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目的:观察Vitapex糊剂治疗乳牙根尖周病的临床疗效。方法:用Vitapex糊剂充填乳牙根管,3个月后临床复查乳牙症状与体征的变化。结果:疗效优者前牙占89.47%,后牙占70.97%;无疗效差者。纣:Vitapex糊剂能控制根尖区的感染,具有疗效高,操作简便的优点,是一种较为理想的根充制剂。  相似文献   

目的观察vitapex糊剂在治疗慢性根尖周炎一次性根尖周注入后根管充填的临床疗效。方法对158颗患慢性根尖周病的牙齿,在根充前从根管内注入vitapex糊剂到根尖周,再进行根充治疗,观察其疗效。结果治愈率98.2%。结论vitapex糊剂注入根尖周治疗慢性根尖周病的效果满意。  相似文献   

孙晓娟 《口腔医学研究》2012,28(11):1174-1175
目的:比较Vitapex糊剂和普通氢氧化钙2种材料诱导根尖成形的疗效。方法:选择76颗牙外伤或已有牙髓病变的年轻恒牙,随机分成两组,分别用Vitapex糊剂、氢氧化钙糊剂行根尖诱导术。结果:经2年的随访观察,根尖诱导成功率Vitapex组为94.73%、氢氧化钙组78.95%,结果经χ2检验差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:Vitapex糊剂诱导年轻恒牙根尖成形较普通氢氧化钙糊剂效果更好。  相似文献   

目的:比较Vitapex糊剂作为根管消毒药物治疗较大根尖囊肿的临床疗效。方法:将临床诊断为根尖囊肿的52例患牙随机分为两组,每组26例,以氢氧化钙糊剂为对照组,根管内封氢氧化钙1周后即AH-plus糊剂和牙胶尖充填,6个月和12个月复诊。Vitapex糊剂为实验组,根管内封Vitapex 6个月,复诊时再以AH-plus糊剂牙胶尖充填,继续观察6个月,即12个月时复诊。比较6个月复诊及12个月复诊时实验组及对照组的治疗效果。结果:6个月复诊时,氢氧化钙组的成功率为73.1%,Vitapex组的成功率为76.9%。两组间无显著性差异。12个月复诊时,氢氧化钙组的成功率为69.2%,Vitapex组的成功率为92.3%,两组间有显著性差异。结论:根尖囊肿采取Vitapex多次封药,可以促进根尖病变愈合,提高疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨微波联合Vitapex糊剂治疗根尖周小囊肿的临床效果。方法对确诊为根尖周小囊肿的48例患者52颗患牙,采用微波烧灼囊腔壁及Vitapex糊剂加压注射入囊腔,牙胶尖加根充糊剂侧方加压根管充填等非手术方式治疗根尖周小囊肿,术后临床检查及拍摄X线片,随访1~3年,观察临床疗效。结果 48例患者52颗患牙,随访50颗,其中治愈为39颗,治愈率78%,好转为8颗,好转率为16%,总有效率为94%,失败为3颗,失败率为6%。结论微波联合Vitapex糊剂治疗根尖周小囊肿的效果满意。  相似文献   

王辉  李雁霞  周峰  蔡琪 《口腔医学》2011,31(4):252-254
目的 观察Vitapex糊剂在根尖诱导成形术中的临床疗效。方法 选择72颗牙根未发育完成的年轻恒牙,随机分两组,作根尖诱导成形术。实验组用Vitapex糊剂,对照组用氢氧化钙糊剂,随访2年,观察疗效。结果 经2年的随访观察,氢氧化钙组有效率为80.55%,Vitapex组有效率为94.44%,两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论 Vitapex糊剂用于根尖诱导成形术,有较理想的临床疗效。  相似文献   

儿童恒牙因外伤、畸形,龋病,造成牙髓或根尖周炎症,导致牙根停止发育,为保存牙齿并使牙根完成发育,我们用Vitapex糊剂行根尖诱导成形术取得较好效果,现报告如下:1材料和方法1.1一般资料患者186例,205颗牙,男96例,女90例,年龄6~12岁,上前牙88颗,由龋病或外伤引起;前磨牙62颗,畸  相似文献   

氢氧化钙在孕妇根尖周病治疗中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我科自1999年以来总结出一种既不会危害到胎儿发育,又可以使急、慢性根尖周炎患牙得到暂时治疗的方法,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

