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Trichotillomania (TTM) is a disorder characterized by repetitive hair-pulling resulting in hair loss. Key processes affected in TTM comprise affective, cognitive, and motor functions. Emerging evidence suggests that brain matter aberrations in fronto-striatal and fronto-limbic brain networks and the cerebellum may characterize the pathophysiology of TTM. The aim of the present voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study was to evaluate whole brain grey and white matter volume alteration in TTM and its correlation with hair-pulling severity. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (3 T) data were acquired from 29 TTM patients and 28 age-matched healthy controls (CTRLs). All TTM participants completed the Massachusetts General Hospital Hair-Pulling Scale (MGH-HPS) to assess illness/pulling severity. Using whole-brain VBM, between-group differences in regional brain volumes were measured. Additionally, within the TTM group, the relationship between MGH-HPS scores, illness duration and brain volumes were examined. All data were corrected for multiple comparisons using family-wise error (FWE) correction at p?<?0.05. Patients with TTM showed larger white matter volumes in the parahippocampal gyrus and cerebellum compared to CTRLs. Estimated white matter volumes showed no significant association with illness duration or MGH-HPS total scores. No significant between-group differences were found for grey matter volumes. Our observations suggest regional alterations in cortico-limbic and cerebellar white matter in patients with TTM, which may underlie deficits in cognitive and affective processing. Such volumetric white matter changes may precipitate impaired cortico-cerebellar communication leading to a reduced ability to control hair pulling behavior.


ObjectiveThis study investigated relationship functioning in trichotillomania (TTM) as well as specific interpersonal behaviors that have received little attention in TTM research, including by-proxy pulling, symptom accommodation, and self-disclosure. The objective was to contribute data for future development of components of treatment that focus on interpersonal functioning.MethodsData were collected through survey about relationships and related difficulties among adults who endorsed criteria consistent with DSM-5 criteria for TTM (n = 670).ResultsConsistent with our hypotheses, TTM symptom severity was correlated negatively with relationship satisfaction and perceived social support, positively with perceived criticism, perceived risk in intimacy, and social interaction anxiety, though these correlations were small (absolute values r = .08 to .17). Approximately one-quarter of survey respondents had not told their closest friend about their trichotillomania, and one-fifth had not told their spouse or long-term romantic partner. TTM-by-proxy urges were reported by 54% of participants, and 37% of participants reported having actually pulled hair from other people, with the most common proxies specified as significant others (51%), parents (13%), friends (8%), siblings (8%), children (7%) and pets (5%). Higher levels of TTM-by-proxy urges were associated with “focused” pulling (d = .37) and perfectionistic thinking (d = .16 to .20), yet current by-proxy urges were not associated with, functional impairment. A small minority of individuals (7%) reported having asked other people to pull hair for them (78% of these requests were granted); there was increased endorsement of “focused” pulling among these individuals. The people who participants asked to pull hairs for them included significant others (66%), mothers (20%), siblings (11%), friends (9%) and one's children (9%).ConclusionMore than one-third of respondents had pulled hair from others, 7% had asked others to pull their hair, and sizable minorities kept TTM secret from their closest friends or even spouse/partners. Clinical levels of social interaction anxiety were endorsed by 51% of the sample. Understanding these interpersonal experiences more fully could improve our understanding of relationship functioning in TTM and guide efforts to individualize treatment for adults with TTM.  相似文献   

Post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition which can develop after exposure to traumatic stressors. Seventy‐five adults were recruited from the community, 25 diagnosed with PTSD along with 25 healthy and 25 trauma‐exposed age‐ and gender‐matched controls. Participants underwent clinical assessment and magnetic resonance imaging. A previous voxel based morphometry (VBM) study using the same subject cohort identified decreased grey matter (GM) volumes within frontal/subcortical brain regions including the hippocampus, amygdala, and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). This study examines the microstructural integrity of white matter (WM) tracts connecting the aforementioned regions/structures. Using diffusion tensor imaging, we investigated the integrity of frontal/subcortical WM tracts between all three subject groups. Trauma exposed subjects with and without PTSD diagnosis were identified to have significant disruption in WM integrity as indexed by decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) in the uncinate fasciculus (UF), cingulum cingulate gyrus (CCG), and corpus callosum (CC), when compared with healthy non‐trauma‐exposed controls. Significant negative correlations were found between total Clinician Administered PTSD scale (CAPS) lifetime clinical subscores and FA values of PTSD subjects in the right UF, CCG, CC body, and right superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF). An analysis between UF and SLF FA values and VBM determined rostral ACC GM values found a negative correlation in PTSD subjects. Findings suggest that compromised WM integrity in important tracts connecting limbic structures such as the amygdala to frontal regions including the ACC (i.e., the UF and CCG) may contribute to impairments in threat/fear processing associated with PTSD.  相似文献   

