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BACKGROUND: The relationship between DSM-IV-TR borderline personality disorder (BPD) and bipolar disorders, especially bipolar II disorder (BP-II), is still unclear. Many recent reviews on this topic have come to opposite or different conclusions. STUDY AIM: The aim was to test the association between hypomania symptoms and BPD traits, as hypomania is the defining feature of BP-II in DSM-IV-TR. METHODS: During follow-up visits in a private practice, consecutive 138 remitted BP-II outpatients were re-diagnosed by a mood disorder specialist psychiatrist, using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (as modified by Benazzi and Akiskal for better probing hypomania). Soon after, patients self-assessed (blind to interviewer) the SCID-II Personality Questionnaire for BPD. Associations and confounding were tested by logistic regression, between each criteria symptom of hypomania (apart from "racing thoughts" and "distractibility", not assessed as probing focused mainly on behavioral, observable signs), and the entire set of BPD traits. Multivariate regression was also used to jointly regress the entire set of hypomanic symptoms on the entire set of BPD traits. RESULTS: Mean (SD) age was 39.0 (9.8) years, females were 76.3%. Frequency of BPD traits ranged between 17% and 66% (e.g. impulsivity trait 41%, affective instability trait 63%), mean (SD) number of traits was 4.2 (2.3). The most common episodic hypomanic symptoms were elevated mood (91%) and overactivity (93%); frequency of excessive risky, impulsive activities (impulsivity) was 62%. By logistic regression the only significant association was between the episodic impulsivity of hypomania and the trait impulsivity of BPD. Multivariate regression of the entire set of hypomanic symptoms jointly regressed on the entire set of BPD traits was not statistically significant. DISCUSSION: The core feature of BP-II, i.e. hypomania, does not seem to have a close relationship with BDP traits in the study setting, partly running against a strong association between BPD and BP-II and a bipolar spectrum nature of BPD.  相似文献   

The authors' literature review suggests that the relationship between antisocial personality disorder and substance abuse is complex and not yet fully understood. The confusion regarding the relationship between the disorders may be magnified by the emphasis in DSM-III and DSM-III-R on behavioral criteria and their failure to require that antisocial behaviors exist independently of substance abuse. The DSM-III and DSM-III-R formulations of antisocial personality disorder may encompass two subgroups of substance abusers--"true" psychopathic individuals and symptomatic psychopaths with little psychopathy. Psychoneurotic symptoms and favorable treatment responses might be found more often in the latter group.  相似文献   

General population data was used to examine if empirically derived subtypes of social phobia with and without avoidant personality disorder (APD) could be differentiated on self-report measures of anxiety severity, level of global functioning and the number of fulfilled diagnostic criteria for other personality disorders. DSM-IV diagnoses of social phobia, APD and indices of other personality disorders were determined by means of a postal survey. The presence of APD was associated with compromised functional status and a higher frequency of fulfilled diagnostic criteria for additional personality disorders. However, APD did not modify the effect of social phobia subtypes on anxiety severity, level of global functioning or number of personality disorder indices. The presence of comorbid APD in social phobics seems to predict a global functioning decrement independent of anxiety severity. The results imply that social phobia and APD may represent different points on a severity continuum rather than easily defined discreet categories suggesting that social phobia and APD may represent a spectrum of anxiety symptoms related to social anxiety.  相似文献   

Avoidant personality disorder (AvPD) has a high level of symptom overlap and comorbidity with generalized social anxiety disorder (GSAD). We examined whether the presence of comorbid AvPD adds significant clinically relevant information for individuals seeking treatment for GSAD. Results suggested that AvPD was significantly associated with poorer quality of life and greater disability in univariate, but not multivariate analyses. Endorsement of more AvPD symptoms was associated with increased disability, increased risk of intimacy, and lower social support, even after covariate adjustment. Specifically, AvPD item 3, hard to be "open" even with people you are close to, was most strongly correlated with quality of life and disability. A binary diagnosis of AvPD alone adds little beyond a marker of greater GSAD severity and depression among patients with GSAD, while a specific feature of AvPD not captured by the GSAD diagnosis, namely emotional guardedness, may be associated with greater impairment.  相似文献   

