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Mechanical changes underlying spastic hypertonia were explored using a parallel cascade system identification technique to evaluate the relative contributions of intrinsic and reflex mechanisms to dynamic ankle stiffness in healthy subjects (controls) and spastic, spinal cord injured (SCI) patients. We examined the modulation of the gain and dynamics of these components with ankle angle for both passive and active conditions. Four main findings emerged. First, intrinsic and reflex stiffness dynamics were qualitatively similar in SCI patients and controls. Intrinsic stiffness dynamics were well modeled by a linear second-order model relating intrinsic torque to joint position, while reflex stiffness dynamics were accurately described by a linear, third-order system relating half-wave rectified velocity to reflex torque. Differences between the two groups were evident in the values of four parameters, the elastic and viscous parameters for intrinsic stiffness and the gain and first-order cut-off frequency for reflex stiffness. Second, reflex stiffness was substantially increased in SCI patients, where it generated as much as 40% of the total torque variance, compared with controls, where reflex contributions never exceeded 7%. Third, differences between SCI patients and controls depended strongly on joint position, becoming larger as the ankle was dorsiflexed. At full plantarflexion, there was no difference between SCI and control subjects; in the mid-range, reflex stiffness was abnormally high in SCI patients; at full dorsiflexion, both reflex and intrinsic stiffness were larger than normal. Fourth, differences between SCI and control subjects were smaller during the active than the passive condition, because intrinsic stiffness increased more in controls than SCI subjects; nevertheless, reflex gain remained abnormally high in SCI patients. These results elucidate the nature and origins of the mechanical abnormalities associated with hypertonia and provide a better understanding of its functional and clinical implications.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated that the soleus H-reflex was depressed for more than 10 s following a preceding passive dorsiflexion of the ankle joint. This depression was caused by activation of large-diameter afferents with receptors located in the leg muscles, as an ischaemic block of large-diameter fibres just below the knee joint abolished the depression, whereas a similar block just proximal to the ankle joint was ineffective. The depression of the H-reflex was not caused by changes in motoneuronal excitability, as motor-evoked potentials by magnetic brain stimulation were not depressed by the same passive dorsiflexion. Therefore it was concluded that the long-lasting depression is due to mechanisms acting at presynaptic level. The transmission of the monosynaptic Ia excitation from the femoral nerve to soleus motoneurones was not depressed by the ankle dorsiflexion. The depression thus seems to be confined to those afferents that were activated by the conditioning dorsiflexion. In parallel experiments on decerebrate cats, more invasive methods have complemented the indirect techniques used in the experiments on human subjects. A similar long-lasting depression of triceps surae monosynaptic reflexes was evoked by a preceding conditioning stimulation of the triceps surae Ia afferents. This depression was accompanied by a reduction of the monosynaptic Ia excitatory postsynaptic potential recorded intracellularly in triceps surae motoneurones, but not by changes in the input resistance or membrane potential in the motoneurones. Stimulation of separate branches within the triceps surae nerve demonstrated that the depression is confined to those afferents that were activated by the conditioning stimulus. This long-lasting depression was not accompanied by a dorsal root potential. It is concluded that the long-lasting depression is probably caused by a presynaptic effect, but different from the classical GABAergic presynaptic inhibition which is widely distributed among afferent fibres and accompanied by dorsal root potentials. It is more probably related to the phenomenon of a reduced transmitter release from previously activated fibres, i.e. a homosynaptic post-activation depression. The consequences of this post-activation depression for the interpretation of results on spinal mechanisms during voluntary movements in man are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The size of the maximalH-reflex (H max) was measured at rest and expressed as a percentage of the maximalM-response (M max) in 17 untrained subjects, 27 moderately trained subjects, 19 well-trained subjects and 7 dancers from the Royal Danish Ballet. TheH max/M max was significantly larger in the moderately and well-trained subjects than in the untrained subjects but smaller in the ballet dancers. It is therefore suggested that both the amount and the type of habitual activity may influence the excitability of spinal reflexes.  相似文献   

