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BACKGROUND: In a prospective controlled study we evaluated the efficacy of intermittent diazepam prophylaxis in the recurrence rate of febrile seizures (FS). PATIENTS: A total of 139 children aged between 6 and 36 months, who had a first FS, were enrolled in the study and were randomly allocated to two groups: group (A) that received diazepam prophylaxis and group (B) without prophylaxis. METHODS: All children were followed up for at least 3 years after their first FS. The prophylaxis group (n = 68) received rectal diazepam the first two days of a febrile illness, whenever the temperature was > 38 degrees C (0.33 mg/kg every 8 h on the first day, and 0.33 mg/kg every 12 h on the second day of fever, max. dosage 7.5 mg). The no-prophylaxis group (n = 71) did not receive any prophylaxis at all. Each group was stratified to low, intermediate and high risk subgroups according to the following clinical data: age at the first febrile seizure 相似文献   

To determine the value of a detailed family history for the assessment of the risk of recurrence of febrile seizures, 115 children who visited the emergency room of an academic children's hospital were studied prospectively. The recurrence risk of febrile seizures was analysed in relation to the child's family history and the proportion of relatives affected by febrile seizures using Kaplan-Meier estimates and Cox proportional hazard models. A first degree family history positive for febrile seizures (parents or siblings affected by febrile seizures) increased a child's two year recurrence risk from 27 to 52%. No significant increase of recurrence risk for febrile seizures was found in children with second degree relatives (grandparents and uncles/aunts) or cousins only affected by febrile seizures. Recurrence risk was significantly correlated with the proportion of first degree relatives affected by febrile seizures: risks were 27, 40, and 83% in children whose proportion was 0, 0-0.5, and > or = 0.5 respectively. Analysis of the recurrence risk in relation to a weighted proportion, adjusted for the attained age and sex of first degree relatives, showed similar results. It is concluded that the application of the proportion of first degree relatives affected by febrile seizures generates a more differentiated assessment of the recurrence risk of febrile seizures.  相似文献   

To determine the value of a detailed family history for the assessment of the risk of recurrence of febrile seizures, 115 children who visited the emergency room of an academic children's hospital were studied prospectively. The recurrence risk of febrile seizures was analysed in relation to the child's family history and the proportion of relatives affected by febrile seizures using Kaplan-Meier estimates and Cox proportional hazard models. A first degree family history positive for febrile seizures (parents or siblings affected by febrile seizures) increased a child's two year recurrence risk from 27 to 52%. No significant increase of recurrence risk for febrile seizures was found in children with second degree relatives (grandparents and uncles/aunts) or cousins only affected by febrile seizures. Recurrence risk was significantly correlated with the proportion of first degree relatives affected by febrile seizures: risks were 27, 40, and 83% in children whose proportion was 0, 0-0.5, and > or = 0.5 respectively. Analysis of the recurrence risk in relation to a weighted proportion, adjusted for the attained age and sex of first degree relatives, showed similar results. It is concluded that the application of the proportion of first degree relatives affected by febrile seizures generates a more differentiated assessment of the recurrence risk of febrile seizures.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of diazepam for the reduction in the recurrence of febrile seizures we carried out a prospective study in two groups of children; Group A: 45 children (25 female, 20 male), receiving oral prophylaxis with diazepam, and Group B: 65 children (35 female, 30 male) who did not receive any oral prophylaxis. All subjects of both groups were followed for at least 4 years and finally re-evaluated at the mean age of 6.7+/-1.4 years. Among the patients of Group A, recurrent febrile seizures (FS) occurred in five of the 45 children (11.1%). Among the 65 children of Group B, 20 (30.7%) went on to have one or more additional episodes. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that oral diazepam, given only when fever is present, is an effective means of reducing the risk of recurrences of FS.  相似文献   

A double blind vs placebo study was carried out to study the effect of letosteine on the symptoms and clinical course of paediatric patients suffering from acute febrile bronchitis. Forty children were recruited for the research: 20 were treated with letosteine in a dose of 25 mg x 3 g/die and 20 with placebo; treatment lasted 10 days. The following parameters were assessed during the trial: body temperature, cough, thoracic objectivity, respiratory function indices. The results of the study show that in the letosteine treated group there is a statistically significant decrease in fever, a favourable evolution of thoracic objectivity and an improvement in certain respiratory function parameters (MEF 75, PEF). It is concluded that treatment with letosteine leads to a significant increase in the rate of regression of thoracic symptomatology and a faster, more substantial reduction in fever in children suffering from acute bronchitis. This is probably the result of drug action on mucus viscosity, restoring optimal mucociliary clearance, and through action fostering the penetration of antibacterial substances into the mucus.  相似文献   



To compare the efficacy of phenobarbitone and phenytoin for treatment of neonatal seizures in term and nearterm neonates.


Open labeled randomized controlled trial.


Neonatal intensive care unit of a level II unit from India, from November 2008 to September 2009.


All term and late pre-term neonates admitted with clinically apparent seizures and not having any transient metabolic disorders (hypoglycemia or hypocalcemia) were randomly assigned.


Phenobarbitone (n=54) or phenytoin (n=55) intravenously 20 mg/kg/dose over 20–30 min. Neonates whose seizures were not controlled by the assigned drug were then crossed over to be treated with other drug in same dose.

Primary outcome variable

Clinical control of seizures (seizure free period of 24 hours after giving anticonvulsant).


Baseline characteristics including mean birthweight, gestation age and sex were comparable in both groups. Seizures were controlled in 8 of the 55 (14.5%) neonates who received phenytoin, as compared to 39 of 54 (72.2%) neonates who received phenobarbitone (P <0.001). In babies not responding to assigned drugs, after cross-over to the other drug, seizure control was achieved in 44/55 (80%) of the neonates assigned to receive phenytoin first as compared to 49/54 (91%) of those assigned to receive phenobarbitone first (P=0.014). After maximum dose of phenobarbitone seizures were controlled in 49/55(89%) in phenytoin group and 52/54 (96%) in phenobarbitone group (P<0.05).


