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Malaria, caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, is one of the leading infectious diseases in many tropical regions, including Nigeria, a West African country where transmission occurs all year round. Many of the inhabitants use plants as remedies against fever and other symptoms of acute malaria, as reported herein. Some of these plants have their antimalarial efficacies scientifically demonstrated and the active compounds isolated with their probable mechanisms of action studied. Medicinal plants are used to treat diseases also where the biodiversity of plants occur in parallel with endemic transmission of malaria. This review focuses on medicinal plants which are used to treat malaria in Nigeria, and on antimalarial testing of extracts and purified compounds from plants. Some show intense activity against malaria parasites in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. The search for new drugs based on plants is important due to the emergence and widespread of chloroquine-resistant and multiple drug-resistant malaria parasites, which require the development of new antimalarials. An acquaintance with antimalarial plants may be a springboard for new phytotherapies that could be affordable to treat malaria, especially among the less privileged native people living in endemic areas of the tropics, mostly at risk of this devastating disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the potential of medicinal plants used in traditional healing in Pakistan to inhibit the glycation process. This may be useful in combatting diabetes mellitus and its complications.METHODS: The in vitro antiglycation activity of 10 medicinal plants was examined by testing the ability of the extracts to inhibit the methyl-glyoxal-mediated development of fluorescence of bovine serumalbumin.RESULTS: Of the tested plants, Persicaria barbata,Geranium collinum and Berberis lyciumshowed significant inhibition of the formation of advanced glycation end products. The inhibitory capacity of these plants was 68.89%, 62.06% and 54.23%, respectively, compared with the positive control(rutin; 86%). All other plants inhibited AGE formation non-significantly.CONCLUSION:These findings will be helpful for further research into the use of traditional herbal medicines with antiglycation properties in the treatment of diabetes.  相似文献   

The practice of traditional medicine for the control of fertility in Nilgris is based on the use of plant medicine for many years. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of stem bark of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb (Simaroubaceae) (HEA) has been studied in rats to explore its antifertility activity. A strong antiimplantation (72%) and abortifacient activity (56%) was observed at the tested dose levels (200 and 400mg/kg, p.o.). The extract shows further more, significant (P<0.05) increase in uterine weight in immature ovariectomised rats. Simultaneous administration of extract with ethinyl estradiol cause significant antiestrogenic activity. All these observations suggest that hydroalcoholic extract of Ailanthus excelsa has antifertility effect.  相似文献   

Anti-influenza agents from plants and traditional Chinese medicine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Influenza is a serious threat to health in all parts of the world. The control and treatment of influenza depends mainly on chemical or biochemical agents and, to date, some anti-influenza agents have been isolated from plants as a result of chemical and pharmacological studies. These agents include a variety of polyphenols, flavonoids, saponins, glucosides and alkaloids. Traditional medicine focuses on the use of herbs and traditional Chinese medicine has performed well in clinical practice and shows a potential in the therapy of influenza and its symptoms. The present paper reviews some constituents and extracts from plants and traditional Chinese medicine with anti-influenza activity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity, phenolic and flavonoids contents of selected medicinal plants form the Western region of Nepal.METHODS: The antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plants were determined by using 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity; total ferric ion reducing ability through spectroscopic analysis. The content of total phenols was determined using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, whereas Aluminum chloride colorimetric method was used for flavonoid determination.RESULTS: Extracts of Syzygium Operculatus(87%),Astilbe Rivularis(83%) and Mallotus Philippnensis(88%) showed significant free radical scavenging activity with effective concentration(EC50) close to that of ascorbic acid. Syzygium Operculatus(96%),Astilbe Rivularis(97%) and Mallotus Philippnensis(97%) had potent reducing power in concentration dependent fashion. Those plant extract with higher free radical scavenging and ferric reducing effect also showed the greater content of both phenols and flavonoids, suggesting the correlation between polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity. Those plant extracts which showed better antioxidant activity assays, also demonstrated higher total phenol and flavonoid contents. These three plants showed the presence of higher amount of phenols and flavonoids.CONCLUSION: This study may provide the scientific basis for the traditional use of those plants and may provide valuable idea for further research.  相似文献   

姜黄、莪术、片姜黄和郁金均属于姜黄属中药,是临床常用活血化瘀代表药,多用于治疗瘀血阻滞引起的闭经痛经,胸痹心痛,风湿痹痛等.现代研究表明,姜黄属中药中的标识性成分姜黄素、去甲氧基姜黄素、双去甲氧基姜黄素、莪术二酮、吉马酮、莪术醇及β-榄香烯等均具有改善血液流变性、抗血小板聚集、抗血栓、抗炎、抗肿瘤、抗纤维化等活血化瘀作...  相似文献   