Vitapex治疗年轻恒牙根尖囊肿的临床疗效   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张耀国 《广东牙病防治》2007,15(12):549-550
根尖囊肿,尤其是范围较大的治疗一直引起关注,治疗方法常用有根管治疗、根尖周手术等.近来关于Vitapex用于成年患者根尖囊肿治疗的报道较多[1,2],对于年轻恒牙根尖囊肿的治疗则报道较少.笔者总结Vitapex治疗年轻恒牙根尖囊肿的20例,报告如下.  相似文献   

老年人根管治疗疗效相关因素分析;三种根管长度测量仪测定根尖吸收牙齿工作长度准确性的比较研究;VITAPEX糊剂在根尖诱导成形术中的疗效观察;地塞米松-氢氧化钙糊剂用于根管封药的临床研究;儿童恒前牙冠折后牙髓活力的保存方法;Obtura Ⅱ热熔牙胶充填根管的微渗漏实验研究;  相似文献   

比塔派克斯糊剂治疗感染根管的临床观察   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
目的:观察比塔派克斯(Vitapex)糊剂在感染根管治疗中疗效。方法:选择患慢性根周炎的恒牙159个,随机分为3组,分别充填Vitapex糊剂、氧化锌丁香油糊剂及氧化锌丁香油加碘仿糊剂,观察其临床近期疗效。结果:Vitapex糊剂充填组术后反应明显轻于其它两组(P<0.005),超充糊剂3个月复查时吸收率高于其它两组(P<0.01),而一年愈合率3组间无明显差别(P>0.05)。结论:Vitapex糊剂应用于感染根管的充填近期疗效优于氧化锌丁香油糊剂,而一年复查效果无明显差别。  相似文献   

Vitapex根管充填一次法治疗乳牙尖周脓肿的疗效   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:观察Vitapex根管充填一次法治疗乳牙尖周脓肿的临床疗效。方法:患牙去龋后清理、扩大根管,测量根管工作长度,根管吸干后将Vitapex注入根管,充填窝洞,最后切开根尖部粘膜下脓肿引流。结果:共治疗45个牙,术后1周复查疗效优者28牙,良者17牙;术后3个月复查的38个牙中,疗效优者34牙,良者4牙。结论:采用Vitapex根充一次法治疗乳牙尖周脓肿伴切开脓肿,可以缩短疗程,减少患牙就诊次数,而适当超填则可以提高其疗效。  相似文献   

Teeth with induced chronic periradicular periodontitis in dogs were root canal treated. After the biomechanical preparation, using K files and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigant solution, all root canals were dressed with an antibacterial dressing based on calcium hydroxide, which was left in place for 7 days. After this time, the root canals were obturated with lateral condensation of cold gutta-percha with either a calcium hydroxide root canal filling material (Sealapex) or a zinc oxide-eugenol sealer (Fill Canal). After 270 days, histopathological analysis showed better apical and periapical repair in the teeth obturated with Sealapex ( P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Vitapex在年轻恒牙活髓切断术中的临床应用观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
赵丽琴  唐玲燕  徐文峰 《口腔医学》2007,27(6):296-297,310
目的比较用氢氧化钙或Vitapex2种糊剂对根尖未发育完成的年轻恒牙试行活髓切断术的临床疗效。方法选择99例共121个年轻恒牙,随机分成2组行活髓切断,根髓断面分别覆盖氢氧化钙糊剂和Vitapex糊剂,定期复查。结果实验组成功率为83.61%,对照组成功率为70.00%,2组差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论Vitapex用于活髓切断术效果良好。  相似文献   

Twenty-six permanent vital molars with carious pulp exposures and periapical involvement presenting as radiolucencies or radiopacities on radiographic examination, in patients aged between 10–24 years, were treated using an atraumatic surgical technique with calcium hydroxide alone. The healing was evaluated using clinical and radiographic criteria: absence of clinical symptoms, sensitivity of the radicular pulp, formation of a hard tissue barrier in the exposed area, resolution of periapical involvement and no intraradicular pathosis radiographically. Assessed by these criteria, successful results were achieved in 24 teeth. The observation period following pulpotomy treatment was 16–72 months. The favourable results of this study demonstrate that pulpotomy treatment in teeth with cariously exposed vital pulps and with periapical involvement may be an alternative treatment to root canal therapy.  相似文献   

