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目的分析未婚青年性侵犯咨询需要和实现状况以及青年利用咨询服务的障碍。方法利用首次(2009年)全国范围22 288名未婚青年性与生殖健康状况调查数据,采用两分类Logistic回归分析不同特征青年性侵犯咨询需要和实现状况。结果未婚青年性侵犯咨询需要率为2.1%,实现率为32.3%;西部地区、在校生、大专及以上教育程度、低收入组、独生子女、有男/女朋友青年性侵犯咨询需要率较高;低年龄组、高教育程度青年咨询实现较高;\  相似文献   

徐荣  丁翠兰 《职业与健康》1999,15(12):34-34
性病(STD Sexually tsansmitted disease)是一种传播快,后果严重的传染性疾病,它的蔓延直接危害人民群众的身体健康和祸及子孙后代。为了控制STD在我县未婚青年当中传播和流行,有利于优生优育和提高人口素质,我所于1997~1998年在全县范围内开展了婚前STD检测,现将结果报告如下:1 检测对象 未婚青年4568人,其中男性2276人,女性2292人。2 检测方法2.1 一般检查 询问病史、外出和性乱情况,并进行全身检查。2.2 实验室检查 淋球菌检查:涂片、分离、培养、鉴定,按性传  相似文献   

未婚青年避孕知识状况分析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
目的:解未婚青年对避孕知识的掌握情况及其相关因素。方法:利用SAS软件对1995年8月至1996年7月“未婚青年生殖健康保健需求调查”的资料进行了统计分析。结果:未婚青年的避孕知识水平低,知识合格率仅为5.1%,性别,居住地,户口性质,年龄,职业,受教育程度,经济收入等人口学特征对避孕知识得分均有影响。多因素分析发现,母亲是工人或农民,不与父母或朋友(包括同事,同学)讨论性知识,性知识的得分低,未曾发生过性关系的未婚青年等人群的避孕知识水平低。结论:应把未婚青年作为避孕宣传和教育的目标人群,特别是把农村户口,文化程度及收入均低的这部分人群作为避孕知识宣教工作的重点,可以通过医院(包括妇幼保健院),学校,传媒多种可行的方式在未婚青年(尤其是大龄未婚青年)中普及避孕知识,同时应该鼓励未婚青年间的性知识交流,以提高未婚青年的避孕知识水平,也可以通过父母对孩子进行性知识教育,这对于以家庭和学校生活为中心的青少年来说意义尤为深远。  相似文献   

未婚青年生殖健康咨询是通过未婚青年向服务提供者提出生殖健康相关的问题和疑惑,通过双方交流确定未婚青年的生殖健康需求,并作出合理的决定进而满足未婚青年该方面需求的过程。未婚青年生殖健康咨询的特点是针对相关信息和观点进行交流,并分析和探讨相关决定。近年来,我国城市化进程不断加快,社会流动人口逐渐增多,未婚青年大规模的流动给我国计划生育工作带来了一定的困难。生殖健康咨询工作作为新形势下计划生育工作的延伸,做好生殖健康咨询工作,有利于提高全民的健康素质,促进我国计划生育工作顺利开展。  相似文献   

中国青年避孕问题咨询需求与实现状况及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨未婚青年避孕知识和避孕药具两类咨询状况及影响因素。方法:利用2009年中国青少年性与生殖健康可及性政策研究调查数据,采用两分类logisitic回归模型,分析不同特征未婚青年避孕问题咨询需求和实现状况。结果:青年自我报告避孕知识及技能咨询需求率5.1%,实现率38.3%;避孕药具咨询需求率2.5%,实现率43.2%。多因素分析,西部、在校生、高龄、高文化程度、独生子女、农村户籍、女性、有男/女朋友、同性性取向、有性行为、有妊娠经历青年避孕知识及技能咨询需求率较高;中西部、在校生和家庭户、低教育程度、同性性取向、无性经历和妊娠经历的避孕知识及技能需求实现率较低。避孕药具获取方面,男性需求率较高,其他影响因素与避孕知识技能需求率的影响因素一致;在校学生、女性、流动人口避孕需求实现率较低。"不好意思"(22.57%,13.42%),"问题不严重"(13.52%,10.95%),"不知道跟谁咨询"(12.18%,10.19%),"怕碰到熟人"(10.19%,8.82%)是影响咨询实现的主要障碍。结论:未婚青年中7.6%报告有避孕问题需要咨询,但实现率不足50%;在校生是需要重点关注的人群。  相似文献   


