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The Journal of Analytical Toxicology (JAT) recently celebrated its 25th anniversary as an international periodical devoted to publishing scholarly articles in the field of analytical and forensic toxicology. Over the years many important papers spanning the entire field of chemical toxicology have appeared in JAT. One way to assess the usefulness of these papers is by looking at the number of times they subsequently become cited in the reference lists of papers published in other peer-reviewed journals including JAT itself (self-citations). The Thomson Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, has produced a citation database containing all JAT articles published between 1981 through 2003 (N = 2254). This database was used to gather information about the most prolific authors of articles appearing in JAT, the most highly cited articles, the inter-relationships between co-authors, and the countries where the work originated. The person listed most frequently as an author was E.J. Cone, who authored or co-authored 69 papers that attracted a total of 1432 citations, giving a citation impact of 20.76. However, the most highly cited article in JAT was a solo-author work from 1981 by M.E. Jolley describing a fluorescence polarization immunoassay for the analysis of therapeutic drugs in plasma, which was cited 184 times. Working and writing in teams can boost the output of scientific articles as exemplified by the Institut de Médecine Légale in Strasbourg with P. Kintz as the driving force. Kintz and his associates produced the most collaborative work published in JAT. Citation analysis is being increasingly used to evaluate the importance of scientific articles and the journals where these works are published (e.g., impact factors). This article has identified JAT's scientific elite as evidenced by the most prolific authors and the most highly cited papers.  相似文献   

The idea behind this invited review was to describe the role of papers on plant toxins published in Toxicon, and to select highlights in this field. This review will show that Toxicon is a most suitable journal for original papers as well as reviews on toxin plants and plant toxins, although there is quite a competition in this area.  相似文献   

目的:从文献计量学角度评价《药学服务与研究》在国内外药学领域的学术地位和影响力。方法:根据文献计量学原理,对《药学服务与研究》2002-2013年全部引文和被引情况做统计分析,包括引文量、引文率、单篇最高引文数、引文类型、引文语种、引文期刊分布、自引率、引文年度分布、高频被引论文,使用Excel软件将所得数据进行处理和分析。结果:《药学服务与研究》2002-2013年刊登文章的引文总量为14 347篇,引文率为95.17%,单篇最高引文52条;期刊类引文比例最高,占88.14%;引文语种主要有中文和英文,其中英文引文占46.27%;自引581次,总自引率为4.05%;引文年度分布峰值出现在文献出版之后2~4年;所载论文最高被引41次。结论:《药学服务与研究》所载论文及时反映了我国医药行业最新动态。  相似文献   

The impact factor of a scientific journal is simply the ratio of the number of citations to the number of citable items (articles and reviews) over a given time period, usually two years after the year of publication. Trends in the impact factor of Journal of Analytical Toxicology (JAT) are reviewed and compared with other leading journals in the forensic sciences and toxicology. In particular, the journals that frequently cite JAT articles (citing journals) and the journals cited in articles published in JAT (cited journals) are compared and contrasted. The reasons for citing a particular article are considered, and some suggestions are made for improving the impact factor of JAT, if this is deemed necessary. This could be achieved in a number of ways, such as speeding the editorial-handling and peer-review processes, by including one or more invited review articles in each issue of the journal, or by increasing the number of references cited so the references/article ratio increases. Regardless of journal impact factor, an article should be judged by its usefulness to the field and not the prestige of the journal where it is published.  相似文献   

目的对第二军医大学药学院近16年来科研论文产出情况进行计量分析,为科研决策提供参考依据、方法通过对计算机检索得到的1994~2009年科学引文索引扩展版(SeienceCik Citation Index Expanded,SCIE)收录的地址字段为第二军医大学的科技论文为数据依据,筛选其中以第二年医大学药学院为作者单位的科技论文进行统计分析结果共检出1994~2009年第二军医大学药学院参与发表的论文893篇,收录在233种期刊中;研究性论文最多,有810篇;IF小于5的论文占83%;最活跃的学科为药理学;被引用超过20次以上论文共24篇结论本研究从文献计量角度展现第二军医大学药学院的科技论文产出与被引情况,为科研管理部门、科学研究人员提供了定量参考依据  相似文献   

