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正儿童强,则国强。儿童是健康中国建设的人才和栋梁。我国18岁以下儿童人数约为3.0亿,约占全国总人口的22.6% ~[1]。儿童的健康是社会经济发展的基础和动力,而营养是保证儿童体格和智力发育的物质基础,也是社会经济发展的物质基础。儿童时期的营养状况可影响大脑发育、体格发育、生理和代谢,从而对智力和学习能力、成年后的身高和工作能力以及生命全过程中的肥胖症、糖尿病、高血压、心脏病甚至癌症等疾病产生一定的影响。儿童时期严重的营养问题可以导致  相似文献   

Previous studies have widely reported that the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and childhood overweight and obesity in China is significant and positive, which lends little support to the fundamental‐cause perspective. Using multiple waves (1997, 2000, 2004 and 2006) of the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) (N = 2,556, 2,063, 1,431 and 1,242, respectively) and continuous BMI cut‐points obtained from a polynomial method, (mixed‐effect) logistic regression analyses show that parental state‐sector employment, an important, yet overlooked, indicator of political power during the market transformation has changed from a risk factor for childhood overweight/obesity in 1997 to a protective factor for childhood overweight/obesity in 2006. Results from quantile regression analyses generate the same conclusions and demonstrate that the protective effect of parental state sector employment at high percentiles of BMI is robust under different estimation strategies. By bridging the fundamental causes perspective and theories of market transformation, this research not only documents the effect of political power on childhood overweight/obesity but also calls for the use of multifaceted, culturally‐relevant stratification measures in testing the fundamental cause perspective across time and space.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent official publications have highlighted obesity as one of the biggest threats to public health and the prevalence of obesity in children is widely believed to be rising rapidly. However, there are no data on the prevalence of childhood obesity at a local level. We have developed a simple low-cost method of gaining such data by working with local schools. METHOD: We designed our method on the observation that numeracy and data handling skills are often taught in schools by getting children to measure their height and weight. We recruited seven schools and offered them a numeracy lesson plan suitable for year 5 (aged 9-10) children together with healthcare staff to attend the lesson. As part of the lesson, each child's height and weight was measured and recorded anonymously. Parental consent was obtained on an 'opt out' basis. The method was evaluated by questionnaire. RESULTS: We gained data on body mass index for 252 children. In total, 20% of the children were overweight, and 7% obese. The brief questionnaire survey indicated that both teachers and school nurses were happy with the method and would repeat it. Weighing was carried out sensitively. CONCLUSION: Our findings were in line with national studies of the prevalence of childhood obesity. The method was simple, low-cost and acceptable to schools and school nurses. There seems no reason why this project cannot be used more widely across the Primary Care Trust (PCT) and beyond. We now propose to roll out the method across all primary schools in Birmingham.  相似文献   

This article synthesizes diverse official reports, statistics, and scientific papers that present demographic, economic, environmental, and social trends impacting on the health and quality of life of citizens living in European cities. A literature review led to the identification of some key challenges including an aging society, migration flows, inequalities in health, global change, and risk behaviors that should be addressed in order to promote urban health. Other challenges, such as food production and consumption, are also relevant, but not included. Cities that have participated in one or more of the phases of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network have implemented a number of policies, programs, and measures to deal with the challenges discussed in this article. Some contributions are presented to illustrate how health and quality of life in urban areas can be promoted by local authorities.  相似文献   

Although overweight and obesity have long been recognised as major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, lifestyle developments have led to substantial increases in bodyweight worldwide. In addition to their negative effects on health and quality of life, obesity and associated comorbidities may have a considerable impact on healthcare expenditures. The aim of this systematic review was to summarise cost estimates and compare costs attributable to obesity across different European countries. A structured search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, and all EBM Reviews was conducted to identify relevant literature. Two researchers independently assessed publications according to pre-defined inclusion criteria and with regard to study methodology. Costs attributable to obesity were extracted from the included studies and calculated relative to country-specific gross domestic income. Out of 797 publications that met our search criteria, 13 studies investigating 10 Western European countries were determined to be relevant and included in our review. Obesity-related healthcare burdens of up to 10.4 billion euros were found. Reported relative economic burdens ranged from 0.09% to 0.61% of each country's gross domestic product (GDP). Obesity appears to be responsible for a substantial economic burden in many European countries, and the costs identified in the available studies presumably reflect conservative estimates. There remains a great need for prospective and standardised studies to provide more accurate estimates of costs for all European countries.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to describe parent and teacher reported behavioural outcomes and quality of life in childhood hydrocephalus, and to consider the implications for future service planning. A community sample of 235 school-aged children with hydrocephalus (5-16 years) were identified via a database of service users, held by the Scottish Spina Bifida Association. Parent and teacher reports of behaviour on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), and parent reports of quality of life on the Paediatric Quality-of-Life Generic Core (PedsQL Core) and Paediatric Quality-of-Life Fatigue (PedsQL Fatigue) were obtained, as were reports of service use and satisfaction. In total, 35% (n = 76) of parents and 86% (n = 47) of teachers who were contacted participated in the study. Parents reported behavioural difficulties in 57% and teachers in 33% of children. Quality of life was significantly reduced in comparison to published norms. Children whose parents reported unmet needs had poorer psychosocial outcomes, but families rarely accessed appropriate specialist services. In conclusion, hydrocephalus is associated with high rates of behaviour problems and markedly reduced quality of life. It is important to increase professional awareness of psychological need in this chronic neurological condition, and to increase access to appropriate psychosocial services.  相似文献   