性病门诊患者病原体感染状况分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
性传播疾病 (STD)是一类主要通过已感染的性伴与未感染者之间的性接触传播的疾病 ,由多种病原体感染所致。近来年 ,乐山市STD的发病率逐年上升 ,且有加速趋势 ,已成为严重的公共卫生问题。为了解当地STD病原体的流行情况 ,对乐山市性病门诊的就诊患者进行病原体分析 ,现报告如下。1 材料和方法1 1 临床资料 抽取 1999年 10月至 2 0 0 0年 10月就诊患者 164 8例 ,按STD病征处理程序 ,对有下列病征者采用不同的方法重点检测 :①对阴道及尿道分泌物增多或异常 ,尿道口及包皮红肿 ,尿频、尿急、尿痛、尿道刺痒、灼热、晨起尿道封…  相似文献   

多部门合作预防和控制性病艾滋病干预研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探索社区内多部门合作预防和控制艾滋病的策略,为政府部门制定防治对策提供依据,为非政府组织参与提供经验。方法 应用多部门合作共同干预的策略,来改变高危人群和其他人群的危险行为,推广使用避孕套。结果 3个社区各类人群防治性病艾滋病知晓率提高了,避孕套的使用率从2.5%上升到12.7%,其中一个社区性病发病率从624.05/10万下降到297.13/10万。结论 多部门合作的干预策略是有效的。  相似文献   

性病患者848例病源体感染状况分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
性传播疾病(STD)是一类主要通过已感染的性伴与未感染者之间的性接触传播的疾病,由多种病原体感染所致。近年来,STD的发病率逐年上升,且有加速趋势,已成为严重的公共卫生问题,为了解当地STD病原体的感染情况,我们对性病就诊患者进行病  相似文献   

为切实做好未婚青年的健康教育工作,探索一种适合未婚青年特点的教育方式,广东省江门市妇幼保健院自2 0 0 1年9月至2 0 0 3年9月,举办了6期以未婚青年为主要对象、题为“青年同乐晚会”的健康教育活动。现报告如下。对象与方法1 对象 江门市机关、事业单位、社区及厂矿企业的未婚青年5 4 3名。其中男性2 0 6人,占37 93%;女性337人,占62 0 6%。年龄在1 8~2 9岁之间,其中2 0岁以下1 69人,占31 1 2 %;2 1~2 5岁342人,占62 80 %;2 6~2 9岁33人,占6 0 8%。2 方法 每期组织1~2个单位的未婚青年,参加活动前对前来报到的青年进行婚…  相似文献   

We hypothesized that neighborhoods with drug markets, as compared to those without, have a greater concentration of infected sex partners, i.e. core transmitters, and that in these areas, there is an increased risk environment for STIs. This study determined if neighborhood drug markets were associated with a high-risk sex partnership and, separately, with a current bacterial STI (chlamydia and/or gonorrhea) after controlling for individual demographic and sexual risk factors among a household sample of young people in Baltimore City, MD. Analyses also tested whether links were independent of neighborhood socioeconomic status. Data for this study were collected from a household study, systematic social observations and police arrest, public health STI surveillance and U.S. census data. Nonlinear multilevel models showed that living in neighborhoods with household survey-reported drug markets increased the likelihood of having a high-risk sex partnership after controlling for individual-level demographic factors and illicit drug use and neighborhood socioeconomic status. Further, living in neighborhoods with survey-reported drug markets increased the likelihood of having a current bacterial STI after controlling for individual-level demographic and sexual risk factors and neighborhood socioeconomic status. The results suggest that local conditions in neighborhoods with drug markets may play an important role in setting-up risk environments for high-risk sex partnerships and bacterial STIs. Patterns observed appeared dependent on the type of drug market indicator used. Future studies should explore how conditions in areas with local drug markets may alter sexual networks structures and whether specific types of drug markets are particularly important in determining STI risk.  相似文献   

