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Photoreceptors in the octopus retina are of the rhabdomeric type, with rhabdomeres arising from the plasma membrane on opposite sides of the cylindrical outer segment. Each rhabdomere microvillus has an actin filament core, but other actin-binding proteins have not been identified. We used immunoblotting techniques to identify actin-binding proteins in octopus retinal extracts and immunofluorescence microscopy to localize the same proteins in fixed tissue. Antibodies directed against alpha-actinin and vinculin recognized single protein bands on immunoblots of octopus retinal extract with molecular weights comparable to the same proteins in other tissues. Anti-filamin identified two closely spaced bands similar in molecular weight to filamin in other species. Antibodies to the larger of the Drosophila ninaC gene products, p174, identified two bands lower in molecular weight than p174. Anti-villin localized a band that was significantly less in molecular weight than villin found in other cells. Epifluorescence and confocal microscopy were used to map the location of the same actin-binding proteins in dark- and light-adapted octopus photoreceptors and other retinal cells. Antibodies to most of the actin-binding proteins showed heavy staining of the photoreceptor proximal/supportive cell region accompanied by rhabdom membrane and rhabdom tip staining, although subtle differences were detected with individual antibodies. In dark-adapted retinas anti-alpha-actinin stained the photoreceptor proximal/supportive cell region where an extensive junctional complex joins these two cell types, but in the light, immunoreactivity extended above the junctional complex into the rhabdom bases. Most antibodies densely stained the rhabdom tips but anti-villin exhibited a striated pattern of localization at the tips. We believe that the actin-binding proteins identified in the octopus retina may play a significant role in the formation of new rhabdomere microvilli in the dark. We speculate that these proteins and actin remain associated with an avillar membrane that connects opposing sets of rhabdomeres in light-adapted retinas. Association of these cytoskeletal proteins with the avillar membrane would constitute a pool of proteins that could be recruited for rapid microvillus formation from the previously avillar region.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding histone proteins from the human retina are described for the first time. Retinas were obtained from male and female donors ranging in age from 11 to 72 years old. Retinas from two human fetuses at approximately four months of gestation were also examined for their histone content. Histones extracted from purified nuclei were separated and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Eight histone fractions were identified in all retinal samples, and were quantified by scanning transmittance densitometry. These fractions included three subfractions of linker histones (H1a, H1b, H1(0)), four nucleosomal core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, H4), and the modified core histone, A24 (uH2A), comprised of H2A covalently bound to the non-histone protein, ubiquitin. When fetal and adult retinal histones were compared, the relative amounts of the linker histone subfractions proved to be different. In the adult retinas, H1a diminished in amount whereas H1b and H1(0) were increased. No alterations were detected in the core histones. The developmental changes in linker histones may be related to modifications of chromatin compaction which accompany cell differentiation. Species differences in the pattern of linker histones were detected when the nuclear proteins of human and mouse retinas were compared. Non-histone nuclear proteins are more abundant in the adult human retina than in the mouse retina or the fetal human retina.  相似文献   

To promote studies on the human retina, we investigated the survival of function in postmortem specimens. Visual pigment has been regenerated in normal human retinas, 5 to 58 hours postmorten, by exposure to retinal isomers in the dark. Levels from 0.1 to 0.41 nmol/ mg protein were reached. Photoresponses were obtained in 9 of 13 retinas: P III maximum amplitudes ranged from 20–398 V and thresholds, taking the criterion amplitude as 3 V, ranged from 8.8–1340 quanta/m 2. In three cases, the b-wave was also seen. The P III amplitude vs. log intensity curves gave values of n between 0.6 and 1.0, and (the stimulus intensity for a half maximal response) between 132–3700 quanta/m2. Recovery of sensitivity did not always correspond to that of maximum response.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To demonstrate structural and immunocytochemical changes associated with light-induced degeneration in albino rat retinas and human AMD retinas. METHODS: Retinas from Wistar rats aged 3, 6, or 10 months were examined by immunocytochemistry, with antibodies to neuronal and glial markers. Results were compared with human nonneovascular AMD retinas. RESULTS: In aging rat retinas, many photoreceptors were lost in response to normal ambient light exposure. Photoreceptor loss was preceded by loss of RPE cells. Müller cells extended processes through gaps in Bruch's membrane, into the choroid. immunolabeling for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the glycine transporter Glyt-1, and the rod bipolar cell marker PKC revealed the presence of numerous neuronal somata and processes that appeared to have migrated into the choroidal region. Processes of presumptive ganglion cells remodeled and stratified in the choroid, where strong labeling for synaptic vesicle antigens was present. Myelination of retinal ganglion cell axons was also observed, especially in the peripheral retina. In AMD retinas, glial rearrangement and displacement of neurons suggestive of their migration were also observed. CONCLUSIONS: In response to loss of RPE and photoreceptor cells, adult retinal neurons migrate out of the retina along remodeled processes of Müller cells. The presence of synaptic vesicle antigens suggests the formation of new synapses between migrating neurons. The myelination is probably due to the ingress of Schwann cells from the sclera. The presence of some similar changes in human AMD retinas suggests that these findings are of broad significance for determining the likely events in transplantation of neurons in the human retina and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Retinal pigment epithelial ion transport activity, and consequent ATP consumption vary significantly as a function of photoreceptor activity. In a variety of cell types, ATP levels are maintained during high-energy usage by phosphocreatine hydrolysis, catalysed by the enzyme creatine kinase. The present work was designed to assess the importance of creatine kinase in retinal pigment epithelial cell metabolism. To this end, activity measurements, non-denaturing gel electrophoresis, Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry were used to characterize creatine kinase in retinal pigment epithelium. Total creatine kinase activity in the retinal pigment epithelium is approximately 0.05 micromol ATP mg protein(-1) min(-1). The bulk of this activity was mediated by the B-CK isoform. However, by immunoblotting, non-denaturing gel electrophoresis and immunohistochemistry, the presence of the M-CK isoform of creatine kinase was also detected. The M-CK isoform was plasma membrane associated and predominately localized to the apical surface. Creatine kinase in the retinal pigment epithelium could function in a spatial energy shuttle that helps to sustain apical plasma membrane ion transport activity.  相似文献   

