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Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), infection has been linked to acute and chronic gastritis, non-ulcer-dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). The epithelial changes in H. pylori colonized gastric mucosa are easy to recognize in routine Haematoxylin & Eosin stained sections and are so distinctive that they can serve as a helpful histological indicator for the presence of H. pylori in gastric biopsies. The histopathology of seventy-five gastric biopsies showing colonization by H. pylori was studied. Histologically, the H. pylori colonized gastric epithelium showed characteristic changes that were topographically related to the bacteria. These changes included irregular surface, epithelial pits, individual cell dropout and microerosion, which were specific for H. pylori colonization. These were absent in areas not colonized by H. pylori and in 20 consecutive H. pylori negative gastric biopsies seen during the same study period. As specific treatment for H. pylori infection is available, identification of H. pylori colonization in gastric biopsies should be attempted in all cases of gastritis, peptic ulcers and non-ulcer-dyspepsia.  相似文献   

Archival gastric tissues from 10 of 39 gnotobiotic piglets colonized with Helicobacter pylori 26695 contained stromal leukocytic inflammation along with ulcers and erosions. In contrast, gastric tissues from 54 archival control piglets were devoid of both inflammation and ulcers. These data confirm the hypothesis that H. pylori infection alone is ulcerogenic.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine gastric mucosal morphological changes in patients with gastroduodenal pathology after eradication therapy for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). A hundred and thirty-eight patients (40 females and 98 males) were examined. Of them, there were 122 patients with duodenal peptic ulcer, 8 with gastric peptic ulcer, 5 with erosive gastritis, 2 with chronic atrophic antral gastritis, and 1 with non-atrophic gastritis. Two months and a year after therapy, manifestations of gastric mucosal atrophy, the degree of inflammation, and its activity significantly diminished in patients with complete H. pylori eradication. Positive changes were observed mainly in the antral portion of the stomach. In patients with partial eradication, chronic inflammation and its activity became less. Two months and a year following therapy, positive changes in the gastric mucosa were absent in patients without H. pylori eradication.  相似文献   

Infiltration of Helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucosa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is our hypothesis that if Helicobacter pylori could be demonstrated conclusively to have transgressed the mucosal surface into the lamina propria, this would help explain how H pylori recruits inflammatory cells. We report our immunohistochemical and electron microscopic findings that demonstrate that H pylori can be detected in the lamina propria of the stomach, offering evidence of its invasive potential. We stained 67 endoscopic gastric biopsy specimens with Warthin-Starry silver and immunoperoxidase stains for H pylori. In addition, transmission electron microscopy was performed on 1 case. The presence of surface H pylori was associated significantly with active (P < .0001) and chronic (P < .0001) inflammation. H pylori could not be identified in the lamina propria using the Warthin-Starry silver stain alone. Immunoreactivity for H pylori in the lamina propria was detected in 20 (30%) of 67 gastric biopsy specimens. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the immunohistochemical findings. H pylori can infiltrate the lamina propria of the gastric mucosa, thereby proving morphologic evidence of its invasive capability.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the influence of sulphomucin secretion on Helicobacter pylori colonisation and adhesion to metaplastic gastric cells. METHODS: Gastric biopsies from 230 H pylori positive patients with intestinal metaplasia were analysed. Sulphated mucins and H pylori were visualised using a new technique combining high iron diamine-alcian blue mucin stains with the Steiner silver stain for the bacteria. RESULTS: Sulphomucin secretion anywhere in the mucosa and a histological diagnosis of dysplasia increase the risk of H pylori adhesion to metaplastic cells (odds ratios 19.9 and 4.3, respectively). However, only 9.4% of cases showing sulphomucin secretion and 10.8% of cases with dysplasia had evidence of adhesion of H pylori bacteria to metaplastic cells. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that H pylori may play a role in the advanced stages of carcinogenesis. It will be of interest to investigate if the relative small proportion of type III metaplasias that actually progress to carcinoma show persistence of H pylori.  相似文献   

幽门螺旋杆菌引起胃黏膜免疫损伤机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
幽门螺旋杆菌(Helicobacter plyori,Hp)是消化道疾病最常见的病因,通过多种机制诱导炎症通路激活、免疫细胞及炎症因子释放改变胃黏膜周围微环境引起慢性炎症,持久性的慢性炎症可导致胃黏膜萎缩、甚至诱发胃癌.正常机体T淋巴细胞在免疫反应中起主导作用,其中正向调节与负向调节系统相互诱导和制约T细胞网络维持免疫系统平衡,当Hp感染后两项调节比例出现异常,导致免疫系统紊乱从而引起免疫损伤.近年来免疫细胞的分子生物学研究已经成为临床过继性细胞免疫治疗的理论基础.  相似文献   