张文静  池政兵 《口腔医学》2018,38(8):728-730
目的:对比四种临床常用的根管消毒药物缓解乳磨牙根尖周炎临床症状的效果。方法 选择根尖周炎乳磨牙160颗,随机分为四组,每组40颗,根管预备超声荡洗后,A组封入抗生素糊剂,B组封入Vitapex糊剂,C组封入氢氧化钙糊剂,D组封入樟脑酚棉球,10 d后复诊,对四种根管消毒药物缓解乳牙根尖周炎临床症状的效果进行评价。结果 在10d后脓肿消除方面抗生素糊剂组效果优于其他三组(P=0.005),Vitapex组与氢氧化钙组效果,均优于樟脑酚组(P<0.05)。术后24h内疼痛的发生率抗生素糊剂组术后24 h内疼痛发生率低于Vitapex组(P=0.014)和氢氧化钙组(P=0.045)。10 d后疼痛的比例各组之间无统计学差异。结论 抗生素糊剂能够有效缓解乳牙根尖周炎的临床症状。  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the influence of renewing calcium hydroxide paste on apexification and periapical healing of teeth in dogs with incomplete root formation and previously contaminated canals. Methodology Forty premolars from four 6‐month‐old dogs were used. After access to the root canals and complete removal of the pulp, the canal systems remained exposed to the oral environment for 2 weeks. Canal preparation was then carried out using Hedströem files, under irrigation with 1% sodium hypochlorite, 1 mm short of the radiographic apex. After drying, the canals of one premolar in each dog were left empty (group 4‐control), and those of the other nine teeth in each animal were filled with a calcium hydroxide‐propylene glycol paste. All teeth were restored with reinforced zinc oxide cement (IRM) or IRM and amalgam (group 4). The paste was renewed and the teeth restored again 1 week later. Then, the nine teeth in each animal were divided into three experimental groups: group 1 – paste not changed; group 2 – paste renewed every 4 weeks for 5 months; and group 3 – paste renewed after 3 months had elapsed. The teeth were restored with IRM and amalgam (groups 1 and 3) or IRM (group 2). The animals were killed 5 months later, and blocks of the teeth and surrounding tissues were submitted to histological processing. The sections were studied to evaluate six parameters: apical calcified tissue barrier, inflammatory reaction, bone and root resorption, paste extrusion and microorganisms. Results of experimental groups were analysed by Kruskal–Wallis nonparametric tests and by the test of proportions. The critical value of statistical significance was 5%. Results Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found in relation to the presence of bone resorption and paste in the periradicular area, the formation of a calcified tissue barrier at the apex, and the intensity of the apical inflammatory reaction. Bone resorption was more evident in group 1 (medicament not changed), and the presence of paste in the periodontal tissues was more common in groups 2 and 3. Renewal of the paste reduced the intensity of the inflammatory reaction (groups 2 and 3), but the formation of apical calcified tissue was more noticeable in the teeth where the paste had not been renewed. Conclusions Replacement of calcium hydroxide paste was not necessary for apexification to occur, however, it did reduce significantly the intensity of the inflammatory process. Monthly renewal of calcium hydroxide paste reduced significantly the occurrence of apexification.  相似文献   

Endodontic treatment of teeth associated with a large periapical lesion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM: To report the healing of a large periapical lesion following non-surgical root canal treatment. SUMMARY: A 12-year-old male with a large periapical lesion around the apices of his mandibular incisors is described. The lesion formed after trauma to the mandibular anterior teeth 5 years previously. During root canal treatment, chlorhexidine gluconate was used for irrigation, and calcium hydroxide was used both for the intracanal dressing and as a base of the root canal sealer. Periapical healing was observed 3 months after obturation and continued at the 12-month review. Key learning points Root canal treatment, including the use of chlorhexidine gluconate and calcium hydroxide for infection control, led to substantial healing of a large periapical lesion. This report confirms that large periapical lesions can respond favourably to non-surgical treatment.  相似文献   

Vitapex根管充填材料的短期疗效观察   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的 :比较氧化锌丁香油糊剂加牙胶尖、Vitapex糊剂加牙胶尖两种根管充填材料的短期疗效。方法 :131例门诊就诊患者的 16 1个患牙随机分为 2组 ,其中 82个牙用氧化锌丁香油糊剂加牙胶尖进行根管充填 ,79个牙用Vitapex糊剂加牙胶尖进行根管充填 ,术后 3、6个月随访观察。结果 :术后 3个月复查 ,发现氧化锌丁香油糊剂加牙胶尖组和Vitapex糊剂加牙胶尖组的有效率分别为 80 .3%和 93.1% ,有显著统计学差异(P <0 .0 5 )。术后 6个月复查 ,发现氧化锌丁香油糊剂加牙胶尖组和Vitapex糊剂加牙胶尖组的有效率分别为82 %和 95 % ,也有显著统计学差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :Vitapex根管充填糊剂是一种短期疗效较好的根管充填材料  相似文献   

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