A significant association between anxiety and depersonalization has been found in healthy controls and psychiatric patients irrespective of underlying conditions. Although patients with depersonalization disorder (DPD) often have a history of severe anxiety symptoms, clinical observations suggest that the relation between anxiety and depersonalization is complex and poorly understood. Using relevant rating scales, levels of anxiety and depersonalization were assessed in 291 consecutive DPD cases. 'High' and 'low' depersonalization groups, were compared according to anxiety severity. Correlation and multivariate regression analyses were also used to assessed the contribution of anxiety to the phenomenology and natural course of depersonalization. A low but significant association between depersonalization and anxiety (as measured by Beck's Anxiety Inventory) was only apparent in those patients with low intensity depersonalization, but not in those with severe depersonalization. Levels of anxiety did not seem to make specific contributions to the clinical features of depersonalization itself, although DPD patients with high anxiety seem characterised by additional non-specific perceptual symptoms. The presence of a 'statistical dissociation' between depersonalization and anxiety adds further evidence in favour of depersonalization disorder being an independent condition and suggests that its association with anxiety has been overemphasized.  相似文献   

BackgroundA growing number of studies are questioning the validity of current DSM diagnoses, either as “discrete” or distinct mental disorders and/or as phenotypically homogeneous syndromes. In this study, we investigated how symptom domains in patients with a main diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder (PD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD) coaggregate. We predicted that symptom domains would be unrelated to DSM diagnostic categories and less likely to cluster with each other as severity increases.MethodsOne-hundred eight treatment seeking patients with a main diagnosis of OCD, SAD or PD were assessed with the Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DOCS), the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN), the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS), the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-Revised (ASI-R), and the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories (BDI and BAI, respectively). Subscores generated by each scale (herein termed “symptom domains”) were used to categorize individuals into mild, moderate and severe subgroups through K-means clusterization and subsequently analysed by means of multiple correspondence analysis.ResultsBroadly, we observed that symptom domains of OCD, SAD or PD tend to cluster on the basis of their severities rather than their DSM diagnostic labels. In particular, symptom domains and disorders were grouped into (1) a single mild “neurotic” syndrome characterized by multiple, closely related and co-occurring mild symptom domains; (2) two moderate (complicated and uncomplicated) “neurotic” syndromes (the former associated with panic disorder); and (3) severe but dispersed “neurotic” symptom domains.ConclusionOur findings suggest that symptoms domains of treatment seeking patients with OCD and anxiety disorders tend to be better conceptualized in terms of severity rather than rigid diagnostic boundaries.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies indicate that most individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have comorbid personality disorders (PDs), particularly from the anxious cluster. However, the nature and strength of this association remains unclear, as the majority of previous studies have relied heavily on clinical populations. We analysed the prevalence of screen positive personality disorder in a representative sample of adults with OCD living in private households in the UK. METHODS: A secondary analysis of data from the 2000 British National Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity. The prevalence of PD, as determined by the SCID-II questionnaire, was compared in participants with OCD, with other neuroses and non-neurotic controls. Within the OCD group we also analysed possible differences relating to sex and subtypes of the disorder. RESULTS: The prevalence of any screen positive PD in the OCD group (N=108) was 74%, significantly greater than in both control groups. The most common screen positive categories were paranoid, obsessive-compulsive, avoidant, schizoid and schizotypal. Compared to participants with other neuroses, OCD cases were more likely to screen positively for paranoid, avoidant, schizotypal, dependent and narcissistic PDs. Men with OCD were more likely to screen positively for PDs in general, cluster A PDs, antisocial, obsessive-compulsive and narcissistic categories. The presence of comorbid neuroses in people with OCD had no significant effect on the prevalence of PD. CONCLUSIONS: Personality pathology is highly prevalent among people with OCD who are living in the community and should be routinely assessed, as it may affect help-seeking behaviour and response to treatment.  相似文献   

