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J Luka  G Klein  W Henle  G Henle 《Cancer letters》1978,4(4):199-205
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) carrying biopsies of Burkitt lymphoma (BL) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) were used to examine the question whether the EBV-associated nuclear antigen (EBNA) can be demonstrated by the acid fixed nuclear binding (AFNB) technique, developed previously for the demonstration of EBNA in cultured cell lines [11]. Extracts of 5 BL and 5 NPC biopsies gave a brilliant, EBNA specific fluorescence after binding to acid fixed chicken red cells. Similar extracts of 3 other African tumors that are not known to carry the EBV-genome were negative, in spite of the fact that they were derived from EBV-seropositive patients with relatively high anti-EBV (VCA) antibody titers. Crude extraction and DNA-cellulose purification gave equally active extracts, provided that incubation was carried out at 4 degrees C. These results show that the acid fixed nuclear binding technique can be applied to biopsy material. This may be helpful in searching for EBNA carrying cells in heterogeneous normal and tumor tissues in vivo where the direct in situ ACIF staining for EBNA is known to meet great difficulties.  相似文献   

EBNA-positive lymphoblast cells were detected in 0.1 to 0.9% of the T-cell-depleted lymphocytes obtained from peripheral blood samples of five patients with infectious mononucleosis (IM). The same blood specimens from four of the five patients contained cells that formed EBNA-positive colonies in soft agar containing EBV antibodies. The ratio of the colony formers to EBNA-positive cells was higher in blood samples taken early in the disease than in those obtained in later stages of the disease. The present results strongly suggest that EBV-transformed cells are present in the peripheral circulation of IM patients and that such cells can directly give rise to immortalized cell lines in vitro.  相似文献   

Twenty-six of 27 African Burkitt lymphomas with histologically confirmed diagnosis contained relatively large amounts of EBV DNA (10–101 viral genomes per cell), as determined by nucleic acid hybridization. Twenty-five of the 26 EBV DNA-positive lymphomas contained the EBV-determined nuclear antigen, EBNA, in the majority of the nuclei. Technical reasons may have accounted for the apparent EBNA-negativity of one EBV DNA-positive biopsy. Four African lymphoma biopsies, one with a definite diagnosis of Burkitt's lymphoma and three with a questionable diagnosis of the same disease, were all EBV DNA- and EBNA-negative. The same was true for a collection of Swedish cases of Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic lymphatic leukemia and some other lymphoproliferative malignancies. Thus, there is excellent agreement between the presence of EBV DNA and of EBNA in tumor biopsies. The EBNA antigen test therefore appears a relatively simple way of testing for the presence of the virus genome, provided it is carried out with appropriate controls. Several of the EBV-genome and EBNA-negative cases came from patients with high serum titers of EBV antibodies. It is concluded that the virus does not really travel along with malignant lymphomas as a passenger in the seropositive patients. In comparison with other lymphomas, African Burkitt's lymphoma of the high endemic areas is unique in that the tumors (with rare exceptions) represent the proliferation of an EBV-genome carrying clone. These findings stress the necessity to distinguish between EBV-seropositive status and evidence for EBV-genome-carrying neoplastic cells.  相似文献   

It was shown by double immunofluorescence studies that Epstein-Barr viral nuclear antigen (EBNA) was preserved in EBV-infected cells after they had entered the productive viral cycle, as signalled by the appearance of the early antigen (EA)complex. A nuclear component of the EA comples could be clearly distinguished from EBNA with regard to antigenic specificity.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated nuclear antigen (EBNA)-positive lymphoblastoid cells grew as colonies in soft agar after seeding of leukocytes from the peripheral blood of four patients with infectious mononucleosis serologically determined to be caused by EBV. In individual cases more colonies were obtained from blood specimens during the acute phase of the disease than during the convalescent phase. Incorporation of human umbilical cord serum, which contained neutralizing antibody to EBV, into the agar medium did not reduce the number of colonies developing. Our observations indicate that colony-forming cells were originally present in the blood samples, and that they were not infected and subsequently transformed in vitro. Cells from less than 20% of the EBNA-positive colonies grew to form lymphoblastoid cell lines, which were EBNA-positive and had B lymphocyte surface markers. However, the majority (over 80%) of the EBNA-positive colonies failed to form immortalized cell lines. No colonies were obtained from 91 blood samples from healthy young adults and from five patients with an IM-like disease unrelated to EBV infections. The present results strongly suggest that already transformed cells or cells very easily transformed by EBV are present in the blood of IM patients.  相似文献   

