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In this investigation of bacterial opsonization by the serum complement system, the importance of using various serum concentrations and of performing kinetic studies is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Twelve Staphylococcus aureus strains with known amounts of protein A were compared with regard to alternative pathway complement activation and opsonization in human serum. "Protein A-poor" strains (less than or equal to 0.16 ng/10(6) bacteria) were, on the average, 3. 4-fold more efficient in alternative pathway complement activation than "protein A-rich" strains (greater than or equal to 0.625 ng/10(6) bacteria) (P less than 0.001). Protein A-poor strains were significantly better phagocytized by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes after opsonization in magnesium-ethylene glycol-bis (beta-amino-ethyl ether)-N, N-tetraacetic acid-chelated serum than were the protein A-rich strains (P less than 0.001). No significant differences between protein A-poor and -rich strains were found in complement activation and opsonization in normal serum. Cell wall-bound protein A appeared to hinder alternative pathway complement activation by S. aureus, which resulted in decreased opsonization of these bacteria in the absence of an intact classical pathway. These studies suggest that protein A may cover alternative pathway complement-activating sites within the peptidoglycan matrix of the staphylococcal cell wall.  相似文献   

Several disorders associated with the total or partial absence of components of the human complement system are known. Deficiencies of classical pathway (CP) components are generally linked to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or SLE-like syndromes. However, only approximately one-third of patients who lack C2 show mild symptoms of SLE. The relatively high frequency of homozygous C2 deficiency without or with minor disease manifestation suggests that there might be a compensatory mechanism which allows the activation of the CP of complement without the absolute requirement of C2. In this study we show that factor B (FB), the C2 homologue of the alternative pathway (AP) of complement, can substitute for C2. This was confirmed by using C4b as immobilised ligand and FB as analyte in Surface Plasmon Resonance (BIACORE). C2 binding to the immobilised C3b-like molecule C3(CH3NH2) was not seen. The estimated binding constant for C4bB complex formation was 2.00 * 10?5 [M]. We were further able to demonstrate that C4b supports the cleavage of Factor B by Factor D. Finally, cleavage of 125I-C3 by C4bBb was evaluated and gave strong evidence that the “hybrid” convertase C4bBb can cleave and activate C3 in vitro. Cleavage activity is very low, but consistent with some of the “C2-bypass” observations of others.  相似文献   

C1-inhibitor is increasingly used experimentally and clinically in inflammatory conditions like septicemia and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Several mechanisms may account for the anti-inflammatory effects of C1-inhibitor, including inhibition of complement. The aim of the present study was to investigate and compare the supraphysiologic effect of C1-inhibitor on the three complement pathways. Novel assays for specific evaluation of the classical, lectin and alternative pathways were employed using normal human serum supplemented with increasing concentrations of C1-inhibitor. Solid-phase classical- and lectin pathway activation was dose-dependently and significantly reduced up to 85% in the range of 2-28 times physiologic C1-inhibitor concentration. The lectin pathway was more potently inhibited than the classical at low doses. A functional lectin pathway assay demonstrated a significant reduction of C4 deposition up to 86% even at low concentration of C1-inhibitor and documented the effect to be at the level of MBL/MASPs. In contrast, C1-inhibitor had no effect on solid-phase alternative pathway activation, but significantly reduced cobra venom factor-induced fluid-phase activation up to 88%. The negative controls albumin and IgG had no effect on complement activation. The positive inhibitory controls compstatin (C3 inhibition), EDTA- or MBL-deficient sera reduced complement activation by 82-100%. We conclude that C1-inhibitor in high physiologic doses differentially inhibits all three-complement pathways. The inhibition pattern was strikingly different in the classical and lectin pathway, compared to the alternative. Previous studies interpreting the effects of C1-inhibitor as only due to classical pathway inhibition needs reconsideration. The data has implications for the therapeutic use of C1-inhibitor.  相似文献   