The operational definition of spasticity is focused on increased resistance of joints to passive rotation and the possible origin of this increased resistance in the induced tonic stretch reflex (TSR). This term is applied in the context of both cerebral and spinal injury, implying that a similar reflex mechanism underlies the two disorders. From recent studies it is clear that increased passive joint resistance in resting limbs following stroke is highly correlated with the induced TSR, but this evidence is lacking in spinal injury. The contribution of the TSR to hypertonia in spinal cord injury (SCI) is unclear and it is possible that hypertonia has a different origin in SCI. The contribution of resting and activated TSR activity to joint stiffness was compared in SCI and normal subjects. The magnitude of the TSR in ankle dorsiflexors (DF) and plantarflexors (PF) and mechanical ankle resistive torque were measured at rest and over a range of contraction levels in normal subjects. Similar measures were made in 13 subjects with SCI to the limits of their range of voluntary contraction. Normals and SCI received a pseudo-sinusoidal stretch perturbation of maximum amplitude +/- 20 degrees and frequency band 0.1-3.5 Hz that was comparable to that used in manual clinical testing of muscle tone. Elastic resistance and resonant frequency of the ankle joint, after normalization for limb volume, were significantly lower in complete and incomplete SCI than normal subjects. No reflex response related to stretch velocity was observed. Resting DF and PF TSR gain, when averaged over the tested band of frequencies, were significantly lower in complete SCI than in resting normal subjects (<0.5 microV/deg). Linear regression analysis found no significant relationship between TSR gain and resting joint stiffness in SCI. Mean TSR gain of DFs and PFs at rest was not correlated with the subject variables: age, time since SCI, level of injury, Frankel score, number of spasms per day, Ashworth score or anti-spastic medication. DF and PF reflex gain were linearly related to voluntary contraction level and regression analysis produced similar slopes in incomplete SCI and normal subjects. Hence TSR loop gain was not significantly increased in SCI at any equivalent contraction level. Extrapolation of the regression lines to zero contraction level predicted that reflex threshold was not reduced in SCI. Low frequency passive stretches did not induce significant TSR activity in the resting limbs of any member of this SCI group. The TSR thus did not contribute to their clinical hypertonia. Other reflex mechanisms must contribute to hypertonia as assessed clinically. This result contrasts with our similar study of cerebral spasticity after stroke, where a comparable low frequency stretch perturbation produced clear evidence of increased TSR gain that was correlated with the hypertonia at rest. We conclude that a low frequency stretch perturbation clearly distinguished between spasticity after stroke and SCI. Spasticity in the two conditions is not equivalent and care should be taken in generalizing results between them.  相似文献   

The soleus H-reflex modulation pattern was investigated in ten spinal cord intact subjects during treadmill walking at varying levels of body weight support (BWS), and nine spinal cord injured (SCI) subjects at a BWS level that promoted the best stepping pattern. The soleus H-reflex was elicited by tibial nerve stimulation with a single 1-ms pulse at an intensity that the M-waves ranged from 4 to 8% of the maximal M-wave (Mmax). During treadmill walking, the H-reflex was elicited every four steps, and stimuli were randomly dispersed across the gait cycle which was divided into 16 equal bins. EMGs were recorded with surface electrodes from major left and right hip, knee, and ankle muscles. M-waves and H-reflexes at each bin were normalized to the Mmax elicited at 60–100 ms after the test reflex stimulus. For every subject, the integrated EMG area of each muscle was established and plotted as a function of the step cycle phase. The H-reflex gain was determined as the slope of the relationship between H-reflex and soleus EMG amplitudes at 60 ms before H-reflex elicitation for each bin. In spinal cord intact subjects, the phase-dependent H-reflex modulation, reflex gain, and EMG modulation pattern were constant across all BWS (0, 25, and 50) levels, while tibialis anterior muscle activity increased with less body loading. In three out of nine SCI subjects, a phase-dependent H-reflex modulation pattern was evident during treadmill walking at BWS that ranged from 35 to 60%. In the remaining SCI subjects, the most striking difference was an absent H-reflex depression during the swing phase. The reflex gain was similar for both subject groups, but the y-intercept was increased in SCI subjects. We conclude that the mechanisms underlying cyclic H-reflex modulation during walking are preserved in some individuals after SCI.  相似文献   

