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博利康尼气雾剂治疗哮喘急性发作的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
支气管哮喘急性发作是严重威胁患者生命的临床急症之一 ,近 10~ 2 0年哮喘患病率明显增高。气道非特异性炎症是支气管哮喘的基本病理特点 ,吸入型糖皮质激素已公认为有效的抗炎制剂 ,但在急性发作期 β2 受体激动剂仍为治疗哮喘的主要药物 ,而硫酸特布他林 (博利康尼 )雾化液是新一代的β2 受体激动剂 ,其药理作用可维持 6小时 ,是目前 GINA推荐的治疗哮喘急性发作的首选药物之一。现将我院应用博利康尼雾化剂治疗哮喘的疗效总结如下。对象和方法1.一般资料 选择哮喘急性发作的中、重度患者 5 6例 ,FEV1 在 4 0~ 6 8% ,用药前符合以下…  相似文献   

目的探讨奥马珠单抗治疗中重度过敏性哮喘的临床疗效及安全性。方法分析复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸科门诊49例奥马珠单抗治疗的中重度过敏性哮喘患者临床特征,比较治疗前后哮喘控制评分(ACT)、哮喘生活质量评分(AQLQ)、第一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)、FEV1占预计值(FEV1%pred)、呼出气一氧化氮(Fe NO)、急性发作次数及口服激素用量变化。结果纳入49例中重度过敏性哮喘患者,其中25例经奥马珠单抗治疗16周后,ACT从(18. 3±0. 9)升至(20. 8±0. 6)分(P0. 05),AQLQ从(184. 8±8. 1)升至(206. 8±5. 4)(P0. 05)。FEV1从(2. 2±0. 2) L升至(2. 3±0. 2) L; FEV1%pred从(70. 4±5. 3)%升至(77. 1±4. 6)%; Fe NO从(56. 0±12. 6) ppb降至(29. 0±4. 6) ppb (P0. 05)。10例重度激素依赖型哮喘患者急性发作次数从(1. 2±0. 1)次/3个月减至(0. 5±0. 1)次/3个月(P0. 01),口服泼尼松从(17. 0±2. 4) mg/d减至(4. 5±1. 6) mg/d(P0. 001)。治疗期间2例有轻度乏力、嗜睡; 1例有双下肢水肿; 1例出现明显头晕、恶心,后继发性高血压。结论奥马珠单抗能够控制哮喘及过敏症状,减少急性发作次数及口服激素用量,同时可改善肺功能,使哮喘患者获益。  相似文献   

目的总结2011年度支气管哮喘患者住院治疗用药情况。方法调查2011年度符合纳入标准的204例成人支气管哮喘急性发作期住院患者的用药情况。结果 (1)81.86%的患者应用了糖皮质激素,77.45%应用了茶碱类药物,67.16%应用了抗生素,58.82%应用了速效β2受体激动剂(SABA),33.82%应用了抗胆碱能药物,22.55%应用了白三烯受体调节剂,7.84%应用了抗组胺类药物;(2)联合用药:2、3、4、5、6种及6种以上种药物联合分别占5.88%、11.27%、24.51%、25.49%、20.01%;(3)给药途径糖皮质激素雾化吸入、口服和静脉分别占55.09%、1.80%和43.11%;SABA、抗胆碱能药物、ICS+LABA均是吸入给药;抗组胺药、白三烯调节剂及中药均为口服给药。(4)合并感染的患者76例,其中75例使用了抗生素;抗生素药物的使用中氟喹诺酮类所占比例最高,占48.18%。结论我院临床医师对支气管哮喘发作期用药的选择、给药途径、联合用药方案基本遵循《全球哮喘防治创议》(GINA)中的原则,但存在抗生素使用及激素静脉给药比例偏高、联合用药种类偏多的情况,需继续加强学习,更进一步提高认识,更加规范支气管哮喘的临床诊疗,避免抗生素使用不当、用药种类过多的情况发生。  相似文献   

作者研究哮喘患者皮质激素吸入治疗后气道生理和免疫病理改变,探讨皮质激素对细胞介导的气道免疫反应的作用。病人和方法6例确诊的哮喘患者,中位年龄38.5(22~63)岁。近2个月内无呼吸道感染及哮喘急性发作病史,除维持吸入β_2激动剂缓解症状外,未用皮质激素及其它药物治疗。所有患者均行肺功能检查、组胺支气管激发试验及测定吸入舒喘灵(400μg)后的支气管扩张反应(测定FEV_1),并行纤维支气管镜检查,取右下叶亚段支气管活检做免疫病理分析。随后应用皮质激素治疗,通过雾化吸入器定量吸入丁  相似文献   

