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肺脏超声诊断新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用超声诊断肺部疾病已成为一个世界范围内的新趋势.超声检查具有诸多优点,无射线损伤,对患儿和操作者均无损害;操作简便,可在床边开展,便于动态观察,适合重症患儿;因其准确性和可靠性高而具有重要实用价值.为便于临床医师更好地借助肺脏超声诊断新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征,现对呼吸窘迫综合征的主要超声影像学特点及检查注意事项等予以介绍,供临床应用中参考.  相似文献   

新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征呼吸力学动态监测及临床意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的探讨新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(NRDS)的呼吸力学特征及其与临床的关系。方法对17例机械通气下NRDS患儿进行了呼吸力学指标、X线胸片及血气分析检查。结果呼吸系统顺应性(Crs)与NRDS病情严重程度及预后有关,Crs<0.3mL/(cmH2O·kg)示病情严重,Crs<0.2ml/(cmH2O·kg)病死率高;Crs与氧合指数(OI)呈负相关关系(r=-0.948),有直线回归关系OI=64.73-82.70Crs。X线分级与Crs呈负相关关系(r=-0.768),Crs为(0.683±0.110)mL/(cmH2O·kg)时脱机成功率为90.9%。结论时RDS患儿Crs及其动态变化进行监测,可以判断RDS患儿病情,指导呼吸机治疗,掌握脱机时机及评估预后。  相似文献   



Despite notable advances in neonatal care, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remains an important complication of preterm birth, frequently resulting in prolonged hospital stay and long-term morbidity.


A historical cohort study of all preterm infants (gestational age younger than 37 weeks) admitted to the Montreal Children’s Hospital (Montreal, Quebec) between January 1, 1980, and December 31, 1992, was conducted. Information collected included demographic data, maternal and perinatal history, and main neonatal outcomes. Independent risk factors associated with BPD were identified by univariate analysis using one-way ANOVA, t tests or Mantel-Haenszel χ2 testing. Severity of disease was studied using an ordinal multinomial logistic regression model.


In total, 1192 preterm infants were admitted, of whom 551 developed respiratory distress syndrome and 322 developed BPD. For each additional week of prematurity, the risk of developing BPD increased by 54% (adjusted OR 1.54/week [95% CI 1.45 to 1.64]). For each point subtracted on the 1 min Apgar score, the risk of developing BPD was increased by 16% (OR 1.16 [95% CI 1.1 to 1.3]). BPD was also associated with the presence of patent ductus arteriosus (OR 3.5 [95% CI 2.1 to 6.0]), pneumothorax in the first 48 h (OR 9.4 [95% CI 3.6 to 24.8]) or neonatal pneumonia/sepsis in the neonatal period (OR 1.9 [95% CI 1.1 to 3.2]). Severity of BPD was associated with gestational age, 1 min Apgar score, very low birth weight and the presence of neonatal pneumonia/sepsis.


Factors associated with BPD following a preterm birth were the degree of prematurity, birth weight, Apgar score at 1 min, and the presence of patent ductus arteriosus, pneumothorax or neonatal pneumonia/sepsis.  相似文献   

目的 评价经鼻间歇正压通气(NIPPV)和经鼻持续气道正压通气(NCPAP)治疗新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(NRDS)的疗效.方法 检索PubMed、EMBASE、Ovid、Springer、中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库和维普中文科技期刊数据库,获得NIPPV与NCPAP治疗NRDS的相关RCT文献.根据随机分配方法,分配...  相似文献   

Increasing incidence of respiratory distress in neonates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM: To document the change in the incidence of respiratory distress (RD), related interventions and mortality in neonates admitted to primary, secondary and tertiary neonatal units within a geographically defined population over a period of 30 years. METHODS: RD was defined as a clinical picture irrespective of the etiology. Information was collected retrospectively for 1974, 1984, 1994 and 2004 from all neonatal units in Switzerland. RESULTS: In the 30 years studied the proportion of infants hospitalized with RD increased from 1.9% to 3.8% of the whole neonatal population and from 30% to 53% of all infants admitted to a neonatal unit. Treatment of RD changed significantly. Mechanical ventilation decreased from 31% to 16%, nasal CPAP increased from almost 0% to 26% and surfactant administration increased from 0% to 53% in infants with hyaline membrane disease. Overall mortality decreased in infants with RD from 15.5% to 3.5%. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of RD in infants admitted to neonatal units doubled over the last 30 years in a geographically defined neonatal population. This rise can predominantly be ascribed to infants with birth weight >2500 g and may reflect the corresponding increase in the rate of caesarean section.  相似文献   

