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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
~~Improvement of Quality of Life with Shenfu Injection (参附注射液) in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Gemcitabine plus Cisplatin Regimen@吴万垠$Department of Cancer,Guangdong Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital!Guangzhou(510370) @龙顺钦$Department of Cancer,Guangdong Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital!Guangzhou(510370) @张海波$Department of Cancer,Guangdong Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital!Guangzhou(510370) @柴小…  相似文献   

Experimental Study on Effect of Qishejingkang Recipe (芪麝颈康方) on Activity of Alkaline Phosphatases in Osteophyte For mation of Degenerated Cerebral Vertebrae of Rabbits@王拥军@施杞@沈培芝@徐宁@万超  相似文献   

Predictors of long-term outcome following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in young patients(摘要 )@李斌$Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital!HaiKou 570311, China. @李新明$Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital!HaiKou 570311, China. @陈关良$Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital!HaiKou 570311, China.…  相似文献   

Clinical Study on Zhenjian Granule (针箭颗粒) in Improving Essential Hypertension and Insulin Resistance@唐蜀华$Cardiovascular Department, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of TCM!Nanjing (210029) @蒋卫民$Cardiovascular Department, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of TCM!Nanjing (210029) @陈晓虎$Cardiovascular Department, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of TCM!Nanjing (210029)…  相似文献   

Effect of Ligustrazine on CD_(34) Antigen Expression of Bone Marrow Cells in Immune-Induced Aplastic Anemia Mice@舒砚君@孙汉英@董凌莉@徐慧珍@路武@刘文励  相似文献   

Effects of Astragaloside in Treating Myocardial Injury and Myocardial Sarco/Endoplasmic Ca~( 2 )-ATPase of Viral Myocarditis Mice@陆曙 @张寄南 @杨笛 @徐晋丹 @陈相健 @方五旺 @马文珠  相似文献   

Comparative study of the effect of basic fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor on limb ischemia/reperfusion injury of rats@杨军 @姜志胜 @董林旺 @庞永政 @苏静怡 @唐朝枢 @刘乃奎 ThisstudywassupportedbytheNationalScientificFoundation (No .3 973 0 2 2 0 ) .…  相似文献   

Phenotypic Modulation of Mesangial Cells in Diabetic Rats and Effect of Tujian Mixture (菟箭合剂) on It@尹德海$Peking Union Medical College Hospital!Beijing (100730) @梁晓春$Peking Union Medical College Hospital!Beijing (100730) @郑法雷$Peking Union Medical College Hospital!Beijing (100730) @朴元林$Peking Union Medical College Hospital!Beijing (100730)…  相似文献   

~~Clinical Non-inferiority Trial on Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease Angina Pectoris of Xin-blood Stasis Syndrome Type with Lyophilized Salvia Salt of Lithospermic Acid Powder for Injection@张琼$Xiyuan Hospital,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences!Beijing(100091) @刘爱东$Affiliated Hospital of ChangchunTCM College!Changchun(130021) @黄永生$Affiliated Hospital of ChangchunTCM College!Changchun(130021)1.Zheng XY. Guiding principle of clinical research on new drugs o…  相似文献   

Predictors of mortality in unstable angina pectoris Undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention(摘要)@李新明$ Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital! HaiKou 570311, China @李斌$ Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital! HaiKou 570311, China @陈关良$ Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital! HaiKou 570311, China…  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of euphorbia fischeriana stead on L_(615) leukemia@崔唏@巩国明@刘萍@杜娟@王本杰...  相似文献   

Clinical Observation on Treatment of Thyrotoxic Exophthalmos with Jiayanxiao (甲眼消) Plus Tapazole@廖世煌 @黄仰模 @李丽霞 @杜青河 @刘清平  相似文献   

Direct infarct artery stenting without predilation and no-reflow in patient with acute myocardial infarction(摘要 )@李新明$Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital!HaiKou 570311, China. @李斌$Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital!HaiKou 570311, China. @陈关良$Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital!HaiKou 570311, China.…  相似文献   

Clinical Study on Treatment of Severe Acute Pancreatitis by Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine Combined with Somatostatin@夏庆$Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan University! Chengdu (610041) @袁琳$Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan University! Chengdu (610041) @杨晓楠$Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, West Chin…  相似文献   

Relation between persistent ST-segment elevation shortly After primary stenting for acute myocardial infarction and left ventricular recovery(摘要)@陈关良$ Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital! HaiKou 570311, China @李新明$ Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital! HaiKou 570311, China @李斌$ Department of cardiology, Hainan Provincial Hospital! HaiKou 570311, China…  相似文献   

Experimental Study on Effects of Xiao pi Yi shen Oral Liquid (消疲怡神口服液)on Hypothala mus-Pituitary-Adrenal Gland-Thymus Axis in Stressed Rats@王琳@王天芳@康纯洁@刘晓兰@刘燕@张翠珍@郑君芳  相似文献   

Clinical Observation of Tiaojining Recipe (调激宁冲剂) in Combination with Corticosterone in Infantile Primary Nephrotic Syndrome@李荣辉@彭征屏@魏佑莲@冀晓华  相似文献   

Influence of Feiliuping No.2 (肺瘤平二号) on Platelet Surface Glycoprote in Expression in Mid-Late Stage Lung Cancer Patients@张培彤@朴炳奎@孙桂芝@林红生@裴迎霞  相似文献   

Exploration on the Effect and Mechanism of Shenfu Injection (参附注射液) on Resuscitation from General Anesthesia@郑传东$Department of Anesthesiology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Chon gqing University of Medical Sciences!Chongqing (400016) @闵苏$Department of Anesthesiology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Chon gqing University of Medical Sciences!Chongqing (400016)…  相似文献   

Effects of Langchuangjing Granule (狼疮净冲剂) on Apoptotic of CD_4~+T and CD_(19)~+B in Spleen of BXSB Mice with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus@刘喜德$Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of the Integrativc Chinese and Western Medicine @金实$Department of Internal Med icine of TCM, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!(310003)…  相似文献   

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