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目的:为了解我国《食品营养标签管理规范》实施后上海市售预包装食品营养标签的现状,为制定进一步的管理法规和技术规范提供依据,实施本调查。方法:选定辖区内供应食品种类齐全、预包装食品数量最多的卖场为抽样场所,场所内符合调查要求的预包装食品整群抽样。对抽样食品的营养标签拍照取像,输入电脑,使用SPSS13.0软件处理相关数据。结果:预包装食品营养标签符合率32.8%,较《食品营养标签管理规范》实施前的8.9%明显提高(p〈0.05)。其中预包装饮料营养标签的符合率最高(41.7%),预包装普通食品次之(32.9%)。普通食品中以“儿童食品、乳与乳制品、食用油、饼干”四类食品营养标签符合率较高。结论:《规范》实施后上海市售食品营养标签符合率明显提高。建议:①加大营养标签制度落实的推动力度。②重视保健食品营养标签的标示。③建议将“能量及核心营养素”制定为强制标示项目,建立以标示强制项目为主,企业添加宜标示的营养成分或者食品特有营养成分为辅的营养标签管理体系。④建议将食品营养标签规范纳入强制性食品安全标准体系。  相似文献   

目的为贯彻执行《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》,了解全市市售营养强化食品、婴幼儿食品的现状,为建立健全强化食品的监督管理体制提供科学根据。方法在全市范围内进行抽样调查。结果共调查了麦乳精、饼干、奶粉、饮料、其它五大类食品的261个品种。结论五类食品的总合格率为2.29%,质量状况令人担忧,在全市范围内加强对强化食品、婴幼儿食品的监督,管理工作亟待进行。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市包装食品营养标签标识状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏薇  赵艳  吴坤 《中国公共卫生》2009,25(8):953-954
目的 了解黑龙江省哈尔滨市大型超市销售的预包装食品营养标签标识情况,为识别营养标签的宣传教育提供依据。方法 自行设计调查表对常见的国产饼干、乳制品、饮料类包装食品和进口原装饼干、饮料类包装食品进行基本状况调查和营养标识状况调查。结果 240种国内生产的包装食品上食品标签强制标示内容均予以标识,营养标签总体标识率为61.25%;58种国外进口原装食品的食品标签对我国规定的强制标示内容均予以标识,营养标签标识率为63.8%。国内外饼干类食品营养标签在营养素种类标识方面存在差异,营养标识率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 目前国内食品标签的标识尚不规范,需加强对营养标签的监督和管理。  相似文献   

目的了解杭州市场上常见包装食品营养标签标识现状和消费者对营养标签的认知度。方法通过现场调查方法,对杭州市某大型超市7大类262种包装食品的营养标签标识状况进行记录;同时随机抽取280名消费者进行营养标签认知度的问卷调查;结果输入计算机,用EXCEL软件进行分析。结果食品营养标签的标识率为57.6%,不同类食品间标识率存在较大差别;标识一种营养素的食品居多,占26.0%;标识营养素的名称和单位不统一;15.0%的消费者将食品营养信息作为选择食品的首要考虑因素,88.9%的消费者认为国家需要对食品包装上的营养信息进行统一规定。结论目前国内食品的营养标签标识尚不规范,国家应加快营养标签的立法工作;消费者对食品营养标签的认知度不高,政府和媒体需加强对消费者的宣传教育。  相似文献   

目的了解无锡市滨湖区居民食品营养标签知晓情况及健康教育效果,为开展辖区居民慢病防控工作提供依据。方法采用整群抽样的方法抽取辖区内10个街道(乡镇)1211名居民进行问卷调查。结果辖区居民食品营养标签知晓率为51.53%(624/1211),男、女居民间无显著性差异(X2=0.68,P=0.42);年龄越小,营养标签知晓率越高,[18-30],(30﹣60]、>60岁三组人群间存在显著性差异(X2=469.95,P<0.001);知晓自身血糖、慢性高危人群、自身血压、自身体重、自身腰围五类人群的食品营养标签知晓率均显著高于不知道该五方面的人群(P<0.001)。结论该区居民食品营养标签知晓率仍有待提高,可通过居民慢病知识宣传及针对老年居民的健康教育进行。  相似文献   