目的 梳理Web of Science数据库中关于第三代头孢菌素药动学(Pharmacokinetics, PK)研究,通过文献计量学和可视化分析方法,评价该领域的研究方向、研究热点以及发展趋势,为今后研究提供经验和借鉴。方法 使用Web of Science数据库进行检索,检索式为“Theme=("Third-Generation Cephalosporin"OR Cefoperazone) OR Ceftazidime) OR Cefixime) OR Cefodizime) OR Ceftriaxone) OR Cefotaxime) AND (pharmacokinetics OR PK OR"Population pharmacokinetics")”,检索时间为2009-2020年。利用VOS-viewer软件进行合著分析(作者、机构、国家)、共现分析和共引分析;通过GraphPadPrism8软件进行第三代头孢菌素药动学研究的趋势分析。结果 对纳入的818篇文献进行可视化分析,结果显示发文量呈现逐年上涨趋势,其中发文量最多的国家是美国(288篇,35.21%),最多的期刊...  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the role of intravenous lipid formulations as potential antidotes in patients with severe cardiotoxicity caused by drug toxicity. The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of all human and animal studies featuring lipid emulsion as an antidote for the treatment of acute poisoning. The Scopus database search was performed on 5 February 2016 to analyse the research output related to intravenous lipid emulsion as an antidote for the treatment of acute poisoning. Research indicators used for analysis included total number of articles, date (year) of publication, total citations, value of the h‐index, document types, countries of publication, journal names, collaboration patterns and institutions. A total of 594 articles were retrieved from Scopus database for the period of 1955–2015. The percentage share of global intravenous lipid emulsion research output showed that research output was 85.86% in 2006–2015 with yearly average growth in this field of 51 articles per year. The USA, United Kingdom (UK), France, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Australia, China, Turkey and Japan accounted for 449 (75.6%) of all the publications. The total number of citations for all documents was 9,333, with an average of 15.7 citations per document. The h‐index of the retrieved documents for lipid emulsion research as antidote for the treatment of acute poisoning was 49. The USA and the UK achieved the highest h‐indices, 34 and 14, respectively. New Zealand produced the greatest number of documents with international collaboration (51.9%) followed by Australia (50%) and Canada (41.4%) out of the total number of publications for each country. In summary, we found an increase in the number of publications in the field of lipid emulsion after 2006. The results of this study demonstrate that the majority of publications in the field of lipid emulsion were published by high‐income countries. Researchers from institutions in the USA led scientific production on lipid emulsion research. There is an obvious need to promote a deeper engagement through international collaborative research projects and funding mechanisms.  相似文献   

A review entitled “The human toxicity of marijuana” was published in 1992 in the Medical Journal of Australia. The authors claimed that the adverse effects of cannabis use have been trivialized and that the effects are much more serious than earlier reported. We have made a careful study of this review and examined the claims made. We compared the claims of the authors with the information contained in the documents they cited and found that at least 28 of the 35 citations in this article were cited inaccurately. Five of these publications were misquoted, or the findings of the study were not fully reported. Twenty-three citations contained other errors, leaving only six to eight (two citations could not be retrieved because of their obscurity) accurate citations among 35. All of these inaccuracies operate in the direction of finding an adverse effect of marijuana.  相似文献   

目的:调查《药物不良反应杂志》载文的引文频率和类型,揭示引文的特点。方法:收集2003~2007《药物不良反应杂志》载文的引文,用文献计量学方法统计分析引文频率、引文类型、普赖斯指数及主要被引期刊。结果:2003~2007年《药物不良反应杂志》共有论文385篇,其中354篇有引文,共4849条,平均每篇12.6条。引文率为91.9%。在4849条引文中,89.3%引自期刊,7.5%引自图书,普赖斯指数为62.9%,引文频次在居前20位的被引期刊中的引文占引文总量的22.8%。结论:《药物不良反应杂志》载文的引文数量多、范围广,是我国药物安全信息的重要来源之一。  相似文献   

目的:剖析研讨抗血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)药物用于年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)的研究现状和研究热点,客观反映相关国家/地区、机构和作者在抗VEGF药物治疗AMD研究领域的学术影响力和科研实力。方法:分别检索Web of Science(检索时限为建库至2019年4月26日)和CNKI(检索时限为建库至2019年4月2日),搜集有关抗VEGF药物用于AMD的研究。统计发文较多的国家/地区、作者、研究机构、期刊、年发文量、被引用频次和发文量排名情况,并使用HistCite和Citespace软件创建引证关系图和关键词共现时区视图。结果:共检索到2 931篇外文文献,2014年发文数最多,占总数的10.5%;发文量最多的国家是美国,占总数的32.9%。在CNKI共检索到中文期刊248篇,目前2018年发文最多,为48篇。结论:近年来抗VEGF药物用于治疗AMD的研究发展迅速,中国研究者进入这一领域较晚,但近年来研究的数量和深度都在不断增加。  相似文献   