Summary The reflex regulation of stepping is an important factor in adapting the step cycle to changes in the environment. The present experiments have examined the influence of muscle proprioceptors on centrally generated rhythmic locomotor activity in decerebrate unanesthetized cats with a spinal transection at Th12. Fictive locomotion, recorded as alternating activity in hindlimb flexor and extensor nerves, was induced by administration of nialamide (a monoamine oxidase inhibitor) and L-DOPA. Brief electrical stimulation of group I afferents from knee and ankle extensors were effective in resetting fictive locomotion in a coordinated fashion. An extensor group I volley delivered during a flexor burst would abruptly terminate the flexor activity and initiate an extensor burst. The same stimulus given during an extensor burst prolonged the extensor activity while delaying the appearance of the following flexor burst. Intracellular recordings from motoneurones revealed that these actions were mediated at premotoneuronal levels resulting from a distribution of inhibition to centres generating flexor bursts and excitation of centres generating extensor bursts. These results indicate that extensor group I afferents have access to central rhythm generators and suggest that this may be of importance in the reflex regulation of stepping. Experiments utilizing natural stimulation of muscle receptors demonstrate that the group I input to the rhythm generators arises mainly from Golgi tendon organ Ib afferents. Thus an increased load of limb extensors during the stance phase would enhance and prolong extensor activity while simultaneously delaying the transition to the swing phase of the step cycle.  相似文献   

Summary The reflex interconnection of lower and upper extremity muscles was investigated in subjects with chronic (> 1 year post-injury) lesions to the cervical spinal cord. Lower extremity mixed nerves were stimulated with single shocks or with brief trains of high-frequency stimuli of varying intensities. EMG from a number of lower and upper extremity muscles was recorded on magnetic tape for later analysis. In one population of spinal cord injury (SCI) subjects, single stimuli to lower extremity nerves resulted in muscle responses in both ipsi- and contralateral upper extremity muscles. The minimal response latency to a single shock was typically much less in muscles on the ipsilateral side than for contralateral upper extremity muscles. Application of brief trains of stimuli (for example, 2 stimulus pulses at 500 Hz) typically resulted in a large reduction in latency to the contralateral motor response, such that it was now approximately equal to the ipsilateral motor response latency. This decline in response latency was not gradual with increasing afferent input. Instead, the response occurred either early or late, but not at intermediate latencies. Stimuli which were subthreshold for evoking M-waves or H-reflexes were sometimes still adequate to evoke upper extremity motor responses. Once the threshold had been exceeded, the magnitude of the evoked response appeared to be independent of the stimulus magnitude. These reflex interconnections of lower and upper extremities were obtained only from subjects with chronic and motor-complete cervical spinal cord injury. No such interlimb responses were seen in control subjects, or in subjects who had recovered some motor function below the level of their injury, and were now considered to be motor-incomplete quadriplegics.  相似文献   

Six spinal cord injured (SCI) patients were trained to step on a treadmill with body-weight support for 1.5–3 months. At the end of training, foot motion recovered the shape and the step-by-step reproducibility that characterize normal gait. They were then asked to step backward on the treadmill belt that moved in the opposite direction relative to standard forward training. In contrast to healthy subjects, who can immediately reverse the direction of walking by time-reversing the kinematic waveforms, patients were unable to step backward. Similarly patients were unable to perform another untrained locomotor task, namely stepping in place on the idle treadmill. Two patients who were trained to step backward for 2–3 weeks were able to develop control of foot motion appropriate for this task. The results show that locomotor improvement does not transfer to untrained tasks, thus supporting the idea of task-dependent plasticity in human locomotor networks.R. Grasso died on 6 October 2000  相似文献   