Prediction and verification of miRNA expression in human and rat retinas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a global role in regulating gene expression and have important tissue-specific functions. Little is known about their role in the retina. The purpose of this study was to establish the retinal expression of those miRNAs predicted to target genes involved in vision. METHODS: miRNAs potentially targeting important "retinal" genes, as defined by expression pattern and implication in disease, were predicted using a published algorithm (TargetScan; Envisioneering Medical Technologies, St. Louis, MO). The presence of candidate miRNAs in human and rat retinal RNA was assessed by RT-PCR. cDNA levels for each miRNA were determined by quantitative PCR. The ability to discriminate between miRNAs varying by a single nucleotide was assessed. The activity of miR-124 and miR-29 against predicted target sites in Rdh10 and Impdh1 was tested by cotransfection of miRNA mimics and luciferase reporter plasmids. RESULTS: Sixty-seven miRNAs were predicted to target one or more of the 320 retinal genes listed herein. All 11 candidate miRNAs tested were expressed in the retina, including miR-7, miR-124, miR135a, and miR135b. Relative levels of individual miRNAs were similar between rats and humans. The Rdh10 3'UTR, which contains a predicted miR-124 target site, mediated the inhibition of luciferase activity by miR-124 mimics in cell culture. CONCLUSIONS: Many miRNAs likely to regulate genes important for retinal function are present in the retina. Conservation of miRNA retinal expression patterns from rats to humans supports evidence from other tissues that disruption of miRNAs is a likely cause of a range of visual abnormalities.  相似文献   



Various methods have been used to obtain a topographic map of bleached photopigments in human retinas in the past. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the bleaching topography of the photoreceptors could be obtained by snapshot imaging reflectometry.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To localize tubby-like protein 1 (TULP1) in developing and adult human retinas. METHODS: TULP1 was localized by immunofluorescence microscopy in human retinas, aged 8.4 fetal weeks to adult. TULP1-positive cells were identified by double labeling with antibodies specific for cones, rods, and astrocytes. RESULTS: In adult retinas, anti-TULP1 labels cone and rod inner segments, somata, and synapses; outer segments are TULP1-negative. A few inner nuclear and ganglion cells are weakly TULP1-positive. In fetal retinas, cells at the outer retinal border are TULP1-positive at 8.4 weeks. At 11 weeks, the differentiating central cones are strongly TULP1-reactive and some are positive for blue cone opsin. At 15.4 weeks, all central cones are strongly positive for TULP1 and many are reactive for red/green cone opsin. At 17.4 weeks, central rods are weakly TULP-reactive. In peripheral retina at 15.4 weeks to 1 month after birth, displaced cones in the nerve fiber layer are positive for TULP1, recoverin, and blue cone opsin. Some ganglion cells are weakly reactive for TULP1 at 11 weeks and later, but astrocytes and the optic nerve are TULP1-negative at all ages examined. CONCLUSIONS: The finding of TULP1 labeling of cones before they are reactive for blue or red/green cone opsin suggests an important role for TULP1 in development. TULP1 expression in both developing and mature cones and rods is consistent with a primary photoreceptor defect in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) caused by TULP1 mutations. Weak TULP1-immunolabeling of some inner retinal neurons in developing and adult retinas suggests that optic disc changes in patients with RP who have TULP1 mutations may be primary as well as secondary to photoreceptor degeneration.  相似文献   

