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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has proven to be an invaluable tool for evaluating neoplastic, congenital, and degenerative conditions of the spine and spinal cord. Because of various technical limitations, however, the use of MRI in acutely spinal cord-injured patients has not been fully explored. Sixty-two spinal cord-injured patients underwent MRI within the first 36 hours of injury. A variety of pathological findings were detected on the MRI scans: anatomical cord transection (7 cases), spinal cord deformity secondary to extrinsic compression (28), focal cord enlargement/swelling (21), hyperintense intramedullary lesions (17), and disc herniations (2). MRI may be a useful adjunct in the evaluation of acute spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Spinal cord lesions are not detectable on roentgenograms and computed tomography (CT) scans. Magnetic resonance images (MRIs) are able to make soft-tissue lesions visible. Interpretations of MRIs, CT scans, and roentgenograms were compared in 25 patients and three postmortem specimens with spinal cord injuries. In 14 patients and one specimen with normal roentgenograms and CT scans, the MRI demonstrated ten soft-tissue injuries as minimal displacement of the vertebral bodies or as a high signal intensity in the disc space, indicating a hematoma. Seven of the ten patients demonstrating soft-tissue injuries also had an intramedullary lesion, while in five of the 15 patients with normal CT scans, only a medullary lesion was present on MRI. In 11 patients and two postmortem specimens, fractures were seen on roentgenograms and CT scans. In these patients, the CT was superior to the MRI in detecting small bony fragments, but the medullary lesions were visible only on the MRIs. An intramedullary low signal intensity corresponded to macroscopically visible hemorrhages in the three postmortem specimens. The MRI provided important information in patients with neurologic deficits. No obvious pathologic changes were evident on the roentgenograms and CT scans. The MRI also demonstrated intramedullary and extramedullary soft-tissue lesions and was useful in establishing a diagnosis and in choosing appropriate therapy. CT, on the other hand, was superior in detecting small bony fragments and fracture lines.  相似文献   

正磁共振成像(MRI)具有软组织分辨率高、多方位任意切层、多参数成像等优点,在临床工作中备受欢迎。但其单一地呈现组织形态学变化的现状已经不能满足目前疾病诊断的需求,功能性磁共振成像(f MRI)应运而生。f MRI是在普通MRI的基础上,着重反映某一特定神经组织功能状态的成像技术,最早被广泛应用于脑组织疾病研究~([1-2])。早期因脊髓周围的解剖结构和运动伪影等问题而使脊髓f MRI的发展受到一定的限制。目前随着技术的改进  相似文献   

Principles of echo shifting with a train of observations was used to perform magnetic susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging with bolus-tracking in 14 patients with spondylotic myelopathy to assess changes in perfusion parameters of the spinal cord before and after decompression surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. The mean transit time (MTT), bolus arrival time (T0), and time to peak (TTP) were obtained from regions of interest (ROIs) and assessed as the ratio between the spinal cord and the pons (MTT index = MTT(ROI)/MTT(pons), T0 index = T0(ROI)/T0(pons), TTP index = TTP(ROI)/TTP(pons)). The patients were divided into two groups according to percentage improvement on the Neurosurgical Cervical Spine Scale. The MTT index in patients with good recovery (> or =50%) was significantly reduced. The T0 index and TTP index showed no significant change in both groups. Reduction of MTT index may indicate improved perfusion of the spinal cord following surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy.  相似文献   

E G Duncan  C Lemaire  R L Armstrong  C H Tator  D G Potts  R D Linden 《Neurosurgery》1992,31(3):510-7; discussion 517-9
The ability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to display the anatomic changes after spinal cord injury in the rat were examined in postmortem specimens. With the clip compression technique, acute spinal cord injuries of three grades of severity were produced in adult male rats. One hour after injury, during which time physiological parameters were measured and maintained within the normal range, the rats were killed by transcardiac perfusion of formalin. The vertebral column containing the cervical and upper thoracic segments was excised and, after further formalin fixation, 20 contiguous MRI scans centered on the injury site were obtained using a spin-echo imaging sequence. The volume of signal acquisition for each image was 15 x 15 x 1.0 mm thick. The spinal cords were then removed from the vertebral column, sectioned, and stained for histological examination. Ten-micrometer serial sections of each cord were examined microscopically. MRI scans and microscopic sections at comparable levels were examined to determine the quality of anatomical detail and spatial resolution of the MRI scans. MRI scans with resolution of about 75 microns per pixel edge were obtained. At the site of injury, there was disruption of the normally well demarcated gray-white interface and variable areas of low signal intensity. Because of the resolution achieved, it was possible to determine that these low signal intensity areas were post-traumatic hemorrhages. Indeed, hemorrhages with dimensions of the order of 100 microns were detected on the MRI scans. Furthermore, by examining the serial sections of the cord, the extent of the injury along the cord could be determined.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A case of central cervical spinal cord injury, confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and treated by myelotomy, is presented. After recovering well from his central cord syndrome and walking with assistance, the patient developed a rapidly progressive myelopathy beginning 2 months after injury. His main injury localized clinically to the C8, T1 level; but central cord abnormalities were identified 3 months after injury at the C6 level by MRI: a high signal intensity on the proton density sequence and a low-signal intensity on the T1-weighted sequence. At operation 41/2 months after his injury and 1 month after complete paraplegia, a myelotomy at C6 failed to reveal any cavity (syrinx) but instead disclosed only intense gliosis inside a slightly atrophic spinal cord. Rapid clinical improvement ensued. Secondary syringomyelia may be an endstage condition after spinal cord insults that trigger a progressive, pathophysiological reaction leading to central cord necrosis. In selected cases, myelotomy may interrupt this MRI-identified, nosogenic process before cavitation has occurred.  相似文献   

