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Background: Atelectasis results in impaired compliance and gas exchange and, in extreme cases, increased microvascular permeability, pulmonary hypertension, and right ventricular dysfunction. It is not known whether such atelectasis-induced lung injury is due to the direct mechanical effects of lung volume reduction and alveolar collapse or due to the associated regional lung hypoxia. The authors hypothesized that addition of supplemental oxygen to an atelectasis-prone ventilation strategy would attenuate the pulmonary vascular effects and reduce the local levels of vasoconstrictor eicosanoids.

Methods: In series 1, anesthetized, atelectasis-prone mechanically ventilated rats were randomly assigned to one of six groups based on the inspired oxygen concentration and ventilated without recruitment. Series 2 was performed to determine the cardiac and pulmonary vascular effects of 21% versus 100% inspired oxygen. In series 3, computed tomography scans were performed after ventilation with a recruitment strategy (21% O2) or no recruitment strategy (21% O2 or 100% O2). In series 4, functional residual capacity was measured in animals where the gas was 21% or 100% O2.

Results: The partial pressure of arterial oxygen increased with increasing inspired oxygen, but the alveolar-arterial oxygenation gradient was also greater with higher inspired oxygen. Ventilation with 21% O2 (but not with 100% O2) was associated with progressive pulmonary vascular impedance and increased pulmonary vascular permeability. Prostaglandin F2[alpha] was increased by mechanical ventilation, especially without supplemental oxygen. Computed tomography scans demonstrated no atelectasis in recruited lungs, and atelectasis in nonrecruited lungs that was greater with supplemental oxygen. Increased atelectasis with 100% O2 (vs. 21% O2) was demonstrated by measurement of functional residual capacity.  相似文献   

Background: Ketamine blocks KATP channels in isolated cells and abolishes the cardioprotective effect of ischemic preconditioning in vitro. The authors investigated the effects of ketamine and S (+)-ketamine on ischemic preconditioning in the rabbit heart in vivo.

Methods: In 46 [alpha]-chloralose-anesthetized rabbits, left ventricular pressure (tip manometer), cardiac output (ultrasonic flow probe), and myocardial infarct size (triphenyltetrazolium staining) at the end of the experiment were measured. All rabbits were subjected to 30 min of occlusion of a major coronary artery and 2 h of subsequent reperfusion. The control group underwent the ischemia-reperfusion program without preconditioning. Ischemic preconditioning was elicited by 5-min coronary artery occlusion followed by 10 min of reperfusion before the 30 min period of myocardial ischemia (preconditioning group). To test whether ketamine or S (+)-ketamine blocks the preconditioning-induced cardioprotection, each (10 mg kg-1) was administered 5 min before the preconditioning ischemia. To test any effect of ketamine itself, ketamine was also administered without preconditioning at the corresponding time point.

Results: Hemodynamic baseline values were not significantly different between groups [left ventricular pressure, 107 +/- 13 mmHg (mean +/- SD); cardiac output, 183 +/- 28 ml/min]. During coronary artery occlusion, left ventricular pressure was reduced to 83 +/- 14% of baseline and cardiac output to 84 +/- 19%. After 2 h of reperfusion, functional recovery was not significantly different among groups (left ventricular pressure, 77 +/- 19%; cardiac output, 86 +/- 18%). Infarct size was reduced from 45 +/- 16% of the area at risk in controls to 24 +/- 17% in the preconditioning group (P = 0.03). The administration of ketamine had no effect on infarct size in animals without preconditioning (48 +/- 18%), but abolished the cardioprotective effects of ischemic preconditioning (45 +/- 19%, P = 0.03). S (+)-ketamine did not affect ischemic preconditioning (25 +/- 11%, P = 1.0).  相似文献   

Background: Xenon, the "inert" gaseous anesthetic, is an antagonist at the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptor. Because of the pivotal role that NMDA receptors play in neuronal injury, the authors investigated the efficacy of xenon as a neuroprotectant in both in vitro and in vivo paradigms.

Methods: In a mouse neuronal-glial cell coculture, injury was provoked either by NMDA, glutamate, or oxygen deprivation and assessed by the release of lactate dehydrogenase into the culture medium. Increasing concentrations of either xenon or nitrogen (10-75% of an atmosphere) were coadministered and maintained until injury was assessed. In separate in vivo experiments, rats were administered N-methyl-dl-aspartate and killed 3 h later. Injury was quantified by histologic assessment of neuronal degeneration in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus.

