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Traumatic thoracic aortic transections are uncommon in the pediatric population. These injuries are currently treated by open operative repair via thoracotomies. We present 2 adolescent patients with traumatic thoracic aortic transections who were repaired by endovascular techniques. Both adolescents, aged 16 and 17 years, were in high-speed motor vehicle collisions and presented with multisystem trauma. Patient 1 had a transection of the descending aorta and was repaired with two 23-mm (diameter), 3-cm-long endograft cuffs at 48 hours after injury because of her multiple organ injuries. She was hospitalized for 40 days. Patient 2 had a thoracic aortic transection just distal to the aortic arch. He was repaired within 12 hours of injury with a 24-mm and two 22-mm AneuRx endograft cuffs. He was hospitalized for 8 days. Both patients have recovered without complications at 13 and 21 months, respectively. Endovascular stenting, especially in critically ill patients, allows for definitive treatment of the vascular injury without the need for bypass and reduces the recovery time that is associated with thoracotomies. Short-term recovery and follow-up are encouraging for endovascular stenting in the adolescent population; however, further long-term follow-up is required.  相似文献   

肾下腹主动脉瘤105例腔内修复的早中期疗效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评估肾下腹主动脉瘤腔内修复治疗的早中期疗效.方法 回顾分析2001年1月至2007年2月105例肾下腹主动脉瘤行腔内修复治疗的经过、结果和并发症.结果 所有患者均获技术成功,82例(78.09%)获随访,随访时间1~73个月,平均(8.9 4±5.8)个月.围手术期死亡3例(2.86%),分别死于急性心肌梗死、多系统器官功能衰竭和上消化道大出血.1例(1.21%)术后30个月死于肝癌.原发性内漏21例:Ⅰ型18例,其中10例行球囊扩张(9例)或延伸段植入(1例)后治愈,8例自愈;2例Ⅱ型内漏自愈;1例Ⅲ型内漏支架植入后治愈.1例于术后2周支架的一侧髂支血栓形成,急诊行股-股动脉人工血管旁路术.4例迟发性Ⅰ型内漏.随访观察.1例于术后6年支架向远心端移位,无明显内漏而随访观察.2例支架感染发生于术后1和3个月,行清创引流和抗感染治疗后痊愈.随访期间,9例股-股或髂-股动脉旁路和3例髂内动脉旁路通畅.结论 腔内修复治疗肾下腹主动脉瘤安全、有效,早、中期疗效较好.  相似文献   

We present an endovascular repair of aortic transection at distal thoracic level due to traumatic burst fracture. The association of blunt aortic transections and thoracic burst fractures is very rare. Contemporary preferred treatment approach is endovascular aortic repair, because of low mortality rates. The aortic repair procedure should be performed before spinal stabilization surgery. In this case report, we present a 49-year-old male patient with blunt traumatic descending thoracic aortic transection, treated by endovascular aortic repair. In conclusion, the emergent endovascular repair is a preferable method to treat the traumatic distal thoracic aortic transection.  相似文献   

目的研究腔内修复术治疗主动脉夹层的临床价值。方法对121例Stanford B型主动脉夹层血管腔内修复的短中期结果进行回顾性分析。从2001年1月至2006年12月,我们共对121例Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者施行了血管腔内修复术,其中男113例,女8例;年龄30~79岁,平均年龄56.7岁。急性期夹层(从发病至手术间隔≤7d)35例,亚急性期夹层(从发病至手术间隔8~30d)57例,慢性期夹层(发病至手术间隔〉30d)29例。结果即时手术成功率100%,住院并发症发生率27.3%,其中神经系统并发症发生率3.3%,术后内漏发生率15.7%。住院死亡率4.1%,其中急性期夹层死亡率2.9%,亚急性期夹层0.0%,慢性期夹层13.8%。108例患者获随访(93.1%),平均随访17.5(1-67)个月。随访工具为CTA,结果显示假腔内完全血栓形成44.3%,部分血栓形成55.7%。随访期间死亡率2.8%。结论腔内修复术治疗Stanford B型主动脉夹层的短中期结果显示,它是一种微创、安全而且有效的方法,其长期疗效仍有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的 开展带膜支架腔内植入升主动脉治疗DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层的临床研究。方法 报告采用带膜支架腔内植入治愈DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层1例。结果 从左颈总动脉送入导丝和带膜支架至升主动脉封闭撕裂口。此前先建立左锁骨下动脉至左颈总动脉的内转流通道。二枚带膜支架重叠放置成功封闭升主动脉撕裂口,术后复查彩超示胸腹主动脉夹层消失,假腔内血栓形成,病人痊愈出院。结论 带膜支架腔内植入是治疗DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层的有效方法。通过颈总动脉送入支架和预先建立颈总动脉内转流通道可保证手术的成功进行。  相似文献   

