规定的项目对33 195名驾驶员健康检查及对26562名学习驾驶员进行驾驶适应性检测,将结果统计分析,验证。结果:制订了有身高,远视力,色觉,血压,听力必查项目与有无妨碍驾驶安全或生理缺陷等检查项目及结果评定方法。结论:规定10个种类的职业禁忌证,并以“驾驶员健康检查及结果评定”作为上海市地方标准颁布。  相似文献   

84 018名机动车驾驶员职业禁忌证检查结果分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
我院自 1991年 6月至 1995年 6月 ,采取专人负责的办法 ,对全市机动车驾驶员进行了职业禁忌证检查 ,现将结果报告如下。1 对象与方法1 1 检查对象   840 18名受检者中 ,新培训驾驶员64 3 2 0人 ,其中男性 5 0 5 2 8人 ,占 78 5 6% ;女性 13 792人 ,占 2 1 44%。换证驾驶员19 698人 ,其中男性 175 3 0人 ,占88 99% ;女性 2 168人、占 11 0 1%。各类驾驶员中 ,汽车驾驶员 12 63 8人 ,占15 10 % ;拖拉机驾驶员 2 866人 ,占3 41% ;摩托车驾驶员 68469人 ,占81 49%。1 2 内容和方法1 2 1 检查内容 :职业禁忌证指标是公安交警部门规定的…  相似文献   

机动车驾驶员颈椎病204例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
脊柱关节病变是作业人员主要疾患之一,颈椎病是其中较常见的一种疾病。本文收集了1993~1997年间各类驾驶员中临床提示为颈椎病而作了X线检查的319例的报告,其中204例根据X线征象,结合有关临床资料诊断为本病。本文就其临床、X线及诊断问题加以分析探讨。1 临床资料 本文204例颈椎病中,货车驾驶员81例,客车驾驶员31例,手扶拖拉机驾驶员92例;男性169例,女性35例;年龄29~52岁,平均44.76岁;职龄5~26年,平均15.1年,病史最短1.5年,最长12年,有创伤史28例,其中11例车祸半年后有相关临  相似文献   

为了解临沭县机动车驾驶员听力损伤与车辆驾驶之间的关系,我们于1998年4~7月对全县机动车辆驾驶员进行职业查体。现将调查及分析结果报告如下:  相似文献   

本文对264名机动车驾驶员(暴露组)和85名对照组工人的心电图资料进行分析,结果表明:心电图异常检出率暴露组为38.6%,对照组为23.5%,两组间有显著性差异(P<0.05);两组工人窦性心率异常的检出率无显著性差异,但各种窦性心率改变的构成不同,暴露组工人的窦性心率改变以窦缓为主;暴露组工人的心电图提示心肌供血不足和窦缓的检出率随工龄的增加有下降趋势。本文并综合分析了振动、噪声及汽油、四乙铅等有害因素以及职业性精神紧张、疲劳对心血管系统的影响。  相似文献   

为做好机动车驾驶员的健康监护工作,保障交通运输的安全,对驾驶员进行了身体健康检查。现将5099名驾驶员的心电图检查结果统计分析如下。对象与方法1.受检者情况:受检驾驶员无任何附加条件要求(如脱离岗位时间等),均做心电图检查。由于检查中女性数量较少,所以统计中未包括女性。男性驾驶员中年龄最小的17岁,最大的68岁,本次只统计18~55岁的驾驶员心电图。2.驾驶车型:大货车、大客车、面包车、吉普国、轿车、拖拉机、摩托、轻骑等各种机动车辆,本次统计未包括摩托、轻骑等非职业性机动车辆。朝阳市机动车驾驶员年龄分布见表1…  相似文献   

淋病是由淋病奈瑟菌(Neisseria gonorrhoeae,简称淋球菌)引起的泌尿生殖系统的化脓性感染,也包括眼、咽、直肠感染和播散性淋球菌感染。淋病潜伏期短,传染性强,可导致多种并发症和后遗症〔1〕。湖北省十堰市自1990年起有淋病病例报告,1990~1994年共报告淋病589例,1995年以后有完整的淋病监测数据。为了解十堰市淋病发病趋势和流行特征,制定防制对策提供依据,现将十堰市1995~2008年淋病资料分析如下。  相似文献   

