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Cynthia Ferré Arden Handler Jason Hsia Wanda Barfield James W. CollinsJr 《Maternal and child health journal》2011,15(1):29-41
We examined trends in low birth weight (LBW, <2,500 g) rates among US singleton non-Hispanic black infants between 1991 and
2004. We conducted Joinpoint regression analyses, using birth certificate data, to describe trends in LBW, moderately LBW
(MLBW, 1,500–2,499 g), and very LBW (VLBW, <1,500 g) rates. We then conducted cross-sectional and binomial regression analyses
to relate these trends to changes in maternal or obstetric factors. Non-Hispanic black LBW rates declined −7.35% between 1991
and 2001 and then increased +4.23% through 2004. The LBW trends were not uniform across birth weight subcategories. Among
MLBW births, the 1991–2001 decease was −10.20%; the 2001–2004 increase was +5.61%. VLBW did not follow this pattern, increasing
+3.84% between 1991 and 1999 and then remaining relatively stable through 2004. In adjusted models, the 1991–2001 MLBW rate
decrease was associated with changes in first-trimester prenatal care, cigarette smoking, education levels, maternal foreign-born
status, and pregnancy weight gain. The 2001–2004 MLBW rate increase was independent of changes in observed maternal demographic
characteristics, prenatal care, and obstetric variables. Between 1991 and 2001, progress occurred in reducing MLBW rates among
non-Hispanic black infants. This progress was not maintained between 2001 and 2004 nor did it occur for VLBW infants between
1991 and 2004. Observed population changes in maternal socio-demographic and health-related factors were associated with the
1991–2001 decrease, suggesting multiple risk factors need to be simultaneously addressed to reduce non-Hispanic black LBW
rates. 相似文献
K. Harper-Hanigan G. Ross T. Sims K. Trotter J. E. TurmanJr. 《Maternal and child health journal》2017,21(12):2219-2228
Objectives African Americans are two times more likely to suffer adverse birth outcomes (i.e., low birth weight, preterm birth, and infant mortality) when compared to all other ethnic groups and this pattern is no different for Douglas County, Nebraska, where the majority of African Americans in Nebraska reside. Our goal was to identify factors, as described by local women, that contribute to adverse birth outcomes in the predominantly African American community of Northeast Douglas County in Omaha, NE, to ensure that these women’s voices were included in the development of interventions to improve their neighborhood’s birth outcomes. The paper describes the results of a qualitative needs assessment of these women which will aid in the design and implementation of neighborhood-based solutions. Methods We brought together a group of women with varying levels of birthing experience, time spent living in the neighborhood, and overall community involvement. Individual in-depth, in person, and telephone interviews were used to collect participants’ perceptions of birth outcomes, neighborhood resources for pregnant women, and neighborhood strengths and weaknesses. Results The needs assessment identified that, although women in this neighborhood have experience with adverse birth outcomes, these experiences are not discussed resulting in a lack of awareness of the wide spread racial disparities in birth outcomes and the efforts and resources to address this public health problem. Conclusions for Practice This study reveals the power of direct conversations with women impacted by adverse birth outcomes, as they must be primary partners in any efforts to improve birth outcomes. 相似文献
Priscilla M. Flynn E. Michael Foster Brian C. Brost 《Journal of immigrant and minority health / Center for Minority Public Health》2011,13(2):224-231
We investigated the effect of indicators of acculturation among Somali refugee women’s birth outcomes. Data were extracted from medical records of 584 Somali women delivering infants at a Midwestern hospital between 1993 and 2006. Bivariate analyses measured relationships between independent factors and the dependent variables of gestational age and birthweight. Structural equation modeling (SEM) determined the fit between factors hypothesized to reflect acculturation and the data. Significant increases noted over time were substance use/exposure, interpreter use, body mass index, hemoglobin levels, gestational diabetes and preterm birth. Bivariate analyses showed significance between prenatal care utilization and both preterm birth and gestational age. SEM results indicated a moderate to good fit between the hypothesized model and available data. Factors hypothesized to reflect acculturation and effect birth outcomes among Somali women are increasing but did not account for increased preterm birth. Further investigation is warranted to identify and truncate further disparate birth outcomes. 相似文献
Hofmann ET 《Journal of immigrant and minority health / Center for Minority Public Health》2012,14(2):315-322
Immigrants in the U.S. often experience better health than the native-born, and many explanations for this phenomenon center
around the positive health behaviors that immigrants bring from their home cultures. Immigrants from the former Soviet Union
may be an exception; because they come from societies where unhealthy lifestyles and high mortality are common, they are often
expected to experience worse health than the native population. Using data from the Integrated Health Interview Series, I
compare FSU immigrants with U.S.-born, non-Hispanic whites on several health measures. FSU immigrants are twice as likely
as native whites to report fair or poor health, but they are less likely to smoke or drink, and are less likely to report
a functional limitation. FSU immigrants’ advantage in functional limitation is largely explained by their very high levels
of education and marriage, indicating that selectivity is important to understanding the health of this population. 相似文献
Sowmya R. Rao 《Annals of family medicine》2014,12(5):470-472
When my mother fell ill while visiting me in the United States, I had the opportunity to compare costs of surgical cardiac care in the United States and India. I faced challenges in making well-informed decisions in the United States due to the lack of cost transparency and the minimal flexibility offered in choice of care, whereas in India costs are readily available and allow most people to freely choose their preferred type of care. 相似文献
Carol S. Weisman Dawn P. Misra Marianne M. Hillemeier Danielle Symons Downs Cynthia H. Chuang Fabian T. Camacho Anne-Marie Dyer 《Maternal and child health journal》2011,15(7):829-835
To examine maternal pre-pregnancy (preconception) predictors of birthweight and fetal growth for singleton live births occurring over a 2-year period in a prospective study. 相似文献9.
