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儿童记忆发展的横断面研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的;本研究采用横断面法研究6-18岁儿童记忆能力随年龄发展的规律。方法:采用比例随机取样法,在长沙、湘潭、醴陵三地的4所小学,5所中学和1所中专抽取322名儿童,对入组儿童用多维记忆评估量表作个别记忆测查。结果:随年龄增长,各记忆测验和因子分均有显著增加(P<0.001),但不同测验和因子分增长的速率和达到峰值年龄不同,外显记忆、日常生活记忆和总记忆成绩在14前呈快速增长,每组的得分均显著高于前一组的得分(P<0.05),15岁后得分无明显增加,内隐记忆、自由回忆、再认记忆和记忆广度得分在12岁前呈连续增加(P<0.05),13岁后得分无显著改变。结论:儿童各种记忆能力都随年龄增长而发展,各种记忆快速发展的年龄,增长的速度和达到高峰的时期不尽相同。  相似文献   

目的:考查学习障碍儿童的长时记忆功能及各亚型记忆缺陷的特点。方法:对97名学习障碍儿童(语文障碍31人、数学障碍21人、混合型障碍45人)和63名正常学习儿童作个别记忆测查,测试内容包括自由回忆(频度联想回忆、语义归类回忆和图画回忆)、再认(汉词听觉辨认和图画视觉再认)和联想学习(词对学习和符号-图画学习)。结果:混合型障碍儿童各项记忆分数(除符号-图画学习外)均低于对照组,语文障碍组的多数记忆成绩(除词听觉辨认和符号-图画学习外)也低于对照组,数学障碍组仅语义归类回忆和图画视觉再认的分数低于对照组;三型学习障碍的比较,仅发现混合障碍组频度联想回忆正确数低于数学障碍组;反映记忆策略和反应标准的各项指标的组间差异不明显,仅语文障碍组的词对学习的报告准确率低于对照组;各项记忆分数与学习成绩的相关在0.20~0.42之间。结论:各型学习障碍儿童的长时记忆功能存在不同程度的缺陷,他们的记忆策略和反应标准与正常学习儿童相似。  相似文献   

听觉词语记忆测验在中国老人中的试用分析   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:23  
目的:编制适用于中国老人记忆评定的中文版听觉词语记忆测验(AVMT)。方法:100例正常老人和22例轻-中度Alzheimer病(AD)患者完成AVMT和简明精神状态量表,从正常老人样本中随机选择40例完成AVMT复测和韦氏记忆测验(WMS-RC)、韦氏智力测验中文修订版的知识和相似性2个分测验。结果:(1)AVMT一致性为0.99;3个月后复测相关性为0.87-0.94;AVMT历次记忆的相关性为0.66-0.94;(2)AVMT记忆和再认的相关因素为教育程度;(3)第3次回忆和“短延迟回忆”与WMS-RC总分的相关性比其余4次回忆的强;而“长延迟回忆”和语言智力分测验得分的相关性比其余5次回忆的强;(4)AD组记忆和再认得分显著低于正常对照组,尤以延迟回忆及其语义串联得分差异最大。结论:中文版听觉词语记忆测验具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

慢性酒精中毒性精神障碍病人的智力和记忆   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用修订韦氏成人智力量表(WAIS-RC)和临床记忆量表,对33例慢性酒精中毒性精神障碍病人及30例正常人进行对比研究,结果病人组较对照组智力和记忆明显为差(P<0.01)。病人组智力方面分测验比较,数字广度、领悟损害较轻,记忆方面,无意义图形再认、联想学习和人像特点回忆的损害相对较轻。Korsakoff综合征病人智力与记忆损害明显重于震颤谵妄(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