We measured serial cardiac troponin T in babies with respiratory distress syndrome and in “healthy” controls (no cardiorespiratory support required). We investigated relationships between cardiac troponin T and myocardial performance in respiratory distress syndrome. This was a prospective observational study at a large tertiary maternity unit that recruited 104 “healthy” babies from whom individual samples were collected. A further 24 infants with respiratory distress syndrome and 14 “healthy” preterm infants had serial sampling over the first three days. We measured fractional shortening in 14 of the infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Cardiac troponin T rose from a median (interquartile range) of 10 (10–11) pg/mL on day one to 34 (22–46) pg/mL by day three, p=0.005, in “healthy” babies. In respiratory distress syndrome levels were higher, 91 (46–135) pg/mL at 6 (5–7) hours of age, p<0.001, and remained so for all three days. In babies with respiratory distress syndrome on day one cardiac troponin T correlated negatively with fractional shortening, Rho=−0.831, p<0.001, but this correlation did not persist. In “healthy” babies there is a minimal rise of cardiac troponin T by day 3. In respiratory distress syndrome there is an early and sustained elevation of cardiac troponin T, with a negative relationship with fraction shortening, suggesting significant myocardial damage of antenatal/intrapartum origin, giving rise to measurable dysfunction. This work was carried out at Liverpool Women's Hospital & Royal Liverpool Children's NHS Trust Funding for this study came from The Newborn Appeal, a charity associated with Liverpool Women's Hospital  相似文献   

目的:研究肺表面活性物质蛋白(SP)B基因单核苷酸多态性分布以及与新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)的关系。方法:选择88例RDS早产儿和未并发RDS的早产儿103例作为研究对象,采用DNA提取试剂盒提取DNA,应用聚合酶联反应-限制性片段长度多态性技术检测SP-B-18A/C、SP-B 1580C/T两个位点的单核苷酸多态性,分析两个位点多态性与RDS的关系。结果:SP-B -18A/C、SP-B 1580C/T两个位点在病例组和对照组中均存在多态性,与未并发RDS的早产儿对照组比较,RDS患儿SP-B 1580C/T位点基因型以CC型明显增多,(χ2=12.26,P0.05)。结论:SP-B 1580 位点C/T多态性与RDS有关,SP-B 1580C/T可能是RDS的易感基因,携带SP-B 1580位点C等位基因的个体患RDS的风险增加。SP-B-18A/C与RDS无关。  相似文献   

A soluble form of thrombomodulin (TM), an anticoagulant proteoglycan of the endothelial cell membrane, considered a marker of vascular endothelial damage, was measured in plasma of preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). In these patients, lung immaturity leads to endothelial leak of plasma proteins and to surfactant inhibition. In 18 babies with RDS, plasma TM concentration was significantly elevated compared with values of a matched group of babies without pulmonary disease (276.1 ng/ml vs 141.3 ng/ml) (P<0.05). Furthermore, TM levels of mechanical ventilated babies (IPPV) with severe RDS were higher than those of babies with moderate RDS and treated with nasal CPAP (340.9 ng/ml vs 174.2 ng/ml) (P<0.05). Conclusion These data show that TM can be used as marker of pulmonary endothelial damage in preterm babies treated with mechanical ventilation for RDS and suggest early intervention with exogenous surfactant to limit alveolar protein leakage and surfactant inactivation. Received: 20 February 1997 and in revised form: 7 July 1997 / Accepted: 8 July 1997  相似文献   