Between October 1982 and August 1987, 20 patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and subsequent surgical release of a tethered spinal cord. The tethering was caused by a thick filum terminale in 6 patients. On MRI scans, the conus medullaris was at L4 in 2 patients, at L2 in 3 patients, and the filum terminale appeared thick in 1 patient. The spinal cord was tethered to an intradural lipoma correctly demonstrated by MRI in 6 patients. Increased epidural fat was misdiagnosed as an intradural lipoma in one patient and a lipomatous stalk was not identified in 2 other patients. Scar tissue resulting from repair of a meningocele had tethered the cord in the remaining 8 patients. On MRI scans, the conus medullaris was located between L3 and S3; in 5 of the patients, scar tissue was apparent on the MRI scan. This correlative study supports the use of MRI as the initial, and possibly the only, imaging modality when a tethered spinal cord is suspected. Improved or more recent MRI techniques will help demonstrate these anomalies better.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the prevalence of rotator cuff and long head of the biceps pathologies in manual wheelchair (MWC) users with spinal cord injury (SCI).Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: Outpatient clinic at a tertiary medical center.Participants: Forty-four adult MWC users with SCI (36 men and 8 women) with an average age (SD) of 42 (13) years. SCI levels ranged from C6 to L1; complete and incomplete SCI.Outcome Measures: Participants’ demographic and anthropometric information, presence of shoulder pain, Wheelchair User’s Pain Index (WUSPI) scores, and magnetic resonance imaging findings of shoulder pathologies including tendinopathy, tendon tears, and muscle atrophy.Results: Fifty-nine percent of the participants reported some shoulder pain. The prevalence of any tendinopathy across the rotator cuff and the long head of biceps tendon was 98%. The prevalence of tendinopathy in the supraspinatus was 86%, infraspinatus was 91%, subscapularis was 75%, and biceps was 57%. The majority of tendinopathies had mild or moderate severity. The prevalence of any tears was 68%. The prevalence of tendon tears in the supraspinatus was 48%, infraspinatus was 36%, subscapularis was 43%, and biceps was 12%. The majority of the tears were partial-thickness tears. Participants without tendon tears were significantly younger (P < 0.001) and had been wheelchair user for a significantly shorter time (P = 0.005) than those with tendon tears.Conclusion: Mild and moderate shoulder tendinopathy and partial-thickness tendon tears were highly prevalent in MWC users with SCI. Additionally, the findings of this study suggest that strategies for monitoring shoulder pathologies in this population should not be overly reliant on patient-reported pain, but perhaps more concerned with years of wheelchair use and age.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed 49 times in 42 patients with spinal dysraphism. Scoliosis and a changing neurological picture were the primary indications. Spinal cord anomalies included hydromyelia, diastematomyelia, lipoma, thickened filum terminali, and spinal cord atrophy. All but one patient exhibited Arnold-Chiari malformation. Twenty-two of the 42 patients had computed tomography (CT) scans, myelograms, or operations that corroborated the 41 MRI findings. Three false-positive MRI findings of hydromyelia and no false-negative studies were observed. MRI is a noninvasive investigative technique that provides more information than myelography or CT in defining spinal cord anatomy in spinal dysraphism.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a noninvasive method of monitoring the pathologic response to spinal cord injury. Specific MR signal intensity patterns appear to correlate with degrees of improvement in the neurologic status in spinal cord injury patients. Histologic correlation of two types of MR signal intensity patterns are confirmed in the current study using a rat animal model. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent spinal cord trauma at the midthoracic level using a weight-dropping technique. After laminectomy, 5- and 10-gm brass weights were dropped from designated heights onto a 0.1-gm impounder placed on the exposed dura. Animals allowed to regain consciousness demonstrated variable recovery of hind limb paraplegia. Magnetic resonance images were obtained from 2 hours to 1 week after injury using a 2-tesla MRI/spectrometer. Sacrifice under anesthesia was performed by perfusive fixation; spinal columns were excised en bloc, embedded, sectioned, and observed with the compound light microscope. Magnetic resonance axial images obtained during the time sequence after injury demonstrate a distinct correlation between MR signal intensity patterns and the histologic appearance of the spinal cord. Magnetic resonance imaging delineates the pathologic processes resulting from acute spinal cord injury and can be used to differentiate the type of injury and prognosis.  相似文献   