目的:研究轻度认知功能障碍(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)和不同程度阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer disease,AD)患者的认知功能与内颞叶结构体积的相关关系。方法:16例MCI、20例轻度AD和19例中重度AD患者分别接受临床评估、神经心理学检查和头颅核磁共振(MR)扫描,在重建的图像上测量杏仁核、海马、内嗅皮质及颞角的体积并行标准化处理,然后对神经心理学指标与内颞叶结构MR指标进行相关性分析。其中神经心理学检查包括简易精神状态检查量表(mini mental state examination,MMSE)和无意义图形再认、逻辑记忆、数字广度、延迟回忆、画钟测验、词语流畅性测验及日常生活行为量表。结果:三组间各结构MR标化体积除左、右颞角外差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。在MCI组中,注意力计算力、数字广度测验得分与左侧杏仁核体积负相关(r=-0.51~-0.57,P〈0.05),无意义图形再认得分与右侧海马体积正相关(r=0.77,P〈0.001);在轻度AD组中,MMSE总分、无意义图形再认得分与杏仁核体积正相关(r=0.46~0.55,P〈0.05);在中重度AD组中,定向力得分与右侧内嗅皮质体积正相关(r=0.47,P=0.041)。结论:无意义图形再认和数字广度测验等与内颞叶结构MR体积之间存在中度相关关系;杏仁核在AD的发展过程中可能起着更萤要的作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨间接记忆测验的有效性及直接和间接测验所涉及的心理过程的差异。方法:实验对象为40名大学生,24名被试参加内隐记忆测试,16名被试参加外显记忆测试,学习材料分别为30个低频双字词和30个常见实物图画,测试材料为60个词头和60幅残图(新旧各半),测试方法为线索回忆或自由组词和残图命名。结果:无论是直接测验还是间接测验,旧项目的命中率高于新项目,旧项目的反应时短于新项目;直接测验的命中率高于间接测验,而反应时长于间接测验;不同材料的比较显示,无论是直接测验还是间接测验任务中,汉词的启动效率都要显著大于图形,而图与词间省时率的差异无显著性;直接测验和间接测验的比较显示,无论是汉词还是图形材料,启动效率与省时率差异均无显著性。结论:间接测验和直接测验涉及的心理过程不同,它们都能有效地测量不同记忆系统的功能。  相似文献   

内隐记忆的研究证据及临床意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
内隐记忆 (implicitmemory)一词最初由Graf与Schacter于 1985年提出 ,指对特定的过去经验进行有意识或外显的回忆测验中表现出来的对先前获得信息的无意识提取 ,也就是说 ,在有意或无意间获得的信息、技能或习惯 ,虽不能有意识地回忆和再认 ,但会影响类似作业的成效和行为的有效性。这一概念的提出扩大了记忆研究的内涵 ,因此迅速成为记忆研究的热点之一。目前内隐记忆的研究在测量方法与理论解释方面都取得了一些进展 ,大量证据表明它与外显记忆存在质的不同 ,是一个相对独立的记忆系统。不过现存的问题也很多 ,…  相似文献   

目的:在概念加工水平上考察内隐情感记忆的特征及其遗忘规律。方法:用再认法测量外显记忆,用残字补全法测量内隐记忆。83名被试分成七组分别在学习后即时、19'、63'、1天、2天、6天、31天进行再认和补笔测验。结果:(1)测验距离学习时间越短,积极事件启动值保持量越大,时间越长,积极事件启动值保持量越少。消极事件启动值相对恒定,不受时间条件的影响。两者之间在学习后即时-2天差异显著。6天、31天无差异;(2)外显情感记忆存在明显遗忘,两种意义的事件其保持量和遗忘率受时间条件影响,模式相似,无显著差异;(3)内隐和外显情感记忆出现实验性分离。结论:内隐情感记忆存在明显遗忘,其保持和遗忘规律不同于外显记忆,表明内隐和外显记忆属于两个独立的记忆系统。  相似文献   