A variety of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) preparations with highly defined primary polysaccharide chemical structure and/or aggregate macromolecular composition have been employed to examine the molecular requirements for activation of the classical and alternative pathways of human serum complement. Evidence is presented for two independent modes of polysaccharide dependent activation of the APC by LPS. One mechanism is dependent upon specific O-antigen polysaccharides and the second is defined by a specific L-glycero-D-mannoheptose/glucose region of the core oligosaccharide. LPS O-antigen polysaccharide but not core oligosaccharide determinants can convert sheep erythrocytes to cells capable of initiating the APC. The data presented provide convincing evidence that the tertiary assembly of individual LPS subunits into an aggregate macromolecule is a critical determinant in the expression of APC activity by LPS. The results of these studies provide strong evidence that CPC activation by LPS is restricted to the Re-chemotype and isolated lipid A. LPS isolated from other R-chemotypes as well as native wild type LPS preparations do not activate the CPC, in spite of the fact that the former LPS preparations contain more lipid A than polysaccharide on a percentage by wt basis. The presence of core polysaccharide L-glycero-D-mannoheptose, which provides a critical recognition role for activation of the APC, appears to negatively regulate CPC activation in a similar inverse relationship. In addition, the presence of polysaccharide containing LPS subunits in synthetic mixed LPS micellar aggregates can also restrict CPC activation by Re LPS subunits, most probably by steric hindrance at the LPS macromolecular surface. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that activation of either pathway of human serum complement by a given LPS preparation is a mutually exclusive event dictated by the presence or absence of L-glycero-D-mannoheptose.  相似文献   

A heterogeneous group of proteins was separated from human serum IgG using 5 M guanidine hydrochloride solution in 0.1 M acetic acid. The protein mixture was fractionated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and two proteins were isolated and identified as the C3a and C4a complement components (anaphylatoxins) according to their molecular masses and N-terminal sequences. Using a chemical cross-linking technique, the capacity of C3a and C4a to reassociate with the heavy and the light chains of IgG was shown. On the basis of the molecular masses of reconstituted complexes one molecule of C3a (or C4a) was bound to one heavy or one light chain of IgG.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay for detection of C1q-binding IgG aggregates and antigen-IgG antibody complexes is described. The assay makes use of solid-phase C1q and 32p-labelled protein A-rich Staphylococcus aureus as an indicator system. Both 19S and heavier IgG aggregates that fixed C1q were detected. The sensitivity of the assay permitted detection of heavy (19-25S) IgG aggregates at a concentration of 8 mug/ml or less. The results indicated that detection of IgG in this assay is dependent on the degree of IgG polymerization and the molar ratio between the solid-phase C1q and the IgG polymers. Albumin-anti-albumin complexes, preformed at equilibrium with antibody to antigen molar ratios of 2:1 to 3:1 and at antigen concentrations of 25 to 40 mug/ml, were also detectable using the described radioimmunoassay.  相似文献   

The origin of the classical complement pathway remains open during chordate evolution. A C1q‐like member, BjC1q, was identified in the basal chordate amphioxus. It is predominantly expressed in the hepatic caecum, hindgut, and notochord, and is significantly upregulated following challenge with bacteria or lipoteichoic acid and LPS. Recombinant BjC1q and its globular head domain specifically interact with lipoteichoic acid and LPS, but BjC1q displays little lectin activity. Moreover, rBjC1q can assemble to form the high molecular weight oligomers necessary for binding to proteases C1r/C1s and for complement activation, and binds human C1r/C1s/mannan‐binding lectin‐associated serine protease‐2 as well as amphioxus serine proteases involved in the cleavage of C4/C2, and C3 activation. Importantly, rBjC1q binds with human IgG as well as an amphioxus Ig domain containing protein, resulting in the activation of the classical complement pathway. This is the first report showing that a C1q‐like protein in invertebrates is able to initiate classical pathway, raising the possibility that amphioxus possesses a C1q‐mediated complement system. It also suggests a new scenario for the emergence of the classical complement pathway, in contrast to the proposal that the lectin pathway evolved into the classical pathway.  相似文献   