Psorospermum febrifugum was examined using tandem ms for the presence of 3',4'-deoxypsorospermin-4'-chloro-3'-ol and psorospermin. Collision-induced dissociation at both high and low energy is used to bring about fragmentation. Daughter spectra were interpreted to reveal characteristic fragmentations for both compounds. Examination of the authentic compounds, various extracts of the plant root, and the plant root material itself established that psorospermin occurs naturally in the plant. The data also suggest the presence of the chlorohydrin in the root, as well as establishing its presence in the root extracts. The detection of neutral compounds in complex mixtures by tandem ms is facilitated if comparisons can be made between spectra resulting from different methods of ionization and excitation.  相似文献   

It is estimated that one-third of the world's population is infected with tubercle bacillus and the problem of tuberculosis (TB) has been intensified due to HIV pandemic providing a large reservoir of highly susceptible individuals. Since no anti-TB drugs have been introduced in past 30 years, there is an urgent need to search for and develop new, effective and affordable anti-TB drugs. In this scenario, the plant kingdom with enormous chemical diversity may be looked as an important source of new anti-TB agents. Of 17,500 higher plant species occurring in India only about 365 species have been evaluated so far for antimycobacterial activity. The present review article describes the 255 (70% of 365) plant species from a wide range of families that have shown antimycobacterial activity. The species are enumerated in table format describing plant species and family, plant part used, type of extract and in vitro activity (MIC value), information on active compounds, if any, and uses in the ethnomedicine and Ayurveda. Interestingly, most of the plant species have shown strong positive ethnopharmacological correlation with the traditional knowledge. In addition, the recent in vitro screening methods for antimycobacterial activity are also described in brief. An attempt has been made to highlight the promising plant species for further investigation as leads for drug development.  相似文献   

Twenty-one compounds isolated from nine medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in the Sudan and other African countries were examined in vitro for antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum, the major human malaria parasite. Compounds tested include alkaloids, lignans, triterpenes, coumarins, limonoids and flavonoids. Most were relatively inactive; one limonoid, gedunin, had an IC50 value of about 1 microM after 48 h exposure (0.3 microM after 96 h), roughly equivalent to quinine. In this protocol, the flavonoid quercetin purified from Diosma pilosa was found to have the same activity as a commercially obtained preparation. Simple radiometric assays for antimalarial activity can thus be used to rapidly screen purified plant material or secondary plant metabolites. The high potency and efficacy of quinine and the Chinese herbal antimalarial quinghaosu (artemisinine) illustrate the merit of this approach.  相似文献   

Although very few drugs are currently approved by regulatory authorities for treating multi-factorial ailments and disorders of cognition such as Alzheimer's disease, certain plant-derived agents, including, for example, galantamine and rivastigmine (a semi-synthetic derivative of physostigmine) are finding an application in modern medicine. However, in Ayurveda, the Indian traditional system of medicine which is more than 5000 years old, selected plants have long been classified as 'medhya rasayanas', from the Sanskrit words 'medhya', meaning intellect or cognition, and 'rasayana', meaning 'rejuvenation'. These plants are used both in herbal and conventional medicine and offer benefits that pharmaceutical drugs lack. In the present article, an attempt has been made to review the most important medicinal plants, including Ginkgo biloba, St John's wort, Kava-kava, Valerian, Bacopa monniera and Convolvulus pluricaulis, which are widely used for their reputed effectiveness in CNS disorders.  相似文献   

Carvacrol (CV) is a phenolic monoterpenoid found in essential oils of oregano (Origanum vulgare), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), pepperwort (Lepidium flavum), wild bergamot (Citrus aurantium bergamia), and other plants. Carvacrol possesses a wide range of bioactivities putatively useful for clinical applications such antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anticancer activities. Carvacrol antimicrobial activity is higher than that of other volatile compounds present in essential oils due to the presence of the free hydroxyl group, hydrophobicity, and the phenol moiety. The present review illustrates the state‐of‐the‐art studies on the antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anticancer properties of CV. It is particularly effective against food‐borne pathogens, including Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Bacillus cereus. Carvacrol has high antioxidant activity and has been successfully used, mainly associated with thymol, as dietary phytoadditive to improve animal antioxidant status. The anticancer properties of CV have been reported in preclinical models of breast, liver, and lung carcinomas, acting on proapoptotic processes. Besides the interesting properties of CV and the toxicological profile becoming definite, to date, human trials on CV are still lacking, and this largely impedes any conclusions of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Convolvulus genus is a representative of the family of Convolvulaceae. Convolvulus plants are broadly distributed all over the world and has been used for many centuries as herbal medicine. Convolvulus genus contains various phytochemicals such as flavonoids, alkaloids, carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, mucilage, unsaturated sterols or terpenes, resin, tannins, lactones, and proteins. This review highlights the phytochemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities, application as food preservative, traditional medicine use, anticancer activities, and clinical effectiveness in human of Convolvulus plants. All the parts of Convolvulus plants possess therapeutic benefits; preliminary pharmacological data validated their use in traditional medicine. However, further preclinical and clinical experiments are warranted before any application in human health.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