Results: Xenon exerted a concentration-dependent protection against neuronal injury provoked by NMDA (IC50 = 19 +/- 6% atm), glutamate (IC50 = 28 +/- 8% atm), and oxygen deprivation (IC50 = 10 +/- 4% atm). Xenon (60% atm) reduced lactate dehydrogenase release to baseline concentrations with oxygen deprivation, whereas xenon (75% atm) reduced lactate dehydrogenase release by 80% with either NMDA- or glutamate-induced injury. In an in vivo brain injury model in rats, xenon exerted a concentration-dependent protective effect (IC50 = 78 +/- 8% atm) and reduced the injury by 45% at the highest xenon concentration tested (75% atm).  相似文献   

Background: Bulleyaconitine A (BLA) is an active ingredient of Aconitum bulleyanum plants. BLA has been approved for the treatment of chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis in China, but its underlying mechanism remains unclear.

Methods: The authors examined (1) the effects of BLA on neuronal voltage-gated Na+ channels in vitro under the whole cell patch clamp configuration and (2) the sensory and motor functions of rat sciatic nerve after single BLA injections in vivo.

Results: BLA at 10 [mu]m did not affect neuronal Na+ currents in clonal GH3 cells when stimulated infrequently to +50 mV. When stimulated at 2 Hz for 1,000 pulses (+50 mV for 4 ms), BLA reduced the peak Na+ currents by more than 90%. This use-dependent reduction of Na+ currents by BLA reversed little after washing. Single injections of BLA (0.2 ml at 0.375 mm) into the rat sciatic notch not only blocked sensory and motor functions of the sciatic nerve but also induced hyperexcitability, followed by sedation, arrhythmia, and respiratory distress. When BLA at 0.375 mm was coinjected with 2% lidocaine (approximately 80 mm) or epinephrine (1:100,000) to reduce drug absorption by the bloodstream, the sensory and motor functions of the sciatic nerve remained fully blocked for approximately 4 h and regressed completely after approximately 7 h, with minimal systemic effects.  相似文献   

Background: Excessive production of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) is linked to tissue damage and anastomotic leakage after large bowel surgery. Hence, the aim of this study was to verify whether different strategies of fluids administration can reduce MMP-9 expression.

Methods: In the in vitro experiment, the authors tested the hypothesis of a direct inhibition of MMP-9 by the fluids used perioperatively, i.e., lactated Ringer's solution, 3.4% poligeline, and hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4. In the in vivo experiment, 36 patients undergoing surgery for colon cancer were randomly assigned to three groups to receive lactated Ringer's solution, poligeline, or hydroxyethyl starch. MMP-9 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases were measured from venous blood samples; the MMP-9/tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases ratio was calculated as an index of equilibrium between the action of MMP-9 and its inhibition.

Results: In the in vitro experiment, the presence of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 in the MMP-9 assay system showed a strong inhibition of the enzymatic activity compared with lactated Ringer's solution. In the in vivo experiment, MMP-9 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases plasma levels did not differ among the three groups at baseline, whereas those levels increased significantly at the end of surgery. At that time, the MMP-9 plasma levels and the MMP-9/tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases ratio were significantly higher in the lactated Ringer's solution and poligeline groups than in the hydroxyethyl starch group. These results were confirmed 72 h after surgery.  相似文献   

Background: In human skeletal muscles, the phosphodiesterase-III inhibitor enoximone induces in vitro contracture development, and it has been suggested that enoximone could trigger malignant hyperthermia (MH). In this study, the in vitro and in vivo effects of enoximone in MH-normal (MHN) and MH-susceptible (MHS) swine were investigated.

Methods: Malignant hyperthermia trigger-free general anesthesia was performed in MHS and MHN swine. Skeletal muscle specimens were excised for an in vitro contracture test with 0.6 mm enoximone. Thereafter, MHS and MHN swine were exposed to cumulative administration of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 mg/kg enoximone intravenously. Clinical occurrence of MH was defined by a Pco2 greater than 70 mmHg, a pH less than 7.20, and an increase in body temperature of more than 2.0[degrees]C.