目的:探讨主动脉腔内修复术(TEVAR)救治胸主动脉破裂的临床适应证及疗效,并总结相关临床经验。方法:回顾性分析2006年1月—2015年9月因胸主动脉破裂急症在广州军区武汉总医院心胸外科就诊的患者临床资料。结果:检索出应用TEVAR救治程序收治的胸主动脉破裂患者51例(胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤破裂15例,胸主动脉创伤32例,主动脉食管瘘4例)。51例患者中,术前死亡4例,47例获TEVAR救治;术后死亡6例(其中主动脉食管瘘3例),其余41例患者均无明显严重并发症,且术后1个月内无死亡。术后3、6、12个月,之后每年复查CT,随访截至2016年5月,36例患者获得了完整的随访,随访6~123个月,平均56.6个月。其中1例随访至术后6个月,4例随访至术后12个月,1例随访至术后24个月。随访患者均健康存活、人工血管旁路通畅,血管支架无内漏。结论:TEVAR是快速、有效的救治胸主动脉破裂的一种措施。  相似文献   

目的 研究适合升主动脉夹层的支架型血管,探讨支架型血管放置的合理途径和方法;观察支架型血管放置后模型动物的病理生理变化及评估临床腔内治疗升主动脉夹层的可行性。方法 以国产镍钛记忆合金和人造血管为材料制作支架型血管系统,以犬制作升主动脉夹层动物模型,通过输送器在透视下将支架型血管经主动脉弓的头臂分支动脉释放在模型犬升主动脉适当的集团内,使支架型血管覆盖犬升主动脉夹层模型的内膜撕裂处,使夹层内口封闭,再经髂股动脉在降主动脉起始段放置合适的裸支架一枚,用来纠正或预防夹层在远处的产生和蔓延。结果 7例实验动物升主动脉夹层模型均相当于DeBakeyⅡ型;7实验动物中有5例经右锁骨下动脉,1例经头臂干动脉(预先行右颈总动脉、主动脉弓人造血管临时性转流),1例经左锁骨下动脉途径送入输送系统;支架型血管均准确迅速地旋转在升主动脉内,覆盖夹层内破口位置,即刻造影显示,无明确的主动脉瓣关闭不全影象,术后观察7例实验动物,2例由于失血过多等原因术后未能复苏外,另5例均于术后24h内复苏,3天内恢复正常饮食,观察期间内,神态、视听反射正常,四肢动脉搏动正常。术后第一周内尸检观察5只实验动物显示升主动脉内支架型血管完好,有1只支架型血管向远端移位约1cm,夹层内破口被支架型血管完好封闭。结论 此实验设计制作的国产支架型血管系统及选择的输送途径合理、可行;并主动脉夹层动物模型的制作有待进一步完善;选择合适的升主动脉夹层病例进行腔内修复治疗的临床应用应是安全、可行的,交给升主动脉夹层的临床治疗带来新的选择和希望。  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用覆膜支架腔内隔绝技术治疗周围动脉血管损伤的方法和经验.方法 共收集20例患者资料,开放性损伤13例,闭合性损伤7例.其中,尖锐物穿通伤8例,顿挫伤导致动脉闭塞5例,创伤后假性动脉瘤形成3例,医源性动脉损伤4例.动脉管壁损伤较轻者直接使用覆膜支架进行腔内隔绝治疗;针对管壁破损严重、断裂或血管内膜严重挫伤闭塞者则多采用顺、逆行途径相结合的方法开通血管后成功实施腔内重建.结果 手术成功率100%,无肢体丧失和围手术期死亡.所有患者随访3~24个月,平均12.8个月.上肢动脉损伤者术后彩色多普勒检查显示患肢血循环良好,患侧与健侧上肢血压差小于10%,下肢血管损伤患者患侧ABI由术前平均0.37±0.16提高至术后0.96±0.08.仅2例患者术后随访CT血管造影发现支架两端存在轻度狭窄.结论 覆膜支架腔内隔绝技术治疗周围动脉损伤,安全、微创、并发症少、效果满意,是一种可靠的治疗方法.  相似文献   

