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<正>随着国内高水平运动队对运动心理学的重视,越来越多的运动心理学家长期跟随某一个项目或运动队为其提供服务[1-6]。但这些研究者们多以实验研究的形式报道他们服务的过程,忽视了其它变量对实验结果的影响。实际上,随队运动心理学服务与一般的实验研究不同,实验研究关注的是自  相似文献   

目的:探讨心理干预对优质护理服务开展的影响。方法:2011-03~2012-10开展优质护理服务后对857位住院患者的护理进行回顾性分析。结果:护理服务质量不断上升,护士的工作责任心增加,患者由原来的被动变为主动参与护理治疗,达到了健康及促进健康的目的。结论:心理干预可以改善患者部分躯体症状,减轻心理及生理反应,使其保持心理平衡,既有利于护理工作的开展,又有利于患者恢复健康,并且通过心理干预,护士的心理健康问题也得到相应的改善。  相似文献   

理论发展和理论导向长期以来一直是心理学研究最为醒目的主线。本文通过分析心理训练主题涉及的宏观理论、微观理论与操作方法之间的关系,探讨了心理训练的理论分层与应用操作之间的关系。这些心理训练主题包括心理训练目的、运动员自我控制、运动员心理疲劳、自我超越、平常心等。本文特别指出,深陷于运动队现实问题的运动心理学工作者也应当关注心理训练操作方法的理论基础和学理倾向。  相似文献   

中国跳水队备战伦敦奥运会的心理科技服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自国家跳水队科研团队组建以来,在多达4个奥运周期的综合科技保障工作中,我们在开展运动心理训练理论探索的同时,不断探索、创新,为中国跳水队运动员提供了多样、有效、实用的心理训练方法。本文通过介绍跳水科研团队在备战伦敦奥运会周期中主要采取的训练现场表象心理技能强化训练、奥运集训信息共享平台服务、训练基地心理综合调节促进、重点运动员个性化心理干预、伦敦奥运会逆境应对心理手册制定与应用及奥运比赛现场场景模拟训练等心理调节手段,揭示了运动员心理训练需要不断创新、与时俱进。充分利用各种现代新技术手段来实现与运动员的交流是中国运动员心理训练的重要方式和发展趋势。  相似文献   

深入开展心理服务工作对提高官兵整体健康水平和素质,提升部队的凝聚力和战斗力,促进部队的安全稳定具有举足轻重的作用。近年来,我部在上级领导的关心和支持下,立足自身发展,扎实有效地开展心理服务工作,取得了一定成效。现将我们的主要做法报告如下。  相似文献   

本刊讯赵冲报道:在过去的一年里,广州军区为了确保基层部队高效、优质地开展心理服务工作,将巨资投向了建制旅(团)心理服务室的软硬件建设。他们为每一个单位配发了一台电视机、一台计算机、一套心理服务软件、一套规章制度标牌、一本《实用军人心理学》(此书由王应立、李健主编)和一本《心理训练方法》。  相似文献   

近年来,官兵的心理健康问题越来越受到各级的高度重视,各旅团单位基本都建立了心理咨询室,配备了心理医生,心理服务工作得到了较好的开展,但是笔者经过调研发现,由于种种原因,基层部队心理服务工作还面临一些问题。需认真加以解决。  相似文献   

<正>在备战第十一届全运会的10个月里,我为GD省武术套路队(包括太极组和南拳组),尤其是南拳组做了系统的运动心理学方面的工作,并最终跟随队伍一起到山东省滨州市比赛。为运动队提供比赛临场支持的同时,也对自己工作进行了反思。  相似文献   

戴卫民 《武警医学》2008,19(8):768-768
北京总队认真做好奥运执勤官兵心理服务工作。北京总队牢固树立“心理服务是战斗力”思想,高度关注执勤官兵的心理健康,为奥运安保构筑了一道坚固的心理防线。一是详细摸清奥运执勤官兵的心理底数。在总部后勤部卫生部的大力支持下.组织29名业务骨干进行了心理测查技术培训.全面组织心理测查工作,请武警医学院心理学教研室专家来京技术指导。受测官兵每40人一组,通过自测与互测,保证了测查真实性。通过心理筛查.对不拟上岗人员坚持“不公开、不歧视、不打击”的原则.由心理医生及时疏导和调适。  相似文献   

彭启华  李宁 《武警医学》2010,21(1):91-91
针对今年新兵主体成分发生明显变化,新兵大多是“90后”独生子女、且大学生占很大比例这一特点.为摸清新兵心理特征、掌握新兵现实心理状况,武警北京总队及时抽调业务精干的心理医生组成心理服务小组,深入新训单位开展心理服务活动,有效保证了新训工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

为帮助中国羽毛球队备战伦敦奥运,运动心理科技服务团队先后制定了三个版本的比赛方案,将运动心理学心理准备知识和羽毛球项目逐步结合,实现比赛方案的专项化;借助队内业务学习这一平台,发挥教练员的监督职能,调动运动员的参与意识,完成运动心理学知识从运动员外部知识向内部知识的转化,并实现比赛方案的个性化;将比赛方案和战术训练相结合,完成知识向技能的转化,并实现比赛方案的实战化。在此基础上,协同教练组工作,创造性地提出了"以特定的心理斗战术,以特定的战术斗心理"的心战结合的训练理念,并打破以往的整局训练体系,提出了开局战术、追分战术、关键分战术等系列模拟训练措施,得到了教练员、运动员的认同和欢迎。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose was to investigate changes in stress and recovery during preparation for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. METHODS: Eleven elite rowers of the German National Rowing Team completed four times the Recovery-Stress-Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport). The eight rowers who competed at the Olympic Games filled out the RESTQ-Sport a fifth time, 2 d before the preliminaries. RESULTS: Trend parameters revealed significant alterations of somatic components of stress (Lack of Engery, Somatic Complaints, Fitness/Injury) and recovery factors (Fitness/Being in Shape) over time that mirrored the average length of daily extensive endurance training sessions. Significant changes in the scales Conflicts/Pressure and Social Relaxation reflected interpersonal processes within the team. CONCLUSIONS: The importance of balancing training stress and recovery for an optimal performance development is highlighted as well as the potential of the RESTQ-Sport for training monitoring.  相似文献   