Results: Enoximone induced marked contractures in all MHS muscle specimens in vitro. In contrast, only small or no contracture development was observed in MHN muscle specimens, without an overlap in contractures between MHS and MHN muscles. However, in vivo, no clinical differences were found between MHS and MHN swine following cumulative enoximone doses. According to the defined criteria, none of the swine developed MH during the experiment. Furthermore, high enoximone doses induced progressive circulatory insufficiency, and after receiving 32 mg/kg enoximone, all animals died of cardiovascular failure.  相似文献   

Background: Isoflurane and pentobarbital can reduce [alpha]-amino-d-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA) receptor-mediated toxicity in vitro. However, their effect on AMPA toxicity in vivo is not known. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of isoflurane and pentobarbital on the in vivo neurotoxicity produced by AMPA.

Methods: Wistar-Kyoto rats were allocated to one of seven groups (n = 8 per group): isoflurane 1 minimum alveolar concentration, isoflurane electroencephalogram burst suppression (EEG-BS), low-dose pentobarbital, pentobarbital EEG-BS, NBQX, conscious, and sham groups. AMPA 30 nm was injected into the cortex. An equivalent volume of cerebrospinal fluid was injected into the cortex in the sham group. In the NBQX group, 200 nm NBQX was injected into the cortex with the AMPA. In the isoflurane and pentobarbital groups, anesthesia was maintained for a period of 5 h. Animals in the conscious, NBQX, and sham groups were allowed to awaken immediately after the AMPA injection. Injury to the cortex was evaluated 48 h later.

Results: Isoflurane reduced AMPA-induced cortical injury (4.5 +/- 1.9 mm3 and 1.7 +/- 0.8 mm3 in the 1 minimum alveolar concentration and EEG-BS groups, respectively) in comparison to the conscious group (7.2 +/- 0.8 mm3). Pentobarbital reduced cortical injury when administered in EEG-BS doses (2.2 +/- 0.7 mm3) but not when administered in sedative doses (8.6 +/- 0.9 mm3). NBQX reduced AMPA-induced cortical injury (1.2 +/- 0.5 mm3).  相似文献   

Background: Local anesthetic-induced direct neurotoxicity (paresthesia, failure to regain normal sensory and motor function) is a potentially devastating complication of regional anesthesia. Local anesthetics activate the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) system, which is involved in apoptotic cell death. The authors therefore investigated in vitro (cultured primary sensory neurons) and in vivo (sciatic nerve block model) the potential neuroprotective effect of the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580 administered together with a clinical (lidocaine) or investigational (amitriptyline) local anesthetic.

Methods: Cell survival and mitochondrial depolarization as marker of apoptotic cell death was assessed in rat dorsal root ganglia incubated with lidocaine or amitriptyline either with or without the addition of SB203580. Similarly, in a sciatic nerve block model, the authors assessed wallerian degeneration by light microscopy to detect a potential mitigating effect of MAPK inhibition.

Results: Lidocaine at 40 mm/approximately 1% and amitriptyline at 100 [mu]m reduce neuron count, but coincubation with the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580 at 10 [mu]m significantly reduces cytotoxicity and the number of neurons exhibiting mitochondrial depolarization. Also, wallerian degeneration and demyelination induced by lidocaine (600 mm/approximately 15%) and amitriptyline (10 mm/approximately 0.3%) seem to be mitigated by SB203580.  相似文献   

Background: Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) mediates the late phase of ischemic preconditioning (IPC), but whether this enzyme modulates early IPC, anesthetic-induced preconditioning (APC), or other forms of pharmacologic preconditioning (PPC) is unknown. The authors tested the hypothesis that COX-2 is an essential mediator of IPC, APC, and PPC in vivo.

Methods: Barbiturate-anesthetized dogs (n = 91) were instrumented for measurement of hemodynamics and randomly assigned to receive IPC (four 5-min coronary occlusions interspersed with 5-min reperfusions), APC (1.0 minimum alveolar concentration of isoflurane for 30 min), or PPC (selective mitochondrial KATP channel opener diazoxide, 2.5 mg/kg intravenous) in the presence or absence of pretreatment with oral aspirin (650 mg), the selective COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib (200 mg), or acetaminophen (500 mg) administered 24, 12, and 2 h before experimentation in 12 separate experimental groups. All dogs were subjected to a 60-min coronary artery occlusion followed by 3 h of reperfusion. Myocardial infarct size and coronary collateral blood flow were quantified with triphenyltetrazolium staining and radioactive microspheres, respectively. Myocardial 6-keto-prostaglandin F1[alpha], a stable metabolite of prostacyclin, was measured (enzyme immunoassay) in separate experiments (n = 8) before and after isoflurane administration, in the presence or absence of celecoxib.