Objective: Endoluminal thoracic aortic stenting is a new therapeutic tool in reducing the operative trauma of the patient. However, the inherent risks of aortic stent grafting are perivascular leakage, stent dislocation, blunt rupture of the aorta, side branch occlusion and neurological sequelae. To reduce these risks, in our institution all stent implantations were performed in close collaboration with our fellow cardiologists under biplane X-ray control supported by simultaneous intravascular and transoesophageal ultrasound imaging. Methods: Between August 1999 and August 2001, endovascular stent graft repair was performed in 34 patients (27 male, seven female) with a mean age of 68.6±7 years (range 58–84). Indication for treatment was an acute Type B aortic dissection in six patients (18%), a symptomatic chronic Type B dissection in 12 patients (35%), a true aneurysm of the descending aorta in seven patients (21%) and an atherosclerotic contained rupture of the descending aorta in nine (26%) patients. Out of six acute type B dissections three patients (8.8%) and one patient (2.9%) out of the chronic dissection group were in severe haemorrhagic shock, ventilated and required high-dose adrenergic support. The others (30 patients, 88.3%) remained symptomatic despite maximum medical treatment. In a special case a combined surgical and endoluminal stent graft repair was performed. Individually manufactured Talent, Medtronic AVE (33), and Gore (1) stents were used. Follow-up examination was performed 1 week after implantation and repeated every 3 months (mean follow-up 8 months, range 1–24). Results: In all patients the aneurysm or the entry of the dissection could be excluded. The observed hospital mortality was 2.9% (one patient). No perivascular leakage, no stent dislocation, no neurological deficit or perfusion impairment was observed. All patients except four were extubated immediately after the procedure and discharged from hospital on postoperative day 2–3. The late procedure-related mortality was 5.8% (two patients) resulting in an overall mortality of 8.8% (three patients). Conclusion: Stent graft repair is a safe and feasible treatment option for selected patients, especially in emergency situations, if the aortic lesions can be clearly identified and localized. The use of biplane X-ray control combined with simultaneous intravascular and transoesophageal ultrasound imaging in an interdisciplinary approach enables a more precise targeting of the stent landing zone, resulting in low morbidity and mortality rates.  相似文献   

目的探讨血管腔内技术重建主动脉弓治疗升主动脉、主动脉弓病变的可行性。方法2005年,对1例StanfordA型夹层动脉瘤,腔内修复主动脉病变之前做右颈总动脉-左颈总动脉-左锁骨下动脉的旁路术;经右颈总动脉将修改的分叉支架型血管主体放入升主动脉,长臂位于无名动脉。短臂应用延长支架型血管延伸至降主动脉。通过腔内技术重建主动脉弓实现累及升主动脉和主动脉弓主动脉病变的微创治疗。结果腔内修复术后移植物形态良好,血流通畅,病变被隔绝,脑、躯干、四肢循环稳定。无严重并发症。结论该手术方案设计合理、技术可行。可能成为复杂胸主动脉病变新的腔内治疗模式。  相似文献   

背景与目的 目前,主动脉弓部病变还是以常规全弓置换为主要治疗手段。常规全弓置换术需要在开胸及深低温体外循环状态下完成,手术时间可达10余小时,是名副其实的“血战、夜战、死战”手术。由于主动脉弓部特殊的解剖结构,使其长期被视为腔内治疗的“禁区”。虽然主动脉弓部腔内技术日新月异,但其瓶颈问题始终无法突破,目前仍很难在临床上广泛应用。本文报告笔者中心采用一款新型全腔内经股动脉三分支覆膜支架系统治疗主动脉弓部病变的first-in-man(FIM)研究结果,初步评价其应用效果与安全性。方法 分析2023年10月—2023年12月中国人民解放军空军军医大学第一附属医院采用新型全腔内经股动脉三分支覆膜支架系统为3例主动脉弓部存在病变的患者实施治疗的临床结果。采集患者基本信息及病变特点、术中相关指标、术后主动脉弓部修复及相关并发症情况。结果 3例患者均为男性,年龄50~74岁。手术全部成功,无短期术后并发症及死亡。3例患者包括主动脉弓部夹层动脉瘤1例,主动脉弓部瘤伴溃疡2例;其中2例患者因胸痛就诊,1例为体检发现。3例患者均合并高血压,合并糖尿病1例。2例患者病变位于1~3区,累及左颈总动脉;1例患者病变位于0~3区,累及无名动脉和左颈总动脉。平均手术时间125 min。1例带管入重症监护室(ICU),其余2例均于手术室内拔管。术中无脑部缺血过程,未出现心脑血管并发症。术中支架均由股动脉入路导入,支架植入顺利,术中行数字减影血管造影提示支架位置、形态良好,血流通畅,病变区域完全隔绝,无内漏及分支动脉狭窄的不良事件出现。ICU平均停留时间31 h。术后复查主动脉血管成像显示主体及分支支架位置良好,瘤体隔绝良好,无内漏及分支血管狭窄闭塞等情况。术后无心脑血管并发症出现。结论 应用新型全腔内经股动脉三分支覆膜支架系统治疗主动脉弓部病变,术中无脑缺血过程,输送系统均由股动脉入路,操作更加简便,创伤进一步减小。手术过程平顺,手术效果良好,术后短期疗效满意,具有较好的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

