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The present study examined whether emotion eliciting images affected motor output when a whole body movement was concerned: gait initiation. From a standing posture, 15 young adults were instructed to initiate gait (several steps) towards pleasant or unpleasant images corresponding to a congruent (CO) or an incongruent (IC) task. The movement was performed as soon as possible after the onset of images, using a paradigm of go/nogo. Because an emotional conflict had to be overcome in IC trials, we hypothesized that the longest reaction times and lowest amplitude of early postural adjustments were found during IC trials, as compared to CO trials. We also anticipated that conflict resolution would be improved if the previous trial was IC rather than CO, as previously reported in a typical press button task. Results demonstrated longer reaction times in IC than CO trials revealing that emotional conflict resolution interfered with cognitive resources involved in motor planning. Although the peak of forward velocity reached by the centre of body mass at the end of the first step and length of this step were similar between CO and IC trials, the amplitude of early postural modifications was reduced in IC trials. All together, these findings provided supporting evidence that a defensive response, possibly a freezing-like behaviour, was implemented during IC trials, but in a transient manner. Furthermore, conflict resolution was improved when the previous trial was IC rather than CO in terms of amplitude of early postural response, but not reaction time.  相似文献   

Locomotion control uses proprioceptive, visual, and vestibular signals. The vestibular contribution has been analyzed previously with galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS), which constitutes mainly a virtual head-fixed rotation in the roll plane that causes polarity-specific deviations of gait. In this study we examined whether a visual disturbance has similar effects on gait when it acts in the same direction as GVS, i.e., when roll vection is induced by head-fixed visual roll motion stimulation. Random dot patterns were constantly rotated in roll at ±15°/s on a computer-driven binocular head-mounted display that was worn by eight healthy participants. Their gait trajectories were tracked while they walked a distance of 6 m. A stimulation effect was observed only for the first three to four steps, but not for the whole walking distance. These results are similar to the results of previous GVS studies, suggesting that in terms of the direction of action visual motion stimulations in the roll plane are similar to GVS. Both kinds of stimulation cause only initial balance responses in the roll plane but do not contribute to the steering of gait in the yaw plane.  相似文献   

We confirmed an increase in false recognition for visual short-term memory of the elderly using a recognition task, which was affected by the test method. Old/new judgments and a forced-choice task were used as the recognition tasks and the hit rate, false alarm rate, and d' for each task were compared across age groups. The results indicated that there were significant differences in the hit rate, false alarm rate and d' across age groups for both recognition tasks. However, in the forced-choice task, where judgments could depend on familiarity, the false alarm rate among the elderly group decreased and differences in d' across age groups became smaller. The elderly could input sight information, but had more difficulty to input the geometric details. We concluded that the false alarm rate for short term visual memory increases in the elderly, but it decreases when recognition judgments can be made based on familiarity.  相似文献   

The metabolic active form of free fatty acids, long-chain acyl-coenzyme A (lc-acyl-CoA), binds to its 10-kDa binding protein with high affinity. In the present study, we investigated the content of lc-acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) in different skeletal muscle fibre types. Soleus had the highest expression of ACBP (0.33+/-0.02 microg mg protein(-1)) and the content was as high as in heart muscle. The content in mixed gastrocnemius (0.27+/-0.02 microg mg protein(-1)), extensor digitorum longus (0.21+/-0.01 microg mg protein(-1)) and white gastrocnemius (0.16+/-0.01 microg mg protein(-1)) were lower than in soleus and differed from each other ( P<0.05). The ACBP content correlated positively with the fraction of myosin heavy chain I in the skeletal muscles (Spearman rank correlation rho=0.90; P<0.0001), and negatively with the myosin heavy chain IIB fraction ( rho=-0.92; P<0.0001). The content of ACBP also correlated with 3-hydroxy-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD) and citrate synthase (CS). Five weeks of endurance training increased HAD and CS activities in soleus and mixed gastrocnemius but did not affect the ACBP content. These findings demonstrate that ACBP expression is fibre-type specific in skeletal muscles and correlates with beta-oxidative potential. Training-induced increase in oxidative capacity was not paralleled by an increase in ACBP content.  相似文献   