Results: No significant differences in baseline hemodynamics or the left ventricular area at risk for infarction were observed between groups. IPC, isoflurane, and diazoxide all decreased myocardial infarct size (9 +/- 1, 12 +/- 2, and 11 +/- 1%, respectively) as compared with control (30 +/- 1%). Celecoxib alone had no effect on infarct size (26 +/- 3%) but abolished IPC (30 +/- 3%), APC (30 +/- 3%), and PPC (26 +/- 1%). Aspirin (24 +/- 3%) and acetaminophen alone (29 +/- 2%) did not alter infarct size or abolish APC-induced protection (18 +/- 1 and 19 +/- 1%, respectively). Isoflurane increased myocardial 6-keto-prostaglandin F1[alpha] to 463 +/- 267% of baseline in the absence but not in the presence (94 +/- 13%) of celecoxib.  相似文献   

Background: Endogenous serotonin (5-HT) provides important excitatory drive to inspiratory hypoglossal motoneurons (IHMNs). In vitro studies show that activation of postsynaptic 5-HT receptors decreases a leak K+ channel conductance and depolarizes hypoglossal motoneurons (HMNs). In contrast, volatile anesthetics increase this leak K+ channel conductance, which causes neuronal membrane hyperpolarization and depresses HMN excitability. Clinical studies show upper airway obstruction, indicating HMN depression, even at subanesthetic concentrations. The authors hypothesized that if anesthetic activation of leak K+ channels caused neuronal depression in vivo, this effect could be antagonized with serotonin. In this case, the neuronal response to picoejected serotonin would be greater during isoflurane than with no isoflurane.

Methods: Studies were performed in decerebrate, vagotomized, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated dogs during hypercapnic hyperoxia. The authors studied the effect of approximately 0.3 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) isoflurane on the spontaneous discharge frequency patterns of single IHMNs and on the neuronal response to picoejection of 5-HT.

Results: Normalized data (mean +/- SD, n = 19) confirmed that 0.3 +/- 0.1 MAC isoflurane markedly reduced the spontaneous peak discharge frequency by 48 +/- 19% (P < 0.001) and depressed the slope of the spontaneous discharge patterns. The increase in neuronal frequency in response to 5-HT was reduced by 34 +/- 22% by isoflurane (P < 0.001).  相似文献   

Background: Volatile anesthetics protect against cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury via adenosine triphosphate-dependent potassium channel activation. The authors questioned whether volatile anesthetics can also protect against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury and, if so, whether cellular adenosine triphosphate-dependent potassium channels, antiinflammatory effects of volatile anesthetics, or both are involved.

Methods: Rats were anesthetized with equipotent doses of volatile anesthetics (desflurane, halothane, isoflurane, or sevoflurane) or injectable anesthetics (pentobarbital or ketamine) and subjected to 45 min of renal ischemia and 3 h of reperfusion during anesthesia.

Results: Rats treated with volatile anesthetics had lower plasma creatinine and reduced renal necrosis 24-72 h after injury compared with rats anesthetized with pentobarbital or ketamine. Twenty-four hours after injury, sevoflurane-, isoflurane-, or halothane-treated rats had creatinine (+/- SD) of 2.3 +/- 0.7 mg/dl (n = 12), 1.8 +/- 0.5 mg/dl (n = 6), and 2.4 +/- 1.2 mg/dl (n = 6), respectively, compared with rats treated with pentobarbital (5.8 +/- 1.2 mg/dl, n = 9) or ketamine (4.6 +/- 1.2 mg/dl, n = 8). Among the volatile anesthetics, desflurane demonstrated the least reduction in plasma creatinine after 24 h (4.1 +/- 0.8 mg/dl, n = 12). Renal cortices from volatile anesthetic-treated rats demonstrated reduced expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 protein and messenger RNA as well as messenger RNAs encoding proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Volatile anesthetic treatment reduced renal cortex myeloperoxidase activity and reduced nuclear translocation of proinflammatory nuclear factor [kappa]B. Adenosine triphosphate-dependent potassium channels are not involved in sevoflurane-mediated renal protection because glibenclamide did not block renal protection (creatinine: 2.4 +/- 0.4 mg/dl, n = 3).  相似文献   

Background: The pharmacology of oxycodone is poorly understood despite its growing clinical use. The discrepancy between its good clinical effectiveness after systemic administration and the loss of potency after spinal administration led the authors to study the pharmacodynamic effects of oxycodone and its metabolites using in vivo and in vitro models in rats.

Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were used in hot-plate, tail-flick, and paw-pressure tests to study the antinociceptive properties of morphine, oxycodone, and its metabolites oxymorphone and noroxycodone. [mu]-Opioid receptor agonist-stimulated GTP[gamma][35S] autoradiography was used to study G-protein activation induced by morphine, oxycodone, and oxymorphone in the rat brain and spinal cord. Spontaneous locomotor activity was measured to assess possible sedation or motor dysfunction. Naloxone and the selective [kappa]-opioid receptor antagonist nor-binaltorphimine were used to study the opioid receptor selectivity of the drugs.

Results: Oxycodone showed lower efficacy and potency to stimulate GTP[gamma][35S] binding in the spinal cord and periaqueductal gray compared with morphine and oxymorphone. This could relate to the fact that oxycodone produced only weak naloxone-reversible antinociception after intrathecal administration. It also suggests that the metabolites may have a role in oxycodone-induced analgesia in rats. Intrathecal oxymorphone produced strong long-lasting antinociception, whereas noroxycodone produced antinociception with very high doses only. Subcutaneous administration of oxycodone and oxymorphone produced thermal and mechanical antinociception that was reversed by naloxone but not by nor-binaltorphimine. Oxymorphone was more potent than oxycodone, particularly in the hot-plate and paw-pressure tests.  相似文献   

Background: A3 adenosine receptor (AR) activation worsens or protects against renal and cardiac ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury, respectively. The aims of the current study were to examine in an in vivo model the effect of A3AR activation on IR lung injury and investigate the mechanism by which it exerts its effect.

Methods: The arterial branch of the left lower lung lobe in intact-chest, spontaneously breathing cats was occluded for 2 h and reperfused for 3 h (IR group). Animals were treated with the selective A3 receptor agonist IB-MECA (300 [mu]g/kg intravenously) given 15 min before ischemia or with IB-MECA as described, with pretreatment 15 min earlier with the selective A3AR antagonist MRS-1191, the nonsulfonylurea adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channel-blocking agent U-37883A, or the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor Nw-nitro-l-arginine benzyl ester.

Results: IB-MECA markedly (P < 0.01) reduced the percentage of injured alveoli (IR, 48 +/- 4%; IB-MECA, 18 +/- 2%), wet:dry weight ratio (IR, 8.2 +/- 0.4; IB-MECA, 4 +/- 2), and myeloperoxidase activity (IR, 0.52 +/- 0.06 U/g; IB-MECA, 0.17 +/- 0.04 U/g). This protective effect was completely blocked by pretreatment with the selective A3AR antagonist MRS-1191 and the adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channel blocking agent U-37883A but not the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor Nw-nitro-l-arginine benzyl ester.  相似文献   

Background: Abundant in vitro and animal model data suggest the postsynaptic [gamma]-aminobutyric acid receptor type A (GABAA-R) is an important target for volatile general anesthetics, but the relevance of these models is untested in humans. Because benzodiazepines have also been shown to act via a specific GABAA-R site, they provide sensitive probes for the GABAA-R. Availability of the 11C-labeled benzodiazepine ligand, flumazenil, allowed us to quantitatively test in humans whether the volatile anesthetic isoflurane affects GABAA-Rs in vivo in a dose-dependent manner.

Methods: 11C-flumazenil positron emission tomography scans were obtained in 12 healthy subjects while awake (control condition) and anesthetized with either 1.0 or 1.5 minimum alveolar concentration isoflurane (n = 7 and 5, respectively; isoflurane conditions). Regions of interest included areas of high, intermediate, and low GABAA-benzodiazepine site density. For each subject and experimental condition, the binding of 11C-flumazenil, expressed as distribution volume (which linearly correlates to maximal binding site density and apparent ligand affinity), was obtained by curve fitting using a two-compartment model.