In a 2- to 4-year prospective study, the reversibility of gastritis after Helicobacter pylori eradication was analysed. Sixty-three H. pylori-positive, chronic duodenal ulcer patients were studied after the successful eradication of bacteria in the period from 1990 to 1993. H. pylori eradication was obtained by triple antimicrobial regimens (colloidal bismuth subcitrate, amoxycillin, and metronidazole) applied for at least 14 days. The criteria for eradication were the absence of bacteria from two antral and two body of stomach biopsies stained with haematoxylin, eosin, and Warthin Starry, and a negative antral biopsy culture. The same diagnostic procedures were repeated, at regular follow-up endoscopies, each year for up to 4 years. Neutrophil-granulocyte infiltration of gastric mucosa disappeared in 2 months after bacterial eradication. Mononuclear cellular infiltration was disappearing with statistical significance up to the second year and normal mucosa was observed in the majority of patients in the fourth year of follow-up. Degeneratively changed lymphoid aggregates were also present in the fourth year in the antrum (12.5 per cent of patients) and in the body of stomach (14 per cent of patients). There was no significant change in antral intestinal metaplasia during the 4 years of follow-up. Antral atrophy declined significantly in the period from 1 to 3 years of follow-up. In conclusion, 3-4 years are needed for gastric mucosa to become normal after H. pylori eradication, although some residual lymphoid aggregates persist even after that period.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the relation between Helicobacter pylori associated gastroduodenal diseases and lymphoid tissue hyperplasia in the antral mucosa and to pursue its evolution after eradication of H pylori. METHODS: Gastric antral biopsy specimens were obtained from 438 patients with H pylori positive gastroduodenal diseases (185 chronic gastritis, 69 gastric ulcer, and 184 duodenal ulcer) and 50 H pylori negative healthy controls. Lymphoid follicles and aggregates were counted and other pathological features were scored according to the updated Sydney system for classification of chronic gastritis. After a course of anti-H pylori treatment, biopsy specimens were obtained at four to six weeks, 12 months, and 24 months in the chronic gastritis patient group. RESULTS: The total prevalence of lymphoid follicles and aggregates in the biopsies was 79.9% (350 of 438; 95% confidence intervals (CI), 0.76 to 0.84). The prevalence and density of lymphoid follicles and aggregates were significantly different in the various gastroduodenal diseases. The highest prevalence (89.9%; 95% CI, 0.83 to 0.97) and density (0.82) of lymphoid follicles and aggregates occurred in patients with gastric ulcers. The lowest prevalence of lymphoid follicles and aggregates was found in patients with chronic gastritis (74.6%; 95% CI, 0.68 to 0.81), and the lowest density of lymphoid follicles and aggregates (0.56) was seen in patients with duodenal ulcers. The prevalence and density of lymphoid follicles and aggregates correlated strongly with the activity and severity of gastric antral mucosal inflammation. The eradication of H pylori resulted in a decrease in the prevalence and density of lymphoid follicles and aggregates. CONCLUSION: The prevalence and density of lymphoid follicles and aggregates in gastric antral mucosal biopsies correlated closely with H pylori infection.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori has been considered to be non-invasive and to rarely infiltrate the gastric mucosa, even though there is an active Th1 immune response in the lamina propria of the H. pylori-infected stomach. To elucidate whether H. pylori invades the lamina propria and translocates to the gastric lymph nodes, we examined H. pylori in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections of stomach and gastric lymph nodes obtained from 51 cancer patients using real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC) with a novel anti-H. pylori monoclonal antibody that recognizes lipopolysaccharides. Fresh gastric lymph nodes were used to culture for H. pylori. In 46 patients with H. pylori in the stomach, the bacterium was found in the lymph nodes from 21 patients by culture, 37 patients by PCR, and 29 patients by IHC. H. pylori captured by macrophages was found in the lamina propria of 39 patients. In the lymph nodes, the bacterium was found in many macrophages and a few interdigitating dendritic cells at the paracortical areas. H. pylori was also found in the intracellular canaliculi of parietal cells in 21 patients, but intracytoplasmic invasion into gastric epithelial cells was not identified. When compared to the commercially available anti-H. pylori antibodies, the novel antibody showed the highest sensitivity to detect H. pylori-positive macrophages, whereas no difference was found for H. pylori in the mucous layer. The H. pylori-positive macrophages in the lamina propria correlated with chronic gastritis as well as translocation of such cells to the lymph nodes. These results suggest that H. pylori-induced gastric epithelial damage allows the bacteria to invade the lamina propria and translocate to the gastric lymph nodes, which may chronically stimulate the immune system. The bacteria captured by macrophages, whether remaining alive or not, may contribute to the induction and development of H. pylori-induced chronic gastritis.  相似文献   