G Simon  A Lengyel  A Szücs 《Haematologia》1977,11(3-4):265-268
No correlation was found between adenovirus-induced haemagglutination and AChE activity of human RBCs as ascertained with three different types of virus. The haemagglutination titre of the adenoviruses did not decrease when RBCs with AChE inhibited by dichlorvos or eserine were used. The receptors involved in active haemagglutination by adenoviruses thus seem to differ from those acting in passive haemagglutination. The AChE inactivating effect of substances such as tannic acid and glutaraldehyde, among others, might be due to a non-specific damage of the RBC membrane.  相似文献   

The effect of visual stimulus significance on saccade latency and accuracy in gaze shifts was investigated. Stimulus significance refers to the temporal proximity of an imperative stimulus. It was hypothesized that stimulus significance serves as a cue that influences the observer's expectancy for a forthcoming event. Twenty-one undergraduate students participated in two experiments involving monitoring of visual events. Stimuli were a sequence of 1,000 single-digit integers presented one at a time at 9 degrees of visual angle to the left or right of a fixation point in random order. The subject was required to make a manual response after the presentation of a sequence of two odd integers. The probability of the subsequent integer being odd, a "target," after the presentation of an odd integer was 0.75. The integer after a target was always an even integer. When stimulus location was unpredictable (Experiment 1), latency of visually guided saccades to the target was shorter (p < .01) than to the nontarget stimuli. Under the condition of predictable stimulus location (Experiment 2), anticipatory saccades to the target occurred earlier (p < .01), more frequently (p < .01), and more accurately (p < .05). Our results suggest that both timing and accuracy of gaze shift are affected by the observer's expectation of future events.  相似文献   

The effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields (EMFs) were studied on a non-spatial memory task (Object Recognition Task - ORT) that requires entorhinal cortex function. The task was applied to three groups of mice Mus musculus C57BL/6 (exposed, sham-exposed and control) combined with 3 different radiation exposure protocols. In the first protocol designated “acute exposure”, mice 45 days old (PND45 - postnatal day 45) were exposed to mobile phone (MP) radiation (SAR value 0.22 W/kg) during the habituation, the training and the test sessions of the ORT, but not during the 10 min inter-trial interval (ITI) where consolidation of stored object information takes place. On the second protocol designated “chronic exposure-I”, the same mice were exposed for 17 days for 90 min/per day starting at PND55 to the same MP radiation. ORT recognition memory was performed at PND72 with radiation present only during the ITI phase. In the third protocol designated “chronic exposure-II”, mice continued to be exposed daily under the same conditions up to PND86 having received radiation for 31 days. One day later the ORT test was performed without irradiation present in any of the sessions. The ORT-derived discrimination indices in all three exposure protocols revealed a major effect on the “chronic exposure-I” suggesting a possible severe interaction of EMF with the consolidation phase of recognition memory processes. This may imply that the primary EMF target may be the information transfer pathway connecting the entorhinal-parahippocampal regions which participate in the ORT memory task.  相似文献   

Binary mixture perception is affected by concentration of odor components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some controversy still exists as to how binary odorant mixtures are behaviorally perceived, despite many studies aimed at understanding this phenomenon. Binary mixture perception by rodents is a first step in elucidating how more complex odor blends may be perceived. Research thus far has examined how the degree of component similarity, olfactory receptor overlap, relative concentration of components, and even olfactory enrichment affect the behavioral perception of binary mixtures. These studies have aimed to categorize binary mixtures into 1 of 3 rigid categories, but often the results conflict as to which category a particular mixture belongs. In the present article, the authors used a habituation/discrimination paradigm to determine whether rats' perception of one component of a binary mixture of either perceptually similar or dissimilar components changed when the concentration of both components was varied together. The authors found that perception of a binary mixture changed with changing component concentration, such that one binary mixture could be categorized differently depending on component intensity.  相似文献   

T. EVALD    E. P. MUNCH  A. KOK-JENSEN 《Allergy》1989,44(7):510-514
Thirty-one patients with a dry cough for at least 1 h duration in more than half of the last 30 days and with no recent respiratory infection participated in a clinical trial to evaluate the effect of inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP). Lung function was normal and reversibility was excluded by spirometry before and after bronchodilator and by no diurnal variation in home peak flow monitoring. Only one had significant eosinophilia and only three were mildly hyperreactive by bronchial provocation with histamine. After a 1-week run-in period the patients were randomly allocated to receive either BDP 4 puffs of 50 micrograms b.i.d., or placebo. After 2 weeks the patients were crossed over and received the alternative treatment for another 2-week period. The degree of cough, disturbance of night sleep and peak expiratory flow morning and evening were recorded daily in a diary. Spirometry was performed at each control visit. A significant period effect from run-in to period 1 and/or from period 1 to period 2 was demonstrated for cough and disturbance at night but not for peak flow or spirometry. However, no significant treatment effect was found for any of the measured variables.  相似文献   