In both DSM-IV-TR and the ICD-10, hair-pulling disorder (trichotillomania, or TTM) is described as hair-pulling, with a rising urge or tension prior to pulling or when attempting to resist, and pleasure, relief or gratification during or after pulling. However, it has been questioned whether all patients with hair-pulling experience these other phenomena, and whether they occur with all pulling episodes. The objective of this study was to examine the DSM-IV-TR requirement of criteria B and C for a diagnosis of TTM in a sample of people with hair-pulling. A multi-site sample of adults with hair-pulling who met both DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria B and C (n = 82, 89.13%) were compared to those who failed to satisfy both B and C (n = 10, 10.87%) on a number of clinical variables. There were no differences in hair-pulling severity, levels of comorbid depressive and anxiety symptoms, number of comorbid body-focused repetitive behaviors, or impairment between those patients who did and did not meet criteria B and C. Our study does not provide convincing support for the inclusion of the current diagnostic criteria B and C for TTM in DSM-5.  相似文献   

Childhood adversity has been shown to increase the risk of psychotic symptoms in adult life. However, there are no previous studies looking at the association between experiencing a natural disaster during childhood and the development of psychotic symptoms in young adulthood. Eight hundred and six bushfire-exposed children and 725 control children were evaluated following the 1983 South Australian bushfires. Five hundred and twenty nine (65.6%) of the bushfire group and 464 (64%) controls participated in a follow up study 20 years later. Childhood data on emotional and behavioural disorders and dysfunctional parenting was available. The adult assessment included the Australian National Health and Well-Being psychosis screen and detailed information about trauma, childhood adversity and alcohol and cannabis abuse. 5.6% of subjects responded positively to the psychosis screen and 2.6% responded positively to a further probe question. Psychotic symptoms were more common in subjects exposed to a greater number of traumas, and were associated with higher rates of childhood adversity, emotional and behavioural disturbance, dysfunctional parenting, and alcohol and cannabis abuse. Subjects exposed to bushfires as children did not have a greater risk of psychosis. Our results indicate that exposure to multiple traumas, rather than a single major trauma, increases the risk of later psychosis.  相似文献   

There is evidence that intra- and inter-hemispheric white matter communication, mainly fronto-limbic and callosal connectivity, is impaired in bipolar disorder as reported in several magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion imaging studies. In this review we will discuss diffusion imaging studies that examined white matter integrity in patients with bipolar disorder, trying to outline future research strategies  相似文献   

Ferrier IN. White matter lesions in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 2002: 4(Suppl. 1): 86. © Blackwell Munksgaard, 2002  相似文献   

Individual differences in behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation may place certain people at greater risk for neuropsychiatric disorders and engagement in risky behaviors. Therefore, studying the neural correlates of behavioral inhibition and activation may help us understand neural mechanisms underlying risk behaviors in both clinical and non-clinical populations. To investigate, we assessed the relationships between white matter integrity and measures of behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation in 51 healthy participants using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and the Behavioral Inhibition System/Behavioral Activation System (BIS/BAS) scale. Scores on the Fun-Seeking subscale of the BAS positively correlated with DTI fractional anisotropy in the left corona radiata and adjacent superior longitudinal fasciculus, and with mean diffusivity in the left inferior longitudinal fasciculus and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus after controlling for age, gender, and education. These findings suggest that the integrity of white matter connecting extensive brain regions implicated in self-control and the processing of rewards and emotions are associated with individual differences in the motivation for seeking and participating in fun and novel experiences.  相似文献   