儿童肥胖严重危害儿童身心健康,其流行态势日趋严峻.儿童肥胖大多数仍为单纯性肥胖,与不良饮食行为息息相关,尤其能量摄入过多或膳食结构失调(如高糖高脂).近几十年随着超加工食品的普遍,食品甜味剂种类更为丰富,应用范围更广,消费量剧增.虽然食品甜味剂使用历史由来已久,大多数被认为是安全的;但越来越多证据显示,无论是天然甜味剂...  相似文献   

Meal frequency and childhood obesity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have demonstrated an inverse association between meal frequency and the prevalence of obesity in adulthood. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between meal frequency and childhood obesity. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Stature and weight of 4,370 German children ages 5 to 6 years were determined in six Bavarian (Germany) public health offices during the obligatory school entry health examination in 2001/2002. An extensive questionnaire on risk factors for obesity was answered by their parents. Obesity was defined according to sex- and age-specific BMI cut-off points proposed by the International Obesity Task Force. The main exposure was daily meal frequency. RESULTS: The prevalence of obesity decreased by number of daily meals: three or fewer meals, 4.2% [95% confidence interval (CI), 2.8 to 6.1]; four meals, 2.8% (95% CI, 2.1 to 3.7); and 5 or more meals, 1.7% (95% CI, 1.2 to 2.4). These effects could not be explained by confounding due to a wide range of constitutional, sociodemographic, and lifestyle factors. The adjusted odds ratios for obesity were 0.73 (95% CI, 0.44 to 1.21) for four meals and 0.51 (95% CI, 0.29 to 0.89) for five or more meals. Additional analyses pointed to a higher energy intake in nibblers compared with gorgers. DISCUSSION: A protective effect of an increased daily meal frequency on obesity in children was observed and appeared to be independent of other risk factors for childhood obesity. A modulation of the response of hormones such as insulin might be instrumental.  相似文献   

Obesity may be the consequence of various environmental or genetic factors, which may be highly correlated with each other. We aimed to examine whether grandmaternal and maternal obesity and environmental risk factors are related to obesity in daughters. Daughters (n = 182) recruited from female students, their mothers (n = 147) and their grandmothers (n = 67) were included in this study. Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze the association between the daughter''s obesity and maternal, grandmaternal, and environmental factors. Maternal heights of 161-175cm (OD: 8.48, 95% CI: 3.61-19.93) and 156-160 cm (2.37, 1.14-4.91) showed positive associations with a higher height of daughter, compared to those of 149-155 cm. Mothers receiving a university or a higher education had a significant OR (3.82, 1.27-11.50) for a higher height of daughter compared to those having a low education (elementary school). Mother having the heaviest weight at current time (59-80 kg, 3.78, 1.73-8.28) and the heaviest weight at 20 years of age (51-65 kg, 3.17, 1.53-6.55) had significant associations with a higher height of daughters, compared to those having the lightest weight at the same times. There was no association between the height, weight, and BMI of daughters and the characteristics and education of her grandmothers. In conclusion, although genetic factors appear to influence the daughter''s height more than environmental factors, the daughter''s weight appears to be more strongly associated with individual factors than the genetic factors.  相似文献   

儿童期腹型肥胖对成年期腹型肥胖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 探讨儿童期腹型肥胖对成年期腹型肥胖的影响。方法 基于"中国居民健康与营养调查"1993-2011年的研究数据,该调查要求研究对象在儿童期(7~17岁)和成年期(≥ 18岁)至少各随访一次。本研究选取儿童期第1次和成年期最后1次随访数据,最终纳入1 366名(男性占61.4%)研究对象。采用偏相关分析探讨儿童期腰围与成年期腰围的相关性。采用Cox回归模型分析儿童期腹型肥胖对成年期腹型肥胖的影响。结果 研究队列的中位随访时间为10.4年。36.4%(28/77)的儿童期腹型肥胖会持续至成年期。儿童期腰围与成年期的腰围存在中度关联(r=0.32,P<0.001)。与腰围正常儿童相比,腹型肥胖儿童在成年期发生腹型肥胖的风险增加(HR=7.54,95%CI:4.91~11.58)。结论 儿童期腹型肥胖显著增加成年期腹型肥胖的发生风险。  相似文献   