Pathological findings in acute experimental spinal cord trauma   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

New pharmacological treatment of acute spinal cord trauma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Numerous experimental studies of blunt spinal cord injury have shown that while a variable degree of immediate mechanical damage occurs to spinal blood vessels and axons in proportion to the magnitude of the injury force, a considerable amount of post-traumatic tissue degeneration is due to a secondary pathophysiological process that may be modifiable by appropriate therapeutic intervention. A growing body of biochemical, physiological, and pharmacological evidence has suggested that oxygen free radical-induced lipid peroxidation, working in concert with aberrant calcium fluxes and eicosanoid generation in particular, plays a key role in progressive post-traumatic spinal cord degeneration. Of particular importance, lipid peroxidation has been linked to microvascular damage and hypoperfusion which, if severe enough, can lead to a secondary ischemic insult to the tissue. The ability of intensive dosing with the glucocorticoid steroid methylprednisolone to beneficially affect post-traumatic ischemia and to promote chronic neurologic recovery in spinal cord injured animals has been correlated not with its glucocorticoid activity, but rather with the ability to inhibit post-traumatic spinal lipid peroxidation. In view of this, a novel series of non-glucocorticoid 21-aminosteroids has been developed which lack glucocorticoid activity but are more effective inhibitors of nervous tissue lipid peroxidation than the glucocorticoid steroids. One of these, U74006F, has now been studied in some detail and appears to be a promising new agent for the acute treatment of spinal cord (and brain) trauma. The background and pre-clinical development of this compound to date is reviewed.  相似文献   

S Q Liu  S T Xu 《中华外科杂志》1991,29(5):308-11, 335
From March 1989 to July 1990, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination was conducted in 60 patients with chronic injuries of the spine and the spinal cord, of whom 32 patients received exploration and decompression operation. Based on the results of MRI, clinical neurological examinations, biological electrical examinations were compared treatment. MRI proved to show the minute changes of the spine, the definite location of spinal compression, the narrowing of spinal canal and the actual cause of compression objects. Thus, it is helpful in selecting treatment and in predicting prognosis.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance images obtained in two cases of spinal cord infarction are described: one with hemorrhagic thoracic cord infarct, the other with ischemic cervical cord infarct with sequential magnetic resonance imagings. An enlarged cord with strand-shape or longitudinal hypointensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images was noticed in the hemorrhagic infarct; hypointensity on the T2-weighted image was thought to be due to hemosiderin, which shortens T2 relaxation. In the ischemic infarct, a small, round area of hypointensity on T1-weighted images, and of hyperintensity on T2-weighted images, noted 9 hours postictus ("early infarct") changed on the 22nd day to a cephalocaudal strandlike hypointensity on T1-weighted image, which was enhanced by Gd-DTPA. The hypointensity suggested "pencil-like softening" in "medium" age infarct. On postictal day 49, it showed an extensive homogeneous hypointensity involving several segments of the cord on T1-weighted images and hyperintensity on T2-weighted images with negative Gd-DTPA enhancement suggesting "late transverse infarct." We considered that these changes are of value in diagnosing spinal cord infarcts on magnetic resonance imagings.  相似文献   

Thirty-five patients with a variety of spinal cord tumors were studied by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In 22 out of these cases, the efficacy of Dimeglumine gadopentetate (Gd-DTPA) in enhancing MRI was also investigated. The results were as follows: (1) MRI was capable of discerning the level of tumors. (2) MRI was able to distinguish intramedullary from extramedullary tumors. MRI, however, could not always differentiate extradural from intradural tumors. (3) Some cases of lipoma, arteriovenous malformation and hematoma were diagnosed by MRI. (4) Gd-DTPA was found to be effective in enhancing MRI in all cases of spinal cord tumors with exception of two cases of arteriovenous malformations. In conclusion, MRI is very useful in diagnosing spinal cord tumors. MRI, when enhanced with Gd-DTPA, is capable of revealing the content of tumors but also differentiating intramedullary tumors from surrounding edema and syrinx.  相似文献   

