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ProtectiveEffectofHerbaDracocephalionLipoperoxidationDarnageinPalientswithCoronaryHeartDiseaseYangShui-xiang(杨水祥);LiTian-de(李...  相似文献   

Effect of Salvia Miltiorrhizae Composita on Erythrocyte Membrane Phospholipid in Patients with Coronary Heart DiseaseWEIXiao-...  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of Xiaoyu Zhixue tablet (消瘀止血片,XYZXT) on the expression of platelet membrane glycoproteins in patients with hemorrhagic thrombopathy, and to explore its possible mechanism. Methods: The total of 148 patients with hemorrhagic thrornbopathy were randomly divided into two groups, the traditional Chinese medicicne (TCM) group (n=98) treated with XYZXT and the Western medicine (WM) group (n = 50) treated with adrenosin, vitamins C, K and P, both for 6 months.The therapeutic effect and the recovery rate of platelet aggregation in the two groups were observed. And platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) Ⅰ b/Ⅸ, GP Ⅱ b/Ⅲ a complexes, GP Ⅰ b, GP Ⅱ b, GPⅢ a and P-selectin were analyzed by flow cytometry in both groups before and after treatment and also in 34 normal healthy subjects. Results: The total effective rate of hemostasis was 89.8% in TCM group and 54.0% in the WM group (X2 =45.83, P<0.01), and the recovery rate of platelet aggregation was 72.4% and 4.0% respectively (X2 = 62.06, P<0.01). The fluorescence intensity of GP Ⅰ b/Ⅸ, GP Ⅱ b/Ⅲ a complexes, GP Ⅰ b, GP Ⅲ a and P-selectin were lower in both groups before treatment than those in the healthy subjects. Expression of above-mentioned marks was elevated in TCM group after 6 months' therapy, which was insignificantly different as compared with the healthy subjects (P>0.05) and higher than those in the WM group (P<0.05).Conclusion: One of the mechanisms in treating hemorrhagic thrombopathy with XYZXT is that it could regulate the expression of GP Ⅰ b/Ⅸ, GP Ⅱ b/Ⅲ a complexes, GP Ⅰ b, GPⅢ a and P-selectin at the level of receptor protein.  相似文献   

Effect of Acupuncture on Immunomodulation in Patients with Malignant Tumors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EffectofAcupunctureonlmmunomodulationinPatientswilhMalignantTumorswuBin(吴滨);ZHOURong-xins(周荣兴);CHENMins-jin(陈名金);ZHANGYong-li...  相似文献   

Heartfailureisaprogressivefatalpathologicalprocess.Alongwiththeagingprobleminoursociety,theprogressinantihypertensiontreatmentandthecombininguseofthrombolysisandaspirininrecentyears,themortalityofcoronaryheartdiseasehasbeenloweredfrom30%inthe1960sto6%,an…  相似文献   

Acutepancreatitis(AP)onsetssuddenly,andseriously.Currentviewtendstotreatitnonoperatively.Since 1 994,theauthorshavetreated 1 0 0AP pat  相似文献   

Airway inflammation is a prominentfeature of pathologic changes in chronic ob-structive pul monary disease(COPD).Chro-nic airway inflammation in COPDis charac-terized by neutrophilic inflammation(1).In-terleukin-8(IL-8)is a chemokine for neu-trophils and closely associated with airflowli mitation in patients with COPD(2).IL-8plays an i mportant role in the pathogenesisof COPD.The objective of this project is toassess the effect of traditional Chinese medi-cine Yufeining(愈肺宁)oninduc…  相似文献   

Cervicalerosionisoneofthecommondiseasesfrequentlyencountered.Toelevatethecurerateofcervicalerosion(CE)isanimportantstepinpreventingtheoccurrenceofgynecologicaltumor.FromMarch1992toMarch1994,theauthortreated1680patientsofCEbyusingcrymotherapyplusYunnanBaiyao,theresultwasreportedasfollows.GeneralMaterialsAllthe1680patientswereoutpatients,married,aged24-50years,andtheirdiagnosiswereconfirmedbygynecologicalexamination,routineexaminationofvaginalsmear,cervicalscrapeslide,vaginoscopeorbiopsy.T…  相似文献   