Understanding the demographic, behavioural and psychosocial factors associated with partner referral for patients with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is important for designing appropriate intervention strategies. A survey was conducted among STI clients in three government and three non-governmental organization-operated clinics in Dhaka and Chittagong city in Bangladesh. Demographic and psychosocial information was collected using a questionnaire guided by the Attitude-Social Influence-Self Efficacy model. Partner referral data were collected by verification of referral cards when partners appeared at the clinics within one month of interviewing the STI clients. Of the 1339 clients interviewed, 81% accepted partner referral cards but only 32% actually referred their partners; 37% of these referrals were done by clients randomly assigned to a single counselling session vs. 27% by clients not assigned to a counselling session (p < 0.0001). Among psychosocial factors, partner referral intention was best predicted by attitudes and perceived social norms of the STI clients. Actual partner referral was significantly associated with intention to refer partner and attitudes of the index clients. Married clients were significantly more likely to refer their partners, and clients with low income were less likely to refer partners. Intervention programmes must address psychosocial and socio-economic issues to improve partner referral for STIs in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between contraceptive method choice, sexual risk and various demographic and social factors. Data were collected on 378, 15- to 24-year-old women, recruited from health clinics and through community outreach in Northern California. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the association of predictors with contraceptive method used at last sex. Asian and Latina women were less likely to use any method. Women who were raised with a religion, or thought they were infertile, were also less likely to use any method. Women with multiple partners were generally less likely to use any method, but were more likely to use barrier methods when they did use one. Few women (7%) were dual method users. Women appear to act in a rational fashion within their own social context and may use no methods at all or use methods that are less effective for pregnancy prevention but offer more protection from sexually transmitted infections.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that hormonal contraceptive users, compared with nonusers, may be at increased risk for acquiring sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases for all articles from January 1966 through February 2005 for evidence relevant to all hormonal contraceptives and STIs (including cervical chlamydial and gonococcal infection, human papillomavirus, trichomoniasis, herpes and syphilis). We used standard abstract forms and grading systems to summarize and assess the quality of 83 identified studies. Studies of combined oral contraceptive and depot medroxyprogesterone use generally reported positive associations with cervical chlamydial infection, although not all associations were statistically significant. For other STIs, the findings suggested no association between hormonal contraceptive use and STI acquisition, or the results were too limited to draw any conclusions. Evidence was generally limited in both amount and quality, including inadequate adjustment for confounding, lack of appropriate control groups and small sample sizes. The observed positive associations may be due to a true association or to bias, such as differential exposure to STIs by contraceptive use or increased likelihood of STI detection among hormonal contraceptive users.  相似文献   

Sexually transmitted diseases, a source of widespread morbidity and sometimes mortality, are caused by a diverse group of infections with a common route of transmission. Existing vaccines against hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human papilloma virus 16, 18, 6 and 11 are highly efficacious and cost effective. In reviewing the potential role for other vaccines against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) a series of questions needs to be addressed about the burden of disease, the potential characteristics of a new vaccine, and the impact of other interventions. These questions can be viewed in the light of the population dynamics of sexually transmitted infections as a group and how a vaccine can impact these dynamics. Mathematical models show the potential for substantial impact, especially if vaccines are widely used. To better make the case for sexually transmitted infection vaccines we need better data and analyses of the burden of disease, especially severe disease. However, cost effectiveness analyses using a wide range of assumptions show that STI vaccines would be cost effective and their development a worthwhile investment.  相似文献   

The sexually transmitted infection (STI) epidemic among adolescents in the USA is inextricably tied to individual, psychosocial and cultural phenomena. Reconceptualizing the epidemic within an expanded socio-ecological framework may provide an opportunity to better confront its challenges. In this article, we use a socio-ecological framework to identify determinants of adolescents' sexual risk and protective behaviours as well as antecedents of their STI acquisition. The goal is to provide a synthesis of several discrete categories of research. Subsequently, we propose an integrated strategy that addresses the STI epidemic among adolescents by promoting a socio-ecological perspective in both basic research and intervention design. This approach may expand the knowledge base and facilitate the development of a broader array of intervention strategies, such as community-level interventions, policy initiatives, institutionally based programmes, and macro-level societal changes. Although there are inherent challenges associated with such an approach, the end result may have reciprocal and reinforcing effects designed to enhance the adoption and maintenance of STI-preventive practices among adolescents, and further reduce the rate of STIs.  相似文献   

