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黄国昌先生是黑龙江省著名中医学家,学验俱丰,从业四十余年,擅长治疗多种内科疑难杂症。黄国昌先生在治疗内科杂病时注重扶正、祛邪两法之配合运用,在祛邪方面尤擅长化瘀及化瘀与他法之配合运用。文章在分析黄国昌医论、医案基础上做出提炼总结,重点呈现黄国昌先生化瘀法于内科杂病之运用心得。  相似文献   

陈建斌 《江西中医药》2005,36(10):10-10
笔者曾长期侍诊已故浙江省名中医、浙江省中医院李树康主任医师,先生学验俱丰,对内科疑难杂症治疗有较好疗效.现不揣浅陋,对先生治疗类风湿性关节炎的主要症候:展僵与关节痛、关节及肌肉软组织肿胀、血沉增快等的不同治疗体会,介绍如下.  相似文献   

王顺贤主任医师乃金陵名医,学验俱丰,医术精湛,临床善治内科疑难杂症,笔者有幸受教于先生,现择临床验案5例以飨读者.  相似文献   

用传统的内科方治愈了许多从现代医学分科来说的非内科疾病,这是著名中医药学家万友生教授临床经验的结晶.笔者受先生的教诲,仿效先生的治验,得心应手,体会颇深.文中医案二例,便是先生《医案选》对后辈的启示.  相似文献   

王顺贤主任医师乃金陵名医,学验俱丰,医术精湛,临床善治内科疑难杂病.笔者有幸受教于先生,获益匪浅,现择其临床验案5例以飨读者.  相似文献   

石冠卿先生临证多年,医术精湛,擅治内科疑难杂病,现撷取石冠卿先生3则验案,深入研读,分析探讨,学习其临证思路、遣方用药经验等。  相似文献   

正黄立中教授是著名中医肿瘤专家,其师从全国著名中医学家李聪甫先生,长期从事肿瘤病和内科疾病的中西医结合医疗和科研工作,坚持临床、教学与科研相结合,对于恶性肿瘤和内科疑难杂病的治疗有着独特的经验,疗效显著。笔者(第一、二作者)有幸随师侍诊,受益颇多,现将黄教授运用健脾益气法治疗卵巢癌并多发转移验案1则  相似文献   

<正> 桂梦熊老中医是武汉市著名老中医之一.早年毕业于冉雪峰先生创办的湖北中医专门学校.行医五十余年.他不仅治疗内科疾病有着丰富的经验,而且治疗肿瘤也有自己的独特创见.今将胃痛一例治验介绍如下:  相似文献   

正刘桂荣是山东中医药大学教授、博士生导师、主任医师,师从全国名老中医张志远先生,从事临床教学与科研工作近30年,对内科疾病的诊治有着丰富的经验,对不孕症的治疗更是经验独到,屡见奇效。笔者有幸跟随刘教授学习,现将刘教授治疗不孕症验案2则整理如下,以飨同道。  相似文献   