Physicians and other clinicians who treat patients with chronic pain have doubtless recognized the interplay of various psychological and somatic variables in their patients' pain. Notwithstanding, there continues to be primary emphasis on the somatic factors, and continued neglect of the psychological. This article asserts that pain disorder and somatization disorder are indeed valid diagnostic entities, and that their respective incidence and prevalence are quite high both in patients with chronic pain and in the primary care setting. These diagnoses are compared and contrasted, along with the related diagnosis of the psychological factors affecting physical condition. Guidelines for assessment of these conditions are provided, as are recommendations as to when to refer patients for further psychological and psychiatric assessment and treatment.  相似文献   

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is classified as an anxiety disorder in the DSM-IV-TR [American Psychiatric Association, 2000. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, Fourth ed., rev. Washington, DC: Author]; however, the notion of a spectrum of obsessive-compulsive (OC) related disorders that is comprised of such disparate disorders as OCD, body dysmorphic disorder, certain eating disorders, pathological gambling, and autism, is gaining acceptance. The fact that these disorders share obsessive-compulsive features and evidence similarities in patient characteristics, course, comorbidity, neurobiology, and treatment response raises the question of whether OCD is best conceptualized as an anxiety or an OC spectrum disorder. This article reviews evidence from comorbidity and family studies, as well as biological evidence related to neurocircuitry, neurotransmitter function, and pharmacologic treatment response that bear on this question. The implications of removing OCD from the anxiety disorders category and moving it to an OC spectrum disorders category, as is being proposed for the DSM-V, is discussed.  相似文献   