目的研究心理承受力(内隐)和情景特质应对方式(外显)对军事飞行员心理健康的影响。方法通过对192名军事飞行员的调查,运用结构方程模型技术,探讨其前因变量(心理承受力、情景特质应对方式)和结果变量(心理健康)。结果问题解决、意志力、人际交往、家庭支持以及消极应对总分、情感积极、军事消极、军旅消极、个人消极、人际消极、健康积极和健康消极等情景特质应对方式、心理承受力与心理健康紧密相关。方程拟合效果良好,拟合优度指数、调整拟合优度指数均>0.90。结论心理承受力既能影响情境应对方式,进而影响心理健康,又能直接影响心理健康;应对方式能够影响心理健康。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study will provide to better understand the needs for physiotherapy services during the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games (POG) from two polyclinics. It is necessary to understand the needs and what physiotherapists do during the Olympic Winter games for first time.DesignAn observational study.Setting2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games.ParticipantsAthletes who visited the physiotherapy department of polyclinics.ResultsDuring 25 the days of the POG, a total of 125 athletes (n = 125, 83 males, 42 females) visited the two polyclinics. Of all visits, 69.6% were from the mountain polyclinic and 30.4% from the city. There were three reasons for visit, most of the reason for visit was injury and injury with recovery or injury prevention. Overall, the injury rate (per 1000 athletes) was 42.8 across 13 sports visited the physiotherapy department during the POG. Total numbers of treatments sessions were 823 provided and electrophysical modalities (36.2%) was the most utilized service in POG. And also there were significant differences in the physiotherapy services provided at the two polyclinics.ConclusionAs each polyclinic differed in location, they addressed different populations of athletes; hence, the study provides insights into the injury trends and different physiotherapy treatments.  相似文献   

杨健 《航空航天医药》2010,21(9):1579-1580
乘务人员是航空公司的一线服务人员,直接服务于旅客。乘务人员形象与素质的好坏直接影响公司的声誉,所以招收一支高素质并且心理健康的乘务人员是航空公司人力资源部门应努力做到的。通过分析一名公司选拔的乘务员因精神分裂症停飞的病例经过,说明公司人力资源部门在选拔乘务员时应进行心理测试,要把那些心理健康,有工作责任心,文化素质高的人员招收入乘务队伍中来,同时提出新时期航卫工作要配合各部门思想政治工作者立足青年人的思想实际和心理发展特点,创造新方法、拓宽新渠道,以人为本,将心理疏导工作细化入政治思想工作中,构建家庭-同伴-单位心理支持网络体系,要突出新形式下航卫工作的特点,把航卫工作关口前移,从而为航空公司做好航卫保障工作。  相似文献   

Calgary is gearing up for the 1988 Olympic Winter Games, which it boasts will be ‘The Best-Ever Games.’  相似文献   

目的通过对事故后飞行人员心理状况进行实证量化研究,形成一套迅速、有效地针对事故后飞行人员的心理评估的专项技术。方法对580名飞行员实施流行病学调查、创伤后应激反应症状自评以及心理健康评估。结果通过流行病学调查筛查出事故亲身经历以及自评影响251例;根据心理特质将飞行人员聚为三类;PTSD-SS阳性51例,经过临床医师确诊34例,其中有28例属于反应过激型的飞行人员,符合率为82.4%。结论心理测验评估结果与临床诊断具有较好的一致性,通过三个层次的筛查与验证性研究,形成对事故后飞行人员心理状况的评估的专项技术,对飞行作战训练有着重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

Since the Second Olympic Games of the new era up to the Games in 1988 on the whole 2031 Czechoslovak competitors participated in both Summer and Winter Games. The author succeeded in compiling items on the length of life and causes of decease of 265 Olympic participants who died up to the end of 1989. The study of those items revealed that the length of living of those athletes who died in the period 1950 till 1989 was 67.4 years. That indice may be compared with men in population with a mean length of life 67.7 years in 1988. It is however necessary to take into consideration that the studied sample of Olympic competitors represents a certain selection of men. The causes of natural death of Olympic competitors do not differ in principle from natural deceases of other former Czechoslovak athletes and also no expressive differences were found in comparison with natural causes of death of men in population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the swimming performance change during the final 3 weeks of training (F3T) leading to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Olympic swimmers who took part in the same event or events at the Telstra 2000 Grand Prix Series in Melbourne, Australia, (26 - 27 August 2000), and 21 - 28 d later at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games (16 - 23 September 2000) were included in this analysis. A total of 99 performances (50 male, 49 female) were analysed. The overall performance improvement between pre- and post-F3T conditions for all swimmers was 2.18 +/- 1.50 % (p < 0.0001), (range - 1.14 % to 6.02 %). A total of 91 of the 99 analysed performances were faster after the F3T and only 8 were slower. The percentage improvement with F3T was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in males (2.57 +/- 1.45 %) than in females (1.78 +/- 1.45 %). In conclusion, the pre-Olympic F3T elicited a significant performance improvement of 2.57 % for male and 1.78 % for female swimmers at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. The magnitude was similar for all competition events, and was achieved by swimmers from different countries and performance levels. These data provide a quantitative framework for coaches and swimmers to set realistic performance goals based on individual performance levels before the final training phase leading to important competitions.  相似文献   

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