F Clas  M Loos 《Immunology》1980,40(4):547-556
The S (wildtype) and Re form (heptose-deficient, core-defective mutant) of Salmonella minnesota were killed by treatment with normal guinea-pig serum (GPS). Using C4-deficient GPS and serum containing 0.02 M ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethylether)-tetraacetic acid and 0.02 M MgCl2 (EGTA-Mg2+) a reduced killing rate was observed. In normal GPS diluted 1:10 containing 0.02 M EGTA-Mg2+ or in C4-deficient GPS diluted 1:10 no killing occurred, whereas the same serum dilution without EGTA-Mg2+ showed a strong bactericidal effect indicating a dependency upon C4 and Ca2+ ions. Furthermore, in contrast to normal human serum (NHS) no killing occurred in a selective complete C1q-deficient human serum. The bactericidal effect, however, could be restored by addition of highly purified C1q; this is a further indication for a dependency upon the classical pathway of C activation. The C-dependent bactericidal activity was totally abolished when phosphate buffer was used, partially reduced in the presence of veronal-buffered saline (VBS), and not affected by tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane(Tris) or thioglycollate-buffered system EGTA-Mg2+ alone slightly reduced the growth rate of the bacteria whereas disodium ethylene diaminetetraacetate (EDTA) had a bacteriostatic effect on the S-form. The inhibition of the growth of the Re-form by EDTA was amplified by the addition of serum. Pre-incubation of bacteria with serum for absorption of antibodies did not increase the killing rate of such pre-treated bacteria excluding an antibody-mediated bactericidal reaction. Furthermore, pre-treatment of the bacteria with GPS at 0 degrees reduced the serum sensitivity of both types of bacteria.  相似文献   

Mitogens generally stimulate human IgG subclass production in amounts proportional to their abundance in serum (IgG1 greater than IgG2 greater than IgG3 greater than IgG4). We report here that a combination of Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain I and pokeweed mitogen consistently stimulates human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro to preferentially produce more IgG1 and IgG3 than IgG2. This preferential stimulation can be measured by increases in the number of immunoblasts (cells with detectable cytoplasmic immunoglobulin) as well as in secreted immunoglobulin. The preferential stimulation pattern is established by the fourth day of culture and is maintained at least until the tenth day. Removal of T cells and subsequent stimulation of B cells with S. aureus Cowan I and interleukin 1 (IL-1) interleukin 2 (IL-2), interleukin 4 (IL-4), or interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) failed to enhance any IgG subclass production, indicating the requirement for multiple lymphokines in IgG subclass production. The significance of these findings is discussed with respect to B-cell regulatory molecules and the coordinate expression of IgG subclasses.  相似文献   

Formation and function of the classical (C4b,2a) and alternative (C3b,Bb) complement pathway C3 convertases are regulated by the intrinsic lability of the enzymes, extrinsic decay by C4bp and H, cleavage of C4b and C3b by I, and by the inhibitory action of the C3b receptor molecule (CR1). Binding of C4 nephritic factor (C4Nef) to C4b and of C3 nephritic factor (C3Nef) to C3b stabilizes the C3 convertases and bypasses inactivation by C4bp, H and/or I. In the present study, binding of C4Nef to the classical C3 convertase was found to prevent decay of C4b,2a by inputs of CR1 that were at least 15 times the amount of CR1 which inactivated 50% unstabilized classical pathway C3 convertase sites in 2.5 min. CR1 could however inhibit lysis of C4b,2a(C4Nef)-bearing cells in a dose-dependent manner. The latter inhibitory effect was directed at the interaction of C5 with the C5 convertase, most likely at C5 binding to cell-bound C3b. In an analogous manner to C4Nef in the classical pathway, stabilization of alternative pathway C3b,Bb convertase sites by C3Nef resulted in a relative protection of C3 convertase sites from decay by CR1. Thus, C4Nef and C3Nef can bypass all mechanisms susceptible to regulate function of the classical and alternative pathway C3 convertases. Because CR1 is essential for degradation of C3b bound to immune complexes in whole blood, stabilization of C4b,2a and C3b,Bb by C4Nef and C3Nef may alter in vivo processing of immune complexes in patients with nephritic factors.  相似文献   