儿童食品营养标签标示现状的市场调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]对兰州市售儿童食品"营养标签"的标示现状及其存在的问题进行调查分析,为完善儿童食品营养标签的标示及管理提供科学依据.[方法]参考国家<食品营养标签管理规范>,设计调查表对兰州市主要大中型超市消费量较大的4类儿童食品营养标签标示状况进行记录,与<食品营养标签管理规范>比对分析.[结果]调查的4类儿童食品营养标签的总体标示率为86.31%.不同食品营养素标示率差异有统计学意义(X2=27.962,P<0.05).儿童食品营养标签突出存在的问题有:营养素及其标示值标示与标准比较不规范且标识的含量范围模糊,营养声称表述随意,全部食品缺乏营养素参考值(NRV)的标示,对非营养物质(食品添加剂等)也无含量或安全摄入范围的标示,部分食品生产日期和保质期的标示位置隐蔽.[结论]目前国内主要儿童食品营养标签与规范之间差距较大,标识的随意性是主要问题.提示社会各界应加快加强<食品营养标签管理规范>的施行,更要规范市场监督、督促生产厂家增强自律意识,对民众及管理人员普及营养标签知识的教育,尽快使营养标签真正成为人们获取营养知识的快捷途径和选购食品的参考.  相似文献   

婴儿食品营养标签标示内容市场调查及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解婴儿食品的种类及营养标签的标示内容 ,我们对扬州市大型超市的婴儿食品进行抽样调查 ,现将结果报告如下。1 方法在扬州市大型超市进行抽样调查 ,对婴儿食品的品牌、生产厂家、营养标签的标示内容和详细记录 ;同时了解销售情况 ,对前来购买婴儿食品的消费者作问卷调查。2 结果市场上婴儿食品都有明确的营养标签 ,并且都将其放在产品外包装显著的位置 ,说明生产厂家都认识到营养标签的重要性 ;营养标签的内容都包括适用对象的月龄或年龄及每百克婴儿食品中碳水化物、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素等营养素的含量 ,计量单位也全部统一。作进一…  相似文献   

目的了解河南省2013年本地预包装传统食品的营养标签标识现况。方法在河南省18个市的大型超市和食品零售点统一购买满足调查对象纳入范围的本地产预包装传统食品,拍照记录后将商品名称、营养标签等信息输入调查表中,以卡方检验进行统计分析。结果共调查样品565份,分为5大类13小类,营养标签整体标识率为91.9%。强制标识成分标识齐全的占98.8%。营养标签强制标识内容的错误有7类。可选择标识的营养素标识率普遍很低。营养声称和功能声称标识率不到4%。结论河南省本地传统预包装食品的营养标签标识呈现强制性内容标识情况良好,可选择标识内容普遍不予重视的情况。  相似文献   

目的了解广州市消费者对预包装食品营养标签的认知现状及其影响因素。方法选取广州市不同规模超市共4间,随机抽取570名顾客以自制的问卷进行调查。结果 61.5%的消费者关注营养标签,能基本理解营养标签的有50.9%,认为营养标签有必要的则有80.3%。消费者主要从电视广播(40.5%)获取营养标签知识。消费者最关注的营养素为蛋白质(61.6%),最关注的产品是乳及乳制品(64.4%)。女性、低年龄或专业技术人员、文化程度较高等背景群体对于营养标签的认知情况明显高于其他背景群体(P0.05或P0.01)。结论广州市消费者对食品营养标签的认知率仍在较低水平,不同年龄、性别、职业、文化程度等人口学特征影响消费者对食品营养标签的认知情况。  相似文献   

【目的】 研究发育性运动协调障碍(developmental coordination disorder, DCD)儿童婴幼儿期的动作发育情况,为DCD的早期诊断提供线索。 【方法】 采用儿童发育协调障碍评估工具(Movement Assessment Battery for Children, M-ABC),在苏州市新区和园区的8所幼儿园中筛查出117例DCD儿童为病例组,随即抽取正常儿童351例为对照组,对两组儿童进行儿童健康状况调查问卷及儿童发育家庭环境问卷调查,运用单因素和多因素非条件Logistic 回归模型对结果进行统计分析。 【结果】 在控制了儿童性别、年龄后,病例组能独立坐起时间大于8个月(aOR=2.737,95%CI为1.007,7.440),开始独立行走时间大于15个月(aOR=2.632,95%CI为1.153,6.005),均晚于正常儿童,且有统计学意义。 【结论】 独立坐起和独立行走时间推迟可能是婴幼儿期DCD的危险因素。  相似文献   

