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GABA release from mouse axonal growth cones   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  

Doyle LM  Roberts BL 《Neuroscience》2006,141(1):321-327
We investigated whether enhancing locomotory activity could accelerate the axonal growth underlying the significant recovery of function after a complete spinal transection in the eel, Anguilla. Eels with low spinal transections (at about 60% body length) were kept in holding tanks, where they were inactive, or made to swim continually against a water current at about one body length/s. Their locomotion was periodically assessed by measuring tail beat frequencies at different swimming speeds. Axonal growth was determined from anterograde labeling with 1,1′-diotadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate, inserted postmortem into the spinal cord, just rostral to the transection.  相似文献   

We examined age-dependent changes in short-term synaptic depression of monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) recorded in lumbar motoneurons in hemisected spinal cords of neonatal Swiss-Webster mice between postnatal day 2 (P2) and 12 (P12). We used four paradigms that sample the input-output dependence on stimulation history in different but complementary ways: 1) paired-pulse depression; 2) steady-state depression during constant frequency trains; 3) modulation during irregular stimulation sequences; and 4) recovery after high-frequency conditioning trains. Paired-pulse synaptic depression declined more than steady-state depression during 10-pulse trains at frequencies from 0.125 to 8 Hz in this age range. Depression during sequences of irregular stimulations that more closely mimic physiological activation also declined with postnatal age. On the other hand, the overall rate of synaptic recovery after a 4-Hz conditioning train exhibited surprisingly little change between P2 and P12. Control experiments indicated that these observations depend primarily, if not exclusively, on changes in presynaptic transmitter release. The data were examined using quantitative models that incorporate factors that have been suggested to exist at more specialized central synapses. The model that best predicted the observations included two presynaptic compartments that are depleted during activation, plus two superimposed processes that enhance transmitter release by different mechanisms. One of the latter produced rapidly-decaying enhancement of transmitter release fraction. The other mechanism indirectly enhanced the rate of renewal of one of the depleted presynaptic compartments. This model successfully predicted the constant frequency and irregular sequence data from all age groups, as well as the recovery curves following short, high-frequency tetani. The results suggest that a reduction in release fraction accounts for much of the decline in synaptic depression during early postnatal development, although changes in both enhancement processes also contribute. The time constants of resource renewal showed surprisingly little change through the first 12 days of postnatal life.  相似文献   

Postmitotic neural precursors are generated in the ventricular zone (VZ) of the developing neural tube and immediately migrate to the mantle layer (ML) where they differentiate into mature neurons. Although the regulation of neuronal differentiation and migration has extensively been studied, the behavior of the early postmitotic precursors migrating toward the ML is largely unknown. In this study, we have identified Neph3 as a specific marker for early postmitotic neural precursors in the VZ of the developing spinal cord. Analysis of Neph3 localization by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy revealed that early neural precursors in the VZ possessed not only pia-connected processes but also ones that reached the ventricle. This apical extension of processes was confirmed by analyzing another early postmitotic marker, Dll1 mRNA, which was actively transported toward the ventricle and accumulated at the termini of the processes. Furthermore, adherens junctions (AJs) were formed around the apical end of processes extending from Neph3- and Dll1 mRNA-positive postmitotic precursors. Taken together, these observations suggest that migrating early postmitotic neural precursors in the VZ of the developing spinal cord form a neuroepithelial cell-like bipolar morphology and communicate with their neighboring cells through AJs.  相似文献   

During cultivation of transverse sections of the spinal cord of 12–14 day mouse embryos in Maximow's chambers differentiation of nerve and glial cells took place with the formation of the organotypical structure of the explant. In some cases migration of groups of bipolar neuroblasts was observed in the 3rd–4th week of cultivation outside the explant, along bundles of nerve fibers consisting of axons of mature nerve cells located in the central fragment of the cultivated tissue. The results show that nerve fibers growing out from the explant can guide migrating neuroblasts and can evidently induce their subsequent differentiation. The hypothesis is put forward that similar processes of migration of neuroblasts along tracts formed by axons can also take place in the developing brain and that they are followed by differentiation where these tracts terminate.Group for Culture of Nerve Tissue, Laboratory of Functional Synaptology, Institute of the Brain, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR B. N. Klosovskii.( Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 82, No. 8, pp. 1002–1005, August, 1976.  相似文献   