We have examined input-output patterns in the corticospinal system after incomplete spinal cord injury. The amplitude of the motor evoked potential (MEP) to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to study the patterns of recruitment, with increasing stimulus intensity, and facilitation, with increasing voluntary contraction, in thenar muscles of 12 patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries and 13 control subjects. The patients had all suffered spinal cord injury at a segmental level rostral to C8 and T1, the segments supplying innervation of thenar muscles. The patients showed a less pronounced increase in MEP amplitude with increasing strength of TMS compared with the controls. Specifically, at a stimulus strength of 120% threshold and above, the patients showed significantly smaller MEPs relative to the maximum ulnar nerve M-wave response than the controls. The patients also showed a less steep pattern of facilitation with voluntary drive. The MEP continued to increase up to 50% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) whereas the controls reached a plateau around 10% MVC. The results indicate that the patients show modified corticospinal recruitment and facilitation of the motoneurone pool. We speculate that the function of the adapted corticospinal system after spinal cord injury might be to regulate and modulate drive to motoneurones originating from segmental and other descending inputs. We discuss how such a modified corticospinal system might be of functional benefit to the patients. Received: 25 August 1998 / Accepted: 24 March 1999  相似文献   

We provide evidence that the human spinal cord is able to respond to external afferent input and to generate a sustained extension of the lower extremities when isolated from brain control. The present study demonstrates that sustained, nonpatterned electrical stimulation of the lumbosacral cord—applied at a frequency in the range of 5–15 Hz and a strength above the thresholds for twitches in the thigh and leg muscles—can initiate and retain lower-limb extension in paraplegic subjects with a long history of complete spinal cord injury. We hypothesize that the induced extension is due to tonic input applied by the epidural stimulation to primary sensory afferents. The induced volleys elicit muscle twitches (posterior root muscle-reflex responses) at short and constant latency times and coactivate the configuration of the lumbosacral interneuronal network, presumably via collaterals of the primary sensory neurons and their connectivity with this network. We speculate that the volleys induced externally to the lumbosacral network at a frequency of 5–15 Hz initiate and retain an extension pattern generator organization. Once established, this organization would recruit a larger population of motor units in the hip and ankle extensor muscles as compared to the flexors, resulting in an extension movement of the lower limbs. In the electromyograms of the lower-limb muscle groups, such activity is reflected as a characteristic spatiotemporal pattern of compound motor-unit potentials.Abbreviations C Cervical - CMUP Compound motor-unit potential - EMG Potential - CNS Central nervous system - EMG Electromyography, electromyographic - H Hamstring - L Lumbar - MLR Mesencephalic locomotor region - PARA Paraspinal muscles - Q Quadriceps - S Sacral - SCI Spinal cord injury, spinal cord-injured - SCS Spinal cord stimulation - T Thoracic - TA Tibialis anterior - TS Triceps surae  相似文献   

Summary The effect of a descending corticospinal volley on a spinal inhibitory pathway, has been studied in five intact human subjects. Approximately 63% inhibition of the H-reflex evoked in wrist and finger flexor muscles, was produced by motor threshold stimulation of the radial nerve. When a submotor threshold cortical shock was given 2 to 4 ms before the H-reflex, this inhibition was reduced to approximately 38%. The timing of this effect is compatible with either a monosynaptic or disynaptic corticospinal tract projection onto the spinal inhibitory interneurone.  相似文献   