The neutrophilic infiltration has been regarded to represent the activity of Helicobacter pylori gastritis. It may involve the epithelium and/or lamina propria. The incidence and degree of the two types of infiltration do not correlate with each other frequently. We correlated the two types of neutrophilic infiltration with H. pylori infection and other pathologic parameters respectively in 300 randomly selected gastric biopsies as well as serial biopsies from a separate group of 95 patients who were treated for H. pylori infection. The "random biopsies" had chronic gastritis of various degrees, and the organisms were identified in 239 cases (79.7%); in the "treated group," the organisms disappeared completely in 62 cases (65.3%). Characteristically, the intraepithelial neutrophilic infiltration was predominantly localized to the proliferative zone of the gastric mucosa (zone 2) where the density of H. pylori was considerably lower than the surface epithelium. In the "random biopsies," both acute epithelial and interstitial neutrophilic infiltration correlated significantly (p < 0.01) with the H. pylori infection. In the "treated group," however, only acute epithelial inflammation correlated significantly (p < 0.01) with the eradication of infection while acute interstitial inflammation did not. Acute epithelial inflammation was no less frequently present in advanced chronic gastritis than in early chronic gastritis. Acute epithelial inflammation of the proliferative zone is a characteristic pathologic finding of H. pylori gastritis, and appears to be directly associated with the pathogenesis of H. pylori gastritis and its progression.  相似文献   

AIM--To study the ultrastructural appearances of Helicobacter pylori in antral and duodenal biopsy specimens and its relation with the epithelial cells. METHODS--Endoscopically obtained antral and duodenal biopsy specimens were examined using transmission electron microscopy and freeze fracture analysis. RESULTS--Most bacteria looked curved, but in the duodenal bulb coccoid bacteria were relatively common. Bacteria were often found around intercellular junctions. freeze fracture examination indicated abnormalities of the tight junction complexes in patients with H pylori infection. In many biopsy specimens bacteria were seen closely attached to the epithelial cell membrane by different forms of adhesion. In addition to what looked like intracytoplasmic penetration by bacteria, several examples of genuine penetration were observed. CONCLUSION--H pylori is commonly found adhering to epithelial cells. Occasionally, H pylori may also penetrate cells. These features may contribute to the pathogenic action of the organism.  相似文献   

The presence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori ) in the stomach is closely associated with histological signs of chronic active gastritis and peptic ulcer. Another spiral organism named Gastrospirillum hominis (G. hominis ) has led to further interest in the bacterial pathogenesis of gastritis. Due to the low prevalence of G. hominis , it is difficult to evaluate its biological behavior. Recently 16 cases of G. h ominis-associated gastritis were found in 257 Thai individuals, which made it possible to study the biological characteristics of G. hominis and its relationship with gastric mucosal inflammation. The results showed that H. pylori and G. hominis could be easily observed in the lower third of the mucous layer and in the mucosa of the gastric pits by means of toluidlne blue staining. Both bacteria immunostained positive. Helicobacter pylori were usually in the shape of curved bacillary while G. hominis often appeared in spiral configuration. In 257 cases of Thai subjects, 169 cases were found to be H. pylori positive, the detection rate was 65.7%, and 16 cases were G. hominis positive, with a 6.2% detection rate. In G. hominis infection, 43.6% of cases had normal gastric mucosa. Superficial, erosive and atrophlc gastritis cases were 13.2, 10.9 and 12.5%, respectively. Mucosal inflammation was usually severe in H. pylori , but neutrophil polymorph infiltration was often mild and focal in G. hominis Infection. Although no G. hominis infection with carcinoma was shown in our cases, the occurrence of mucosal atrophy, metaplasia and dysplasia was higher in both bacterial infections compared with H. pylori- and G. hominis -negative cases. It is suggested that G. hominis may be partly responsible for the mucosal inflammation and some malignant-associated lesions.  相似文献   