Preventing chronic disease deterioration is an unmet need in people with multiple sclerosis, where axonal loss is considered a key substrate of disability. Clinically, chronic multiple sclerosis often presents as progressive myelopathy. Spinal cord cross‐sectional area (CSA) assessed using MRI predicts increasing disability and has, by inference, been proposed as an indirect index of axonal degeneration. However, the association between CSA and axonal loss, and their correlation with demyelination, have never been systematically investigated using human post mortem tissue. We extensively sampled spinal cords of seven women and six men with multiple sclerosis (mean disease duration= 29 years) and five healthy controls to quantify axonal density and its association with demyelination and CSA. 396 tissue blocks were embedded in paraffin and immuno‐stained for myelin basic protein and phosphorylated neurofilaments. Measurements included total CSA, areas of (i) lateral cortico‐spinal tracts, (ii) gray matter, (iii) white matter, (iv) demyelination, and the number of axons within the lateral cortico‐spinal tracts. Linear mixed models were used to analyze relationships. In multiple sclerosis CSA reduction at cervical, thoracic and lumbar levels ranged between 19 and 24% with white (19–24%) and gray (17–21%) matter atrophy contributing equally across levels. Axonal density in multiple sclerosis was lower by 57–62% across all levels and affected all fibers regardless of diameter. Demyelination affected 24–48% of the gray matter, most extensively at the thoracic level, and 11–13% of the white matter, with no significant differences across levels. Disease duration was associated with reduced axonal density, however not with any area index. Significant association was detected between focal demyelination and decreased axonal density. In conclusion, over nearly 30 years multiple sclerosis reduces axonal density by 60% throughout the spinal cord. Spinal cord cross sectional area, reduced by about 20%, appears to be a poor predictor of axonal density.  相似文献   

We have studied short-term synaptic depression of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in lumbosacral motoneurons in the isolated, in vitro spinal cord of neonatal mice at 2-4 days postnatal age. We used 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (AP5; 100 microM) to suppress spontaneous and stimulus-evoked polysynaptic activity. Monosynaptic EPSPs were generated by trains of 10 pulses stimuli delivered to a dorsal root at eight frequencies between 0.125 and 16 Hz. The amplitudes of the second (R2), third (R3), and the average of R8, R9, and R10 (tail) EPSPs, normalized by the first EPSP (R1), defined the shapes of synaptic depression curves. Tail responses were increasingly depressed as stimulation frequency increased but R2 and R3 exhibited relative facilitation at frequencies >1 Hz. Control experiments indicated that the depression curves were not explained by presynaptic activation failure. Lowering external Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](o)) from 2.0 to 0.8 mM without changing [Mg(2+)](o) reduced average R1 amplitudes and R2 depression with little change in tail depression. Conversely, increasing [Ca(2+)](o) to 4.0 mM increased average R1 amplitude and R2 depression but again did not change tail depression. Increasing the bath temperature from 24 to 32 degrees C produced little change in R1 amplitudes but markedly reduced the depression of all responses at most frequencies. We developed an empirical model, based on mechanisms described in more accessible synaptic systems, that assumes: transmitter is released from a constant fraction, f, of release-ready elements in two presynaptic compartments (N and S) that are subsequently renewed by independent processes with exponential time constants (tau(N) and tau(S)); an activation-dependent facilitation of transmitter release with constant increment and fast exponential decay; and a more slowly decaying, activation-dependent augmentation of the rate of renewal (tau(N)) of N. The model gave satisfactory fits to data from all [Ca(2+)](o) conditions and implied that f and the increments of the facilitation and augmentation processes were all changed in the same direction as [Ca(2+)](o), without changing the time constants. In contrast, model fits to the 32 degrees C data implied that the process time constants all decreased by 40-45% while the presumably Ca(2+)-related weighting factors were unchanged. The model also successfully matched the normalized amplitudes of EPSPs during trains with irregular intervals.  相似文献   