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory tract infection caused by the new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). An adequate T cell response is essential not only for fighting disease but also for the creation of immune memory. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate the T cells of patients with moderate, severe and critical COVID-19 not only at the time of illness but also 2 months after diagnosis to observe whether changes in this compartment persist. In this study, 166 COVID-19 patients were stratified into moderate/severe and critical disease categories. The maturation and activation of T cells were evaluated through flow cytometry. In addition, Treg cells were analysed. Until 15 days after diagnosis, patients presented a reduction in absolute and relative T lymphocyte counts. After 2 months, in moderate/severe patients, the counts returned to a similar level as that of the control group. In convalescent patients who had a critical illness, absolute T lymphocyte values increased considerably. Patients with active disease did not show differentiation of T cells. Nonetheless, after 2 months, patients with critical COVID-19 showed a significant increase in CD4+ EMRA (CD45RA+ effector memory) T lymphocytes. Furthermore, COVID-19 patients showed delayed T cell activation and reduced CD8+ suppressor T cells even 2 months after diagnosis. A reduction in CD4+ Treg cells was also observed, and their numbers returned to a similar level as that of healthy controls in convalescent patients. The results demonstrate that COVID-19 patients have a delayed activation and differentiation of T cells. In addition, these patients have a great reduction of T cells with a suppressor phenotype.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptor cell function is affected by trigeminal nerve activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the frog, antidromic electrical stimulation of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve (NV-ob) evokes a slow potential in the olfactory mucosa, modifies the activity of receptor cells and modulates the responses to odour. Substance P (SP) application evokes similar electrical responses. These results imply that the functioning of the olfactory system might be controlled at the receptor cell level. It is suggested that the trigeminal system could modulate the activity of the olfactory receptor cells via a local axon reflex which may result in the release of SP.  相似文献   

Pseudoneglect for mental alphabet lines is affected by prismatic adaptation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
While patients with right parietal damage and spatial neglect bisect lines to the right, the general population bisects lines to the left; a phenomenon known as pseudoneglect. The leftward bias also occurs for mental representations, such as number and alphabet lines. Prismatic adaptation can have a dramatic effect on attentional bias and corrects neglect and pseudoneglect for physical and mental number lines. This study examined whether prismatic adaptation can correct leftward bisection biases for alphabet lines, which may have a different spatial arrangement compared to number lines. In pre-adaptation testing, students (n = 42) were shown letter trigrams (e.g. C H P) and judged whether the alphabetical distance before or after the inner-letter was larger. Participants were then split into three groups and were adapted to left-shifting, control or right-shifting prims. After adaptation, the mental alphabet bisection task was re-administered. The length of left side of the alphabet lines was overestimated by all three groups in the pre-adaptation phase. Right-shifting prisms and control spectacles had no effect on the leftward bias whereas exposure to left-shifting prisms corrected the bias. The results replicate an effect observed for mental number lines and demonstrate that low-level sensory-motor shifts can correct attentional biases associated with high-level representations, such as letters.  相似文献   

Silent information regulator two ortholog 1 (SIRT1) is the human ortholog of the yeast sir2 protein; one of the most important regulators of lifespan extension by caloric restriction in several organisms. Dietary polyphenols, abundant in vegetables, fruits, cereals, wine and tea, were reported to stimulate the deacetylase activity of recombinant SIRT1 protein and could therefore be potential regulators of aging associated processes. However, inconsistent data between effects of polyphenols on the recombinant SIRT1 and on in vivo SIRT1, led us to investigate the influence of (1) stability of polyphenols under experimental conditions and (2) metabolism of polyphenols in human HT29 cells, on stimulation of SIRT1. With an improved SIRT1 deacetylation assay we found three new polyphenolic stimulators. Epigallocatechin galate (EGCg, 1.76-fold), epicatechin galate (ECg, 1.85-fold) and myricetin (3.19-fold) stimulated SIRT1 under stabilizing conditions, whereas without stabilization, these polyphenols strongly inhibited SIRT1, probably due to H2O2 formation. Using metabolically active HT29 cells we were able to show that quercetin (a stimulator of recombinant SIRT1) could not stimulate intracellular SIRT1. The major quercetin metabolite in humans, quercetin 3-O-glucuronide, slightly inhibited the recombinant SIRT1 activity which explains the lack of stimulatory action of quercetin in HT29 cells. This study shows that the stimulation of SIRT1 is strongly affected by polyphenol stability and metabolism, therefore extrapolation of in vitro SIRT1 stimulation results to physiological effects should be done with caution.  相似文献   