Gastric mucosa responds with inflammation to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. While numerous reports have shown that the immune system produces specific IgG, IgA, and IgM isotype anti H. pylori antibodies, IgE-mediated pathways of H. pylori-associated gastritis are mostly unknown. Our aim was to evaluate whether an increased presence of IgE in the antral gastric mucosa is responsible for the severity of the H. pylori-associated gastritis. The number of IgE-containing cells was estimated in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded antral gastric biopsy specimens using immunohistochemistry in three groups of patients: (i) 20 H. pylori-positive cases with moderate inflammation, (ii) 19 H. pylori-negative cases with moderate inflammation, and (iii) 19 H. pylori-negative cases with normal mucosa. In chronic gastritis, the number of IgE-positive cells increased significantly as compared to normal mucosa. In gastritic patients, H. pylori positivity was accompanied by a significant accumulation of IgE-positive cells, mainly plasma cells. These data suggest that IgE-mediated immune response probably plays an important role in the development of H. pylori-associated gastritis.  相似文献   

抗幽门螺杆菌血清IgE和胃粘膜肥大细胞在Hp致病中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨机体免疫反应在幽门螺杆菌(Hp)致病中的作用。方法采用间接ELISA法检测了149例患者血清中抗HpIgE,并用改良甲苯胺蓝染色法检测其胃粘膜中肥大细胞(MC)。结果①Hp阳性者血清抗HpIgE含量、阳性率和胃粘膜中MC总数及脱颗粒比均显著高于Hp阴性者(P<0.01);②不同胃部疾病之间血清抗HpIgE含量、阳性率和胃粘膜中MC总数及脱颗粒比有显著差异,活动性胃炎显著高于非活动性胃炎和消化性溃疡(P<0.01),中重度胃炎显著高于轻度胃炎(P<0.001);③血清抗HpIgE阳性者胃粘膜内MC总数及脱颗粒比均显著高于抗HpIgE阴性者(P<0.01),且血清抗HpIgE含量与胃粘膜内MC脱颗粒比呈正相关(r=0.60,P<0.001)。结论血清抗HpIgE参与了Hp的致病过程,其机制可能为刺激MC脱颗粒,而致胃粘膜损伤。  相似文献   

AIMS--To describe the ultrastructural changes that occur in human antral mucosa following direct application of aspirin in volunteers without Helicobacter pylori infection. METHODS--Ten healthy male volunteers without H pylori infection underwent three consecutive endoscopies (at zero, one and five hours). At the first endoscopy, two biopsy specimens were obtained (one for histology and the other for electron microscopy (EM)). At subsequent endoscopies, a single biopsy specimen was obtained for EM. A 50 ml solution of aspirin (concentration 3 mg/ml) was applied to the antral mucosa at the first endoscopy in five subjects; the other five subjects received 50 ml distilled water (placebo). RESULTS--The ultrastructural appearance of the first biopsy specimen in all subjects and subsequent biopsy specimens in the placebo treated subjects was normal. The aspirin treated group had evidence of intercellular oedema, widening of capillary fenestrae, rupturing of apical membranes, and dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria after one hour; these changes were more marked at five hours. Tight junctions were maintained. CONCLUSION--This is the first study to describe the early ultrastructural changes in antral mucosa induced by aspirin in subjects without H pylori infection.  相似文献   

 The protective ability of gastric mucins may depend largely on their oligosaccharide chains. We evaluated the effects of H. pylori infection on the glycosylation of gastric mucins. Gastric biopsy specimens from 20 H. pylori-infected patients before and after cure of the H. pylori infection and 8 normal uninfected volunteers were examined by immunostaining for simple mucin-type glycoproteins and blood-group-related antigens bearing type 1 chain backbone. The immunoreactivity in different gastric compartments was evaluated. Simple mucin-type glycoproteins and blood-group-related antigens were expressed in surface mucous cells. Simple mucin-type glycoproteins showed antrum-predominant expression in normal volunteers and were found in significantly fewer surface mucous cells in infected patients than in normal volunteers; their expression was restored after eradication of H. pylori. Sialyl Lewisa and Lewisb were expressed in fewer surface mucous cells after than before eradication. The patterns of glycosylation of gastric mucins vary in different gastric compartments and are reversibly altered by H. pylori infection. These alterations may affect the protective functions of gastric mucins. Received: 23 April 1998 / Accepted: 2 July 1998  相似文献   

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