目的 探讨“烟囱”技术在胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤的腔内治疗中的适应证、技术要点及并发症的预防.方法 回顾性分析2010年~2012年我科采用“烟囱”技术治疗4例胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤患者的临床资料,其中破口累及左锁骨下动脉3例,累及左颈总动脉1例.结果 4例患者支架均释放准确,“烟囱”支架通畅.1例患者释放支架后即刻造影提示少量Ⅰ型内漏,术后CT血管造影复查未见明确内漏;1例术后第2天出现精神差、嗜睡,左侧肢体肌力较对侧减退,给予抗凝活血药物治疗1周后左侧肢体肌力恢复.随访6~12个月,均未出现支架闭塞或严重狭窄.结论 “烟囱”技术通过完全腔内方法重修分支血管,实现了微创腔内治疗.  相似文献   

Objective: To report mid-term results of stent-graft (SG) implantation in acute thoracic aortic rupture as alternative to conventional open surgery with its associated high morbidity and mortality rates. Methods: Out of a series of 69 patients undergoing thoracic aortic SG implantation since 1998, 24 (mean age 57±19 years, range 20–85-years-old) patients were treated on an emergency basis for hemorrhage control. The indication for SG placement was acute traumatic aortic rupture in 15 patients, type B dissection with contained rupture in 3 patients, penetrating aortic ulcer with periaortic hematoma in 3 patients, and thoracic aortic aneurysm rupture in 3 patients. Preoperative assessment was done by computed tomography (CT) scanning and echography. Patients were treated in the angiography suite by implantation of Excluder (n=18), Talent (n=4), Corvita (n=1), and Vanguard (n=1) self-expanding grafts. Local anesthesia was the most frequently used anaesthesiologic technique. Results: Technical success rate of SG deployment was 100%. The early postoperative mortality was 12.5% (3 of 24). One patient suffered temporary paraplegia (4%). There was no intervention-related mortality during the mean follow-up of 34.1 months. Two secondary endoleaks were successfully treated with additional SG placement at 2 and 12 months postoperative, respectively. Conclusions: Emergency SG repair to control hemorrhage in patients with an acute thoracic aortic rupture is a less-invasive attractive and rational treatment option, especially if associated lesions or co-morbidity may interfere with the surgical outcome. Long-term follow-up results will be helpful to clarify procedure durability bounded by material failure and postoperative aneurysm or aortic wall remodelling.  相似文献   



Endovascular aneurysm repair is a minimally-invasive method for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. For aneurysms that involve the visceral arteries, a custom-made stent graft with fenestrations for the branch arteries is required. The purpose of the current study is to evaluate the structural impact of misaligned fenestrations with respect to luminal patency and proximal aortic neck apposition in an in vitro model.


A custom apparatus was used to evaluate seven Anaconda and three Zenith fenestrated stent grafts. All stent grafts were evaluated at 10° increments of stent/fenestration misalignment up to 80°. Images were captured at each interval and the luminal cross-sectional area and wall apposition were measured.


The Anaconda stent graft, which has an unsupported main body, demonstrated a linear reduction in luminal patency at increasing angles of misalignment (P < 0.0001). Stent/fenestration misalignments of 20° and 80° resulted in decreases in mean luminal patency of 14% and 54% respectively. The Zenith stent graft demonstrated a similar decrease in luminal patency, starting at misalignments of ≥40° (P < 0.0001). However, with stent/fenestration misalignments of ≥30°, apposition between the Zenith stent graft and the simulated aortic neck was compromised suggesting the creation of a type Ia endoleak.