Forty-six cases of Behcet's disease were randomly divided into two groups. The 26 cases in the treatmentgroup were treated by acupuncture and the 20 cases in the control group with the drugs. The level ofL-chain () of IgM and the level of the trace element Zn were determined before and after treatment inthe treatment group. The results showed that the recurrence rate in the treatment group was significantlylower than that in the control group (P<0.01), and the differences in the level of L-chain () of IgM andlevel of Zn in the treatment group before and after treatment were very significant (P<0.01). These twoindexes tended to become normal after treatment.  相似文献   

Shengmaiinjection(生脉注射液,SMI)ispreparedonthebasisofatraditionalclassicrecipe,whichcouldstrengthendiaphragmcontraction.(1)FromNov.1996toAug.1997,theauthorstreated20patientsofchronicobstructivepulmonarydisease(COPD)withSMIandtheeffectofSMIontheirrespiratoryf…  相似文献   

Seventy-two type II diabetic subjects were given Konjac food for 65 days. The data analyzed by multiple F test indicate that the fasting blood glucose (FBG) and the 2-h postprandial blood glucose (PBG) on the 30th and the 65th days after the food was ingested were significantly reduced (P = 0.001, P < 0.001, respectively), as was the glycosylated hemoglobin level at the end of the trial (P < 0.05). The final FBG and PBG of the subjects with initial FBG-O >200 mg% decreased on the average by 51.8 and 84.6 mg%. respectively; those with FBG-0 150-200 mg% decreased by 24.1 and 68.7 mg%; and those with FBG-O < 150 mg% decreased by 4.8 and 21.4 mg%. No significant changes in blood lipid indexes were observed, except that the triglycer-ide values of subjects with hypertriglyceridemia (>200 mg%) significantly decreased by 118.7 mg%. It was concluded that Konjac food is very useful in the prevention and treatment of hyperglycemia. (C)1990 Academic Press. Inc.  相似文献   

Kang'aibaooralliquid(KABL)isanempiricalrecipeoftenusedtotreatmalignanttumorofmiddleoradvancedstageintheinternalmedicinedepartmentoftheauthors'hospital.FromMarch1993toMarch1996,103casesofcancerpatientstreatedwithKABLwereobservedandcomparedwith90caseswhorece…  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus ( DM) patients arelikely to develop lipoprotein abnormalitieswith the incidence as high as of 50 %,or e-ven higher in subjects with poor glycemiccontrol(1).Hyperlipidemiais extremely harm-ful on the function of both pancreatic isletsand vascular endothelial cells . Some studiesshowed that the prognosis after acute myo-cardial infarction was worsein diabetics thannon-diabetics(2). The Adult Treat ment PanelⅢ(ATPⅢ) guidelines in the third report byAmerican National Choles…  相似文献   

Objective: To study the effect of Shugan Shuru Granule (疏肝舒乳颗粒, SSG) on the p53 gene expression in patients with hyperplastic disease of breast (HDB) to indirectly explore the mechanism of SSG's effect on HDB on the molecular pathological level. Methods: Sixty-six patients with HDB were allocated in the treated group and the control group, with the former treated with SSG and the latter not. All patients underwent breast operation and their diseased mammary tissues were cut out, sectioned, and observed under microscopy with HE staining and immunohistochemical staining, with ABC method adopted to estimate the degree of hyperplasia and p53 gene expression. The severity of HDB was classified into normal, mild, moderate and severe grades (marked as 0 to Ⅲ ), according to the degree of hyperplasia in the mammary gland.Results: Hyperplasia in the control group mostly belonged to grade Ⅰ - Ⅲ before treatment, showing overgrowth of gland and proliferation of glandular epithelial cells, which were high columnar shaped, more stratified, with papillary or substantive dysplasia. While in the treated group, most belonged to grade 0- Ⅰ after SSG treatment, with proliferated gland and dysplasia recovered to normal or disappeared. The positive rate of p53 gene expression in the treated group was 9.09%, and in the control group 39.39%, comparison between the two groups showing significant difference ( P<0.01), the intensity in the former was significantly weaker than that in the latter. Conclusion: SSG could not only inhibit the proliferation of mammary duct epithelia and Iobuli, but also inhibit the over-expression of P53. Therefore, it could be regarded as an effective remedy for treatment of HDB and prevention of mammary cancer genesis.  相似文献   