目的 评价同步鼻塞间歇正压通气(SNIPPV)作为气管插管呼吸机撤离后的过渡通气模式,治疗早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)的疗效.方法 采用单中心、随机对照研究,将胎龄<35周、需应用气管插管机械通气治疗的早产儿67例,在符合拔管指征时,随机分为SNIPPV组(33例)及鼻塞持续正压通气(NCPAP)组(34例).比较2组患儿的血气分析、拔管失败率及并发症的患病率.结果 无创通气3h及12 h血气分析显示,SNIPPV组pa(O2)高于NCPAP组,pa(CO2)低于NCPAP组,2组比较差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05);拔管后,SNIPPV组低氧血症及高碳酸血症的发生率及拔管失败率均低于NCPAP组(P均<0.05),呼吸暂停发作频率低于NCPAP组(P=0.000);与NCPAP组比较,SNIPPV组机械通气时间较短,氧疗时间较短,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05).结论 SNIPPV作为拔管后的过渡通气模式,治疗早产儿RDS比NCPAP模式更有优势,可作为气管插管呼吸机撤除后的优先选择.  相似文献   

Aim:  To determine whether early nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV), in comparison to early continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), can reduce the need for intubation and mechanical ventilation in preterm neonates with suspected respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).
Methods:  In this stratified open-label randomized controlled trial, neonates (28–34 weeks gestation) with respiratory distress within 6 h of birth and Downe's score ≥ 4 were eligible. Subjects were randomly allocated to 'early-NIPPV' or 'early-CPAP' after stratifying for gestation (28–30 weeks, 31–34 weeks) and surfactant use. Primary outcome was failure of the allocated mode within 48 h.
Results:  Seventy-six neonates were enrolled (37 in 'early-NIPPV' and 39 in 'early-CPAP' groups). Failure rate was less with 'early-NIPPV' versus 'early-CPAP'[13.5% vs. 35.9%, respectively, RR 0.38 (95% CI 0.15–0.89), p = 0.024]. Similarly, need for intubation and mechanical ventilation by 7 days (18.9% vs. 41%, p = 0.036) was less with NIPPV. Failure rate with NIPPV was less in the subgroups of subjects born at 28–30 weeks (p = 0.023) and who did not receive surfactant (p = 0.018).
Conclusion:  Among preterm infants with suspected RDS, early use of NIPPV reduces the need for intubation and mechanical ventilation compared to CPAP.  相似文献   

Plasma vitamin E levels were determined serially in preterm infants surviving respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and in premature infants without RDS (control). Vitamin E intakes of the RDS and control infant group were not significantly different. The results of the study show that preterm infants surviving RDS have a persistent low plasma vitamin E level throughout the first 8 weeks of life. In contrast, in premature infants without RDS the plasma vitamin E level gradually increases to the adult level throughout the first 8 weeks of life. It is concluded that data on plasma vitamin E levels in premature infants with and without RDS should not be pooled together to obtain reference values. It is further suggested that premature infants with RDS might need more supplemental vitamin E than premature infants without RDS.Abbreviation RDS respiratory distress syndrome  相似文献   

目的:对不同分级的呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)早产儿的围生期状况进行分析,以了解与RDS严重程度相关的高危因素。方法:667例早产RDS患儿根据胸片显示的分级结果分为4个组别,1级217例, 2级225例, 3级126例,4级99例,对各组围生期情况进行回顾性分析。结果:分级不同的RDS早产儿在性别、双胎、双胎之小所占的比例、母亲年龄、产前糖皮质激素应用、有无胎膜早破/胎盘早剥、受孕与分娩方式等方面的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),但随着RDS分级的加重,患儿出生体重和胎龄在减小,而Apgar评分≤7分的患儿比例及母亲患妊娠高血压疾病的比例在逐渐增大,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:RDS的分级主要与早产程度、出生体重、围生期窒息等高危因素有关。  相似文献   