We have reported earlier that externally imposed ankle movements trigger ankle and hip flexion reflexes in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). In order to examine the afferent mechanisms underlying these movement-triggered reflexes, controlled ankle movements were imposed in 17 SCI subjects. In 13 of these subjects, reflex torques were recorded at the hip, knee and ankle in response to 5 ankle movement ranges, and 4 movement speeds. Subjects were tested using both ankle plantarflexion and dorsiflexion movements. The principal outcome measure, peak hip flexion torque of the induced reflexes, was used for comparing the effects of movement range and speed on the reflex response. We found that movement-triggered reflexes were sensitive to the angular range of ankle deflection, but insensitive to the velocity of the movement. Movement amplitudes sufficient to trigger hip and ankle flexion were routinely associated with increases in ankle passive force, suggesting that force-sensitive receptors participated in the reflex response. However, increases in angular range also corresponded to increases in muscle length, making it difficult to distinguish whether the response was triggered by a load-sensitive receptor (e.g., Golgi tendon organ or muscle free nerve ending) or a position-sensitive receptor responsive to absolute ankle angle (e.g., muscle spindle secondary afferent). The absence of velocity dependence of the reflex suggested that spindle Ia afferents were not major contributors. These results suggest movement-triggered reflexes originate in muscle receptors that are sensitive to either absolute muscle length, to muscle force or to both. Although receptors that are sensitive to absolute muscle length cannot be excluded with certainty, the finding that reflex responses require that ankle movements elicit an increase in passive force argues for a prominent role of nonspindle mechanoreceptors, such as group III/IV muscle afferents. These afferents are activated preferentially as muscles are stretched to near maximum length, and they appear to have potent reflex effects in spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Summary Multi-unit spike triggered averaging was used to determine functional connectivity between spindle afferent fibers from the medial gastrocnemius muscle and the motoneurons innervating the medial (homonymous connections) and the lateral gastrocnemius-soleus muscle (heteronymous connections). As many as 288 possible connections between 24 motoneurons and 12 afferent fibers were studied in single, acute experiments. The influences of morphological and topographical factors, as well as of motoneuron species on functional connectivity were analysed. The probability that a motoneuron would receive functional connections from a given population of afferent fibers was related to its size and its proximity to the spinal entry level of the afferent fibers. The faster the axonal conduction velocity of the motoneuron (i.e. the larger the motoneuron) and the closer its location to the entry zone of the afferent fibers, the higher was its probability of receiving functional connections. The greater the conduction velocity (i.e. diameter) of a stretch receptor afferent fiber, the higher was its probability of making functional connections with motoneurons. These relationships were qualitatively similar for homonymous and heteronymous connections. 58% (233/399) of the Ia and group II afferents (combined) had functional connections with homonymous motoneurons, 32% (75/234) with heteronymous motoneurons. However, homonymous and heteronymous motoneurons of similar sizes were equally likely to receive functional connections when located at the same craniocaudal level. Differences in the locations and mean sizes of homonymous and heteronymous motoneurons however, cannot account completely for the observed overall differences in homonymous and heteronymous connectivity.  相似文献   

Disabled persons with spinal cord injury are prone to cardiovascular dysfunction and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Rehabilitation of the disabled person is a critical task as it involves multiple therapies. Physical exercise is an important component of rehabilitation, and depends on cardiovascular health. Reduced RR variability is a marker of poor cardiac health. Time domain RR variability analysis of 38 normal healthy subjects and 20 spinal cord injured subjects has been carried out and compared. In this study, RR intervals were recorded in three different modes or positions: supine, sitting and five-second rhythm respiration. At a time of 150 s RR interval data were acquired in each mode and analysed. Statistical parameters (mean, HR, STD, NN50 and pNN50) were calculated. It was observed that most of the indices were significantly and substantially altered in spinal cord injured persons.  相似文献   