Initiated as part of the ongoing deliberation about the nosological structure of DSM, this review aims to evaluate whether the anxiety disorders share features of responding that define them and make them distinct from depressive disorders, and/or that differentiate fear disorders from anxious‐misery disorders. The review covers symptom self‐report as well as on‐line indices of behavioral, physiological, cognitive, and neural responding in the presence of aversive stimuli. The data indicate that the anxiety disorders share self‐reported symptoms of anxiety and fear; heightened anxiety and fear responding to cues that signal threat, cues that signal no threat, cues that formerly signaled threat, and contexts associated with threat; elevated stress reactivity to aversive stimuli; attentional biases to threat‐relevant stimuli and threat‐based appraisals of ambiguous stimuli; and elevated amygdala responses to threat‐relevant stimuli. Some differences exist among anxiety disorders, and between anxiety disorders and depressive disorders. However, the differences are not fully consistent with proposed subdivisions of fear disorders vs. anxious misery disorders, and comparative data in large part are lacking. Given the high rates of co‐morbidity, advances in our understanding of the features of responding that are shared across vs. unique to anxiety and depressive disorders will require dimensional approaches. In summary, the extant data help to define the features of responding that are shared across anxiety disorders, but are insufficient to justify revisions to the DSM nosology at this time. Depression and Anxiety, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Symptom-free remission is a goal for treatment in depression and anxiety disorders, but there is no consensus regarding the threshold for determining remission in individual disorders. We sought to determine these thresholds by comparing, in a post hoc analysis, scores on the Clinical Global Impressions scale (CGI) and disorder-specific symptom severity rating scales from all available studies of the treatment of major depressive disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder with the same medication (escitalopram). We also sought to compare the standardized effect sizes of escitalopram for these 4 psychiatric disorders. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: Raw data from all randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, acute treatment studies sponsored by H. Lundbeck A/S (Copenhagen, Denmark) or Forest Laboratories, Inc. (New York, N.Y.), published through March 1, 2004, with patients treated with escitalopram for DSM-IV major depressive disorder (5 studies), panic disorder (1 study), generalized anxiety disorder (4 studies), or social anxiety disorder (2 studies) were compared with regard to the standardized effect sizes of change in CGI score and scores on rating scales that represent the "gold standard" for assessment of these disorders (the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale, the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale, the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety, and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, respectively). DATA SYNTHESIS: In all indications, treatment with escitalopram showed differences from placebo in treatment effect from 0.32 to 0.59 on the CGI-S and CGI-I and standardized effect sizes from 0.32 to 0.50 on the standard rating scales. There were no significant differences among the different disorders. Moderate to high correlations were found between scores on the CGI and the standard scales. The corresponding standard scale scores for CGI-defined "response" and "remission" were determined. CONCLUSION: Comparison of scores on the standard scales and scores on the CGI suggest that the traditional definition of response (i.e., a 50% reduction in a standard scale) may be too conservative.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAvoidant personality disorder (AvPD) is closely related to and partially overlaps with social phobia (SP). There is an ongoing debate as to whether AvPD and SP can be classified as separate and distinct disorders or whether these diagnoses rather reflect different degrees of severity of social anxiety. The hypothesis of this study is that in patients with AvPD and in those with AvPD and comorbid SP both interpersonal functioning and metacognitive abilities (the ability to understand mental states) are more severely impaired than they are in patients with SP only. We also hypothesise that the interpersonal and metacognitive functioning of these patients (both AvPD and AvPD + SP) is comparable to that of patients with other PD diagnoses.MethodsTo test this hypothesis, we compared four groups (22 patients with SP, 32 patients with AvPD, 43 patients with both AvPD and SP and 50 patients with other personality disorders without SP and AvPD criteria) on metacognitive abilities, interpersonal functioning and global symptomatic distress.ResultsMetacognitive ability showed significant variation among the four groups, with the lowest score observed in the AvPD group. As far as the interpersonal functioning is concerned, the lack of sociability was more severe in the AvPD group compared with the SP group. These differences were maintained even after controlling for global symptomatic distress.ConclusionResults are in line with the alternative model of PD, proposed in the DSM-5, as dysfunction of the self and relationships. They suggest that specific impairments in critical areas of self domains and interpersonal domains of personality functioning may serve as markers distinguishing AvPD from SP.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine whether separation anxiety disorder (SAD) in childhood is a risk factor for panic disorder and agoraphobia in adulthood. METHOD: Patients (n = 85) who had completed treatment for SAD, generalized anxiety disorder, and/or social phobia 7.42 years earlier (on average) were reassessed using structured diagnostic interviews. RESULTS: Subjects with a childhood diagnosis of SAD did not display a greater risk for developing panic disorder and agoraphobia in young adulthood than those with other childhood anxiety diagnoses. Subjects with a childhood diagnosis of SAD did not more frequently meet full diagnostic criteria for panic disorder and agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, or major depressive disorder in adulthood than subjects with childhood diagnoses of generalized anxiety disorder or social phobia, but were more likely to meet criteria for other anxiety disorders (i.e., specific phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and acute stress disorder). CONCLUSIONS: These results argue against the hypothesis that childhood SAD is a specific risk factor for adult panic disorder and agoraphobia.  相似文献   



The main aim of the present research was to evaluate the coherence of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) psychopathological pattern, the robustness of its diagnostic criteria, and the clinical utility of considering this disorder as a discrete condition rather than assigning it a dimensional value.


The study was designed in a purely naturalistic setting and carried out using a community sample; data from the Sesto Fiorentino Study were reanalyzed.


Of the 105 subjects who satisfied the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria for the diagnosis of GAD, only 18 (17.1%) had no other comorbid DSM-IV disorder. The most frequent comorbid condition was major depressive disorder (70.4 %). Only 2 of the GAD diagnostic symptoms (excessive worry and muscle tension) showed a specific association with the diagnosis itself, whereas the others, such as feeling wound up, tense, or restless, concentration problems, and fatigue, were found to be more prevalent in major depressive disorder than in GAD.


Our study demonstrates that GAD, as defined by DSM-IV criteria, shows a substantial overlap with other DSM-IV diagnoses (especially with mood disorders) in the general population. Furthermore, GAD symptoms are frequent in all other disorders included in the mood/anxiety spectrum. Finally, none of the GAD symptoms, apart from muscle tension, distinguished GAD from patients without GAD.  相似文献   

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