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近几十年来,疫苗的不断发展使得接种疫苗在某些感染性疾病的预防、治疗方面成为最有效的方法。不过与在这方面所投入的巨大人力、财力相比,疫苗的成功率还很低。至今尚未研制成功有效的疫苗以预防结核病、麻风、HIV、HCV及大部分寄生虫病。其中最具代表性的是艾滋病疫苗,虽然一  相似文献   

综观2010年的中国健康领域,疫苗引起的风波不止一次地牵动人心。为预防和控制传染病立了大功的疫苗.却让很多人陷入了“打还是不打”的两难境地。疫苗,到底怎么了?  相似文献   

有没有搞错?这不是一本医学杂志吗?别急,虽然这确实是对“疫苗股”的一段评价,但不妨碍我们用此来显示疫苗的潜力。疫苗,不仅被“股民”寄予了厚望,也寄托着所有人的希望,它代表着医学的终极目标。  相似文献   

早在1902年就有人提出:“肿瘤中是否有特异抗原?”这个问题一直令众多肿瘤学家们感到困惑。 在肿瘤抗原研究取得较大进展后,人们设想开发疫苗,用来刺激机体产生免疫反应,达到预防和治疗肿瘤的目的。人们发现,肿瘤患者血液中针对肿瘤细胞的T细胞和抗体水平与肿瘤的发生和肿瘤抗原过量表达相关联,提示肿瘤细胞可以诱导机体免疫反应,这强化了人们开发肿瘤疫苗的设想。  相似文献   

水痘疫苗和巨细胞病毒疫苗近展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了水痘疫苗和巨细胞病毒疫苗的研究进展。由于这两种病毒生活周期的复杂性,使疫苗研究进展缓慢。水痘疫苗研究的最大进展还是Oka株减毒活疫苗,它能诱发体液和细胞免疫应答,对水痘(特别是严重水痘)和带状疱疹的预防均有效。巨细胞病毒Towne株减毒活疫苗能有效预防器官移植受者严重巨细胞病毒感染的发生。此外,两种病毒的亚单位疫苗和基因工程载体疫苗的研究也取得不同程度的进展。  相似文献   

疫苗(vaccine)是通过诱发机体产生特异免疫反应以预防或治疗疾病,或达到某一医学目的的一类生物制剂。其主要组分是能够刺激机体产生特异免疫反应的抗原,这些抗原可以是完整的病原微生物,如:细菌、病毒或完整的机体细胞,也可以是它们的某些成分或与这些成分的抗原性相似的其他抗原。 中国是最早使用疫苗进行疾病预防的国家,约在公元10世纪,中国人就知道用天花病人的痘痂(后被称为人痘苗)经鼻腔给正常人接种来预防天花,并逐渐传到世界其他国家。1796年,英国医生詹纳(E.Jenner)发表了给人接种疫苗病毒能有效预防天花的实验结果,第一次科学地证明了使用对人类致病力较低的动物  相似文献   

疫苗是目前人类预防传染病最经济有效的制品.自18世纪天花疫苗诞生至今,疫苗研发经历了数百年的发展,其大体分为三个阶段:传统疫苗、基因工程疫苗和核酸疫苗.随着反向疫苗学等技术的发展,疫苗研发迎来新的广阔发展前景.该文简要介绍疫苗的发展历史、各类疫苗的特点、新型冠状病毒疫苗研发概况及疫苗的发展前景.  相似文献   

当抗原口服或鼻内接种时,免疫原性往往很弱,为解决这一问题,人们设计了多种方案。1994年2月1 ̄3日在卢森堡召开了粘膜免疫会议,对由欧洲共同体生物技术规划“人用和兽用疫苗”部资助的24个实验室进行的6个研究项目的进展进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文介绍了艾滋病疫苗研究现状和存在的问题,认为细胞免疫对防御人类免疫缺陷症病毒(HIV)感染至关重要,并指出混合型疫苗可能具有最佳预防效果。  相似文献   