We used diffusion tensor imaging to investigate fractional anisotropy (FA), a measure of fiber tract integrity, in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Using a tract-based atlasing approach on six-direction diffusion tensor imaging data, we examined FA within the cingulum, corpus callosum, corticospinal tract, fornix, optic radiations, superior longitudinal fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus, and the superior and inferior occipitofrontal fasciculi in an all-male sample of 17 children and adolescents with ADHD and 16 age-matched controls. ADHD patients had significantly lower FA in the corticospinal tract (P=0.02) and the superior longitudinal fasciculus (P=0.017) compared with controls. Results support that disruptions in motor and attentional networks may contribute toward ADHD pathophysiology. Future research may clarify how ADHD subtype and psychiatric comorbidities affect diffusion measures.  相似文献   

The pattern of degenerative changes in the brain white matter (WM) in aging, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been under debate. Methods of image analysis are an important factor affecting the outcomes of various studies. Here we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to obtain fractional anisotropy (FA) measures of the WM in healthy young (n = 8), healthy elderly (n = 22), MCI (n = 8), and AD patients (n = 16). We then applied "tract-based spatial statistics" (TBSS) to study the effects of aging, MCI, and AD on WM integrity. Our results show that changes in WM integrity (that is, decreases in FA) are different between healthy aging and AD: in healthy older subjects compared with healthy young subjects decreased FA was primarily observed in frontal, parietal, and subcortical areas whereas in AD, compared with healthy older subjects, decreased FA was only observed in the left anterior temporal lobe. This different pattern of decreased anatomical connectivity in normal aging and AD suggests that AD is not merely accelerated aging.  相似文献   

This study's goal was to examine microstructural organization of frontal white matter in kleptomania. Ten females with DSM-IV kleptomania and 10 female controls underwent diffusion tensor imaging. Inferior frontal white matter was the a priori region of interest. Trace and fractional anisotropy (FA) were also calculated for frontal and posterior cortical regions in both subject groups. Kleptomania subjects had significantly higher mean frontal Trace, and significantly lower mean frontal FA than control subjects. Group differences remained significant when right and left frontal Trace and FA were analyzed. Groups did not differ significantly in posterior Trace or FA. Kleptomania may be associated with decreased white matter microstructural integrity in inferior frontal brain regions.  相似文献   

Genetic, neuropathological and magnetic resonance imaging findings support the presence of diffuse white matter cytoarchitectural disruption in bipolar disorder. In this study, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was applied to study cortical white matter microstructure organisation in 24 patients with DSM-IV bipolar disorder and 35 matched normal controls. DWI images were obtained using a 1.5 Tesla scanner and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were determined over regions of interest placed, bilaterally, in the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital white matter. Significantly increased ADC values were found in bipolar patients with respect to normal controls in the right temporal lobe, left parietal lobe and bilateral occipital lobes. ADC values did not associate significantly with age or with clinical variables (p>0.05). Diffuse cortical white matter alterations on DWI in bipolar disorder denote widespread disruption of white matter integrity and may be due to altered myelination and/or axonal integrity.  相似文献   

White matter architecture in patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD) has rarely been investigated, but may yield insights with respect to altered structural brain connectivity. Initial evidence points to alterations in the uncinate fasciculus (UF). We applied diffusion tensor imaging in 25 patients with SAD and 25 matched healthy subjects. Whole-brain fractional anisotropy (FA) maps were used for group comparison and voxel-wise correlation with psychometric and clinical measures. Additionally, a region-of-interest analysis of the UF was performed. Patients with SAD had reduced FA compared to healthy subjects in or near the left UF and the left superior longitudinal fasciculus. There were no regions with increased FA in SAD. In the region-of-interest analysis, a negative correlation between FA and trait anxiety was identified in the left and right UF in patients, but not in healthy subjects. No correlations with social anxiety scores were observed. The present study partially confirms previous results pointing to frontal WM alterations in or near the UF in patients with SAD. SAD-specific dimensional associations of FA with trait anxiety might reflect general pathological and/or compensatory mechanisms as a function of symptom severity in patients. Future studies should disentangle in which way the identified WM alterations match functional alterations.  相似文献   



Previous diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) have reported inconsistent findings, and it is not known whether observed findings are related to abnormalities in axonal structure or myelination.


In this DTI study, we investigated fractional anisotropy, as well as axial and radial diffusivity, in 21 patients with OCD and 29 healthy controls.


We found decreased fractional anisotropy in the body of the corpus callosum in the OCD group, which was underpinned by increased radial diffusivity.


The cross-sectional design was the main limitation.