目的 :了解神经心理测试量表和功能量表在农村地区阿尔茨海默病 (AD)筛查诊断中的应用特点。方法 :应用FULD物体记忆测验 (FOM)、言语流畅性测验 (RVR)、韦氏数字广度测验 (DS)、积木测验 (BD)、无肌力减退的运动障碍测验 (APRAXIA)和PFEFFER功能活动量表 (POD)进一步检查那些简易智力检查表 (MMSE)筛查阳性的农村 50岁以上人群。结果 :发现FOM的各项单项分 ,在AD组、血管性痴呆 (VaD)组、混合性痴呆 (AD VD)组、抑郁症组和非痴呆组间有显著性差异。其中有关记忆的项目特异度一般 70 %以上 ,以FOM总分的敏感度和特异度最高。而RVR、APRAXIA敏感度均较低 ,DS、BD的特异度较低 ,POD的敏感度和特异度均不高。FOM的各项回忆因子分与RVR总分的相关性较好 ,而FOM各项与DS总分和BD总分的相关系数不如与RVR总分高。结论 :FOM在AD的诊断中有重要的地位 ,而其它神经心理测验有辅助作用  相似文献   

内隐情感记忆实验研究:Ⅰ:精神分裂症情感记忆特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
情感障碍是精神分裂症(简称Sc)的特征性临床症状之一。根据Tulving和Denny等的工作,情感障碍与内隐外显情感记忆之间可能具有不可忽视的潜在联系。而这种联系是否确实存在又缺乏有力的依据。本实验以此为设计背景进行研究。结果发现:(1)二次语义加工后,正常被试的外显、内隐记忆对积极型单字及消极单字的再认率和残字补全率无显著差异。Sc被试的外显记忆积极、消极之间无差异。内隐记忆则出现消极高,积极低的现象,两种记忆发生了实验性分离;(2)Sc被试再认的总体水平低于正常被试,残补率无差异;(3)Sc被试积极型单字的再认率与正常被试无差异,消极型偏低。相反积极型单字残补率低于正常被试,消极型与之无差异;(4)Sc被试的外显、内隐记忆的B"均较正常被试高,证明其判断标准掌握较之宽松,无意识影响大。本实验结果说明,Sc被试与正常被试记忆具有能力和情感上的差异。强化加工意义变量使Sc被试知觉型内隐记忆的启动效应出现特殊的情感选择性。Sc被试的外显记忆破坏,内隐记忆完好,进一步证明外显和内隐记忆是两个相对独立的记忆系统。Sc被试的记忆普遍受无意识影响较正常被试明显。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病的早期诊断--认知与定量磁共振指标的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:(1)探讨阿尔茨海默病(AD)患者认知特点及磁共振成像(MRI)内颞叶结构定量成像特点;(2)拟提出指导AD临床诊断与鉴别诊断的认知指标与MRI定量指标。方法:选取52名AD患者为研究对象,27名血管性痴呆患者(VD)和35例年龄匹配的健康人为对照。采用阿尔茨海默病评定量表-认知部分(ADAS-Cog)、韦氏记忆量表-修订版(WMS-R)和简短心理状况检查(MMSE)评估认知功能。采用定量MRI测量内颞叶结构体积。结果:(1)AD患者学习与记忆、理解、语言、注意力和定向力等方面的障碍比VD患者和正常老人显著。(2)AD患者的海马结构、杏仁核及海马旁回的萎缩比VD患者和正常老人明显。(3)词语回忆、定向力、逻辑记忆等认知指标区分AD、VD和正常老人的总体准确性为83.3%。左侧侧脑室颞角和杏仁核海马复合体体积区分三组被试的准确性为77.1%。联合认知指标和MRI指标,诊断准确性为90.5%。结论:AD具有特征性认知改变和内颞叶结构萎缩.认知指标和内颞叶MRI定量指标对AD的鉴别诊断具有一定提示性意义。  相似文献   