African trypanosomiasis is one of the neglected tropical diseases caused by different species of trypanosomes that affect both human and livestock with devastating consequences in the continent. Most of the affected populations commonly use traditional medicinal plants for the treatment of the disease. Consequently, this prompted ethnopharmacological research activities on the anti-trypanosomal activity of a number of these African medicinal plants in order to validate their ethnomedicinal use. Furthermore, such studies could lead to the identification of chemical leads for the development of newer anti-trypanosomal agents from those plants. This review aims to provide updated information on the ethnopharmacological evidence of African medicinal plants with anti-trypanosomal activity.


Literature was collected via electronic search (PubMed, Sciencedirect, Medline and Google Scholar) from published articles that report on the in vitro or in vivo anti-trypanosomal activity of plants that were collected from different parts of Africa.


African medicinal plants investigated for in vitro and in vivo anti-trypanosomal activity from January 1993 to October 2013 are systematically compiled and all the in vivo studies are critically discussed. A total of 264 plant species belonging to 79 families were investigated for anti-trypanosomal activity. However, only 48 bioactive anti-trypanosomal compounds were successfully isolated in pure forms. Furthermore, some of the plants were investigated for possible ameliorative effects on the trypanosome-induced pathological changes out of which 18 plants were reported to be effective while a few others were not. In spite of interesting preclinical ethnopharmacological evidence for anti-trypanosomal activity, not a single African medicinal plant was investigated in a clinical study.


Several African medicinal plants have demonstrated promising anti-trypanosomal effects but the studies on the anti-trypanosomal potentials of these plants are not taken beyond proof of concept stage. It is hoped that the article would stimulate future clinical studies because of the paucity of knowledge in this area.  相似文献   

Cancer is a leading cause of death globally, while malaria is the leading cause of death from parasitic diseases in Nigeria. Historically, plant remedies have been used to manage both cancer and malaria. Interestingly, the possibility of treating cancer with antimalarial remedies has long been reported, even though the two diseases appear to have little in common. However, a body of research has indicated the potential anticancer activity of both synthetic and nature-derived antimalarials. In Nigeria, over 100 plants are used for the management of malaria, but little is known for their potential role in combatting cancer. Therefore, this review is to highlight the documented anticancer activities of plants used to treat malaria in Nigeria, with the goal of supporting anticancer drug discovery. Scientific databases were used to search for antimalarial plants using selected keywords. Of over 100 plants used to treat malaria in Nigeria, 56 have documented anticancer properties, containing alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, terpenes, terpenoids, quinones, anthraquinones, saponins, steroids, sterols, organosulfur compounds and other polyphenols as the major bioactive components. The major mechanisms of anticancer activity include induction of apoptosis and autophagy, arrest of cell growth, generation of reactive oxygen species and inhibition of angiogenesis. However, mechanistic and clinical investigations of the anticancer properties of most of these plants are still lacking. Notwithstanding, the huge anticancer potential uncovered by the in vitro or in vivo studies and a few clinical studies, Nigerian antimalarial plants may provide a valuable resource, ready to be harnessed for anticancer drug development.  相似文献   

The pharmacological approach to the study of plants used in traditional medicine is discussed.On the basis of personal experience in the Republics of Congo and Central Africa the author finds only a very small percentage of non-active plants among those used in traditional medicine.Some previously unknown plants are reported.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

In the genus Curculigo, Curculigo orchioides Gaertn, Curculigo capitulata (Lour) O. Ktze and Curculigo pilosa (Schumach. & Thonn.) Engl are often used in traditional medicine. Curculigo orchioides is used for the treatment of impotence, limb limpness, arthritis of the lumbar and knee joints, and watery diarrhea in traditional Chinese medicine, and also used as a potent immunomodulator and aphrodisiac in the Ayurvedic medical system. Curculigo capitulata is used for the treatment of consumptive cough, kidney asthenia, impotence and spermatorrhea, hemorrhoids, asthma, jaundice, diarrhea, colic and gonorrhea in traditional Chinese and India medicine, and to treat urinary tract infection, acute renal pelvis and nephritis, nephritis-edema, cystitis, nephrolithiasis, hypertension and rheumatic arthritis in traditional Dai medicine. Curculigo pilosa are applied to treat gastrointestinal and heart diseases in Africa.

Aim of the review

This review aims to exhibit up-to-date and comprehensive information about traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of medicinal plants in the genus Curculigo, and has an insight into the opportunities for the future research and development of Curculigo plant.