Louis Pasteur’s vaccine against rabies was introduced in France during 1885. A year later it became available within the United States. This article tells the story of the first use of the Pasteur vaccine in America and describes the early history of the vaccine’s production and distribution across the country by Pasteur Institutes established for this purpose. Highlights of Pasteur’s landmark studies on rabies are presented: research which pioneered the field of virology and the use of immunization to prevent infectious diseases. 相似文献
Objective: To compare birth outcomes between non–US-born and US-born Hispanic women in North Carolina (NC). Methods: A retrospective comparison of birth outcomes from linked NC birth/death certificate data (1993–1997) for 22,234 Hispanic
births by mother's place of birth was conducted. Results: Mexico-born Hispanic women (58%) had significantly fewer medical risks, tobacco or alcohol use during pregnancy; however,
they also had significantly less education and prenatal care than US-born Hispanic women (21%). Infant mortality rate, low
birth weight, and prematurity were low and did not differ significantly. Lethal anomalies were the primary cause of infant
mortality in non–US-born Hispanics versus Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in US-born Hispanics. Conclusions: Despite increased risk factors among US-born women, we found no difference in Hispanic birth outcomes in NC by mother's
place of birth. These data contradict national data and may be related to findings of both positive and negative aspects of
acculturation in NC. 相似文献
Objectives: This study sought to examine state-specific trends in preterm delivery rates among non-Hispanic African Americans and to
assess whether these rates are influenced by misclassification of gestational age. Methods: The sample population consisted of singleton non-Hispanic White and non-Hispanic African–American infants born in 1991 and
2001 to U.S. resident mothers. For both time periods, state-specific and national preterm delivery rates were calculated for
all infants, stratified by infant race/ethnicity. Next, birth-weight distributions within strata of gestational age were studied
to explore possible misclassifications of gestational age. Lastly, state-specific and national preterm delivery rates among
infants who weighed less than 2,500 g were separately computed. Results: National analyses showed that the frequency of preterm delivery increased by 15.8% among non-Hispanic Whites but declined
by 10.3% among non-Hispanic African Americans over the same period. For both subgroups, a bimodal distribution of birth weights
was apparent among preterm births at 28–31 weeks of gestation. The second peak with its cluster of normal-weight infants was
more prominent among non-Hispanic African Americans in 1991 than in 2001. After excluding preterm infants who weighed 2,500 g
or more, the national trends persisted. State-specific analyses showed that preterm delivery rates increased for both subgroups
in 13 states during this period. Of these 13, 6 states had a number of non-Hispanic African–American births classified as
preterm that were apparently term births mistakenly assigned short gestational ages. Such misclassification was more frequent
in 1991 than in 2001 and inflated 1991 rates. Conclusion: There is heterogeneity in state-specific preterm delivery rates. Such differences are often overlooked when aggregate results
are presented. 相似文献
This study documented the prevalence and correlates of tobacco use among women of reproductive age in Nepal using nationally representative data. We utilized the 2006 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey that interviewed 10,793 women and 4,397 men. We analyzed the couple’s data or households (N = 2,600) in which both husband and wife were interviewed. We examined the effects of women’s empowerment—measured by education, employment, intra-household decisions, and age—on their tobacco use controlling for other individual and household characteristics. Women’s empowerment had mixed effects on tobacco use. While women’s education was inversely associated with their tobacco use, their age, employment and ability to make intra-household mobility decisions were positively associated with smoking. Women with primary and beyond primary education were 48 and 92 % less likely to smoke compared to women with no education, respectively. Tobacco use among women increased dramatically with age from 8 % in teen years to 42 % in their forties. A 1 year increase in age increased the odds of tobacco use by 6 %. Women whose husbands smoked were twice as likely to smoke. Nepal should not only restrict tobacco use in public places by implementing its Tobacco Control and Regulatory Act of 2010 but also focus on encouraging smoke-free homes by increasing awareness about the health consequences of tobacco use and secondhand smoke among populations most likely to smoke that include nearly all men, employed women, women with low levels of education, women whose spouses smoke and those who are 30 and above in age. Additionally, a long term goal should be to ensure at least 5th grade of education for all girls. 相似文献
This study examines parent perceptions of their young children’s one-sided, emotionally tinged relationships with media characters, also known as parasocial relationships (PSR). Prior research has collected data on young children’s PSR by surveying parents, while other studies have relied directly on child interview. The current study is the first to compare children’s answers to those of their parents. Factor analyses revealed that parents and children both reported three components of children’s PSR: social realism, attachment and character personification (parents) or attachment and friendship (for their children), and humanlike needs. Both parent and child reports accounted for approximately 60% of the variance in children’s PSR. Nonetheless, only approximately one-third of parents and children reported on the same favorite character. The implications for research on children’s PSR using both parent and child reports are discussed. 相似文献