探讨父母超重肥胖对儿童青少年超重肥胖的影响,为从父母因素方面入手预防儿童超重肥胖提供参考.方法 方便抽取北京市昌平区小学二~五年级和初一、初二年级的749名7~ 15岁学生.测量学生的身高、体重,并通过调查问卷获得父母的身高与体重.分别按照中国学龄儿童青少年体质量指数(BMI)超重、肥胖筛查标准和我国成人超重和肥胖界限,将学生和父母划分为非超重、超重/肥胖.采用x2检验和Logistic回归分析父母超重肥胖对儿童青少年超重肥胖的影响.结果 749名儿童青少年中,超重肥胖者占36.7%(275/749).父亲的超重肥胖率为65.6% (491/749),母亲为33.6% (252/749).父母均超重肥胖、仅父亲超重肥胖、仅母亲超重肥胖的儿童青少年发生超重肥胖的危险性分别是父母均非超重者的3.95倍(95% CI=2.41 ~6.48)、3.11倍(95% CI=1.97 ~4.93)和2.74倍(95% CI=1.45~5.18).男生发生超重肥胖的风险最高的为双亲均超重肥胖者,其次为仅父亲超重肥胖者;女生父母均超重肥胖者、仅父亲超重肥胖者和仅母亲超重肥胖者发生超重肥胖的风险差异无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).结论 父母超重肥胖是儿童超重肥胖的重要危险因素,且存在子女性别差异;仅父亲超重肥胖对于男生的影响大于母亲,应作为今后儿童肥胖防控的重点方面.  相似文献   

Determinants of childhood overweight and obesity in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to investigate the determinants of childhood overweight and obesity in China, the prevalence of overweight (including obesity) was compared according to different dietary and physical activity patterns and parental body weight status. A total of 6826 children aged 7-17 years from the 2002 China National Nutrition and Health Survey were included in the study. Information for dietary intake was collected using three consecutive 24-h recalls by trained interviewers. The amounts of cooking oil and condiments consumed were weighed. An interview-administered 1-year physical activity questionnaire was used to collect physical activity information. The results showed that the heavier the parental bodyweight, the higher the overweight prevalence in children. The prevalence ratio increased if parent(s) were overweight and/or obese, up to 12.2 if both parents were obese. Overweight children consumed significantly more dietary energy, protein and fat, but less carbohydrate than their normal weight counterparts. On average, overweight children spent 0.5 h less on moderate/vigorous activities and 2.3 h more on low intensity activities per week. The following prevalence ratios were statistically significant: walking to and from school (0.6); moderate/vigorous activities > or =45 min/d (0.8); low intensity physical activities >2 h/d (1.3); the consumption of > or =25 g/d cooking oil (1.4); > or =200 g/d meat and meat products consumption (1.5); > or =100g/d dairy products (1.8). After adjustment for parental body weight status and socioeconomic status, only cooking oil consumption and walking to and from school remained significantly related to child overweight. In conclusion, parental weight status is an import-ant determinant. Fat intake, low intensity activities and active transport to/from school may be suitable entry points for overweight prevention among Chinese school children.  相似文献   

Summary. The relationships between maternal age and childhood cognitive and behavioural outcomes were analysed in a birth cohort of New Zealand children studied until the age of 13 years. Increasing maternal age was associated with increasing scores on tests of cognitive ability and achievement and with decreasing reports of conduct problems. The correlations between maternal age and childhood cognitive/behavioural outcomes ranged from 0.11 to 0.21 with a median value of 0.18. These associations were adjusted statistically for the effects of maternal social background at the time of birth and for childhood history subsequent to birth. This analysis suggested that the poorer outcomes for children born to younger mothers reflected the cumulative effects of two sets of factors which placed these children at a disadvantage. Firstly, the offspring of younger mothers tended to be born into relatively poorly educated, socially disadvantaged families and secondly, these children were exposed to less nurturant and more changeable home environments. The net effects of differences in social background at birth and childrearing environments subsequent to birth were sufficient to explain most of the apparent correlation between maternal age and childhood cognitive/behavioural outcomes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Childhood obesity is one of the most challenging issues facing healthcare providers today. The aims of this study were to describe the ambulatory management of childhood obesity by pediatricians (PDs) and family physicians (FPs) and to evaluate knowledge of and adherence to published recommendations. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: A 42-item, self-administered questionnaire was mailed to 1207 randomly selected primary care physicians (PDs = 700, FPs = 507) between September 2001 and January 2002. RESULTS: Of 339 (28%) responses, 287 were eligible (PDs = 213, FPs = 74). Most respondents were in group or solo practice (87%) in a suburban or urban, non-inner city location (67%). The average age was 48 years (range = 31 to 85 years), and the mean years in practice was 17 (range = 1 to 55 years). Nineteen percent of physicians were aware of national recommendations. Three percent of physicians reported adherence to all recommendations. Knowledge of recommendations was not associated with a greater likelihood of adherence. However, physicians who were aware of recommendations were more likely to have positive attitudes about personal counseling ability (odds ratio = 2.4, confidence interval = 1.3 to 4.4) and the overall efficacy of obesity counseling (odds ratio = 4.3, confidence interval = 1.7 to 10.8). Poor patient motivation, patient noncompliance, and treatment futility were perceived as the most frequently encountered barriers to obesity treatment. DISCUSSION: Most physicians are not aware of or adherent to national recommendations regarding childhood obesity. Awareness of recommendations was associated with more positive attitudes about personal counseling ability and the effectiveness of obesity counseling in general.  相似文献   

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