Degeneration of motor neurons and their associated axons is a hallmark of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but reliable noninvasive lesion detection is lacking. In vivo diffusion tensor imaging was performed to evaluate neurodegeneration in the brainstem and cervical spinal cord of wild-type and G93A-SOD1 transgenic mice, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A statistically significant reduction in the apparent diffusion coefficient was observed in the motor nuclei VII and XII of G93A-SOD1 transgenic mice relative to wild-type mice. No significant difference in diffusion anisotropy was observed in dorsal white or gray matter in cervical and lumbar segments of the spinal cord. In contrast, statistically significant decreases in axial diffusivity (diffusivity parallel to the axis of the spinal cord) and apparent diffusion coefficient were found in the ventrolateral white matter of G93A-SOD1 mice in both the cervical and lumbar spinal cord. The reduction in axial diffusivity, suggestive of axonal injury, in the white matter of the spinal cord of G93A-SOD1 mice was verified by immunostaining with nonphosphorylated neurofilament. The present study demonstrates that in vivo diffusion tensor imaging-derived axial diffusivity may be used to accurately evaluate axonal degeneration in an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that isolated neuronal growth cones from developing rat forebrain possess an appreciable activity of adenylate cyclase, producing cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which can be stimulated by various neurotransmitter receptor agonists and by forskolin [Lockerbie R. O., Hervé D., Blanc G., Tassin J. P. and Glowinski J. (1988) Devl Brain Res. 38, 19-25]. In the present study, we have investigated the effect of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in an in vitro adhesion assay established between [3H]GABA-labelled isolated growth cones and a Simian virus-40 transformed astrocytic cell line from embryonic mouse striatum. Adhesion of the isolated growth cones onto the astrocytic clone increased steadily up to about 45 min before it began to level off at ca 16-18% of total [3H]GABA-labelled isolated growth cones added. Adhesion of the isolated growth cones onto the astrocytic clone was much superior to that seen on polyornithine and, in particular, on non-treated tissue culture wells. Adhesion "at plateau" was independent of both temperature and extracellular Ca2+ and was markedly reduced (ca 50%) by trypsin pre-treatment of the isolated growth cones. Pre-treatment of the isolated growth cones with either forskolin or lipophilic analogues of cyclic adenosine monophosphate attenuated adhesion in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Approximately 30% reduction in adhesion to the astrocytic clone "at plateau" was observed after a 15 min pre-treatment of the isolated growth cones with forskolin at 10(-4) M or cyclic adenosine monophosphate analogues at 10(-3) M. A cyclic guanosine monophosphate analogue was without effect on adhesion of isolated growth cones. Scanning electron microscope analysis showed that isolated growth cones pre-treated with either cyclic adenosine monophosphate analogues or forskolin had a simpler morphology when attached to the astrocytic clone than isolated growth cones under control conditions. Pre-treatment of the isolated growth cones with low concentrations of cyclic adenosine monophosphate analogues increased protein kinase activity, measured using an exogenous histone phosphate acceptor, to a level which could not be further stimulated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Pre-treatment with a cyclic guanosine monophosphate analogue produced the same effect but only at much higher concentrations than those required for cyclic adenosine monophosphate analogues.  相似文献   