DNA immunisation provides new possibilities for the development of effective vaccines for the prophylaxis and treatment of several diseases and infections. Application of such vaccines for mucosal (secretory or local) vaccination provides a powerful means to gain protection against local infection that enters and colonises the mucosa whilst inducing concomitant systemic immunity. This review examines the current and potential applications for polyplex-based mucosal vaccination strategies, notably those aimed at gaining expression of transgenes within dendritic cells, in order to gain both T-helper and cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses. Emphasis is given to the development of polyplex-based oral vaccines in conjunction with microparticulate systems.  相似文献   

Transgenic plants present enormous potential as one of the most cost-effective and safe systems for large-scale production of proteins for industrial, pharmaceutical, veterinary and agricultural uses. Heat-stable plant-derived vaccines that are administered orally could in effect enhance vaccine coverage in children and infants, particularly in developing countries. Here we discuss the current status of plant-derived vaccines and their potential to champion the battle against infectious diseases in the least developed countries.  相似文献   

通常情况下病毒性疫苗诱导机体产生的中和抗体能与入侵病毒结合并使其失去感染宿主细胞和发生疾病的能力,但在某些情况下疫苗接种后诱导产生的抗体不但未产生保护作用,反而加重了疾病的临床表现,即通过抗体依赖性增强作用导致疫苗增强性疾病.本文对既往疫苗临床研究和冠状病毒动物试验研究中发生的抗体依赖性增强作用及其可能的作用机制等进行...  相似文献   

Vaccines for HIV     
A preventive vaccine for HIV is urgently needed to curb the AIDS pandemic. Research and development of HIV vaccines is accelerating and there is increasing evidence that a viable market will be identified. The basic approaches to HIV vaccine design (HIV protein vaccines, live vector, DNA vaccines and live attenuated vaccines) are all undergoing rapid improvements to their design and delivery techniques; patents since 1997 in this field are reviewed. Many of the techniques being pioneered for HIV vaccines will be applicable to vaccines for other pathogens. Although some candidate HIV vaccine approaches have demonstrated at least partial efficacy in animal models and have been shown to be safe and immunogenic in early human trials, no human efficacy trials of HIV vaccines have been completed. The final utility of the many clever techniques now available to produce novel HIV vaccines remains unknown.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a leading cause of congenital infection worldwide and therefore is recognized as an important target for vaccine development. Data from natural infections and work done with animal models, including models of congenital infection, provide the rationale for their development. CMV vaccine evaluations were begun in the mid-1970's with an attenuated live virus vaccine, Towne, but this vaccine has not consistently provided protection. Most recently, data from a trial with a subunit glycoprotein B (gB) vaccine administered with the adjuvant MF59 became available. This trial, conducted in post-partum women, demonstrated that the vaccine decreased CMV infections, increasing optimism that a protective CMV vaccine could be developed. Other approaches for CMV that have entered clinical trials include replicons, DNA vaccines, prime boost strategies, and chimeric live viruses. The replicon vaccine included gB and the T cell targets phosphoprotein (pp)65 and Immediate Early (IE)1 while the DNA vaccine was given with a new adjuvant and included gB and pp65. The optimal composition for a CMV vaccine remains to be defined but trials continue with the gB vaccine and others.  相似文献   

Taenia solium cysticercosis is a major parasitic disease that seriously and frequently affects human health and economy in undeveloped countries. Since pigs are an indispensable intermediate host, it is conceivable to curb transmission by reducing pig cysticercosis through their effective vaccination. This article reviews current knowledge on the development vaccines against porcine cysticercosis. It highlights the development of several versions of S3Pvac aimed to increase effectiveness, reduce costs and increase feasibility by novel delivery systems and alternative routes of administration.  相似文献   

摘 要狂犬病在全球广泛分布,对大众的生命健康造成严重的危害。目前,暴露后处置是预防狂犬病发生的最有效方法。细胞培养的狂犬疫苗目前仍是人类抵御狂犬病病毒的主要手段,随着生物技术的不断发展,新型疫苗的研制也取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

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