目的:了解早产儿早期血脂代谢特点及其与新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)的关系。方法:将100例适于胎龄早产儿按胎龄或出生体重分组,并以40例足月适于胎龄儿作为对照组,于出生后12 h内静脉采血,测定血浆总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三脂(TG),低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)及高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平;另外,分别根据胎龄及出生体重进一步比较发生RDS与未发生RDS早产儿的血脂水平。结果:随胎龄及体重增加,TG水平呈递增趋势,28~30周组及31~33周组早产儿血浆TG水平均明显低于34~36周早产儿及足月儿(P<0.01);出生体重≤1499 g组及1500~2499 g组早产儿血浆TG水平均明显低于出生体重≥2500 g早产儿及足月儿(P<0.05),且出生体重≤1499 g组与1500~2499 g组早产儿之间TG水平差异亦有统计学意义(P<0.01);而各组新生儿HDL-C、LDL-C及TC水平差异无统计学意义。RDS与非RDS早产儿血浆TC、LDL-C及HDL-C水平差异亦无统计学意义;但在胎龄28~30周组,RDS早产儿的TG水平比非RDS早产儿明显降低(P<0.05);体重≤1499 g RDS早产儿TG水平低于非RDS早产儿(P<0.05)。结论:早产儿血脂水平与胎龄及体重相关,低TG水平可能是胎龄28~30周及体重≤1499 g早产儿出现RDS的原因之一。  相似文献   

Seventeen newborns suffering from RDS (verified by X-ray and clinical parameters) had a mean plasma progesterone of 13.9±1.2 ng/ml (mean±S.E.) at 24 h of age. This is only 62% of the normal level (22.6±1.5 ng/ml).Supported by Turun Yliopistosäätiö  相似文献   

We report a newborn with respiratory distress and situs inversus totalis. The diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia was confirmed by both ultrastructural and functional investigations. The immotile cilia syndrome was suspected because of respiratory distress, situs inversus, abnormal nasal discharge and hyperinflated chest X-ray. We suggest that ultrastructural and functional investigations of the respiratory mucosa should be done in any newborn with respiratory distress without explanation for the respiratory problems. Establishment of the correct diagnosis at an early stage may allow to improve the prognosis provided prophylactic physiotherapy, vaccinations, and aggressive antibiotic treatment of intercurrent respiratory infections are instituted.Conclusion Despite its rarity, primany ciliary dyskinesia should be considered in unexplained cases of neonatal distress  相似文献   

Four pre-term neonates with tracheo-oesophageal fistula required positive pressure ventilation because of the respiratory distress syndrome. Gastric rupture occurred in two patients, one of whom died. Ineffective ventilation was critically impaired by formation of a gastrostomy in a third patient, who also died. Direct ligation of the fistula in the fourth critically ill patient led to a dramatic improvement in gas exchange. When the resistance of the airways exceeds that of the fistula, gas escapes through the latter into the gastro-intestinal tract. Formation of a gastrostomy lowers intragastric pressure and thus the resistance to gas escape via the fistula; respiratory support is thus rendered ineffective. Effective ventilation is only possible after occlusion of the fistula, which we believe is best achieved by direct ligation. Offprint requests to: E. M. Kiely  相似文献   

目的:探讨肺表面活性物质(PS)与肺持续扩张压力联合应用治疗极低出生体重儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)的疗效及临床价值。方法:选取2003年1月至2006年12月收住我院新生儿科的所有患新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的出生体重<1 500 g、胎龄≤34周的极低出生体重儿90例作为研究对象,联合组应用PS与Infant Flow Advance系统提供的相对恒定的肺持续扩张压力联合治疗;PS组为单用PS治疗;CDP组单用Infant Flow Advance系统治疗。观察3组患儿治疗后1,6,12,24 h临床症状、体征、血气变化,并发症如肺部感染、慢性肺病及住院天数、早产儿视网膜病发生情况。结果:3组患儿治疗前PaO2,PaCO2,pH值比较无统计学意义,治疗后1,6,12,24小时PaO2,PaCO2,pH值与治疗前比较有明显改善(P<0.01),联合组PaO2,PaCO2分别与PS组,CDP组组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),联合组pH值与PS组、CDP组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3组患儿氧疗时间比较,观察组与PS组,CDP组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),平均住院天数联合组少于其他两组(P<0.01)。结论: PS与Infant Flow Advance系统联合应用,可有效治疗NRDS,减少机械通气率,缩短氧疗时间及住院天数,从而减少有创通气相关并发症。  相似文献   