目的:探讨小鼠神经系统发育过程中脊髓成熟神经元迁移与血管发育之间的关系。方法:不同年龄小鼠共计75只,应用免疫荧光及墨汁灌注的技术,标记小鼠胚胎E17到P30脊髓神经元和血管。结果:大约在胚胎E17左右,小鼠脊髓灰质内开始出现NeuN阳性的神经元,白质中神经元较少,且此时灰质和白质内血管分布均匀,管径一致,分支较少。随着年龄的增长,脊髓周围的神经元不断向内迁移,灰质内NeuN阳性的神经元数先增多后减少且血管体密度先增加后减小,而白质内的神经元持续减少,血管逐渐稀疏。P14以后,脊髓灰质内的血管密度明显高于白质内的血管密度。同时,研究中还发现部分NeuN阳性细胞紧贴着血管分布。结论:在小鼠脊髓的发育过程中,NeuN阳性细胞由脊髓周围逐渐向中心迁移,和脊髓灰质H形态的形成密切相关。同时,血管扮演着重要的角色,它可能通过与神经元的相互作用,引导神经元的迁移,并且为神经元的迁移提供路径和支架。  相似文献   

Summary The differentiation of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells with central processes in their synaptic target zones was studied in the developing spinal cord of embryonic mice (C57BL/6J). On embryonic days 12–15 (E12–E15), horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was pressure injected into the intermediate region of developing spinal grey matter and the embryos were cultured in an oxygenated medium to allow retrograde HRP transport to the dorsal root ganglia. Labelled DRG cells were measured and classified into four categories representing successive developmental stages: (1) primitive bipolar cells, (2) early transitional bipolar neurons, (3) late transitional bipolar cells, and (4) pseudounipolar neurons. In the period between E12 and E15, retrogradely labelled DRG cells became larger and less elongated as a population. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis of the cell types labelled on successive embryonic days of injection indicated an increase in the relative morphological maturity of labelled cells. On E12, the labelled cell population consisted solely of primitive bipolar and early transitional bipolar cells whereas the more mature late transitional bipolar and pseudounipolar neurons were predominant at E15, with the change between these two relationships occurring between E14 and E15. The principal finding of this study was that even the less differentiated forms of DRG neurons had axons within their central synaptic target fields during embryonic stages of spinal cord development.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins and synaptic plasticity in the mammalian spinal cord   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pathway mediating the monosynaptic stretch reflex has served as an important model system for studies of plasticity in the spinal cord. Its usefulness is extended by evidence that neurotrophins, particularly neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), which has been shown to promote spinal axon elongation, can modulate the efficacy of the muscle spindle-motoneurone connection both after peripheral nerve injury and during development. The findings summarized here emphasize the potential for neurotrophins to modify function of both damaged and undamaged neurones. It is important to recognize that these effects may be functionally detrimental as well as beneficial.  相似文献   

目的:探讨正常小鼠胚胎脊髓不同发育时期背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白(Draxin)的表达部位和表达水平的动态变化过程。方法:应用免疫组织化学、Western Blot观察不同发育阶段胎鼠脊髓内Draxin的分布及表达变化特点;应用体外培养结合免疫荧光双染标记,观察不同类型神经细胞内Draxin的表达情况。结果:免疫组织化学染色结果显示,不同发育时期胎鼠脊髓内部及其周边组织内,Draxin的表达呈现明显的动态变化趋势; Western Blot检测结果显示,E11. 5开始Draxin表达量逐渐增加,至E14. 5达到高峰,此后下降并逐渐消失;体外培养结合免疫荧光双标的结果显示,部分Tuj-1阳性的未成熟神经元、Nestin阳性的神经干细胞以及GFAP阳性的星形胶质细胞均表达Draxin。结论:Draxin在胎鼠脊髓发育过程中的表达,具有明显的动态变化趋势,多种类型的神经元和星形胶质细胞表达Draxin。  相似文献   