In a population-based study of persons between 75 and 96 years of age, normal old adults (n = 296), patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD; n = 45), and patients with concomitant AD and depression (AD-D; n = 9) were compared on free recall and recognition of slowly and rapidly presented words and digit span. With the exception of forward digit span, the normal old group outperformed the 2 AD groups across all tasks. In free recall, only the normal old group performed better as task pacing decreased; however, all groups benefited from more study time in recognition. This suggests that both AD and AD-D patients have deficits in the ability to use more study time for remembering. Of most importance, the 2 AD groups were indistinguishable for all task variables. This lack of comorbidity effects is discussed relative to the view that depression, much like many other individual-difference variables that affect memory performance in normal aging, may be overshadowed by the influence of the neurodegenerative process in AD.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate memory performance in tasks with and without affective content (to confirm the mood congruency phenomenon) in acutely admitted patients with bipolar I disorder (BD) and major depression disorder (MDD) and in healthy participants. Seventy-eight participants (24 BD, 29 MDD, and 25 healthy controls) were evaluated. Three word lists were used as the memory task with affective content (positive, negative and indifferent). Psychiatric symptoms were also evaluated with rating scales (Young Mania Rating Scale for mania and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale for depression). Patients were selected during the first week of hospitalization. BD patients showed higher scores in the word span with positive tone than MDD patients and healthy controls (P = 0.002). No other difference was observed for tests with affective tone. MDD patients presented significantly lower scores in the Mini-Mental State Exam, logical memory test, visual recognition span, and digit span, while BD patients presented lower scores in the visual recognition test and digit span. Mood congruency effect was found for word span with positive tone among BD patients but no similar effect was observed among MDD patients for negative items. MDD patients presented more memory impairment than BD patients, but BD patients also showed memory impairment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In this study we examined patients' false memory, that is memory for a non-presented event, to search for a further source of converging evidence for the impairment of semantic memory in individuals with schizophrenia. In two experiments we compared the pattern of false memory created by the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm between individuals with schizophrenia and those of a normal control group. METHOD: Experiment 1 tested participants on both recall and recognition of lists of semantically related words. Experiment 2 adopted the meaning recognition test, in addition to the standard recognition test, to assess the participants' gist memory. RESULTS: Individuals with schizophrenia performed worse than normal controls on both recall and recognition of studied words. The schizophrenia patients had higher rates of false recall and false recognition for semantically unrelated words than did the normal controls, suggesting an abnormal pattern of semantic activation in the former group. More importantly, no differences were found between the two groups with regard to false recall and false recognition of semantically related words. When the participants were tested for meaning recognition, however, the schizophrenia patients gave fewer 'old' responses to non-studied semantically related words than did the control group, indicating an impaired gist memory in schizophrenia patients. CONCLUSIONS: When asked to consciously retrieve word lists, individuals with schizophrenia showed impairment not only in item-specific memory but also in gist memory. The pattern of results is consistent with the storage deficit view of semantic memory in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Mood-dependent memory was investigated in a sample of 28 individuals, with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder I but not during acute episodes, and 30 non-clinical controls by using the word lists from Wechsler Memory Scale--Third Edition and abstract inkblot recognition. Positive or negative mood induction procedures were used prior to and after the stimuli were presented. After either the same or contrasting high or low mood inductions, participants attempted to recall the word list and performed an inkblot recognition task. Bipolar patients were significantly better at the inkblot recognition in the same mood state, showing mood-dependent memory. No differences were found in the verbal recall task. This study paves the way for further investigation into memory differences of this sort in mood disorders.  相似文献   