We analyzed laboratory-based surveillance candidemia data from the National Infectious Disease Register in Finland and reviewed cases of candidemia from one tertiary-care hospital from 1995 to 1999. A total of 479 candidemia cases were reported to the Register. The annual incidence rose from 1.7 per 100,000 population in 1995 to 2.2 in 1999. Species other than Candida albicans accounted for 30% of cases without change in the proportion. A total of 79 cases of candidemia were identified at the hospital; the rate varied from 0.03 to 0.05 per 1,000 patient-days by year. Predisposing factors included indwelling catheters (81%), gastrointestinal surgery (27%), hematologic malignancy (25%), other types of surgery (21%), and solid malignancies (20%). Crude 7-day and 30-day case-fatality ratios were 15% and 35%, respectively. The rate of candidemia increased in Finland but is still substantially lower than in the United States. No shift to non-C. albicans species could be detected.  相似文献   

目的:为了保护农民群众生命安全,防止和减少非生产性农药中毒死亡的发生。方法:对通州市1997-1999年发生的539例非生产性农药中毒的季节分布、中毒农药种类、死亡情况等作了分析;结果:非生产性农药中毒主要发生在第三季度,中毒农药种类以甲胺磷为主占中毒人数48.05%,中毒后死亡又以溴氢菊酯和1605为主,溴氢菊中毒死亡率为57.14%,1605中毒死亡率为48.72%;结论:提示农村在农药施用高峰,在加强生产性农药中毒预防工作同时,也要加强非生产性农药中毒的预防。临床医生在抢救非生产性农药中毒时,一时无法明确农药种类时 ,宜首先考虑有机磷类农药。并要加强溴氢菊酯和1605中毒者的抢救措施的研究,不断提高抢救成功率。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Population-based Utah Cancer Registry data were linked with Latter-day Saint (LDS or Mormon) Church membership records to obtain site-specific cancer incidence for LDS and non-LDS populations in Utah during 1995-1999. METHODS: Analyses were based on 27,631 incident cases of cancer identified among whites. Restriction to whites was made because of the small number of nonwhites, approximately 5%, in the state during the study period. The direct method was used to age-adjust the rates to the 2000 U.S. standard population. RESULTS: Significantly lower cancer incidence rates per 100,000 were observed among LDS compared with non-LDS males (287.2 vs. 321.1) and females (247.7 vs. 341.0). The lower rates are primarily explained by smoking-related cancers and female breast cancer. If the overall cancer incidence rate in LDS had occurred in the non-LDS population, 2.9% or 421 fewer cases would have occurred among males and 7.9% or 1,025 fewer cases would have occurred among females during the study period. CONCLUSIONS: Given our current knowledge of risk factors for cancer, differences between LDS and non-LDS in smoking for males and smoking and sexual and reproductive behaviors in females primarily explain the lower risk of cancer in LDS populations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Tuberculosis is a worldwide health problem getting a prioritized attention by the Cuban National Health System. To describe the main indicators of the Cuban Tuberculosis Control Program. METHODS: Based on surveillance data from the Provincial Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology, the health care network and strategies of the tuberculosis control program were reviewed; incidence rates, case finding indicators, diagnosis and case management were described. RESULTS: Eight subjects with respiratory symptoms were found per 1,000 attending general medical care services. The incidence rates of all tuberculosis types declined from 16.4 in 1995 to 12.0 x 10(5) people in 1999. Pulmonary tuberculosis incidence rate was reduced from 15.1 in1995 to 10.4 x 10(5) in 1999, whereas extrapulmonary tuberculosis had an increment from 1.3 to 1.6 x 10(5) in the same period. Of all new cases, 40-50 % were diagnosed at multispecialty clinics, 67.6% were diagnosed by positive smears, 15.2 % by positive cultures, 13.8 % by clinical and X-rays evidences only; and 0.9 % and 1.5 % were respectively diagnosed by biopsy and necropsy. There was an increase in the incidence rate in the age group 15-64 years in 1996 and 1997 but it declined again in 1998 and 1999. The age group 64 years and over showed a rate reduction from 1995 to 1999. In general, incidence rates diminished in the overall period. The average delay between onset of symptoms and diagnosis improved from 42 days in 1995 to 28.6 days in 1999. CONCLUSIONS: There seems to be a halt in reporting trends of new cases in 1996. Tuberculosis indicators reveal satisfactory changes in the study period.  相似文献   

