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A review of studies of the prevalence of substance abuse among schizophrenics suggest that both demographic and environmental factors are strong determinants of the extent of substance abuse in this population as well as the type of substances used. In a mid-sized Canadian city, a sample of schizophrenic patients referred to a dual diagnoses clinic were administered the Addiction Severity Index. With age and gender included as a factor, no significant differences were found in the choice or length of use of most drugs between diagnostic groups, contrary to some other reports from large urban centres. Compared with a population of a similar age, there were fewer regular and more former drinkers among the schizophrenic patients. The choice of other substances by the sample reflected the pattern of use in the population at large. This approach to prevalence provides a more balanced perspective of the substance abuse by schizophrenics. The major targets for prevention remain the alcohol, caffeine and tobacco consumption.  相似文献   

For diagnosis of patients with comorbid psychotic symptoms and substance use disorders (SUDs), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, makes clear distinctions between independent psychotic disorders (eg, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia) and substance-induced syndromes (eg, delirium, dementias). Most substance-induced psychotic symptoms are considered to be short lived and to resolve with sustained abstinence along with other symptoms of substance intoxication and withdrawal. These guidelines are challenged by practical difficulties in distinguishing between substance-induced and independent psychoses and by mounting evidence that marijuana use may be a contributing cause of schizophrenia. To inform the diagnostic distinction between substance-induced vs independent psychotic symptoms, 2 kinds of information could be sought from longitudinal research: (a) identification of early markers that clearly differentiate the 2 conditions and (b) more precise information about duration of psychotic symptoms induced by different substances. Evidence of this type could emerge from reanalysis of existing data from large-scale longitudinal studies of community samples. To inform possible nosological changes related to the possible schizophrenia-inducing role of marijuana (eg, designating a "cannabis-induced" subtype), a wide range of research evidence will be needed to clarify the relationship between effects of cannabis and schizophrenia symptoms. Ultimately, the ideal psychiatric nomenclature will define syndromes on the basis of established etiology and/or pathophysiology. Given the strong association between SUDs and psychotic disorders, research on the neurobiology of psychotic disorders could fruitfully include subjects with comorbid SUDs to shed light on shared etiology and pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Positive change was demonstrated on a number of self-report scales administered to 129 adolescents at a hospital-based substance abuse program, of whom 72 were posttested after 8 weeks. Female subjects showed change on more measures than male subjects, and a greater number of female subjects went from the clinical to subclinical range. Based on number of sessions attended, subjects were grouped by "dose" into either "hi-attenders" or "lo-attenders." A Trials (pretest/posttest) x Dose interaction revealed significant reduction in drug use at posttest for hi-attenders who were initially heavier users. Multiple regression analyses determined how well "comorbidity" predicted attendance and change in drug use. Although comorbidity failed to predict attendance consistently, male subjects who reported more internalizing symptomatology reduced their drug use to a greater extent than those low on this dimension, and female subjects who initially reported experiencing more family problems became more self-efficacious about future drug avoidance.  相似文献   

Viral infections can cause persistent and progressive changes in emotional and cognitive functions. The viral-induced imbalances in neuronal network functioning may precipitate or accentuate psychiatric conditions in vulnerable individuals, in part, as a function of the host response to proinflammatory cytokines resulting from infection or brain injury. Research indicates that the mediators of psychiatric illnesses and HIV-neuropathogenesis utilize similar brain structures, neurocircuitry and receptor systems. The genetic, cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to HIV neuropathogenesis and its late stage clinical correlate, HIV-associated-dementia (HAD), are active areas of neuroAIDS research. The study of HIV in the context of psychiatric comorbidities and comorbid pathogenesis is in a fledgling stage despite epidemiological studies suggesting that >60% of HIV infected individuals will suffer from at least one major psychiatric disorder during the course of infection. Depression is the primary comorbid disorder but anxiety and substance abuse disorders are also considerable in certain HIV(+) populations. Certain substances of abuse and the biological mediators of psychiatric illnesses reportedly interact in the brain and presumptively worsen HIV-related neuropathogenesis and survival measures. A panel of experts discussed approaches for studying the neuroscience of HIV and psychiatric comorbidity at a basic, mechanistic level since they co-exist in high proportion in the human population. Recommended approaches ranged from improving human consent forms and maximizing the value of repository resources to novel research designs and identifying human and animal endophenotypes.  相似文献   