目的比较人和小鼠视网膜视杆双极细胞形态和药物模拟对光反应的电流特性。方法实验研究。对视网膜冰冻切片行免疫荧光染色,用PKC-α抗体标记视网膜视杆双极细胞,以观察其形态分布特点。在灌流充氧的情况下制备视网膜薄片切片,行视网膜ON型以及OFF型双极细胞的全细胞膜片钳记录。分别在ON型双极细胞和OFF型双极细胞上给予快速加药40 µmol/L LY3414925或100 µmol/L AMPA,诱导出谷氨酸电流,以记录双极细胞模拟对光反应,并比较人和小鼠的谷氨酸电流动力学的差异,人和小鼠各项数据比较采用非参数检验(Mann-Whitney检验)进行处理。结果人和小鼠的视网膜视杆双极细胞形态分布相似,但PKC-α表达略有不同。膜片钳结果显示人视网膜ON型双极细胞的模拟对光反应的上升相的达峰时间为(1.91±0.11)ms,与小鼠视网膜ON型双极细胞[(0.83±0.08)ms]相比明显较长(U=0.00,P<0.01),而人视网膜ON型双极细胞的模拟对光反应恢复时间为(1.34±0.40)ms,明显短于小鼠[(20.06±3.07)ms](U=0.00,P<0.01)。但人和小鼠视网膜OFF型双极细胞电流动力学即电流幅度[人:(143.0±2.1)pA;小鼠:(136.3±2.2)pA]、反应上升时间[人:(1.91±0.35)ms;小鼠:(1.28±0.52)ms]和恢复时间[人:(220.5±10.8)ms;小鼠:(168.1±29.3)ms]差异均无统计学意义。结论 视杆双极细胞在人和小鼠视网膜中分布位置和形态大致相似。人和小鼠视网膜ON型双极细胞电流特性有差异。  相似文献   

The activities of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and glutathione-S-transferase (GSH-S-tase) were investigated in adult and premature human retinas. The measurements were done in the vascular and avascular regions of premature retinas at gestational age of 22-33 weeks and in the central, mid-peripheral, and far peripheral regions of mature retinas from the age of 1 month to 73 years. Among the premature infants, those who survived for greater than 24 hours were supplemented with alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) on a periodic basis. The vascular and avascular regions of premature retinas had higher activities of GSH-Px when compared to the central and far peripheral regions of mature retinas. Infants surviving more than 24 hr had higher activities of GSH-S-tase in the avascular region than infants who survived less than 24 hr. Survival did not affect either enzyme activity in the vascular regions. Mature retinas showed a decrease in GSH-Px specific activity with age, but no age-related changes in GSH-S-tase were observed. These data demonstrate that premature infants are born with relatively high levels of GSH-Px and GSH-S-tase.  相似文献   

Termination of GABA signals within the retina occurs through high-affinity reuptake of the released neurotransmitter by GABA transporters (GATs) present in neurons and glia surrounding the release site. In the present work, we have cloned a novel GAT from the retina of the skate (Raja erinacea). The clone codes for a 622 amino acid protein whose sequence has highest similarity to the GABA/beta-alanine transporter of the electric ray (Torpedo marmorata) (88% identity) and the GAT-3 isolated from rat brain (75% identity). The protein was expressed in Xenopus oocytes and characterized using the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. Application of GABA induced a dose-dependent inward current, with 8 muM GABA producing a half-maximal response. The current required the presence of extracellular sodium and was unaffected by the GABA receptor blocker picrotoxin or the GAT-1 specific antagonist NO-711. The high homology between the cloned skate GABA transporter and the GAT-3 equivalents of other species, coupled with the strikingly similar pharmacological profile to GAT-3s of other species, lead us to conclude that we had cloned the GAT-3 homologue for the skate. Polyclonal antibodies specific to GAT-3 and the previously cloned skate GAT-1 transporter were used to examine the distribution of GAT-3 and GAT-1 immunoreactivity in the retina and in isolated cells of the skate. Antibodies for both transporters showed labeling in the outer and inner plexiform layers, and staining extended from the outer to inner limiting membranes.  相似文献   

Vitamin E is used to ameliorate retinopathy of prematurity, but little is known about baseline vitamin E levels in retinas of premature infants or the effect of vitamin E supplementation on these levels. Vitamin E and C levels were measured in mature retinas (1 month to 73 years) and in retinas of premature infants (22 to 33 weeks of gestation). The infants fell into two groups: (1) those who survived less than 12 hr and received no vitamin E, and (2) those who survived greater than 4 days and received vitamin E supplementation. Premature infants are born with 5 to 12 percent the vitamin E levels found in mature retinas. Vitamin E levels in vascular and avascular retina of premature infants increased with gestation. Infants born greater than 27 weeks gestation and surviving at least 4 days with vitamin E supplementation demonstrated markedly elevated vitamin E levels in vascular and avascular retina when compared to supplemented infants less than 27 weeks gestation. Premature infants possessed 35-50% higher levels of retinal vitamin C than those found in mature retinas. These data demonstrate that premature infants are born with relatively low levels of retinal vitamin E, particularly in the avascular region, but contain an abundance of retinal vitamin C. These data further suggest that vitamin E supplementation results in a rapid increase in retinal vitamin E levels, particularly in infants greater than 27 weeks gestational age.  相似文献   

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