SC1/DM-GRASP/BEN, a cell adhesion molecule of the immunoglobulin super family, promotes the extension of neurites from neurons that express SC1 in culture, presumably by direct homophilic interactions. SC1 is specifically and transiently expressed on motoneurons during the period of their axonal growth, suggesting that it plays an important role in this growth. To explore this possibility, we expressed SC1 ectopically on the spinal cord interneurons of quail and chick embryos by in ovo electroporation at E3, when the motoneuron axonal growth starts. The axonal growth of the interneurons expressing chick SC1 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry with chick-specific anti-SC1 monoclonal antibody in quail, and by retrograde labeling with a dye in chick and quail embryos at E5. The majority of the axons of SC1-positive interneurons passed through the motor column and extended normally along the spinal cord basement membrane, but a few appeared to grow out from the cord. However, a dye back-labeling of the spinal nerves revealed that none of the interneurons were both SC1 and dye positive. These results suggest that the expression of SC1/DM-GRASP/BEN alone is insufficient for regulating the first step of the selective axonal pathfinding of motoneurons.  相似文献   

Cell death in the developing human spinal cord was investigated in 5–12 week human conceptuses using immunohistochemical and TUNEL methods. Expression of pro-apoptotic (Fas-receptor, caspase-3) and anti-apoptotic (bcl-2) markers and marker for internucleosomal fragmentation (TUNEL) were analysed in the cranial and caudal parts of the human spinal cord. In early developmental stages (5–6 weeks) of the cranial spinal cord, bcl-2 positive cells were seen in the ventricular zone and in the roof plate, while in the caudal part they were seen surrounding the central lumen. Subsequently, bcl-2 expression appeared in the basal plates of the grey matter and in the spinal ganglia, and from the seventh week on they also appeared in the intermediate horn of the grey matter. In the fetal period, bcl-2 expression appeared in the dorsal horns of the grey matter (9 weeks) but ceased in the ventricular zone (12 weeks) . In the trunk region, TUNEL-positive cells were found in ventricular and mantle zones along the whole length of the spinal cord. Caspase-3 positive cells and Fas-receptor positive cells appeared only in the grey matter of the cranial segments (head and trunk) of the spinal cord, but they were missing in the caudal parts. Caspase-3 dependant pathway, probably activated by Fas-receptor, seems to operate only in the cranial part of the human spinal cord. In the caudal (sacrococcygeal and tail) parts, cells seem to die by caspase-3 independent pathway. The interplay of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic factors may be associated with cranial spinal cord morphogenesis, adjustment of cells number and selective survival of neurons, while in the caudal regions these factors cause massive cell death associated with regression of the caudal spinal cord.  相似文献   

 Development of glomerular synapses in the superficial dorsal horn has been studied in the embryonic macaque spinal cord using light and electron microscopic techniques including Golgi impregnation, 3H-thymidine radioautography and pre-embedding immunohistochemistry of substance P (SP), calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP), calbindin D-28 K (CB) and parvalbumin (PV). The study revealed that substantia gelatinosa cells of the primate dorsal horn are generated last, but unlike in rodents, synaptogenesis in this region starts at early embryonic (E) stages of the 165-day long gestation. Already by E30, both Type 1 (light) and 2 (dark) dorsal root axons and their growth cones are identifiable within the oval bundle of His, before they form synaptic contact with their final target cells. Subsequently they invade the dorsal horn and enter the bisecting interfaces formed by orderly programmed cell death. Each type of scalloped (sinusoid) central primary afferent terminal (i.e. DSA, RSV and LDCV) have well defined pre- and post-synaptic specializations already by E40. Among the neuropeptides studied, SP appears first at E67 and CGRP at E70 in the lateral position but within a few days both of them are spread to the entire superficial dorsal horn. Both SP and CGRP are present in the thin dorsal root axons and their growth cones, giving rise to scalloped and simple axon terminals. PV is transiently present in the entire length of the thick dorsal root afferents before becoming concentrated in the synaptic boutons. CB is displayed mainly in neurons of the lamina I and III. Dendrites of CB-immunoreactive cells establish synaptic connection with each type of dorsal root afferents, including glomerular synaptic complexes. These data reveal that the superficial dorsal horn in the primate spinal cord develops its characteristic synaptic complexes much earlier in gestation than in any other mammalian species studied. Furthermore, characteristic cytological features of the prospective glomerular complex emerge before establishment of the final synaptic contacts. Accepted: 20 July 1998  相似文献   

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