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熊秀兰  小君 《健康》2011,(11):62-62
大家都说我嫁了个打着灯笼也难找的好老公,婚前对我精心呵护,婚后更是承包了几乎所有的家务活,连给儿子辅导功课也很少让我插手,在小区里的口碑极好.  相似文献   

曾经有个男读者说,他妈妈看中了一个各方面条件不错、只是有过一段短暂婚史女人,让他去交往。他当时不大乐意:"自己一个单身小伙,找个离了婚的女人,多没面子。"可他妈告诉他说:"傻儿子,结过婚的女人才叫真正的女人哪!""结过婚的女人才叫真正的女人"这话其实一点没错!女人或多或少都有点恐婚心理。结婚前,不论谈过多少段恋爱,统统都叫"女孩";结婚后,不论是多么年轻的新娘,统统都叫"女人"。从"女孩"到"女  相似文献   

专家强调.女性需要结交女性朋友,对女性来说,女性朋友并非多余.而是必要的。  相似文献   

大菜 《健康世界》2007,(10):76-77
都说女人是天生敏感的尤物,女人的敏锐不仅表现在细腻的情感上,经济的繁荣与萧条也会很直观地体现在女人的生活细节处。懂得品味人生的聪明女人,无论生活的优与劣,物质的繁与简,都能将生活打理得有滋有味。[编者按]  相似文献   

水—样的女人,和茶有着千丝万缕的相似,好像注定了女人要和茶有解不开的千千结,那种难分难舍的茶绿,让女人走进茶吧、泡在茶吧,和茶唇齿相依。纯粹的女人式休闲,可以让我们的身心更加安宁——  相似文献   

王华 《医药与保健》2005,13(11):45-45
通常,所谓的“执拗心”深以及记仇心重的人大多是指女人.为何女人会如此呢?……  相似文献   

曾经因为腿寒炮制过雪莲、红蚂蚁加枸杞子的药酒,但不知道是药性烈还是酒性猛,只一小口便会醉个晕晕乎乎,醉过之后便不再有勇气尝试,于是只好眼望着上好的药材美酒寂寞于孤独之上或另为人所侵。  相似文献   

做情感咨询。越来越觉得,大部分女人不幸和痛苦的根源,说穿了,就是离不开男人。她们跟我抱怨那个男人如何如何之花心如何如何之冷酷如何如何之无情,而她们对他又是如何如何之情真意切如何如何之义薄云天如何如何之恩重如山,等她们诉说完了,问我怎么办的时候,我往往会说,既然这样,就分手吧。离开一个不爱你的对你不好的冷酷残忍的坏男人总不是坏事啊。她们听了,就会泪落连珠子,说:可是我离不开他!  相似文献   

她曾是一个不幸的女人,因为不幸,成了一个聪明的女人。  相似文献   

吴名 《健康必读》2005,(9):58-58
每一个女人,无论漂亮与否,都希望自己是有魅力的。那么怎样才能做一个魅力女人呢?本刊从健康的角度提醒您发至由内而外的魅力。1、科学地洗脸皮肤上的许多组织如皮脂腺、汗腺、角质等都会因新陈代谢而容易产生污垢,如果放任不管,则会引起皮脂酸化及毛细孔堵塞,导致接触性皮炎,甚至是敏感性皮肤病。所以,正确的洗脸方法是尤为重要的。每天清晨起床后和下班回家后,是两个洁面的最佳时间。特别是经常化妆的女士们,更需要将带妆时间降至最低,因此最好一进家门就洗掉脸上的污垢与彩妆。洁面的水温以30℃左右为宜。30℃左右的温水洗脸,可以使毛孔…  相似文献   

有一句话是这样说的:总有一天,你或我,最终都要学会生活。是的,人最终要学会的就是如何生活,这是人生最浅也是最深的意义。哲学家德里达临近死亡时告诉人们:我从没学会生活。的确,生活,生命,既非一个对象,也非一  相似文献   

To assess the health status of Afghan women and attitudes of these women and their male relatives during the period of Taliban rule toward women's rights and community development needs in Afghanistan.  相似文献   