Results: The ratio of distribution volume increased significantly in each examined region during the isoflurane conditions compared with control conditions (P < 0.01, one-tailed t test). Furthermore, the increases in ratio of distribution volume during the 1.5-minimum alveolar concentration isoflurane condition were significantly greater than those measured during 1.0 minimum alveolar concentration isoflurane inhalation (P < 0.002, one-tailed t test).  相似文献   

Background: Noxious information through A[delta] and C afferent fibers is transmitted to substantia gelatinosa, a process that plays an important role in plastic changes of nociceptive processing in pathophysiological conditions. In this study, changes in properties of substantia gelatinosa neurons and their sensitivity to systemic administration of lidocaine after surgical incision were investigated using the in vivo patch-clamp technique.

Methods: Under urethane anesthesia, in the current clamp mode, spontaneous activities and responses of substantia gelatinosa neurons to nonnoxious air-puff stimuli and noxious pinch stimuli were recorded before and after 1-cm-long incisions had been made in hairy skin of the hindquarters of rats. Systemic administration of lidocaine (2 mg/kg) was applied at 30 min after the incision.

Results: Stable recordings for 30 min or more after the incision were obtained from 18 substantia gelatinosa neurons that were classified as multireceptive (n = 8), nociceptive (n = 5), and subthreshold (n = 5) neurons. Action potential firing disappeared immediately after completion of the wound closure in most multireceptive and nociceptive neurons, and sustained spontaneous action potential firing was observed in 23% of these substantia gelatinosa neurons. Responsiveness of these substantia gelatinosa neurons, but not that of subthreshold neurons, increased after the incision. Systemic administration of lidocaine suppressed spontaneous firings of action potentials of the substantia gelatinosa neurons and reversed the increased responsiveness of the neurons.  相似文献   

Background : The addition of clonidine to local anesthetics has been shown to prolong both peripheral and central neuraxial local anesthetic blocks. Whether clonidine prolongs local anesthetic block by a pharmacokinetic effect or a pharmacodynamic effect is unclear. By directly measuring lidocaine tissue concentrations at the site of injection in the presence and absence of clonidine, this study was designed to address this question.

Methods : Microdialysis probes were placed adjacent to the superficial peroneal nerve in both feet of seven volunteers. Plain lidocaine (1%) was injected along one nerve, and lidocaine with clonidine (10 [mu]g/ml) was injected along the other nerve in a double-blind, randomized manner. The extracellular fluid was then sampled for lidocaine concentration at 5-min intervals using microdialysis, cutaneous blood flow was assessed by laser Doppler at 10-min intervals, and sensory block was assessed every 10 min until resolution.

Results : Consistent with previous studies, clonidine prolonged lidocaine sensory block. Blood flow increased in both groups but was significantly lower in the clonidine group, especially during the first 60 min. Consistent with the lower blood flow, the area under the lidocaine concentration-versus-time curve was significantly greater in the clonidine group during the first 60 min.  相似文献   

Background: Volatile anesthetics are frequently used during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) to maintain anesthesia. Uptake and elimination of the volatile agent are dependent on the composition of the oxygenator. This study was designed to evaluate whether the in vivo uptake and elimination of isoflurane differs between microporous membrane oxygenators containing a conventional polypropylene (PPL) membrane and oxygenators with a new poly-(4-methyl-1-pentene) (PMP) membrane measuring isoflurane concentrations in blood.

Methods: Twenty-four patients undergoing elective coronary bypass surgery with the aid of CPB were randomly allocated to one of four groups, using either one of two different PPL-membrane oxygenators for CPB or one of two different PMP-membrane oxygenators. During hypothermic CPB, 1% isoflurane in an oxygen-air mixture was added to the oxygenator gas inflow line (gas flow, 3 l/min) for 15 min. Isoflurane concentration was measured in blood and in exhaust gas at the outflow port of the oxygenator. Between-group comparisons were performed for the area under the curve (AUC) during uptake and elimination of the isoflurane blood concentrations, the maximum isoflurane blood concentration (Cmax), and the exhausted isoflurane concentration (FE).

Results: The uptake of isoflurane, expressed as AUC of isoflurane blood concentration and a function of FE, was significantly reduced in PMP oxygenators compared to PPL oxygenators (P < 0.01). Cmax was between 8.5 and 13 times lower in the PMP-membrane oxygenator groups compared to the conventional PPL-membrane oxygenator groups (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

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