1998年 10月~ 2 0 0 0年 4月我们应用扎鲁司特 (商品名 :安可来 )治疗老年轻、中度支气管哮喘 40例 ,并对其临床疗效及副作用进行了观察 ,现报告如下。1 对象和方法1.1  观察对象 选择老年支气管哮喘患者 40例 ,男 2 8例 ,女12例 ,年龄 6 0~ 74岁 ;轻度 2 3例 ,中度 17例。符合支气管哮喘诊断标准及严重度分级 〔1〕。所有病例均为经常用药物治疗未能控制症状的非急性加重期哮喘患者 ;初次就诊前 4w内未口服或注射皮质激素 ,1w内未使用除 β2 受体激动剂、茶碱及低剂量吸入性皮质激素 (≤ 6 0 0 μg/ d)以外的其它抗哮喘、抗组胺药物 ;…  相似文献   

中国儿童支气管哮喘监测与治疗的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解中国医师对儿童支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)的认知、监测与治疗情况。方法通过发放调查问卷的形式,收集中国25个省市临床医生对儿童哮喘监测与治疗的相关资料,问卷为亚太儿科变态反应、呼吸及免疫学会(APAPARI)提供的统一标准问卷。结果本次调查收回来自中国25个省市的1863份问卷,其中填写完整问卷1676份,我们对其进行了统计分析。接受调查的医生中普通儿科医生占58%,儿科呼吸及变态反应科医生占22%,成人呼吸科和变态反应科医生占7%,其他科室医生占13%;其中三级医院医生占73%,二级医院医生占21%,一级医院医生占4%。医生在儿童哮喘监测过程中使用仪器监测的比例高于日记卡,大部分医生(67%)会使用1~2种仪器来监测哮喘,但仅有26%的医生经常使用日记卡监测。在治疗哮喘急性发作时,医生首选治疗的前三位分别是:每20min雾化吸入一次沙丁胺醇/特布他林(29%),临时雾化吸入一次沙丁胺醇/特布他林(22%)以及静脉注射皮质激素(12%)。儿科呼吸科及成人呼吸科医生更倾向于使用吸入糖皮质激素(ICS)治疗哮喘急性发作。医生选择最多的三种糖皮质激素依次为地塞米松(85%)、甲基强的松龙(84%)和氢化考的松(81%)。医生决定开始儿童哮喘维持治疗标准的前三位分别是症状的频率(91%),症状的严重性(87%)和严重的肺功能下降(85%)。在剂型上,医生更倾向于选择吸入型药物(89%)。总体而言,医生对于各年龄段的儿童哮喘维持治疗的药物选择基本一致。对于0~3岁儿童,ICS是首选(82%),其次是孟鲁司特(68%),再次是ICS加按需口服长效β2受体激动剂(LABA);对于4~6岁儿童,吸入LABA+ICS是首选(83%),其次是ICS(80%)和孟鲁司特(69%);对于6~16岁儿童,吸入LABA+ICS是首选(86%),其次是ICS(72%)和孟鲁司特(68%);对于4~16岁中、重度哮喘儿童,吸入LABA+ICS是医生的首选药物(89%)。结论中国城市医生对?  相似文献   

夜间哮喘发生机制的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨夜间哮喘发生的机制。我们检测了 40例夜间哮喘患者急性发作期和缓解期血中内皮素 1(ET 1)在上午 4时和下午 4时的含量 ,同时测定峰值流速 (PEF)。对象与方法 轻、中度哮喘急性发作组 2 0例 :诊断标准符合中华医学会呼吸病学分会哮喘学组制定的诊断标准[1] 。2 0例均未用过糖皮质激素治疗 ,本次住院前亦没用茶碱类或 β2 受体兴奋剂 ;每例患者每周至少有 1次的夜间发作史 ;无咳脓痰等感染征象。缓解期组 2 0例 :除吸入激素、间断用茶碱类等药物外 ,其余条件同上。健康对照组 2 0名均为本院职工及学生。急性发作期患者入院后 2 4…  相似文献   