A bibliographic investigation was performed by analyzing the information available on Curculigo plant from worldwide accepted scientific databases (Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science, SciFinder, Google Scholar, Yahoo). Furthermore, information also was obtained from some local and foreign books on ethnobotany and ethnomedicines.


Curculigo orchioides, Curculigo capitulata and Curculigo pilosa have been used as traditional medicine to treat kinds of diseases such as impotence, limb limpness, gastrointestinal and heart diseases, etc. Phytochemical investigation of eight species of the genus Curculigo has resulted in identification of more than 110 compounds. The content of curculigoside is used as an indicator to evaluate the quality of rhizome of Curculigo orchioides. The medicinal plants have showed a wide spectrum pharmacological activities, including adaptive, immunostimulatory, taste-modifying and sweet-tasting, antioxidant, mast cell stabilization, antihistaminic and antiasthmatic, hepatoprotective and neuroprotective activity. Toxicological test indicated that Curculigo orchioides at the dose of 120 g/kg after administrating rats for 180 days may cause injury of liver and kidney.


The medicinal plants of genus Curculigo have emerged as a good source of the traditional medicines. Some uses of these plants in the traditional medicines have been validated by pharmacological investigation. However, the mechanism of their actions should be further elucidated; the particular constituent responsible for toxicity should be isolated and identified, and the target tissue and mechanism of toxic ingredients also deserve to be further investigated; more reference substances should be prepared, and sophisticated analytical technologies should be developed to comprehensively assess the quality of Curculigo herbs. These investigations will be helpful for further utilization of the plants of genus Curculigo.  相似文献   

The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication system that exists between the brain and gut. Several studies claimed that some types of headaches are associated with various gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. In Persian medicine (PM), physicians believed that gastric disturbances could stimulate headache and introduced some herbs for boosting gastric function as a therapeutic remedy for headache. Here we review the current evidence for the gastroprotective and antiheadache effects of herbs used in PM. Herbs used for their gastrotonic effects in PM were identified from selected Persian medical and pharmaceutical textbooks. PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar were used to search for contemporary scientific evidence relating to the gastric and neurologic effects of these plants. A total of 24 plants were recorded from the selected sources included in this review, most of which belonged to the Rosaceae family. Phyllanthus emblica, Zingiber officinale, Boswellias errata, Punica granatum and Hypericum perforatum had the most recent studies related to GI disorder and headache, while current research about quince, rose, apple, hawthorn and pear was limited. Reducing Helicobacter pylori growth, gastritis, erosion of the stomach lining, hemorrhage and perforation, improving gastric mucosal resistance, antisecretary, antiulcer, antipyretic, analgesic, sedative, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, neuroprotective and antioxidant effects as well as improvement in memory scores were some of the gastrotonic and neuroprotective mechanisms described in the current research. These results confirmed that medicinal plants prescribed in PM may improve headache in patients through the management of GI abnormalities. However, further studies are recommended to investigate the efficacy and safety of the mentioned medicinal plants.  相似文献   

The genus Echinacea consists of 11 taxa of herbaceous and perennial flowering plants. In particular, Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench is widely cultivated all over the United States, Canada, and in Europe, exclusively in Germany, for its beauty and reported medicinal properties. Echinacea extracts have been used traditionally as wound healing to improve the immune system and to treat respiratory symptoms caused by bacterial infections. Echinacea extracts have demonstrated antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, and to be safe. This survey aims at reviewing the medicinal properties of Echinacea species, their cultivation, chemical composition, and the potential uses of these plants as antioxidant and antibacterial agents in foods and in a clinical context. Moreover, the factors affecting the chemical composition of Echinacea spp. are also covered.  相似文献   

目的系统评价津力达颗粒联合西医降糖药物对2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗的影响。方法计算机检索EMBASE、MEDLINE、The Cochrane Library、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方数字化期刊全文数据库(Wan Fang Data)和中文科技期刊数据库(VIP),以2型糖尿病患者为研究对象的随机对照实验文献纳入研究,提取纳入研究的特征信息。同时人工检索相关期刊与会议论文。结果有10项随机对照实验,共999例患者入选。津力达颗粒联合西医降糖药物在改善空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素(疗程≤3个月)和提高总有效率方面优于单用西医降糖药物,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),其在改善空腹胰岛素(疗程3个月)和胰岛素抵抗指数方面与单用西医降糖药物比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论津力达颗粒联合西医降糖药物在改善空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素(疗程≤3个月)和提高总有效率方面优于单用西医降糖药物,在改善空腹胰岛素(疗程3个月)和胰岛素抵抗指数方面两者临床疗效相当,但尚需更多高质量研究以增加证据的强度。  相似文献   

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