Four independently derived hybrids between the mouse fibroblast line A9 and the human, Burkitt-lymphoma-derived lymphoblastoid cell line Daudi were studied for the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome, the EBV-determined nuclear antigen (EBNA), other EBV-associated antigens, human surface immunoglobulin and the presence of human chromosomes. The four lines differed in the number of their EBV genomes. There was a parallelism between this number, as detected by c/RNA/DNA hybridization, and the frequency of EBNA-positive nuclei. None of the other EBV-antigens, EA, VCA or MA, was expressed at any time, either in the untreated hybrid cells or after IUDR-treatment. The hybrids did not carry detectable surface-associated immunoglobulin or EBV-receptors. The presence of the EBV genome was coincident with the maintenance of human chromosomes, but the hybrids that have lost detectable viral genomes and EBNA still contained a considerable number of human chromosomes, suggesting that the viral genome may be associated with a few chromosomes only.  相似文献   

Sera from infectious mononucleosis patients aged 2 to 35 years and from normal subjects aged 11 to 35 years were examined for the presence of antibody to the EB virus capsid antigen (VCA) in the indirect immunofluorescence test, and for the presence of antibody reactive with the soluble (S) antigen of lymphoblastoid cell lines in the complement-fixation test. Sera from all infectious mononucleosis patients taken either in the acute stage of the disease or up to 9 years after its onset contained VCA antibody. The sera taken in the acute stage of the disease were free of S antibody; out of 97 sera investigated only one was weakly reactive. Only one of the seven sera taken 4 to 5 months after the onset of the disease contained S antibody. After the 7th month following onset, the majority of the subjects possessed S antibody. These data indicate that the S antibody appears much later in the course of EB virus infection than the VCA antibody. The predominant majority of sera from subjects with no history of the disease possessed VCA antibody; most of these also possessed S antibody. The incidence of S antibody in these subjects and those who had been suffering from infectious mononucleosis 1 to 9 years previously were comparable.  相似文献   

The purification of Epstein-Barr virus-determined nuclear antigen (EBNA) was attempted on the basis of its biochemical and physicochemical properties and its immunological specificity, assayed by the indirect single radial immunodiffusion test and anti-complement immunofluorescence absorption test. When non-producer Raji cell extract was subjected to 20--60% saturated ammonium sulfate fractionation, followed by DNA-cellulose chromatography and immunoadsorbent chromatography, EBNA was purified more than 3,000 times with a 8% yield. Such purified protein was composed of three polypeptides with molecular weights of 100,000 +/- 5,000, 70,000 +/- 5,000 and 50,000 daltons, respectively, on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Similar purification was achieved by heating the extract at 70 degrees C for 10 min, instead of ammonium sulfate fractionation, followed by DNA-cellulose chromatography and immunoadsorbent chromatography. This final preparation consisted almost exclusively of 100,000 +/- 5,000 daltons polypeptide, 50,000 polypeptide, and the 70,000 +/- 5,000 polypeptide passing through the adsorbent column. These findings suggest that EBNA is probably a molecular complex of three smaller subunits of heat-stable 100,000 +/- 5,000 and 50,000 daltons and heat-labile 70,000 +/- 5,000 daltons polypeptides, respectively.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA) preparations from three sources were tested with sera from normal individuals and patients with Hodgkin's disease, breast carcinoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, and American and Chinese nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Individual sera with discordant antibody patterns were noted in all groups. Sera from both NPC groups gave significantly higher anti-EBNA titers on cell lines converted with P3HR-1 or B95-8 virus compared with anti-EBNA titers on Raji cells. Anti-EBNA titers of Chinese NPC sera showed no correlation among the three EBNA sources, while all other groups had highly correlated titers. Cross-absorption experiments present evidence for more than one antigenic determinant on EBNA. These results suggest an additional parameter for distinguishing Chinese NPC from other EBV-related disorders.  相似文献   