王茂芬  朱玲  黄琛 《山东医药》2005,45(1):36-36
20 0 1年 6月至 2 0 0 2年 12月 ,我院收治 6 0例咳嗽变异性哮喘 (CVA)患者。现对其临床及肺功能特点分析如下。临床资料 :本文 6 0例均符合 CVA诊断标准 ,男 36例 ,女2 4例 ;平均年龄 (37± 11)岁。均不吸烟 ,近期无上呼吸道感染 ,X线胸片阴性 ,无心肺疾患 ,经抗生素及止咳祛痰药物治疗无效。其中伴过敏性鼻炎 19例 ,荨麻疹 6例 ;有家族哮喘史12例 ,家族过敏史 13例。 33例发作呈季节性 ,2 1例以夜间发作为主。检测方法 :1肺功能测定 :包括用力肺活量 (FVC)、用力呼气 1秒量 (FEV1 )和呼气峰流速 (PEF)变异率。吸入 β受体激动剂前…  相似文献   

为探究 β2 受体激动剂对支气管哮喘患者运动时呼吸困难和运动能力的影响 ,本研究对 2 1例支气管哮喘患者使用特布他林气雾剂和安慰剂吸入 ,并于吸入前后进行运动负荷试验 ,现报告如下。一、对象与方法1.对象 :支气管哮喘缓解期患者 2 1例 ,男 9例 ,女12例 ,年龄 (34 6± 8 6 )岁。诊断符合支气管哮喘诊断标准 ,1秒钟用力呼气容积 (FEV1)的平均值为 (1 6 6 9± 0 6 2 1)L ,吸入硫酸特布他林气雾剂后改善 (15 7± 4 2 ) %。所有患者排除心脏疾患 ,2 4h内未用过平喘药物。2 .方法 :采用 2 90 0型心肺功能测定系统 (美国西普曼公司 ) …  相似文献   

采用 IL ISA法测定了哮喘发作期和缓解期患儿的血清白介素 - 12 ( IL- 12 )和白介素 - 4 ( IL- 4 )。结果发现 ,发作期哮喘患儿 IL - 12水平 ( 3 5 .2± 11.18pg/ ml)显著低于缓解期 ( 4 2 .75± 13 .3 8pg/ ml)和健康儿 ( 4 5 .4 3±2 9.19pg/ ml) ,P分别 <0 .0 1、0 .0 5。发作期和缓解期哮喘患儿血清 IL - 4阳性率 (分别为 5 5 .5 6%和 3 6.3 6% )均显著高于健康儿 ( 9.1% ) ,P分别 <0 .0 1、0 .0 5。IL- 12和 IL- 4呈显著负相关 ( r=- 0 .3 4 ,P<0 .0 5 )。认为哮喘患儿存在明显的 Th1 / Th2 类细胞因子失衡 ,IL- 12和 IL- 4在哮喘发病中都起重要作用。吸入糖皮质激素等治疗可改变这种失衡状态。  相似文献   

目的探讨改良哮喘日志在儿童支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)临床控制中的应用。方法选取在我院儿科哮喘门诊就诊的哮喘患儿96例,采用改良哮喘日志动态监测病情变化,随访1年后对患儿哮喘控制情况以及患儿病情变化进行分析。结果使用改良哮喘日志规范化治疗后,96例患儿临床控制水平有着明显的改善(P0.05),呼气峰流量(PEF)占预计值百分比随规范化治疗时间改变有着明显改善(P0.05)。结论改良哮喘日志为儿童哮喘临床控制提供动态、实用、易于实施、有效的检测方法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify determinants of asthma control. Questionnaires were completed by a random sample of 570 members of a large managed care organization who were ≥35 years of age with utilization suggestive of active asthma. Asthma control was assessed buy the Asthma Control Test (ACT). Independent relationships were found between lower ACT scores and oral corticosteroid use (p < 0.0001), COPD (p < 0.0001), absence of regular specialist care (p = 0.006), higher BMI (p = 0.01), gastroesophageal reflux (p = 0.02), not being Caucasian (p = 0.04), and low income (p = 0.04).  相似文献   