Both the Anaconda and Zenith devices behave adversely at extreme angles of misalignment with luminal narrowing in the Anaconda device and loss of wall apposition in the Zenith device; however, both stent grafts appear to be equivalent at low angles of misalignment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report our mid-term results of stent-graft (SG) placement for the treatment of penetrating thoracic aortic ulcers. METHODS: In the last 30 months, 11 patients (9 men; mean age 73 years; range 55 to 81) were treated for 12 penetrating thoracic aortic ulcers using SGs. Five patients were symptomatic: 2 had ruptured ulcers and 2 cases were complicated with dissection. Mean European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (EuroSCORE) was 10. Three patients had concomitant endovascular repair for an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Follow-up included periodic computed tomography angiography (CT-A) scans at 1, 4, and 12 months after the intervention, and yearly thereafter. RESULTS: Primary technical success was achieved in 100% of patients; no conversion was required. In-hospital mortality did not occur. Paraplegia was not observed. Mean follow-up was 15 months (range 2 to 36). One patient died of respiratory failure 2 months after the intervention. Radiologic follow-up did not detect endoleaks. Survival was 90% at 1 and 3 years. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience confirms the feasibility of SG treatment for elective and urgent repair of penetrating aortic ulcers. Our current attitude is to treat all the ulcers of the descending aorta using an endovascular technique, since SG treatment represents a good treatment option, as the morbidity and mortality are low.  相似文献   

A 77-year-old man with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was admitted to our hospital for surgical treatment of a proximal descending thoracic aortic aneurysm (dTAA) and an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). The patient had poor respiratory function; however, a simultaneous abdominal aortic replacement and thoracic stent-graft placement were successfully performed without any complications. This case report demonstrates that simultaneous abdominal aortic replacement and thoracic stent-graft placement for multiple aneurysms may be feasible and can safely be performed in selected high-risk patients, despite the many problems associated with the treatment of aortic aneurysms using stent grafts. Received: January 28, 2002 / Accepted: November 19, 2002 Reprint requests to: H. Midorikawa  相似文献   

复杂胸主动脉病变形式多种多样,在腔内治疗方法上主要是向近心端拓展锚定区,变不治为可治。具体措施有烟囱支架技术、杂交手术技术、原位开窗技术、预开窗技术等,另外还包括选择合适主动脉夹层的支架,以及今后即将应用于临床的分支支架技术。各种技术的选用主要根据病变的部位与特点,还要结合患者的经济条件与术者的经验决定。  相似文献   

《Journal of vascular surgery》2023,77(1):106-113.e2
BackgroundPenetrating aortic ulcer (PAU) is determined by atherosclerotic degeneration of the tunica media with disruption of the intima. Usually it is detected in the thoracic aorta, with few series describing an abdominal location. The aim of the study was to report early and late outcomes of the endovascular repair of complicated infrarenal abdominal PAU (a-PAU) by aortobi-iliac endograft and embolization.MethodsData from all complicated a-PAU submitted to endovascular repair by aortobi-iliac endograft (Cook-Zenith Alpha) between 2016 and 2021 (February) were analyzed. The a-PAU coil embolization was performed to decrease the risk of persistent type II endoleak whenever possible. Complicated a-PAU were defined according with the presence of symptoms, aortic rupture, or saccular or pseudo-aneurysm. Technical success, 30-day morbidity and mortality, and reinterventions were assessed as early outcomes. Survival, endoleaks, and freedom from reinterventions were evaluated during follow-up.ResultsOf 1153 endovascular aortic procedures, 45 cases (4%) of complicated a-PAU were identified. Fourteen cases (31%) were managed in urgent setting (symptoms, n = 10 [22%]; shock, n = 4 [9%]). The median diameter of a-PAU was 49 mm (interquartile range, 14 mm). Thirteen patients (29%) had severe femoral or iliac access (angle >90°, circumferential calcification [>50%], hemodynamic iliac stenosis or obstruction, an external iliac artery diameter of less than 7 mm, or a previous femoral surgical graft). The a-PAU embolization was performed in 30 cases (67%). Technical success was achieved in all patients. Postoperative cardiac, pulmonary and renal morbidity occurred in one (2%), two (4%), and eight (18%) patients, respectively. Two patients (4%) required reintervention within 30 days for access related complications. The 30-day mortality was 2%. At a median follow-up of 24 months (interquartile range, 18 months), no type I or III endoleaks, iliac leg occlusion, or graft infection occurred and no patient required late reinterventions; the 36-month survival rate was 72%. No a-PAU enlarged or ruptured during follow-up.ConclusionsEndovascular repair of complicated a-PAU by a low-profile aortobi-iliac endograft and embolization is safe and effective. Excellent technical results are reported even in challenging anatomic features. Midterm clinical results are satisfactory in terms of aortic-related complications or mortality, freedom from reintervention, and survival.  相似文献   

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