StudyonEffectofBaoyuanQiangshenTabletNo.IinProlongatingIntervalofHemodialysisinPatientsofRenalDiseaseinTerminalStage¥ZHUBi-ji...  相似文献   

<正>Objective:To investigate the effect of Yisui Shengxue Granule(益髓生血颗粒,YSSXG),a complex Chinese medicine,on the oxidative damage of erythrocytes from patients with hemoglobin H(HbH) disease. Methods:Twenty-two patients with HbH disease and 22 healthy volunteers were observed.YSSXG was given to patients with HbH disease for 3 months.Before and after the 3-month treatment,blood parameters[hemoglobin (Hb),red blood cells(RBCs),and reticulocyte percent(Ret)]were examined;inclusion bodies in erythrocytes were observed by transmission electron microscopy(TEM);activities of antioxidant defense enzymes [superoxide dismutase(SOD),glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px),and catalase(Cat)]and erythrocyte membrane malondialdehyde(MDA) concentrations were determined.Results:In patients with HbH disease,measured values of RBC and Hb obtained from the first to the third months after treatment with YSSXG were significantly higher than before treatment(P0.01).Measured values of Ret from the second to the third months after treatment were significantly lower than before treatment(P0.05 and P0.01,respectively).Prior to treatment with YSSXG,TEM images of RBCs showed the presence of numerous inclusion bodies.After treatment with YSSXG,the amount and volume of inclusion bodies decreased.Treatment with YSSXG also led to a significant increase in SOD activity(P0.01),a decrease in Cat activity(P0.01),and no significant differences in GSHPx activity(P0.05) or MDA concentration(P0.05).However,compared with the healthy counterparts,SOD, GSH-Px,and Cat activities presented at high levels(P0.01) both before and after treatment.Conclusions: YSSXG could improve the degree of hemolysis and anemia in patients with HbH disease.The mechanism may be related to its antioxidative effects,which could elevate the activity of total SOD in erythrocytes and efficiently inhibit the oxidative precipitation ofβ-globin chains.  相似文献   

<正>Objective:To evaluate the effect of Xuezhikang Capsule(血脂康胶囊) on the serum levels of inflammatory factors such as tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) and interleukin-6(IL-6) in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) and hyperlipidemia,and to explore whether it has anti-inflammatory effect.Methods:A total of 84 patients were randomly assigned to two groups with stratified block randomization, the treatment group(42 cases) and the control group(42 cases).They were treated with Xuezhikang Capsule and polyene phosphatidylcholine capsule for twenty-four weeks,respectively.The changes in serum TNF-αand IL-6 were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay before treatment and at the 12th and 24th week. Results:Compared with those before treatment,the serum levels of TNF-αand IL-6 significantly decreased in both groups after treatment(P0.01).There was no significant change between the two groups for the treatments at different time points(P0.05) and between the two groups for treatments at the same time points (P0.05).Conclusion:Xuezhikang Capsule can inhibit the serum inflammatory factor in patients with NAFLD and hyperlipidemia.  相似文献   

Objective:To investigate the effect of garlicin in treating carotid artery atherosclerotic plaque (GAAP) in patients with primary hypertension and coronary heart disease (PHT-CHD).Methods:Seventynine patients with PHT-CHD were randomly divided into the treated group (39 patients) treated with garlicin and fosinopril and the control group (40 patients) treated with fosinopril alone. The change of CAAP was evaluated by high frequency ultrasonic examination every six months, and the changes of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were measured by ELISA, with the observation proceeding for 52 weeks totally. Results:By the end of the experiment, the number of complex plaques, Crouse integrals, intima-media thickness, serum ICAM-1 and hs-CRP were significantly lower in the treated group than those in the control group with significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion:Garlicin could stabilize CMP to a certain extent and shows a definite vascular protective effect in patients with PHT-CHD.  相似文献   

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