据卫生部统计:2001年我国妇科病疾病检出率为26.34%,其中某些地区高达48%,最低也达19.5%。中国的妇科疾病发病率居高不下,与洗护观念洗护习惯不良有直接关系。私处洗护涉及女人最隐密的生理状况,一直被视为女性隐私问题,正是准确把握了中国女人这种心理,洁尔阴“难言之隐,一洗了之”的广告口号,才深入女人心。  相似文献   

The social definition of women''s smoking behaviour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The history of women's smoking behaviour is one of changing normative definitions. Recent trends have been explained in terms of the symbolic value of smoking, representing for women freedom and independence. This view is emphasised by advertising. However, other evidence suggests the continued existence of an older, more negative cultural stereotype. A two-part study of young women undergoing professional training for nursing and teaching throws some light on the way in which female smoking behaviour is currently socially interpreted. The first phase indicated that among the minority of parents who had expressed their attitudes towards their daughter's smoking in relation to sex-role norms, smoking was presented as unacceptable for women. More than half the sample perceived a negative cultural stereotype to be operating in contemporary society and two-thirds recognised its existence in the past. This stereotype presents smoking as a male behaviour and hence inappropriate for women. Women who do smoke are liable to be labelled as having unfeminine or degrading attributes. The stereotype operated more strongly in the general social background rather than in reference to personal relationships and hence its influence on contemporary behaviour is likely to be limited. It was rejected as out-dated or a male belief by some but nevertheless it represented the personal opinion of others. In terms of a more favourable definition the female smoker was perceived in terms of an elegant/sophisticated dimension and in relation to an extrovert personality. The view of sample members that the growing acceptability of women's smoking was related to social change indirectly supported the view that sees smoking as symbolic of independence. Those who saw smoking in neutral terms, i.e. as not having sex-role attributes, perceived smoking in this sense as normal social behaviour for men and women alike. The second phase suggested that smokers and non-smokers have divergent views about the image of the female smoker. The non-smoker's image was based on the older cultural stereotype ('unladylike'), whereas the smokers were more likely to take a view corresponding to the perspective that sees women's smoking as symbolic of social change and greater independence ('liberated'). The non-smokers had a clear and positive image of 'girls who don't smoke' ('feminine'), whereas for smokers the female non-smoker lacked a distinctive identity. The study thus suggests that traditional concepts of appropriate female behaviour continue to inhibit smoking among some women, whereas others perceive it as an aspect of independent behaviour.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A model for a community-based women''s clinic.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

不孕不育妇女阴道分泌物病原体检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨不孕不育者妇女淋球菌 (NG)、沙眼衣原体 (CT)、解脲支原体 (UU)、单纯疱疹病毒 (HSV 2 )感染情况。方法 采用聚合酶链反应 (PCR)对 2 5 6例不孕不育者妇女阴道分泌物进行NG -DNA、CT -DNA、UU -DNA、HSV -DNA检测。结果  2 5 6例中检出率NG为 9 4%、UU为 36 8%、CT为2 4 2 %、HSV 2为 7 8%、NG UU为 4 7%、NG UU CT为 1 6 %、UU CT为 13 7%、NG CT为 3 1%、UU HSV为 1 6 % ,一种病原体检出占 5 5 1%。不孕不育者妇女NG、UU、CT、HSV 2检出率均高于正常对照组。结论 不孕不育妇女不仅要对一种的病原体进行检测 ,而且对多种病原体检测也极为必要 ,尤其对各种原因不明的不孕症 ,继发性不孕症以及有宫颈糜烂的不孕者意义更大  相似文献   

北京市城区妇女骨密度状况研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
胡迎芬  白锦 《卫生研究》1997,26(4):251-254
对北京市434名20~65岁健康妇女用SD-1000型单光子骨密度仪测定了非优势侧前臂桡骨远端1/10处及中下1/3处骨密度,并对与骨密度有关因素进行了调查。结果显示:妇女在40岁前后达到骨密度的峰值。其后随年龄增长骨密度值逐渐下降,绝经后下降速度加快,且松质骨丢失的速度大于皮质骨,绝经对妇女骨密度的影响大于增龄引起的骨质丢失。本调查中174名绝经后妇女,有骨折史的妇女占9.8%,其骨密度明显低于无骨折史者。本研究结果提示测量骨密度有助于预测骨折发生的危险性。  相似文献   

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