北京市场常见包装食品营养成分标识的调查   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本调查旨在了解我国常见包装食品的营养成分标识 ,了解“营养标签”的标识率 ,营养成分的名称、标识单位、标识值的方式及存在问题 ,为制定我国“营养标签”的相关内容提供有价值的参考  相似文献   

Background Young children's first experiences with food may influence development of food preferences and lifelong eating habits. However, little is known about what factors are associated with the development of eating behaviours in infants and toddlers. Studies with older children and adolescents suggest that parental food intake is associated with children's food intake. The purpose of the present paper is to determine whether this association starts even earlier during infancy and toddlerhood. Methods A convenience sample of n= 98 primarily African American mothers of children 6–18 months old completed questionnaires, including questions on their own and their young child's food intake. Mothers completed questions while waiting to be seen by their child's primary care provider. Results Per maternal report, children consumed fruit 2.45 (1.79) times, vegetables 1.63 (1.51) times and snack foods 2.22 (2.49) times each day. Infants' and toddlers' fruit (r= 0.54, P < 0.001), vegetable (r= 0.42, P < 0.001) and snack food (r= 0.37, P < 0.001) intake were significantly associated with maternal intake of each of these foods, respectively. These significant associations remained even after controlling for additional study variables. Conclusion Even at very young ages, maternal food intake is an important correlate of children's food intake. Taken together with findings documenting significant snack food consumption in this age group, findings suggest that development of prevention and intervention programmes to enhance healthy eating behaviours need to start very early, perhaps just prior to children being introduced to complementary foods.  相似文献   

目的 了解食品过敏原标识的认知现状并提出建议。方法 采用配额抽样法,对中国23个省市318个县/区的消费者(9719人)、监管部门(6574人)、食品企业(5394人)共计21 687人进行食品过敏原标识调查;利用SPSS 19.0软件对调查数据进行分析。结果 调查人群对食物过敏原的了解率为68.31%,消费者了解率(58.75%)低于食品安全监管部门(74.55%),食品安全监管部门低于食品企业(77.90%)(均P<0.05);调查人群对于在食品包装上标明食物过敏原信息态度的支持率为63.86%,食品安全监管部门支持率(61.97%)低于食品企业(65.76%)与消费者(64.08%)(χ2=18.370、7.504,P<0.05),而消费者与食品企业的支持率差异无统计学意义(χ2=4.273,P>0.05);食品包装上未标明过敏原信息的潜在原因前三位依次为法律法规没有要求(27.53%)、对消费者影响不大(25.93%)以及成本问题(24.63%),其中成本问题在消费者(29.02%)、法律法规没有要求在监管部门(32.39%)、对消费者影响不大在食品企业(29.53%)各居首位原因。结论 消费者对食物过敏原了解率最低;食品安全监管部门对标明食品过敏原的支持率最低;食品企业、消费者与食品安全监管部门3方之间存在信息不对称。  相似文献   

The physical environment of the preschool programmes has been proven to affect both children's overall development and the quality of the programme. However, both nationally and internationally the contribution of the physical environment in the effectiveness of a programme and in the achievement of educational goals is often overlooked. The aim of the present study was to assess the quality of the indoor physical environment of infant/toddler and preschool classrooms and to examine differences between private and public classrooms. Research results indicate that the quality of the physical environment in both infant/toddler and preschool classrooms was of minimum quality. Moreover, limited differences have been revealed controlling for inspection body. The findings are discussed and the need to bring the scientific field of the physical environment to the forefront is highlighted.  相似文献   

早期教育对婴幼儿发育影响的效果研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了探讨早期教育对婴幼儿发育的影响 ,对 48名新生儿进行综合育儿指导和训练并设对照组 ,两组儿童每 3个月进行一次 Gesell发育指标评定和婴幼儿智能发育量表测试。结果两组儿童体格发育指标差异不显著 (P>0 .0 5)。 Gesell发育指标评定 ,两组儿童各能区差异显著 (P<0 .0 5)。其中精细动作、语言、个人交往能区发育商差异非常明显 (P<0 .0 1 )。实验组各能区智力发育商数 (MDI)和运动发育商数 (PDI)均高于对照组 ,两组比较差异显著(P<0 .0 1 )。  相似文献   