笔者依据中国期刊网CNKI数字图书馆之中国引文数据库统计分析《实用医药杂志》在2002~2005年被国内期刊引用情况。结果显示2002~2005年该刊共有553位第一作者的657篇文献被国内期刊引用1059次,其中被引5次以上的文献有20篇,共被引148次;共有419种期刊以及68所院校的研究生毕业论文引用了该刊2002~2005年发表的文献;发表于2005和2006年的引证文献占77.53%。基于以上结果表明该刊具有较高的学术水平。  相似文献   

目的:分析近年来有关中国临床药师培训的现状、研究热点和发展趋势,为其后续发展提供参考。方法:以中国知网、万方、维普和中国生物医学文献数据库作为文献计量分析的数据源,同时通过应用CiteSpace软件对符合条件的各类文献的作者和关键词信息进行共现分析并绘制知识图谱。结果:该研究纳入文献总量为587篇(期刊文献581篇,学位论文6篇),文献发表数量逐年增长,其中期刊文献有119篇(占20.5%)获得基金项目资助;培训中应用最广泛的教学方法是以问题为基础的教学法(problem-based learning, PBL教学法,占36.4%);文献合作度为3.1,合著率为79.4%,均被引次数为5.2次,高被引文献127篇,占28.7%;论文的知识图谱显示作者合作不紧密,仅以曾仁杰为核心的作者团队较突出;近7年内发生突变的关键词为培养模式、规范化培训、中药临床药学、中药临床药师、PBL,我国临床药师培训关注的热点是临床药学教学、探索培训模式、中药临床药师的培养等。结论:国内临床药师培训研究发展良好,但发表的论文影响力不足,跨地区、机构的研究合作亦有待加强。中药临床药师培训逐渐兴起,临床药师培训趋...  相似文献   

目的 分析<国际生物制品学杂志>的文献引用情况,了解我国生物制品学领域科研人员的文献利用与需求特征.方法 采用文献计量学方法对该刊2006-2009年刊载的159篇论文所引用的全部参考文献进行统计分析.结果 159篇论文共引用文献2998条,篇均引文量为18.86条,近5年内引文量为1679条,普赖斯指数为56.00%.在2998条引文中,2843条来自期刊,占总引文量的94.83%;英文文献2577条,占总引文量的85.96%.引用频次在21次以上的期刊有20种,引文量占总引文量的35.98%.结论 <国际生物制品学杂志>论文的引文类型以期刊为主,引文语种主要是英文.各年的普赖斯指数均超过50%,但呈逐年下降趋势,建议作者尽可能利用近5年内发表的文献,确保论文的新颖性和时效性.  相似文献   

AIM: To document changes in the rate and impact of publications resulting from Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC) biomedical grants since its inception and to relate the number of publications to Health Priority Areas, fields of research and specific types of grant. METHODS: All original papers or reviews and editorials published by HRC-supported investigators in peer-refereed journals, from 1990 to 1994, were entered into a bibliographic database. RESULTS: In this five-year period, researchers receiving HRC biomedical grants published a total of 2094 articles in 623 peer-reviewed journals, of which 1190 (57%) derived from HRC support. Of the publications, 90.2% were original papers; the remainder were reviews or editorials. From 1990 to 1994, there was an increase in the number of HRC-supported publications (p<0.04) but not of those deriving from other support. There was no change in the quality of publications over this period, as reflected by the impact factor (a measure of the number of times that publications in a journal are cited). The majority (62.6%) of publications derived from project grants, however, the average cost per publication was 8.4% higher for project than for programme (multi-investigator) grants. Finally, nearly 40% of HRC publications directly addressed designated health priority areas. CONCLUSIONS: The present study has examined one aspect of the value for money obtained from the public investment in biomedical research. As the HRC is the major provider of contestable biomedical research funding in New Zealand, bibliometric analysis may be of ongoing value to monitor the effects of changes to the organisation of biomedical research funding in New Zealand.  相似文献   

国内近五年药物利用定量研究文献分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的:分析国内近年药物利用研究现状、热点和方向,为从事药物利用研究的医药学工作者提供参考。方法:检索有关文献数据库并结合手工检索重点杂志,查阅1997~2002年的药物利用研究文献,剔除非公开、基本数据重复发表、非定量研究等文献,对所得文献的相关内容进行汇总分析。结果:共获得621篇定量研究的文献,10种主要杂志刊登的文献量占所有文献的57%:13%的数据来源于地区多中心,88%文献是对某类药物进行分析,对小儿用药分析的有5%,对老年人用药分析的仅占3%。多数文献采用2种以上的指标进行分析。结论:年发表文献量逐年升高,文献发表相对集中,对特殊人群用药研究的相对文献较少,大多数的文献结论的经济意义大于临床意义。国内药物利用研究消耗数据来源、分析方法等方面有待提高。  相似文献   