Frontal brain regions are thought to mediate strategic processes that facilitate memory. We hypothesized that children with frontal cerebral infarcts related to sickle cell disease (SCD) would exhibit impairments in long-term and working memory as a result of disruptions in strategic processing. Word-list learning and digit span tasks were used to assess verbal memory and strategic processing in 21 children with SCD without infarcts (controls) and in 10 children with SCD with frontal infarcts. On the word-list learning task, children with frontal infarcts performed more poorly in terms of learning and free recall, although recognition and cued recall were adequate; this pattern suggested intact encoding and storage with impaired retrieval. Children with frontal infarcts performed more poorly on backward digit span, although forward digit span was adequate; this pattern suggested intact maintenance with impaired manipulation of information in working memory. Overall, these findings support the notion that disruptions in strategic processing contribute to memory impairments in children with frontal infarcts.  相似文献   

Macé AL  Ergis AM  Caza N 《Neuropsychology》2012,26(5):613-623
Objective: Contrary to traditional models of verbal short-term memory (STM), psycholinguistic accounts assume that temporary retention of verbal materials is an intrinsic property of word processing. Therefore, memory performance will depend on the nature of the STM tasks, which vary according to the linguistic representations they engage. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of response modality on verbal STM performance in individuals with dementia of the Alzheimer Type (DAT), and its relationship with the patients' word-processing deficits. Method: Twenty individuals with mild DAT and 20 controls were tested on an immediate serial recall (ISR) task using the same items across two response modalities (oral and picture pointing) and completed a detailed language assessment. Results: When scoring of ISR performance was based on item memory regardless of item order, a response modality effect was found for all participants, indicating that they recalled more items with picture pointing than with oral response. However, this effect was less marked in patients than in controls, resulting in an interaction. Interestingly, when recall of both item and order was considered, results indicated similar performance between response modalities in controls, whereas performance was worse for pointing than for oral response in patients. Picture-naming performance was also reduced in patients relative to controls. However, in the word-to-picture matching task, a similar pattern of responses was found between groups for incorrectly named pictures of the same items. Conclusion: The finding of a response modality effect in item memory for all participants is compatible with the assumption that semantic influences are greater in picture pointing than in oral response, as predicted by psycholinguistic models. Furthermore, patients' performance was modulated by their word-processing deficits, showing a reduced advantage relative to controls. Overall, the response modality effect observed in this study for item memory suggests that verbal STM performance is intrinsically linked with word processing capacities in both healthy controls and individuals with mild DAT, supporting psycholinguistic models of STM. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

海洛因依赖者记忆功能的对照研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
吸入或静脉注射海洛因后可造成人体精神和躯体功能的改变 ,且有研究认为这种改变具有持久性。海洛因对记忆功能的改变的研究有一些报道[1- 6 ] ,但其结果有不一致的地方。本研究对 36例海洛因依赖病人戒断后的记忆功能进行测评 ,以分析长期吸食海洛因是否对个体的记忆功能有影响。1 资料与方法1 .1 海洛因依赖组研究对象选自某强制戒毒所的病人 ,并符合以下入组标准 :①符合DSM -Ⅲ阿片类物质依赖的诊断标准 ;②海洛因戒断期超过 1个月 ;③年龄 <4 5岁 ;④目前无脑器质性疾病和严重躯体疾病。符合标准者共 36例 ,其中男 2 3例 ,女性 13…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Olfactory identification ability has been associated with processing in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), an area that has been implicated in the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Although olfactory sensitivity is normal in patients with OCD, no study has investigated olfactory identification in this disorder. METHODS: A group of 20 subjects with OCD and 23 age- and education-matched controls performed a standardized test of olfactory identification. They also performed computerized tests of spatial memory span, spatial working memory and spatial recognition memory that have been shown previously to be sensitive to cognitive deficits in patients with OCD. RESULTS: Performance on the olfactory identification task, spatial recognition task and spatial span task was significantly worse in the OCD group than controls. CONCLUSIONS: While impairment in spatial cognition is consistent with previous studies of OCD, its significance for brain-behaviour models of OCD is unclear. However, the finding of abnormal olfactory identification in patients with OCD is consistent with the hypothesis that there is a disruption to processing at the level of the OFC in the disorder.  相似文献   

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