Recent observations have demonstrated neuroprotective role of erythropoietin (Epo) and Epo receptor in the central nervous system. Here we examined Epo function in the murine spinal cord after transplantation of pluripotent mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells pre-differentiated towards neuronal type following spinal cord injury. Expression of Epo was measured at both mRNA and protein levels in the ES cells as well as in the spinal cords after 1 and 7 days. Our data demonstrated that expression of Epo mRNA, as well as its protein content, in ES cells was significantly decreased after differentiation procedure. In the spinal cords, analysis showed that Epo mRNA level was significantly decreased after 1 day of ES cell injections in comparison to media-injected control. Epo protein level detected by Western blot was diminished as well. Examination of Epo production in the injured spinal cords after media or ES cells injections by indirect immunofluorescence showed increased Epo-immunopositive staining after media injections 1 day after injection. In contrast, ES cell transplantation did not induce Epo expression. Seven days after ES cell injections, Epo-immunopositive cells’ distribution in the ipsilateral side was not changed, while the intensity of immunostaining on the contralateral side was increased, approaching levels in control media-injected tissues. Our data let us to presume that previously described immediate positive effects of ES cells injected into the injured zone of spinal cord are not based on Epo, but on other factors or hormones, which should be elucidated further.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of electrically stimulating the Flexor Reflex Afferent (FRA) on the soleus H reflexes were investigated in 34 paraplegic patients having a clinically complete spinal cord lesion. Conditioning stimuli (5–50 mA) were applied to the ipsilateral or contralateral sural nerve. The conditioning-test interval ranged from 20 to 1000 ms. A late ipsilateral flexor reflex (EMG) was found in all patients. A late contralateral extension reflex was sporadically observed in only 3 patients. The excitability curves usually showed two phases of ipsilateral H reflex inhibition and contralateral H reflex facilitation, one between 50 and 130 ms and the other after over 200 ms. These intervals correspond to early and late flexion reflexes. With high intensity stimulation the early and late ipsilateral inhibition fused. An early low threshold ipsilateral facilitation occured in 9 patients. The contralateral late facilitation was followed by prolonged inhibition in 10 patients. Changes in presynaptic inhibition were assessed by measuring the heteronymous monosynaptic Ia facilitation from quadriceps to soleus. For methodological reasons, it was only possible to investigate the effect of contralateral conditioning volleys which was performed in 5 patients. A significant and regular reduction of the heteronymous Ia facilitation was found in 4 patients. This reduction is taken to indicate that the FRA evokes presynaptic inhibition of Ia transmission to alpha motoneurones. Presynaptic inhibition was also indicated by the enhancement of a vibratory stimulus induced inhibition in 2 subjects. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the reflex organization in patients with a spinal cord section is similar to that of the acute spinal cat injected with DOPA.  相似文献   

Cell death in the developing human spinal cord was investigated in 5–12 week human conceptuses using immunohistochemical and TUNEL methods. Expression of pro-apoptotic (Fas-receptor, caspase-3) and anti-apoptotic (bcl-2) markers and marker for internucleosomal fragmentation (TUNEL) were analysed in the cranial and caudal parts of the human spinal cord. In early developmental stages (5–6 weeks) of the cranial spinal cord, bcl-2 positive cells were seen in the ventricular zone and in the roof plate, while in the caudal part they were seen surrounding the central lumen. Subsequently, bcl-2 expression appeared in the basal plates of the grey matter and in the spinal ganglia, and from the seventh week on they also appeared in the intermediate horn of the grey matter. In the fetal period, bcl-2 expression appeared in the dorsal horns of the grey matter (9 weeks) but ceased in the ventricular zone (12 weeks) . In the trunk region, TUNEL-positive cells were found in ventricular and mantle zones along the whole length of the spinal cord. Caspase-3 positive cells and Fas-receptor positive cells appeared only in the grey matter of the cranial segments (head and trunk) of the spinal cord, but they were missing in the caudal parts. Caspase-3 dependant pathway, probably activated by Fas-receptor, seems to operate only in the cranial part of the human spinal cord. In the caudal (sacrococcygeal and tail) parts, cells seem to die by caspase-3 independent pathway. The interplay of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic factors may be associated with cranial spinal cord morphogenesis, adjustment of cells number and selective survival of neurons, while in the caudal regions these factors cause massive cell death associated with regression of the caudal spinal cord.  相似文献   