孔嗣伯老中医系北京近代“四大名医”孔伯华先生三子,1933年5月出生于北京,2011年卒于北京。孔嗣伯1948年随父学医,并先后从师于萧龙友、杜文甫、汪逢春、陈慎吾等诸大家,学验俱丰,在治疗内科疑难杂症方面疗效确切,尤其对内科常见心脑血管疾病,中医辨证“胸痹”效果突出,余有幸侍诊左右聆听教诲,总结孔老胸痹辨证治疗经验略有心得,阐述如下。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To research the curative effect of Chi- nese herbs for clearing away heat, promoting diure- sis, nourishing the kidney, and consolidating es- sence in children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura nephritis(HSPN) with internal accumulation of damp-toxin using randomized controlled observa- tions on large samples. To seek the mechanism of the therapy and its scope of indications. METHODS: Overall, 186 children with HSPN were randomly divided into two groups: treatment group(n=126) treated with Chinese herbs for clear- ing heat and promoting diuresis and a control group(n=60) treated with Western Medicine. The treatment was carried out for three courses of 4 weeks each. We recorded changes in patient urine routines, 24 h urinary protein, blood-coagulating series, immunoglobulin and T-cell subgroups, and improvements in main symptoms. We evaluated the alleviation of clinical symptoms and the im- provement of proteinuria, hematuria, and other lab-oratory test results. Finally, we analyzed the patient population suitable for this therapy according to the relationship between the grouping of patient body weight and curative effect. RESULTS: Damp-heat syndrome improved in the treatment group, with a significant difference in to- tal effective rate after a 4-week treatment(χ2= 13.5220, P=0.0002) and in curative rate after a 12-week treatment(χ2=6.3410, P=0.0118), com- pared to those in the control group.The curative ef- fect in the treatment group was greater than that in the control group but there was no statistical dif- ference between the two groups. The curative ef- fect after a 4-week treatment of patients in the treatment group weighing 30 kg or less based on Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) signs and uri- nary protein was significantly greater than that in the control group. However, there was no statistical difference in the curative effect on urinary red cells and various indexes after a 12-week treatment be- tween the two groups. CONCLUSION: Therapy for clearing away heat, pro- moting diuresis, nourishing the kidney, and consoli- dating essence using TCM is effective in children with HSPN from internal accumulation of damp-toxin. The therapy is especially suitable for patients weighing 30 kg or less. The curative effect may be related to the improvement of immune function and blood-coagulation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study information gained by Tradi- tional Chinese Medicine(TCM) four diagnostic methods and characteristics of syndrome develop- ment before and after treatment in patients with coronary heart disease, and to probe into assess- ment indexes of therapeutic effects with distinctive TCM features. METHODS: Information from the four diagnostic methods before and after treatment in 100 patients with coronary heart disease was collected using the TCM interrogation scale, a pulse condition in- strument, a tongue-face diagnosis instrument, anda voice diagnosis information collection system. Changes in the four diagnostic method results from before and after treatment were analyzed with frequency analysis and t-test methods. RESULTS: Before treatment, deficiency syndrome complicated with hyperactivity of pathogenic fac- tors was most common. After treatment, deficiency syndrome was most common. This change from complex syndromes to single syndromes indicates disease and syndrome alleviation. Frequencies of symptoms gained by interrogation after treatment for syndrome of deficiency of heart-Qi, syndrome of deficiency of heart-Yin, and turbid phlegm syn- drome were all less severe than those before treat- ment. Parameters of face color, color on all sub-re- gions of tongue, color of tongue fur, septic and greasy fur, and lip color after treatment all had sig- nificant changes. After treatment, part of the voice diagnosis parameters in the deficiency of heart-Yin and turbid phlegm syndromes had significant changes, but no significant changes were found in the deficiency of heart-Qi syndrome. CONCLUSION: Use of the TCM four diagnostic methods can provide an effective basis forTCM syn- drome diagnosis, observation of development of state of illness, and evaluation of clinical therapeu- tic effects.  相似文献   

陈旻主任系上海中医药大学附属市中医医院肿瘤科主任医师,上海中医药大学硕士研究生导师,全国名老中医夏翔教授学术继承人;从事临床工作20余载,善于治疗甲状腺恶性肿瘤,经验丰富,屡获佳效。笔者有幸侍诊于侧,受益匪浅,现结合验案2则将其有关经验介绍如下。  相似文献   

沈敏鹤从三焦辨治肿瘤临床经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈敏鹤主任医师系国家级名老中医吴良村教授的学术继承人,从事中西医结合肿瘤内科临床工作二十余载,擅长中西医结合治疗各种常见恶性肿瘤,尤其对从三焦辨治肿瘤见解独到。笔者有幸随师侍诊,获益匪浅,现将沈师从三焦辨治肿瘤的临床经验总结介绍如下。  相似文献   

徐振哗教授从事肿瘤临床工作三十余年,经验丰富;认为晚期恶性肿瘤患者正气明显衰退,治疗当“以通为用”。笔者跟师临诊,获益良多,现将其“以通为用”治疗晚期恶性肿瘤的临床经验总结介绍如下。  相似文献   

颈、肩及腰腿疼痛等属于中医学"痹证"范畴。通常认为,本病多由风、寒、湿及瘀血阻滞经络所致。南京中医药大学黄煌教授认为本病与情志改变关系密切,故在体质学说的指导下,创立体质辨证方药,从调神治疗痹证,其思维新颖,视角独特,临床疗效显著。  相似文献   

黄建平教授系上海中医药大学附属曙光医院普外科主任医师,上海市中西医结合外科学会委员,主要从事中西医结合肝胆疾病的临床与研究工作,擅长治疗各类肝胆胰疾病。笔者有幸师从黄建平教授,获益匪浅,兹将老师辨治胆石症、胆囊炎的经验整理如下。  相似文献   

连建伟教授现任浙江中医药大学副校长、博士生导师、中华中医药学会方剂分会主任委员、第三批和第四批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师,其治学严谨,学验俱丰,医术精湛,临床上擅长以调和中焦方法治疗内科疑难病。连教授认为中医治病当以辨证为要,外科疾患虽见症于体表,然四诊合参,细审其因,  相似文献   

虞坚尔教授系上海中医药大学博士研究生导师、上海市中医药研究院中医儿科研究所所长,享受国务院特殊津贴专家,从事中医儿科临床、教学、科研工作近30载,临床经验丰富,尤其擅长治疗小儿肺系、肾系疾病。笔者有幸随师抄方,收益颇多。兹将虞老师治疗小儿疾病验案4则总结介绍如下,以飨同道。  相似文献   

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