Low ionic strength (50 to 100 mM NaCl) and pH 6.0 were found to be optimal conditions for in vitro conversion of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-determined nuclear antigen (EBNA)-negative nuclei to EBNA-positive nuclei by addition of the complement-fixing (CF) antigen extracted from Raji cells. In vitro conversion of nuclei to EBNA-positively was sensitive to DNase but not to RNase treatment. This suggests that nuclear DNA is a specific target substance to which EBV-CF antigen binds. If nuclei were fixed with methanol/acetic acid and subsequently treated with 0.6 M NaCl, EBNA could be eluted from in vitro-converted Ramos nuclei with 0.3 and 0.4 M NaCl. The same conditions were also found to be optimal for the adsorption and elution of EBV-CF antigen in DNA-cellulose chromatography. This indicates that the DNA-binding properties of EBNA antigen can be studied by "chromatography" on fixed nuclei followed by the ACIF test. The obvious advantages of this method over chromatography on DNA-cellulose are its simplicity, the possibility of testing many samples in one experiment and, especially, the use of minimal amounts of material. Significant differences in elution patterns for EBNA were found when nuclei derived from different cell lines (Ramos, Raji, and P3HR-1) were converted in vitro to EBNA-positivity. EBNA is eluted from in vitro-converted nuclei of EBV genome-positive P3HR-1 cells at an almost 0.1 M higher concentration of NaCl than is necesssary for a similar degree of elution from nuclei of EBV genome-negative Ramos cells.  相似文献   

A role for Epstein Barr virus (EBV) in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) pathogenesis is supported by the detection of EBV genome in about one-third of HL cases, but is not well defined. We previously reported that an elevated prediagnosis antibody titer against EBV nuclear antigens (EBNA) was the strongest serologic predictor of subsequent HL. For the present analysis, we measured antibody levels against EBNA components EBNA1 and EBNA2 and computed their titer ratio (anti-EBNA1:2) in serum samples from HL cases and healthy siblings. We undertook this analysis to examine whether titer patterns atypical of well-resolved EBV infection, such as an anti-EBNA1:2 ratio ≤ 1.0, simply reflect history of infectious mononucleosis (IM), an HL risk factor, or independently predict HL risk. Participants were selected from a previous population-based case-control study according to their history of IM. We identified 55 EBV-seropositive persons with a history of IM (IM+; 33 HL cases, 22 siblings) and frequency-matched a comparison series of 173 IM history-negative, EBV-seropositive subjects on HL status, gender, age and year of blood draw (IM-; 105 cases, 58 siblings). In multivariate logistic regression models, an anti-EBNA1:2 ratio ≤ 1.0 was significantly more prevalent in HL cases than siblings (odds ratio, 95% confidence interval = 2.43, 1.05-5.65); similar associations were apparent within the IM+ and IM- groups. EBNA antibodies were not significantly associated with IM history in HL cases or siblings. These associations suggest that chronic or more severe EBV infection is a risk factor for HL, independent of IM history.  相似文献   

Transformation to continuous cell lines has been studied in cultures of peripheral leukocytes from infectious mononucleosis (IM) patients and in co-cultures of IM leukocytes and foetal cord blood leukocytes of opposite sex. The transformed cells in the co-cultures were of mixed origin with foetal cells usually predominating. Neutralizing antisera to EB virus markedly reduced or abolished the incidence of transformation in IM leukocyte cultures. This effect was not due to cytotoxicity and followed the pattern seen with cultures where transformation was known to depend on the intercellular transfer of infectious EB virus. The findings suggest that EB virus is harboured in peripheral lymphocytes of IM patients as a non-productive unexpressed infection which is activated to produce virus in vitro, the particles released then infecting neighbouring cells to give transformed lines. The differences between this mechanism and the one whereby lines arise in culture from the malignant cells of Burkitt's lymphoma are considered, and their significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Specific antibody responses against the 2 major subcomponents of EBNA, EBNA1 and EBNA2 were evaluated, in order to study whether this serological study was beneficial compared to classical EBV serology. During this investigation, 491 sera, obtained from blood donors and patients with Burkitt's lymphoma (BL), nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), infectious mononucleosis (IM), Hodgkin's disease, renal transplantation, rheumatoid arthritis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, were tested. While the anti-EBNA1 response followed the classical anti-EBNA/Raji response (99% of anti-EBNA/Raji-positive sera also recognize EBNA1), the anti-EBNA2 response was much less frequent and did not correlate with either anti-EBNA/Raji or anti-EA antibodies. In a control population, 8% of individuals had antiEBNA2 antibodies at titers greater than or equal to 10. The percentage was 45% in NPC and 38% in EBV-associated BL; thus, although not detected in all patients with EBV-associated tumors, anti-EBNA2 serology might be a useful marker in BL and NPC. No antibody was detected in the early course of IM, but in rheumatoid arthritis and in HIV-infected patients, the percentage of positive individuals reached 54 and 68, respectively. Seroconversion to EBNA2 was noted in a few cases, including renal transplant recipients, AIDS patients, and complicated IM. This suggests that in these situations, EBNA 2 serology might represent a useful marker related to modulation of the immune status or EBV reactivation.  相似文献   