流行性脑脊髓膜炎(流脑)是由脑膜炎奈瑟菌(又称脑膜炎双球菌[1])引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病.是主要危害儿童健康的一种化脓性脑膜炎,在化脓性脑膜炎的发病中位居首位.该病在没有实施计划免疫之前,具有流行强度大、病死率高、致残率高等特点.自接种A群流脑多糖体疫苗后,流脑的发病逐惭得到了控制.但是近年来由于C群流脑的出现,发病呈不稳定状态.特别是2004年在安徽省的芜湖、滁州等地先后发生局部C群流脑疫情,我市也先后在大丰、东台市发现C群流脑病人.为了解流行因素,探索防治对策,现将1995~2004年流脑疫情分析如下.  相似文献   

目的分析湖北省枣阳市1999~2006年疟疾流行特征,为今后制定防治对策提供科学依据。方法根据枣阳市1999~2006年疟疾疫情报表,进行季节、地域、人群分布分析。结果枣阳市1999~2006年报告疟疾病例9499例,2006年比2001年下降了63.41%,73.42%的病例集中在中华按蚊疟区,4~9月为疟疾发病高峰,7~8月最高,主要以农民(69.49%)、小学文化(48.72%)、30岁以上(63.18%)、男性(62.88%)人群为主。结论枣阳市中华按蚊疟区为主要疟疾流行区。加强疫情报告,实施及控制传染源,降低发病率为主的综合措施是今后工作的重点。  相似文献   

目的分析1995—2015年宜昌市艾滋病疫情资料,掌握全市流行特征和变化趋势,为科学制定防控措施提供依据。方法利用艾滋病自愿咨询检测、主动监测、哨点监测、孕妇筛查、专题调查和国家"艾滋病综合防治数据信息管理系统"监测数据,对1995—2015年宜昌市艾滋病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果 1995—2015年全市累计报告HIV/AIDS共720例,近6年病例数占21年总数的68.47%,HIV/AIDS疫情呈低流行、高增长趋势。以15~49岁青壮年为主,占82.64%,<14岁、15~24岁感染者比例分别呈逐年下降、逐年增加趋势。男性HIV/AIDS的比例呈逐年上升趋势。感染者职业从以农民为主逐渐扩散到各行各业。以"已婚有配偶"最多,"未婚"、"离异或丧偶"、"大专及以上"病例逐年增长。病例分布有一定的地区聚集性。感染途径以性传播为主,同性性传播比例呈增长趋势(2011—2015年年平均增长率为22.78%)。结论宜昌市市城区、秭归县、当阳市、夷陵区等重点地区要重点加强艾滋病防治工作。全市应加大监测力度,采取积极有效的预防控制措施,以控制艾滋病传播与流行。  相似文献   

性传播疾病是典型的生物一心理一社会性疾病,由于其传染性强,能引发各种并发症和后遗症,对患者身心健康和家庭、社会构成了严重威胁〔1,6〕。为了解广水市性病流行趋势,探讨性病增加的原因,为制定防制措施提供依据,现将1999~2005年的性病疫情资料进行统计分析。1材料与方法疫情  相似文献   

Physicians qualified in environmentally related disorders due to their participation in special training courses in the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) used a standardised questionnaire to report on their environmental medicine related cases. The course of the illness, if known, has been documented on a separate data sheet. During the period from 1995-1999 916 cases and 508 courses of illness were assessed. The environmental factors/toxicants of exposure most frequently documented by the 85 participating physicians and found to be related to symptoms of illness were biocides (mainly insecticides used indoors for pest control (32%), moulds (27%), dental amalgam (22%), solvents/volatile organic compounds (21%) and formaldehyde (16%), respectively. In 42% of the documented cases an exposure to more than one environmental factor/toxicant was registered. Age distribution, gender, location of exposure as well as the symptoms of illness of the patients were found to be dependent on the type of exposure. Cessation of exposure to harmful substances/environments was achieved in 54% of those cases where information regarding the course of the illness was given. In 65% of these cases recovery was reported and 30% recovered partially. In those cases where a cessation of exposure could not be achieved or was not complete, no or only partial recovery was mostly reported. From these results it may be concluded that research work on environmentally related disorders should be enforced in order to prevent unnecessary illness and to lower the public health system expenditure.  相似文献   

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