目的 探讨广州地区生殖支原体(Mg)的感染情况及其致病性.方法 应用Taqman MGB荧光PCR方法对广东省皮肤性病防治中心2010-2013年性病门诊的2 633例患者宫颈、尿道拭子进行Mg检测,涂片检测念珠菌、阴道毛滴虫和细菌学阴道病,ELISA法检测衣原体,培养法分离淋球菌.结果 2 633例疑似病例经检测Mg阳性209例,总感染率为7.94%,其中男性Mg感染率为8.94% (175/1 958),女性感染率为5.04% (34/675),两者比较差异有统计学意义(x2=10.45,P<0.01).男性感染者主要集中在30~49岁,占77.14%(135/175);女性主要集中在20~39岁,占82.35%(28/34).男性Mg感染者中,30~39岁组占45.14%(79/175),高于其他年龄组,同时也高于女性该年龄组[35.29% (12/34)],但两者比较差异无统计学意义(x2=1.12,P>0.05);女性Mg感染者中,20~29岁组占47.06%,高于其他年龄组,同时也高于男性该年龄组[14.29%(25/175)],差异有统计学意义(X2=19.39,P<0.01).92份男性尿道拭子检出非淋菌性尿道炎(NGU)共33例,其中单纯Mg感染引起的男性NGU占72.73%(24/33).21份宫颈拭子检出宫颈炎17例,其中单纯Mg感染引起的女性宫颈炎占82.35%(14/17).结论 广州地区男性Mg感染率明显高于女性,且不同年龄段男女Mg感染情况并不相同,另外Mg感染可能与男性NGU及女性宫颈炎相关.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to review the status of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in children in South Korea between 2010 and 2019, as well as to establish guidelines for the prevention and management to reduce the incidence of STIs in children.MethodsData reports from 590 STI surveillance institutions in local health center, hospital-level medical institutions with urology or obstetrics/gynecology departments and public hospitals between 2010 and 2019 in the integrative disease management system of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency as of December 2020 were analyzed.ResultsA total of 172,645 cases of STIs were reported over the 10-year period (2010–2019), of which 2,179 cases (1.26%) represented STIs in children below the age of 18 years. A higher incidence of infections was observed in girls (1,499 cases, 68.79%) than in boys (680 cases, 31.21%). The STIs that had the highest incidence were, in descending order, chlamydial infections (997 cases, 45.75%), gonorrhea (592 cases, 27.17%), condyloma acuminata (338 cases, 15.51%), genital herpes (250 cases, 11.47%), and chancroid (2 cases, 0.09%). In adolescents aged 14 to 17 years, chlamydial infections, genital herpes, and gonorrhea were most frequently reported. Condyloma acuminata, in particular, have been consistently reported in children below the age of 14 years.ConclusionChildren must be protected legally and institutionally from sexual abuse. Specific management protocols for STIs in children must be established by local governments and associated organizations. National human papillomavirus vaccination programs should be expanded to include boys, and anti-STI educational efforts using modern media should be more activated.  相似文献   

Street-connected youth in Kenya are a population potentially at risk of HIV transmission, yet little is known about their perceptions and experiences of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), despite their living in an HIV endemic region. We sought to elucidate the language and sociocultural factors rooted in street life that impact on street-connected young people’s knowledge of and perceptions about the prevention and transmission of STIs, and their diagnosis and treatment, using qualitative methods in western Kenya. We conducted a total of 25 in-depth interviews and 5 focus-group discussions with 65 participants aged 11–24 years in Eldoret, Kenya. Thematic analysis was conducted and data were coded according to themes and patterns emergent until saturation was reached. In general, street-connected young people knew of STIs and some of the common symptoms associated with these infections. However, there were many misconceptions regarding transmission and prevention. Gender inequities were prominent, as the majority of men described women as individuals who spread STIs due to unhygienic practices, urination and multiple partners. Due to misconceptions, gender inequity and lack of access to youth-friendly healthcare there is an urgent need for community-based organisations and healthcare facilities to introduce or augment their adolescent sexual and reproductive health programmes for vulnerable young people.  相似文献   

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