Objective. To determine the long-term change in the Altmetric Attention Score (AAS) and its components, as well as the impact of higher AAS on citation count for articles published in major pharmacy journals.Methods. This study evaluated articles from pharmacy journals ranked in the top 10% according to their AAS in the year 2017. Correlation between the AAS and number of citations (through November 2020) was assessed using the Spearman’s correlation test. A Kruskal-Wallis 1-way analysis of variance was used to compare the AAS across journals.Results. The median three-year AAS and citation count per article was 20 (25th, 75th percentile=15, 28) and 11 (6, 18), respectively. Between November 2018 and November 2020, there was no significant change in the median AAS for the 137 included articles. The only change in the AAS components was an increase in the number of Mendeley readers (22 [13, 34]). The median number of citations per article also increased (8 [4, 14]). We found a significant association between the three-year AAS and the three-year number of citations. The three-year number of Mendeley readers was associated with an increase in the 3-year number of citations. The mean three-year AAS was highest with articles published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, while the mean three-year number of citations was highest for articles published in Pharmacotherapy.Conclusion. Higher AAS scores appear to be associated with the number of citations for articles published in major pharmacy journals within three years of publication.  相似文献   

目的 分析我国典型城市的药学基础研究实力.方法 在Web of Science数据库中检索药学领域被科学引文索引(SCI)数据库收录的论文,基于论文数量、篇均被引频次、高被引论文数量及高产机构数量,比较全国国内生产总值(GDP)排名前15位城市的基础研究实力.结果 2017年至2019年,我国学者在药学领域267种SC...  相似文献   

2006年《实用医药杂志》载文与引文分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为进一步提高期刊质量,笔者分析了2006年《实用医药杂志》的载文特点,引文数量特征及其蕴含的情报价值。结果显示2006年该刊共14个栏目,载文1141篇;合作论文占载文总数的78.35%;平均出版时滞4.96个月;平均引文量为4.08条,引文率66.61%;引文时间以2000~2006年发表的文献最多(55.51%);引文语种主要是汉语和英语,各占59.68%和40.19%;引文类型主要是期刊和图书,各占86.94%和12.27%。基于以上结果表明该刊具有一定的学术价值。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the potential legal liability of the pharmacist in the drug product selection process. DATA SOURCES: Published articles identified through MEDLINE, published law reviews identified through InfoTrac, and appellate court decisions. Search terms used included pharmacist liability, drug product selection, and generic substitution. Additional articles, books, and appellate court decisions were identified from the bibliographies of retrieved articles and citations in appellate court decisions. DATA SYNTHESIS: Pharmacists engaging in drug product selection are civilly liable under three legal theories: negligence, express or implied warranties, and strict product liability. Potential criminal liability includes prosecution for insurance fraud, deceptive business practices, and violation of state drug product selection laws and regulation. CONCLUSION: Pharmacists increase their liability when engaging in drug product selection, but the increase is small. Still, the law continues to evolve as pharmacists seek expanded roles and responsibilities. When courts give closer examination to pharmacists' expanded role, it is likely that pharmacists' liability will increase.  相似文献   

Lithium salts have been used to treat psychiatric disorders since the 1940s and are currently used in prophylaxis and treatment of depression and bipolar disorder. Therefore, we conducted this study to assess lithium toxicity‐related publications using bibliometric approaches from a health point of view to assess global research trends in the lithium toxicity field to offer guidance to future research in this field. The data were retrieved from the online version of Scopus database on 6 August 2016. All records with the term ‘lithium’ in the title were retrieved, and those related to lithium toxicity were evaluated. There were a total of 1241 publications related to lithium toxicity published from 1913 to 2016. Articles (971 or 78.2%) were the most common type, followed by letters (179 or 14.4%) and reviews (61 or 4.9%). The annual publication of articles increased slightly after 1950 and the total number of publications related to lithium toxicity fluctuated with three peaks occurred in 1978, 1985 and 2014. The USA was the predominant country (25.38%), followed by the UK (7.82%), France (6.85%) and Canada (3.55%). Denmark had the highest productivity of publication after standardization by gross domestic product and population size. The average number of citations per article was 9.24, and the h‐index for all publications in the field of lithium toxicity was 46. The highest h‐index value was achieved by the USA (31) followed by the UK (21) and Canada (13). The Lancet was the highest ranked journal with 27 articles, followed by American Journal of Psychiatry with 23 articles. This study provides a bibliometric analysis on the global research trends in lithium toxicity studies during 1913–2015. There has been a progressive increase in the number of publications related to lithium toxicity published in the last decade, and most of the studies related to lithium toxicity arose from the USA and the UK.  相似文献   

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