It is commonly held that substance use comorbidity in schizophrenia represents self-medication, an attempt by patients to alleviate adverse positive and negative symptoms, cognitive impairment, or medication side effects. However, recent advances suggest that increased vulnerability to addictive behavior may reflect the impact of the neuropathology of schizophrenia on the neural circuitry mediating drug reward and reinforcement. We hypothesize that abnormalities in the hippocampal formation and frontal cortex facilitate the positive reinforcing effects of drug reward and reduce inhibitory control over drug-seeking behavior. In this model, disturbances in drug reward are mediated, in part, by dysregulated neural integration of dopamine and glutamate signaling in the nucleus accumbens resulting form frontal cortical and hippocampal dysfunction. Altered integration of these signals would produce neural and motivational changes similar to long-term substance abuse but without the necessity of prior drug exposure. Thus, schizophrenic patients may have a predilection for addictive behavior as a primary disease symptom in parallel to, and in many, cases independent from, their other symptoms.  相似文献   

Addiction to psychostimulant drugs such as nicotine, amphetamine, and cocaine is a serious public health problem for which there is a paucity of accepted forms of pharmacotherapy. Nicotine dependence has become more frequently associated with psychiatric illness in recent decades, and patients who have schizophrenia are at highest risk and have the poorest prognosis for stopping their addiction. Possible mechanisms for this association include self-medication, with nicotine attenuating attentional deficits and negative symptoms. Neurotensin has been postulated to be an endogenous neuroleptic, and the performance of neurotensin analogues in animal models of addiction makes such compounds intriguing candidates for treatment of addiction in high-risk psychiatric populations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first examine and recast the research literature on opiate addiction in the light of a hierarchical model of self-organization. The hierarchical model consists of five modes of psychological and psychobiological functioning defined epigenetically. Research and theories of opiate addiction are classified as to their primary modal emphases. We then describe failures of self-regulation as particular vulnerabilities along the first three modes of the hierarchy. A measure of this construct, the Scale for Failures in Self-Regulation (SFSR), a projective measure that utilizes Thematic Apperception Test responses, is introduced for the study of opiate addicts. The SFSR was administered to normal and opiate-addicted subjects in order to examine the predictive and explanatory power of the hierarchial model. A multivariate analysis of variance showed the addicts to have greater difficulties in self-regulatory functioning than normal subjects. In terms of the hierarchical model, the implications of these findings for the questions of severity of illness, psychotherapy technique, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

物质成瘾是一种慢性复发性脑疾病,在治疗上存在着较大的困难。除了常规的药物治疗, 心理干预也是必不可少的。筛查-简短干预-转诊综合干预(SBIRT)作为一种新兴的筛查-干预形式,在 物质成瘾领域作为辅助治疗手段得到了一定的运用。本文就SBIRT模式在物质成瘾领域的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

The influence of psychiatric comorbidity on the course and outcome in a nationwide representative sample (n = 351) of treatment-seeking substance users over a 28-month period was studied prospectively. The patients were administered the Diagnostic Interview Schedule and a questionnaire on drinking history. At 16 and 28 months after admission the patients returned a questionnaire on drinking history and mental health. In cases of those lacking information on either follow-up (45%), details on drinking status was obtained from informants. Completely abstinent were 16%. Generalized anxiety disorder and/or social phobia at the index admission predicted abstinence during the follow-up [odds ratio (OR) = 0.25], whereas onset of alcoholism among these patients after age 25 years predicted a worse prognosis (OR = 13.5). Also increasing number of social consequences related to abuse (OR = 1.3) and drinking more than the median (OR = 2.1) predicted a poor outcome. The abstinent group had significantly better mental health at follow-up. The patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders at admission were worse at follow-up. Although substance use disorders and comorbid psychiatric disorders have to a certain degree separate courses, there is nevertheless significant interaction between them. Early treatment and recognition of comorbid psychiatric disorders among substance abusers is necessary.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the efficacy of long-acting risperidone and zuclopenthixol in subjects with schizophrenia and substance abuse. METHOD: A total of 115 subjects with schizophrenia and substance use disorders were enrolled for an open, randomized, controlled, 6-month follow-up study. Fifty-seven subjects were selected for treatment with long-acting injectable risperidone, while another 58 were treated with zuclopenthixol-depot. RESULTS: Long-acting risperidone patients presented fewer positive urine tests (8.67 compared with 10.36, P = 0.005), showed improved scores on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, and showed better compliance with the Substance Abuse Management program. The use of long-acting risperidone and less severe dependence explained the outcome at the end of the follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Long-acting injectable risperidone was more effective than zuclopenthixol-depot in improving substance abuse and schizophrenia symptoms in subjects with dual diagnosis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine associations between abortion history and a wide range of anxiety (panic disorder, panic attacks, PTSD, Agoraphobia), mood (bipolar disorder, mania, major depression), and substance abuse disorders (alcohol and drug abuse and dependence) using a nationally representative US sample, the national comorbidity survey. Abortion was found to be related to an increased risk for a variety of mental health problems (panic attacks, panic disorder, agoraphobia, PTSD, bipolar disorder, major depression with and without hierarchy), and substance abuse disorders after statistical controls were instituted for a wide range of personal, situational, and demographic variables. Calculation of population attributable risks indicated that abortion was implicated in between 4.3% and 16.6% of the incidence of these disorders. Future research is needed to identify mediating mechanisms linking abortion to various disorders and to understand individual difference factors associated with vulnerability to developing a particular mental health problem after abortion.  相似文献   