Our findings of increased radial diffusivity provide preliminary evidence for abnormal myelination in patients with OCD.  相似文献   

There have been divergent reports on the prevalence and severity of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) on brain magnetic resonance (MR) images in subjects with bipolar disorder. In the present study, evaluations were made on the prevalence and severity of WMH in subjects with bipolar disorder using contiguous 3-mm thick MR slices as well as fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images. A detailed WMH rating system was employed to assess these WMH. A total of 43 bipolar patients, as diagnosed by the Structured Clinical Interview from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV (SCID-IV), and 39 healthy comparison subjects were scanned using a 1.5-T whole body GE magnetic resonance scanner. WMH were assessed with a modified composite version of the Fazekas' and Coffey's rating scales to detect less severe WMH. Periventricular and subcortical WMH were coded separately. Subjects with bipolar disorder had greater prevalence of WMH abnormalities than comparison subjects (Bipolar, grade 1 = 11.6%, grade 2 = 9.3%, grade 3 = 7.0%; Comparison, grade 1 = 5.1%, grade 2 = 2.6%, grade 3 = 0%). This difference is mainly due to the differences in deep WMH (Bipolar, grade 1 = 14.0%, grade 2 = 14.0%; Comparison, grade 1 = 7.7%, grade 2 = 0%). The current study confirms the higher prevalence of WMH in subjects with bipolar disorder. Differences of small-sized WMH abnormalities between groups were successfully detected using a large number of bipolar subjects and thinner sliced MR images with FLAIR.  相似文献   

BackgroundStudies show that white matter hyperintensities, regardless of location, primarily affect frontal lobe metabolism and function. This report investigated how regional white matter integrity (measured as fractional anisotropy [FA]) relates to brain metabolism, to unravel the complex relationship between white matter changes and brain metabolism.ObjectiveTo elucidate the relationship between white matter integrity and gray matter metabolism using diffusion tensor imaging and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography in a cohort of 16 subjects ranging from normal to demented (age, >55 years).MethodsMean FA values from white matter regions underlying the medial prefrontal, inferior-lateral prefrontal, parietal association, and posterior temporal areas and the corpus callosum were regressed with glucose metabolism (by positron emission tomography), using statistical parametric mapping (P < 0.005; voxel cluster, >100). Regional cerebral glucose metabolism was the primary outcome measure. According to our hypothesis, those hypometabolic cortical regions affected by Alzheimer's disease would correlate with a lower FA of associated tracks.ResultsOur data show inter-regional positive correlations between FA and gray matter metabolism for the prefrontal cortex, temporal, and parietal regions. Our results suggest that left prefrontal FA is associated with left temporal and parietal metabolism. Further, left posterior temporal FA correlated with left prefrontal metabolism. Finally, bilateral parietal FA correlated with bilateral temporal metabolism.ConclusionsThese regions are associated with cognitive processes affected in Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular disease, suggesting a link with white matter degeneration and gray matter hypometabolism. Therefore, cortical function and white matter degeneration are related in aging and dementia.  相似文献   

RationaleWhite matter abnormalities occur in both temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and depression, but there is limited research examining the depression–white matter association in depressed individuals with TLE. This study examined the relationship between white matter integrity (WMI) and depression including the influence of age at seizure onset, in adults with TLE, TLE and depression, and depression only.MethodsThirty-one adults were in one of three groups: TLE without depression (TLE; n = 11), TLE with depression (TLE + DEP; n = 9), and depression without TLE (DEP; n = 11). Participants completed structured interviews for depression diagnosis and severity. White matter integrity was estimated based on fractional anisotropy (FA) calculated in frontotemporolimbic (FTL) and non-FTL regions in the JHU DTI atlas.ResultsIn adults with TLE (n = 20), depressive symptomology was significantly correlated with FA in non-FTL regions and trended toward significance in FTL regions. These associations were found in FTL (statistically significant) and non-FTL (trended toward significance) regions in participants with childhood seizure onset but not in those with adolescent/adult seizure onset.ConclusionsCurrent results suggest that WMI, within FTL and non-FTL regions, are associated with depressive symptomology in adults with TLE. This association may be most notable in those with childhood-onset epilepsy. These findings could have important implications for the conceptualization and clinical care of neuropsychiatric comorbidities in TLE.  相似文献   

Journal of NeuroVirology - HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HANDs) persist even with virologic suppression on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), and the underlying...  相似文献   

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