陈东风  李伊为  杜少辉 《解剖学研究》2003,25(3):172-174,F003
目的 观察龟板对大鼠损伤脊髓骨形态发生蛋白 4 (BMP4 )表达和后肢功能恢复的影响。方法 应用改良Allen脊髓损伤模型 ,于术后 1、7、14、2 1、2 8d分别对大鼠进行Tarlov评分和斜板试验检查后肢功能。应用免疫组织化学技术检测BMP4的表达 ,观察龟板对脊髓损伤后BMP4的影响。结果 脊髓损伤后第 1d ,在两组受损伤脊髓灰质中都可见到BMP4的表达。第 14d时达到高峰 ,龟板组为 37 2 4± 5 73,损伤组 2 1 4 8± 6 83(P <0 0 5 )。龟板组可使损伤的脊髓BMP4持续高表达至术后第 2 8d ,而损伤组仅持续表达至术后 2 1d。增加的BMP4阳性细胞数与神经功能的改善平行。结论 龟板可减轻神经损伤症状和促进脊髓损伤后BMP4表达  相似文献   

Summary Cross-correlations between stimuli delivered to peripheral nerves and the discharges of single, voluntarily activated, motor units can provide information about facilitatory and inhibitory projections to single spinal motoneurons in man. The projection frequency, under the given circumstances, of a facilitatory or inhibitory pathway can be obtained from the proportion of the sampled motor units of a given muscle showing the facilitatory or inhibitory effect. Deductions about the shape and relative amplitude of the underlying post-synaptic potentials can be made from the profile of the changes in firing probability. This technique has been used to explore the projections of low threshold muscle afferents to motoneurons of various leg muscles in man. Homonymous facilitation was demonstrated to all the sampled motor units of soleus (SOL), medial gastrocnemius (MG), tibialis anterior (TA) and vastus medialis (VM) and is presumed to represent the effects of the composite muscle spindle group Ia EPSP. Heteronymous facilitation was demonstrated between certain synergists. The projection frequency was less and the magnitude of the change in firing probability was smaller than for homonymous facilitation. SOL motoneurons, however, were not facilitated from low threshold afferents in the medial gastrocnemius nerve. Reciprocal inhibition was demonstrated between certain antagonists. The majority of the sampled motor units of SOL, however, were facilitated from low threshold afferents in the common peroneal nerve. The threshold for this facilitation was higher than for the homonymous facilitation elicited from this nerve and thus a different class of afferents and/or intercalated interneurons may be involved. There are projections across the knee joint in man. Motor units in vastus medialis (VM) were facilitated from low threshold afferents in the common peroneal nerve. It is likely that these reflex connections, which differ from those in other species, reflect the functional relationships between various lower limb muscles in man.  相似文献   

We describe a new model of neurogenic pulmonary edema in spinal cord injured Wistar male rats. The pulmonary edema was elicited by an epidural thoracic balloon compression spinal cord lesion, performed under a low concentration of isoflurane (1.5 or 2%) in air. Anesthesia with 1.5% isoflurane promoted very severe interstitial and intraalveolar neurogenic pulmonary edema with a significantly increased thickness of the alveolar walls and massive pulmonary hemorrhage. In this group, 33% of animals died. Anesthesia with 2% isoflurane promoted severe interstitial and intraalveolar neurogenic pulmonary edema with less thickening of the alveolar walls and pulmonary hemorrhage. For evoking severe neurogenic pulmonary edema in spinal cord injured rats, 2% isoflurane anesthesia would be more suitable. However, if very severe neurogenic pulmonary edema needs to be evoked, spinal cord injury under 1.5% isoflurane anesthesia could be used, but one-third of the animals will be lost.  相似文献   

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