目的 了解杭州市超市消费者对预包装食品营养标签的认知、态度、行为的现状及其影响因素.方法 采用自行拟定的调查量表,选取杭州市某大型超市,随机抽取顾客进行面对面访谈.结果 在访谈的586(男202、女384)人中,平均年龄(41.6±17.23)岁.消费者对6种营养素的模拟购物题应答正确率依次为膳食纤维(71.84%)、脂肪(70.99%)、钙(60.75%)、盐(58.36%)、能量(50.85%)和糖(39.42%);对标识营养成分表、营养声称和希望了解相关知识的3个态度指标中,认同率分别为90.44%、87.03%和77.13%;对首次购买某食品阅读营养成分表和营养标签的2个行为指标中,阅读率分别为58.36%和80.03%.经logistic建模分析,男性、青少年、低教育人群是营养标签阅读行为的危险因素.结论 消费者营养标签阅读、理解和正确应用营养标签的能力不高,亟待改进营养标签与声称的可读性和权威性,应制定全国营养知识健康教育规划.
Objective To study the prevalence rates of knowledge,attitudes and use of the nutrition labeling and related influential factors in Hangzhou supermarket consumers.Methods Using a self-developed survey questionnaire,randomly selected customers were conducted a face-toface interview program in a large supermarket of Hangzhou city.Results 586 people were interviewed,including 202 males and 384 females,with the mean age as 41.6±17.23 years.The Facts Labels'were as follows:dietary fiber(71.84%),fat(70.99%),calcium(60.75%),salt (58.36%),energy(50.85%)and sugar(39.42%).The support rates of the three attitudes indicators were"support marking the Nutrition Facts Label"(90.44%)."support marking the nutrition claims"(87.03%)and"want to know more relative knowledge"(77.13%).There were 58.36% and 80.03%first-time buyers who would read the Nutrition Facts Food Labels and the Nutrition Claims.Through logistic model analysis,male,youth,low-educated people were found to be the risk factors related to the nutrition label reading behavior.Conclusion The capacity of the reading,understanding and correct application of nutrition labeling among consumers was not satisfactory.Improvement on the readability and the authority of nutrition labeling and the development of the national nutrition knowledge and health education programs were in urgent needs.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the differences in food choice, nutrition labeling perceptions, and prevalence of obesity due to meal skipping in Korean elementary school children. A national survey was performed in 2010 to collect data on food intake frequency, understanding of nutrition labeling, and body mass index from 2,335 fifth grade students in 118 elementary schools selected from 16 metropolitan local governments by stratified cluster sampling. The data were analyzed using the SAS 9.1 and SUDAAN 10.0 packages. Students who consumed three meals for 6-7 days during the past week were classified into the regular meal eating (RM) group (n = 1,476) and those who did not were placed into the meal skipping (MS) group (n = 859). The daily intake frequency of fruits, vegetables, kimchi, and milk was significantly lower in the MS group compared to that in the RM group (P < 0.001), whereas the daily intake frequency of soft drinks and instant noodles (ramyeon) was significantly higher in the MS group than that in the RM group (P < 0.05). The MS group demonstrated a significantly lower degree of understanding with regard to nutrition labeling and high calorie foods containing low nutritional value than that in the RM group. The distribution of obesity based on the percentile criteria using the Korean growth chart was different between the MS and RM groups. The MS group (8.97%) had a higher percentage of obese subjects than that in the RM group (5.38%). In conclusion, meal skipping was related to poor food choice, low perception of nutrition labeling, and a high prevalence of obesity in Korean fifth grade children.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in classroom quality, assessed by the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ITERS-R), in 287 infant and 479 toddler classrooms. Classroom quality was compared across classroom age group (infant compared to toddler classrooms) as well as across programme type (for-profit compared to not-for-profit programmes). Classroom quality was assessed using four ITERS-R factors identified in previous research, including Materials/Activities, Safety/Organization, Language/Interactions, and Parents/Staff factor scores. Results indicate that infant classrooms scored higher on the Safety/Organization and Language/Interactions factors than toddler classrooms, and toddler classrooms scored higher on Materials/Activities than infant classrooms. Classrooms in not-for-profit programmes scored higher on Safety/Organization and Parents/Staff factors. Differences in Safety/Organization, Language/Interactions, and Parents/Staff factor scores were found based on teachers’ education, and teachers’ experience in the programme was positively related to scores on the Language/Interactions factor. Implications regarding the provision of high-quality classroom environments for infants and toddlers in both programme types are discussed.  相似文献   

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