Asthma is a global health problem affecting around 300 million patients of all ages and ethnic groups in all countries around the world. In the majority of subjects with persistent, mild-to-moderate asthma (MA), the disease can be relatively well controlled by the use of currently available medications; however, five to ten per cent of patients suffer from a particularly severe disease that is poorly controlled clinically and often refractory to usual treatment. Improved care of severe asthma (SA) is a major unmet medical need and several international consortia aim at improving our understanding of mechanisms in SA. To manage SA better, standardized definitions and concepts of asthma severity, risk and level of control are critical. In the following sections, we present several guidelines approaches and definitions followed by an overview of U.S. (SARP) and European (ENFUMOSA, BIOAIR, U-BIOPRED) SA networks. Key findings regarding SA phenotypes, risk factors and pathophysiology are discussed. International cooperation in the area of respiratory diseases, including SA, across the Atlantic Ocean, will lead to a better understanding of asthma pathology, especially of those severe, not well controlled or difficult-to-treat cases.  相似文献   

Work-related asthma is common yet underdiagnosed. It is a significant cause of morbidity and socioeconomic loss. Diagnosis is often difficult, and requires a strong index of suspicion and careful investigation. The Canadian Thoracic Society has endorsed the recent American College of Chest Physicians consensus statement on work-related asthma. The present document illustrates the advised approach to diagnosis and management of work-related asthma using case-based examples of occupational asthma and work-exacerbated asthma. The main statements of advice from the American College of Chest Physicians consensus statement are reproduced with permission.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine risk factors associated with healthcare utilization in Arizona Medicaid patients with asthma. Methods: Data were obtained from Arizona Medicaid between 1/1/2002 and 12/31/2003. Inclusion criteria consisted of persons with an asthma diagnosis (ICD9-CM 493.XX), 5 to 62 years of age; and were new users of inhaled-corticosteroids (ICS), combination ICS+long-acting beta-agonist, or leukotriene-modifiers. Factors examined included age, geographic location (urban/rural), race/ethnicity (White, non-Hispanic Black, Hispanic, other), medication adherence, pre-period short-acting beta-agonist use (SABA), and co-morbidities. Utilization measures examined included SABA use; exacerbations measured by hospital visits; and asthma-related and total healthcare costs. Analyses for utilization measures were performed using negative binomial, logistic regression, and generalized linear modeling gamma-family, log-link, respectively. Results: A total of 3,013 subjects met inclusion/exclusion criteria and had a mean age (±SD) of 24.7 ±13.7 years. Urban residents were 55% more likely to have an exacerbation than rural residents (odds ratio-OR 0.45, 95%CI: 0.27–0.78). Age (years 18 to 62) was a significant predictor for SABA use (incidence rate ratio-IRR 1.22, 95% CI: 1.06–1.41); and exacerbations (OR 2.07, 95% CI: 1.28–3.38). Mean predicted asthma cost was $530 (95% CI: $461–608) for ages 5 to 17, $702 (95% CI $600–822) for ages 18 to 39), and $583 (95% CI $468–726) for ages 40 to 62. Males were 46% less likely to have an exacerbation than females (OR 0.54, 95% CI: 0.31–0.94). Exacerbations were not different between race/ethnicity categories. Predicted mean asthma-related costs were not different between Whites ($591, 95% CI: $509–686), Blacks ($638, 95% CI: $499–815), or Hispanics ($535, 95% CI: $466–614). Conclusions: Results of these analyses found urban areas had higher rates of asthma-related hospital visits compared to rural counties, but no difference in asthma-costs between urban and rural areas which may suggest rural exacerbations may be more costly or severe. Persons with asthma aged 18 to 62 had higher rates of asthma-related emergency-room visits/hospitalizations than those aged 5 to 18. Persons 18 to 39 years of age had higher costs than person 5 to 17 or 40 to 62. Race/ethnicity in this population was not a significant predictor of outcomes or asthma-related costs.  相似文献   