K Whaley  R A Thompson 《Immunology》1978,35(6):1045-1049
Using beta1H-depleted and C3b inactivator (C3b1NA)-deficient sera we have investigated the regulatory roles of beta1H and C3bINA in the turnover of the alternative pathway. Spontaneous turnover of C3 and factor B occurred in both beta1H-depleted and C3bINA-deficient sera. In neither case was C3d generated. Prevention of activation could be achieved by the addition of the missing protein, but not by increasing the concentration of the remaining protein. Thus both beta1H and C3bINA must be present simultaneously to prevent spontaneous activation of the alternative pathway.  相似文献   

Chelation of fresh human serum with 0.01 M MgCl2 (Mg) plus 0.01 M ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid failed to abrogate the bactericidal activity against "delayed serum-sensitive" strains of Serratia marcescens, whereas previously "promptly serum-sensitive" strains of S. marcescens and control strain Escherichia coli C were killed after an extended period of incubation. The addition of 0.01 M ethylenediametetracetate to fresh human serum neutralized bactericidal activity against S. marcescens of either serum sensitivity category.  相似文献   

Leslie RG  Nielsen CH 《Immunology》2004,111(1):86-90
The contributions of the classical (CP) and alternative (AP) pathways of complement activation to the spontaneous deposition of C3 fragments and the formation of membrane attack complexes (MAC) on human B lymphocytes, were assessed by incubating peripheral blood mononuclear cells with autologous serum in the absence and presence of selective inhibitors of the AP and CP, respectively. While the total amount of C3 fragments deposited was relatively unaffected by blocking either pathway individually, deposition was virtually abrogated by their combined blockade. A marked difference was observed, however, in the nature of the fragments deposited as a result of CP and AP activation: C3b fragments deposited via the CP were extensively ( approximately 90%) converted to the terminal degradation product, C3dg, whereas about 50% of those deposited by the AP persisted as C3b/iC3b fragments. The extent of MAC formation was also found to be highly pathway dependent, with the AP being about 15-fold more efficient at initiating this process than the CP. A model accounting for the effectiveness of the AP in both preserving C3 fragment integrity and initiating MAC is presented.  相似文献   

A simple method for preparation of a serum depleted in both C1q and Factor D is described. The hemolytic activities of both pathways are completely abolished and can be fully restored using the respective purified complement components. Furthermore, this serum is useful for studying cell systems since blocking either complement pathway does not require chelating agents.  相似文献   

We sought to specifically regulate the binding of human C1q, and thus the activation of the first complement component, via the construction of a single chain antibody variable binding region fragment (scFv) targeting the C1q globular heads. Here we describe details of the construction, expression and evaluation of this scFv, which was derived from a high-affinity hybridoma (Qu) specific for the C1q globular heads. The scFv was comprised of the Qu variable heavy chain domain (VH) linked to the Qu variable light chain domain (VL) and was termed scFv-QuVHVL. When mixed with either purified C1q or with human serum as a source of C1, scFv-QuVHVL bound to C1q and competitively restricted the interaction of C1q or C1 with immobilized IgG or with IgG1 antibody-coated cells, and prevented the activation of native C1 in human serum as determined by analyses of C1-mediated C4 deposition and fluid-phase C4 conversion. However scFv-QuVHVL could be manipulated to become a C1 activator when it was irreversibly immobilized onto microtiter ELISA plates, prior to contact with human serum complement. This functional dichotomy can be a useful tool in selectively elucidating, differentiating, inducing or inhibiting specific roles of human C1q and the classical complement pathway in complement-mediated physiological processes. We project that once fully humanized, fluid-phase scFv-QuVHVL could become a useful therapeutic in limiting inadvertent host tissue damage elicited by the classical complement pathway.  相似文献   

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