Phenobarbitone is more efficacious than phenytoin in control of clinical seizures in term or near-term neonates, irrespective of etiology.  相似文献   

热性惊厥复发危险因素与预后分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的研究热性惊厥患儿的复发危险因素及预后情况.方法结合98例热性惊厥患儿的临床及脑电图资料,研究其复发、转为癫和出现智力障碍及行为异常的情况.结果复发共52例(53.0%),复发危险因素与惊厥家族史、初次发作体温<38.5℃、初次发作年龄<1岁及复杂型热性惊厥有关(P<0.01);热性惊厥转为癫共20例(20.4%),转为癫的危险因素与复杂型热性惊厥、初次发作年龄<1岁、热性惊厥反复发作有关(P<0.01);发生智力障碍及行为异常2例(2.0%),说明热性惊厥患儿绝大部分预后较好,智力低下及行为障碍发生率低.结论对有复发危险因素及转为癫危险因素的患儿,应密切随访,采取适当的干预措施.  相似文献   

In a randomized, double-blind clinical trial, the efficacy and safety of norfloxacin were compared with nalidixic acid in the treatment of shigellosis in children. Out of 59 cases, Shigella spp. were isolated from 8 cases in the nalidixic acid group and 14 cases in the norfloxacin group. The norfloxacin group had significantly less duration of diarrhoea and presence of blood in stool as compared to the nalidixic acid group. No joint problem was encountered in this study at up to 4 months follow-up. Norfloxacin is safe and effective and showed no cartilage toxicity on short-term follow-up.  相似文献   

Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of antibiotic treatment in children who presented in medical care with respiratory infection and had imaging evidence of sinusitis. Methods: Eighty-two children (4-10 y) with acute respiratory symptoms and ultrasonography findings suggestive of acute rhinosinusitis were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind trial. The sinus findings were confirmed with plain radiographs. The children received either cefuroxime axetil in 125-mg capsules twice a day for 10 d or placebo. Main outcome measures were complete cure in 2 wk and absence of prolonged symptoms or complications. Results: A total of 72 children (88%) completed follow-up. The sinusitis findings in the ultrasound could be confirmed with plain radiographs in 65 of the 72 patients (90%). The proportion of children completely cured by day 14 was similar in both groups (difference 6%, 95% confidence interval -16% to 29%). Similarly, there was no significant difference in the proportions of children who escaped prolonged disease and complications between the groups (difference 7%, -9% to 24%).

Conclusion: A 10-d course of cefuroxime axetil offered no clinical benefit to children with an acute respiratory illness and imaging evidence of acute sinusitis.  相似文献   

Organic solvent extraction of surfactant obtained by lavage of calf lungs yields a highly surface-active material. A double blind, randomized clinical trial to determine the effect of this material on respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants was initiated in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the University of Rochester in December 1983. Infants 25 to 29 weeks gestational age were eligible for entry into the trial. At the time of this interim analysis 32 patients had been randomly selected and entered into the trial, 16 surfactant-treated patients and 16 in a control group who received only saline. At birth, intrapulmonary instillation of the calf lung surfactant extract dispersed in saline or saline alone occurred in the delivery room immediately after intubation and prior to ventilation; infants were then ventilated and treated as usual. At 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours after birth, the severity of respiratory distress was categorized as either minimal, intermediate, or severe based on oxygen and mean airway pressure requirements. Differences observed at six hours after birth were of marginal significance, but at 12 and 24 hours the surfactant-treated group had significantly (P less than .01) less severe respiratory distress compared with the control group. Differences between treated and control infants were not statistically significant at 48 and 72 hours after birth. In four surfactant-treated infants the severity of respiratory distress worsened between 24 and 48 hours after birth, suggesting that one dose of surfactant at birth may not be sufficient for some infants.  相似文献   

口服安定预防小儿热性惊厥复发的前瞻性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨安定预防小儿热性惊厥(FC)复发的作用及合适的治疗剂量。方法 77 例FC患儿随机分成安定预防用药小剂量组、大剂量组及对照组。小剂量组当患儿发热超过37-5 ℃时口服安定片0-2mg/kg,8 小时后热未退再服1 次;大剂量组将安定组用量加至0-5mg/kg,余同小剂量组;对照组仅予对症治疗。随访6 个月至5年。结果 大、小剂量组FC复发率均少于对照组( P< 0-05) 。小剂量组复发次数明显少于对照组( P < 0-01) ,大剂量组少于对照组( P<0-05)。大、小剂量组癫痫发生率亦低于对照组( P< 0-05)。而大、小剂量组间FC复发率、复发次数、癫痫发生率均无显著性差异。大剂量组副作用发生率多于小剂量组( P< 0-05)。结论 安定预防小儿FC复发有效,是否能相应地减少FC 后癫痫发生率,有待进一步探讨。安定预防FC 的剂量一般以每次0-2mg/kg 为宜,用药应及时。  相似文献   

The study was performed on a group of 91 children with their first febrile convulsion whose parents were then instructed in the use of rectal diazepam in the event of a further seizure. later, the families were periodically recalled for interviews. The aim was to study the acceptance and cooperation of the families, the psychological attitude and the relation between the findings and parents' educational level. At the end of the follow-up, 80% of the 91 families showed good cooperation and psychological benefits. There was no relationship between the findings at the end of the follow-up and families' educational level. Even in the presence of a favorable psychological attitude, recurrences of febrile convulsions were still a frightening experience for many parents.  相似文献   

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