《The Journal of asthma》2013,50(2):172-177
Objective. Inherent asthma severity is difficult to assess clinically. The purpose of this study was to develop an Asthma Intensity Manifestations Score (AIMS) as a surrogate for asthma severity. Methods. Three hundred and four patients treated with inhaled corticosteroids completed the Asthma Control Test (ACT), underwent spirometry, and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) testing, and reported their current medications. These parameters (defined as ACT < 16, forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1] < 80% predicted, FENO > 50 ppb, and Expert Panel Report [EPR3] step care level >3) were related to prior year outcomes to develop the AIMS and to follow-up year outcomes to validate it. Results. FENO was independently related to prior year short-acting beta agonist (SABA) ≥ 7 (odds ratio [OR] 2.9); ACT (OR 4.9), FEV1 (OR 3.3), and step care (OR 3.9) were independently related to prior year systemic corticosteroid (SCS) ≥ 2. Thus, all the four items were chosen for the AIMS (0–4 points). AIMSs were linearly related to follow-up year SABA ≥ 7, any SCS, SCS ≥ 2, and emergency hospital care (all p < .01). Compared to patients with AIMSs <2, patients with AIMSs ≥2 were at more than a fourfold greater risk of requiring ≥2 SCS in the following year and were at a 2–2.8-fold greater risk of experiencing other adverse outcomes during that time period. Conclusions. The AIMS is linearly related to future year adverse asthma outcomes. Further studies will be necessary to confirm its utility as a surrogate for asthma severity in clinical practice and clinical research.  相似文献   

Abstract The aims of treating patients with asthma are to relieve symptoms, to prevent symptoms and exacerbations, and to prevent long-term deterioration in lung function. It is the role of medical practitioners to inform the patient what asthma is, and to develop a plan to achieve the aims for the individual, recognizing that asthma is frequently a chronic, lifelong disease. Most patients can be diagnosed, assessed for severity and causes, and treated in primary care practices, however sometimes help from an asthma clinic or a specialist is required. The most important management decision is to determine whether the patient needs inhaled corticosteroids; subsequently, decisions about dose, duration and method of delivery of treatment can be tailored to the individual depending on the preferences and social conditions of the patient. The aim of this article is to present the latest strategies for the management of asthma and the simplest methods for their implementation. Important new strategies include careful assessment of the severity; the immediate introduction of a plan that is tailored for the individual and aimed at the possible reversing of the disease; detailed instructions for management of exacerbations and the combined use of inhaled corticosteroids with a long-acting bronchodilator. It is becoming clear that these strategies obviate dependence on oral corticosteroids in newly diagnosed asthmatic patients. Furthermore, relatively low doses of inhaled corticosteroids can be used to maintain good control if used in conjunction with other therapies. The role of newly developed antagonists to leukotrienes is not yet known but it may well be useful in mild asthma and in special forms of the disease, such as those sensitive to aspirin. In the future, the most important strategy will be to prevent the disease.  相似文献   

Background. The aim of this study was to describe differences between allergic and non-allergic asthma in a large community-based sample of Danish adolescents and adults. Methods. A total of 1,186 subjects, 14 to 44 years of age, who in a screening questionnaire had reported a history of airway symptoms suggestive of asthma and/or allergy, or who were taking any medication for these conditions were clinically examined. All participants were interviewed about respiratory symptoms, and furthermore skin test reactivity, lung function, and airway responsiveness were measured. Results. A total of 489 individuals had clinical asthma of whom 61% had allergic asthma, whereas 39% had non-allergic asthma. Subjects with non-allergic asthma were more likely to be females, OR = 2.24 (1.32–3.72), p = 0.003, and to have cough as the predominant symptom, OR = 1.96, (1.19–3.23), p = 0.008, but were less likely to have AHR, OR = 0.40, (0.24–0.66), p < 0.001, food allergy, OR = 0.28, (0.11–0.73), p = 0.009, and symptoms of rhinitis, OR = 0.08 (0.05–0.14) compared with subjects with allergic asthma. Subjects with non-allergic asthma had had persistent symptoms within the last 4 weeks more often than subjects with allergic asthma (68% vs. 53%), p = 0.001. Conclusions. Non-allergic asthma accounts for two in every five cases of asthma in adults and constitutes symptomatically, and in terms of lung function, a more severe form of disease than allergic asthma.  相似文献   

Progressive refractory near‐fatal asthma requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation can lead to death. Data on outcomes in children requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support for status asthmaticus is sparse. We describe our experience of three patients in the winter of 2018 to 2019 successfully rescued with ECMO. We also report our novel use of extubation while still being on ECMO support. Awareness and use of ECMO in refractory asthma can help lower the mortality for this very common disease in children. We also review the current literature on the use of ECMO and other extracorporeal therapies in asthma.  相似文献   

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