目的探讨足月新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)的危险因素,观察肺表面活性物质(PS)的疗效,为足月儿RDS的防治提供依据。方法选取2007年1月至2011年12月郑州大学第三附属医院NICU收治的足月儿RDS为RDS组,以同期入院的非RDS足月儿为对照组,对两组性别、胎龄、分娩方式、宫内窘迫、出生窒息、母亲妊高症、糖尿病、胎膜早破进行单因素方差分析和Logistic多因素回归分析;并以RDS组中是否给予PS治疗分为应用PS亚组和未应用PS亚组,评估PS的疗效。结果RDS组和对照组各106例进入分析。 ①RDS组发病时间为生后5 min至18 h,平均(4.9±3.4)h,其中生后6 h内发病87例(82.1%),~12 h 16例(15.1%),>12 h 3例(2.8%);X线胸片分级Ⅰ级28例(26.4%),Ⅱ级36例(34.0%),Ⅲ级23例(21.7%),Ⅳ级19例(17.9%);②Logistic回归分析显示男性(OR=10.35, 95%CI:1.94~15.26)、胎龄<39周(OR=6.59,95%CI:2.33~36.51)、剖宫产(OR=7.26,95%CI:11.61~23.22)、择期剖宫产(OR=13.14,95%CI:3.55~21.84)和出生窒息(OR=4.33,95%CI: 2.74~27.39)是足月儿RDS的危险因素;③应用PS亚组72例,未应用PS亚组34例。机械通气发生率、机械通气天数、氧疗时间、住院天数和呼吸机相关性肺炎发生率应用PS亚组均显著低于未应用PS亚组(P<0.05);两亚组气胸、肺出血、持续性肺动脉高压和动脉导管未闭发生率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论男性、胎龄<39周、剖宫产尤其是无医学指征的择期剖宫产、出生窒息是足月儿RDS的危险因素,PS治疗足月儿RDS疗效较好。  相似文献   

呼吸窘迫综合征新生儿治疗后潮气呼吸肺功能检测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的探讨不同胎龄以及不同程度的呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)新生儿经治疗后肺功能的情况。方法 107例RDS新生儿分为小于34周早产儿组(65例),晚期早产儿组(21例)及足月儿组(21例),同时选取121例非RDS患儿作为对照组。根据RDS程度将RDS新生儿分为轻度RDS(1、2级)及重度RDS(3、4级)。于纠正胎龄44周时行潮气呼吸肺功能测定。结果不同胎龄RDS新生儿的肺功能参数未见明显差异;RDS组的达峰时间比(TPEF/t E)、达峰容积比(VPEF/VE)较同胎龄对照组小(P0.05);两组不同程度RDS新生儿于纠正胎龄44周时TPEF/t E、VPEF/VE也低于对照组(P0.05),且随着RDS程度加重,其值呈下降趋势。结论 RDS新生儿纠正胎龄44周时肺功能水平明显低于非RDS新生儿;RDS新生儿纠正胎龄44周时潮气呼吸肺功能水平与胎龄无关,主要与RDS严重程度有关。  相似文献   

目的:系统评价沐舒坦预防早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征(respiratory distress syndrome,RDS)的有效性及安全性。方法:电子检索Cochrane图书馆、PubMED、EMBASE、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、万方和维普数据库等,手工检索Pediatrics及Pediatric Research中刊载的会议论文。检索沐舒坦预防早产儿RDS的随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT)文献。应用Cochrane协作网推荐的方法评价文献质量,对同质研究采用RevMan 5.0.17软件进行Meta分析。结果:共纳入6个RCT,其中1篇质量评价为A级,1篇为B级,4篇为C级,包括823例早产儿。Meta分析结果显示,沐舒坦预防组与对照组比较,在RDS发病率(OR=0.24,95%CI[0.15,0.64],P<0.01)、支气管肺发育不良(BPD)发病率(OR=0.41,95%CI[0.23,0.75],P<0.01)、脑室内出血(IVH)发病率(OR=0.39,95%CI[0.24,0.64],P<0.01)、动脉导管未闭(PDA)发病率(OR=0.33,95%CI [0.17,0.67],P<0.01) 及肺部感染发病率(OR=0.24,95%CI[0.14,0.38],P<0.01)差异均有统计学意义。所有研究均未报道不良反应的发生。结论:现有证据表明,早产儿早期使用沐舒坦预防性治疗能有效减少RDS、BPD、IVH、PDA及肺部感染的发病率。[中国当代儿科杂志,2010,12(11):858-863]  相似文献   

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