Bennett DJ, Ogloff JRP, Mullen PE, Thomas SDM, Wallace C, Short T. Schizophrenia disorders, substance abuse and prior offending in a sequential series of 435 homicides. Objective: To examine the relationship between committing homicide, the presence of schizophrenia, substance misuse and past criminality. Method: The study employed a data linkage design, using contacts recorded on two statewide databases, one of which recorded public mental health services contacts and the second of which recorded contacts with the police. The estimated rates of schizophrenia disorders, substance abuse and criminal convictions found among a population of 435 homicide offenders were contrasted with estimated rates in two composite comparison samples. Results: Of the 435 offenders, 38 (8.7%) had been diagnosed with a schizophrenia disorder, which was RR 13.11 (95% CI 9.14–18.80) times more likely than a comparison sample. Rates of known substance abuse between homicide offenders with and without schizophrenia and community‐dwelling residents with schizophrenia did not differ significantly. However, these rates were higher than those found in the general community. A similar pattern emerged for comparisons regarding offending histories between these same groups. Conclusion: The association between homicidal violence and having a schizophrenia disorder cannot be explained away simply on the basis of either comorbid substance abuse or prior criminal offending.  相似文献   

This article compares the differences in HIV prevalence and risk behaviors in singly diagnosed patients with substance abuse problems and dually diagnosed patients with comorbid psychiatric and substance abuse problems. The National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study (NTIES) was used to conduct a cross-sectional study on 6593 persons treated for substance abuse disorders. Logistic regression using hierarchal linear modeling (HLM) was utilized to compare risk behaviors of singly and dually diagnosed persons. Compared with singly diagnosed patients, dually diagnosed patients were more likely to share a needle, have sex for money or gifts, have sex with an intravenous drug user, and report being raped. Patients dually diagnosed with psychiatric and substance abuse disorders are an especially high-risk group for HIV infection, in part due to a higher likelihood of engaging in high-risk behavior, and should be targeted for more intense HIV interventions.  相似文献   

Substance abuse is a pervasive problem in American society that extends to persons with mental illness. Despite the fact that substance abuse in the mentally ill is a major clinical problem, there have been very few systematic investigations of the dimensions, nature, and treatment of this problem. This issue of the Schizophrenia Bulletin attempts to examine the problem of substance abuse in schizophrenia from various perspectives by reviewing the published literature, presenting original data, and identifying areas and approaches for future scientific investigation.  相似文献   

Suicide and substance abuse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The treatment of dual diagnosis, co-occurring substance abuse and mental illness, calls for addressing two serious and often confounding problems. The authors introduce an expanded version of the transtheoretical model of change as formulated by J.O. Prochaska and C.C. DiClemente, and suggest that this new version offers a pragmatic approach to the conceptualization and treatment of dual diagnosis. The potential utility of the treatment model is presented through the authors' experiences in working with inner-city, chronic mentally ill individuals with substance abuse problems. Practical guidelines for dual diagnosis group therapy are discussed.Dr. Brady is an assistant research professor at the Boston University School of Medicine and the deputy superintendent for research and training at the Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Mental Health Center. Drs. Hiam, Saemann, Humbert, Fleming and Brickhouse were senior members of the clinical/administrative staff at the Fuller MHC.  相似文献   

Advances in neuroimaging and genomics provide an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate medication development for nicotine dependence and other addictions. Neuroimaging studies have begun to elucidate the functional neuroanatomy and neurochemistry underlying effects of nicotine and nicotine abstinence. In parallel, genetic studies, including both candidate gene and genome-wide association approaches, are identifying key neurobiological targets and pathways important in addiction to nicotine. To date, only a few neuroimaging studies have explored effects of nicotine or abstinence on brain activity as a function of genotype. Most analyses of genotype are retrospective, resulting in small sample sizes for testing effects of the minor alleles for candidate genes. The purpose of this review is to provide an outline of the work in neuroimaging, genetics, and nicotine dependence, and to explore the potential for increased integration of these approaches to improve nicotine dependence treatment.  相似文献   

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