In a previous report, we described a heretofore undetected population of neurons in the intermediate and deep layers of the monkey superior colliculus (SC) that yielded directionally selective visual responses to stimuli presented within the central 4 degrees of the visual field. We observed these neurons in three monkeys that had been extensively trained to perform a visual direction discrimination task in this region of the visual field. The task required the monkeys to report the perceived direction of motion by making a saccadic eye movement to one of two targets aligned with the two possible directions of motion. We hypothesized that these neurons reflect a learned association between visual motion direction and saccade direction formed through extensive training on the direction discrimination task. We tested this hypothesis by searching for direction-selective visual responses in two monkeys that had been trained to perform a similar motion discrimination task in which the direction of stimulus motion was dissociated from the direction of the operant saccade. Strongly directional visual responses were absent in these monkeys, consistent with the notion that extensive training can induce highly specific visual responses in a subpopulation of SC neurons.  相似文献   

To assess selective attention processes in young and old adults, behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures were recorded. Streams of visual stimuli were presented from left or right locations (Experiment 1) or from a central location and comprising two different spatial frequencies (Experiment 2). In both experiments, results were compared in visual-only and visual+auditory stimulus context conditions. Participants were forced to respond fast in both experiments, while maintaining high accuracy. In Experiment 1, no behavioral effects of aging were found; however, an enlargement of the N1 component in the older age group suggested that older adults initial selection process was larger than that of young adults. A late frontal effect following the P300 elicited by attended non-targets was larger in the visual+auditory condition than in the visual-only condition in the old age group. This effect was interpreted as reflecting a memory update of the relevant target location. In Experiment 2, older adults made relatively more errors in the visual+auditory condition than in visual-only condition, more so than the young adults. Older adults' ERP data were also characterized by an enlargement of the occipital selection negativity, compared to the young age group. In contrast to experiment 1, no late frontal post-P3 effect could be found, suggesting that the memory trace of the relevant stimulus feature was updated less frequently, explaining the reduction in response accuracy in the visual+auditory stimulus context conditions.  相似文献   

Gait performance exhibits patterns within the stride-to-stride variability that can be indexed using detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). Previous work employing DFA has shown that gait patterns can be influenced by constraints, such as natural aging or disease, and they are informative regarding a person’s functional ability. Many activities of daily living require concurrent performance in the cognitive and gait domains; specifically working memory is commonly engaged while walking, which is considered dual-tasking. It is unknown if taxing working memory while walking influences gait performance as assessed by DFA. This study used a dual-tasking paradigm to determine if performance decrements are observed in gait or working memory when performed concurrently. Healthy young participants (N = 16) performed a working memory task (automated operation span task) and a gait task (walking at a self-selected speed on a treadmill) in single- and dual-task conditions. A second dual-task condition (reading while walking) was included to control for visual attention, but also introduced a task that taxed working memory over the long term. All trials involving gait lasted at least 10 min. Performance in the working memory task was indexed using five dependent variables (absolute score, partial score, speed error, accuracy error, and math error), while gait performance was indexed by quantifying the mean, standard deviation, and DFA α of the stride interval time series. Two multivariate analyses of variance (one for gait and one for working memory) were used to examine performance in the single- and dual-task conditions. No differences were observed in any of the gait or working memory dependent variables as a function of task condition. The results suggest the locomotor system is adaptive enough to complete a working memory task without compromising gait performance when walking at a self-selected pace.  相似文献   

Female behavior is affected by male ultrasonic vocalizations in house mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of male-mouse ultrasonic vocalizations on female preference behavior were investigated using Swiss-Webster mice. Intact females spent more time with an intact tethered male than with a devocalized tethered male during 3-min preference tests. Female preference behavior was similar during estrus and diestrus; but, a preference for the vocalizing male was absent after ovariectomy, and returned following replacement treatment with ovarian hormones. Similar effects on female behavior were obtained using synthetic 70 kHz ultrasounds presented behind one of two devocalized tethered males during preference tests. The results indicate that ultrasounds maintain the female close to the vocalizing male and may facilitate copulation.  相似文献   

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