Hodgkin's disease in patients with previous infectious mononucleosis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Patients with a positive reaction to the Paul-Bunnell test in the period 1961-72 were identified at nine different laboratories in Norway and matched against cases of malignant lymphoma registered at the Cancer Registry of Norway in the period 1961-75. Among 5,840 patients having a positive Paul-Bunnell test a total of six developed malignant lymphoma, three of these more than 1 year after the positive Paul-Bunnell test. The expected number of malignant lymphoma was 2.04. Of the six lymphoma cases, five were classified as Hodgkin's disease (HD). The present investigation agrees well with the findings of other epidemiological studies. There seems to be a small excess in incidence of HD among patients with previous infectious mononucleosis (IM), but both diagnostic problems and possible confounding factors must be taken into account before a possible causal association is considered.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has been proven as a cancer associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). This study was performed to examine sequence variations of the EBV nuclear antigen 1 gene (EBNA-1) in primary tumor and peripheral-blood cells of NPC patients from Taiwan. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: DNA extracted from freshly frozen tumor tissues and corresponding peripheral-blood cells of 13 previously untreated NPC patients were subjected to PCR and direct sequencing using EBNA-1-specific primers. We compared the sequence data and analyzed the clinical outcomes. RESULTS: We obtained a 100% positive-detection rate of EBV DNA in the primary tumors of all patients irrespective of the degree of differentiation. The EBNA-1 gene of all tumor samples was the "V-val" strain, showing the same clustered point mutations. They included 21 nucleotide exchanges, leading to 14 amino-acid mutations and 6 silent exchanges, relative to B95-8 cell line. Two of 13 tumors exhibited an additional point mutation at codon 585. EBV DNA was also detected in peripheral-blood cells of 9 of 13 patients under our experimental conditions. Direct-sequencing data showed match alterations of EBNA-1 gene between the primary tumor and peripheral-blood cells. Tumor relapse was observed in four of nine patients with detectable EBNA-1 DNA in their peripheral-blood cells, whereas none of the four patients without detectable EBNA-1 DNA in their peripheral-blood cells developed tumor relapse. CONCLUSIONS: Results of the current study represents the first demonstration of consistent sequence variation of EBNA-1 in primary tumors and peripheral-blood cells. Clinical observations support that the presence of EBV DNA in the peripheral-blood cells may arise from disseminated cancer cells, resulting in a higher relapse rate and poor prognosis.  相似文献   

We investigated the ultrastructure of myeloma cells obtained from four cases of common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA)-positive myeloma. Clinically, the disease was aggressive and our patients died with a median survival after diagnosis of only 62 days. By light microscopic criteria of Greipp et al., their disease was classified as plasmablastic, immature (two cases), and intermediate. In contrast, the myeloma cells of all four cases were judged to be immature and abnormal on the basis of the electron microscopic observation. Characteristic features were sparse heterochromatin, high to moderate nucleocytoplasmic ratio, nuclear bodies, thin and short rough endoplasmic reticula, scattered pattern of mitochondria, and polysomes consisting of five to six ribosomes, along with irregular nuclear membrane, poorly developed organella, and abnormalities in cytoplasmic structures such as dense bodies, vacuoli, buddings, single-sac loop-like structures, multilamellar bodies, and abnormal inclusion bodies. While overlapping each other, it is suggested that the CALLA-positive and the plasmablastic myelomas should be classified separately. Thus, the electron microscopic study, like the immunological marker analysis, provides a useful means for better assessment regarding immaturity and abnormality of myeloma cells.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated nuclear antigen (EBNA) was detected by anti-complement immunofluorescence (ACIF) in Raji lymphoblastoid cell line, and the mechanism of the reaction explored, using Ig fractions of anti-EBNA sera and purified components of complement. Following fractionation of serum from 13 donors, anti-EBNA antibodies were always found to be associated with IgG, but were also detectable in the IgM fraction of four sera. Sequential addition of functionally pure complement components in the ACIF reaction showed that the classical sequence of complement activation in involved. Anti-EBNA antibody reactions in Raji cell nuclei can also be detected by anti-Ig immunofluorescence with a low level of sensitivity. The same pattern of granular fluorescence was observed when C3 (beta1A/beta1C), or C4 or IgG anti-EBNA antibodies were revealed with the corresponding flurescein-conjugated reagents. Blocking of the ACIF reaction was achieved with Fab 2 anti-EBNA antibody fragments, which therefore provided an appropriate specificity control for the detection of EBNA.  相似文献   

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