A Harada  K Mimatsu 《Spine》1992,17(11):1275-1280
The relation between improvement of myelopathy achieved by surgery and postoperative spinal cord morphologic changes was investigated by magnetic resonance imaging in 51 patients with cervical myelopathy. In 22 patients, the cord indentation disappeared completely (Type I), in 23 it partially disappeared (Type II), and in 3 it remained unchanged (Type III). In three patients the cord enlarged after surgery (Type IV). With the exception of Type IV, increased restoration of cord morphology paralleled improvement in the myelopathy, suggesting that morphologic changes closely reflect neurologic recovery. In Type IV, notwithstanding the peculiar postoperative reaction, improvement was relatively good, and shrinkage of the cord enlargement was seen after 1 year. This kind of postoperative change has not been demonstrated previously by other conventional imaging methods.  相似文献   

Utility of MRI for predicting neurological outcomes in acute cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) is well established but its value in thoracolumbar (TL) SCI needs to be evaluated. Seventy-six patients operated for acute TL spinal injuries between January 2014 and March 2016 were reviewed to obtain demographic details, neurology at admission and at the final follow-up. Patients were divided based on the neurology at presentation into group 1 (ASIA A), group 2 (ASIA B, C, D) and group 3 (normal neurology). Preoperative MRI and CT scans were evaluated to measure parameters like osseus canal compromise, spinal cord compression (SCC), spinal cord swelling, length of cord swelling (LOS), length of edema (LOE) and the presence of hemorrhage. The MRI parameters were compared between the groups for their predictive value of neurology on admission and at the final follow-up. Of the 38 patients in group 1, six patients recovered by 1 grade, nine patients recovered by 2 grades and there was no recovery in 23 (60.5%) patients. Among group 2 patients, nine (40.9%) out of 22 recovered to ASIA E neurology. On univariate analysis, SCC (P = 0.009), LOS (P = 0.021) and length of edema (P = 0.002) were associated with complete neurological deficit at presentation. However, on multivariate regression analysis only LOE was significant (P = 0.007) in predicting neurology at admission and at follow-up. Greater the rostrocaudal LOE, worse is the neurology at presentation, and it is associated with poor neurological recovery at follow-up. These slides can be retrieved under Electronic Supplementary Material.  相似文献   

Summary In spite of the recent advances in neuroradiology including the CT scan and the spin-echo-magnetic resonance (MR), accurate diagnosis of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) involving the spinal cord is still based on selective angiography. This last procedure is invasive and needs to be repeated during the follow up. Phase contrast angio MR was performed with a 0.5 Tesla unit on 12 patients with an AVM involving the spinal cord (7 intramedullary AVMs, 4 perimedullary fistulas, and 1 dural fistula with perimedullary venous drainage); 4 of these were investigated before and after treatment. Angio MR showed abnormal vascular patterns within the spinal canal in all cases, without distinguishing between arteries and veins; the nidus of the intramedullary AVMs was displayed in all cases. Angio MR provided images of the whole AVMs comparable to the angiographic pictures, in contrast to the spin-echo MR, which provided only discontinued images of the vessels. The efficient range of velocity providing images varied, according to the type of the malformation (slow for dural fistulas, rapid for intra-medullary AVMs). In the 4 patients investigated after treatment, comparison of the images obtained before and after treatment permitted assessment of the degree of occlusion of the malformation. Finally, angio MR as a complement of spin-echo MR can now be used as a reliable tool for detection of spinal cord AVMs, assessing the indication for angiography, and, furthermore, it can probably replace most of the postoperative control angiographies. The value of the efficient imaging velocity is disputable but seems to depend on the haemodynamic characteristics of the malformation and may then serve as a guide to angiography.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on 37 patients with acute spinal injury using T1- and T2-weighted images. Three different types of MRI signal patterns were detected in association with these spinal cord injuries. A classification was developed using these three patterns. Type I, seen in ten (27.0%) of the patients, demonstrated a decreased signal intensity consistent with acute intraspinal hemorrhage. Type II, seen in 16 (43.2%) of the patients, demonstrated a bright signal intensity consistent with acute cord edema. Type III, seen in three (8.1%) of the patients, demonstrated a mixed signal of hypointensity centrally and hyperintensity peripherally consistent with contusion. The remaining eight patients had normal cords by MRI. All 37 patients had an admitting neurologic assessment and classification of their spinal injury according to the Frankel classification and the Trauma Motor Index (TMI). At an average of 12.1 months postinjury, their neurologic function was reassessed. Patients with Type I patterns showed no improvement in their Frankel classification and minimal improvement in their TMI, 32.1 to 42.4. In comparison, all of the Type II and III patterns improved at least one Frankel classification. The Type II TMI increased from 70.8 to 91.9 and Type III from 37.3 to 75.7. This preliminary report indicates a distinct correlation between the pattern of spinal cord injury as identified by MRI and neurologic recovery. It appears that the ability of MRI to aid in examination of the condition of the spinal cord will offer a means of predicting neurologic recovery following acute spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

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