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L G Allen  S P Kalra 《Endocrinology》1986,118(6):2375-2381
We have assessed the effects on LH release of prolonged naloxone (NAL) treatment before the critical period on proestrus. When LH secretion was monitored at 5-min intervals immediately after the start of continuous NAL infusion (2 mg/0.6 ml saline X h iv) at 1000 h, two types of responses were observed. In three of six rats, a small increase (1-2 ng rat LHRH-2/ml) during the first hour was followed by a sharp rise to 4-5 ng/ml in the second hour and a gradual return to baseline levels (0.5-1.00 ng/ml) in the third hour of infusion. In the remaining rats, LH responses were small with peak levels reaching 2 ng/ml range. When the effects were monitored 1 h after starting NAL infusion at 1000 h, the LH response was improved. Peak LH levels observed shortly before or after 1200 h varied between 4-14 ng/ml and in some rats the levels were comparable to those seen normally in the afternoon of proestrus (9-24 ng/ml). However, delaying the start of NAL infusion to 1200 h produced LH surges before 1400 h, with peak levels (27.5 +/- 5.5 ng/ml) in the range of normal preovulatory LH surges (peak levels 16.6 +/- 2.5 ng/ml), followed by a steady decrease in LH secretion. Additionally, sc NAL pellets implanted at 0930 h provoked premature LH hypersecretion with a temporal pattern (0930-1430 h) and magnitude (peak levels, 26.3 +/- 4.3 ng/ml between 1100-1200 h) comparable to the normal preovulatory LH surge observed after 1330 h. Since NAL is believed to antagonize the inhibitory effects of endogenous opioids on LH secretion, the results of this study imply that a sustained restraint on this inhibitory opioid tone can elicit the LH surge before the critical period on proestrus. These findings are in accord with our thesis that the neural clock that normally triggers the preovulatory LH surge may transiently decrease the inhibitory opioid tone to allow expression of crucial neural events which culminate in preovulatory LH secretion.  相似文献   

Gossypiboma is the technical term for a retained surgical sponge. Because of legal-ethical concerns, there have not been many publications on this topic. Delays in diagnosis and treatment might increase mortality and morbidity. Radiological imaging is used in diagnosis. We present a case of gossypiboma that had fistulized to bulbous following hydatic cyst surgery. We established the diagnosis with endoscopy and followed its migration endoscopically.  相似文献   

Varying degrees of renal failure were produced by surgical reduction of renal mass in normal dogs and in thyroparathyroidectomized dogs (TPTX) in whom serum calcium levels were maintained in the normal range by the administration of vitamin D. Both groups of dogs maintained normal serum phosphate levels in spite of progressive decreases in glomerular filtration rates (GFR). Furthermore, both groups of dogs were able to increase the fractional excretion of phosphate as GFR decreased. Thus the same renal response to loss of GFR was maintained in the complete absence of parathyroid tissue. Finally, stable serum phosphate levels and increased fractional excretion of phosphate in response to a decrease in GFR were also demonstrated in acutely TPTX dogs who were not receiving vitamin D. These results indicate that phosphate homeostasis can be maintained in renal failure in the total absence of parathyroid hormone secretion.  相似文献   

Using affinity-purified antiserum we have examined cyclin B2 levels in Xenopus oocytes at various stages of oogenesis. We found that cyclin B2 is detected from stage 2 to stage 6 as two bands, one of which is phosphorylated, and that cyclin B2 mass increases about 28-fold between stage 2 and stage 6. To examine the effect of Mos protein on cyclin phosphorylation, we microinjected synthetic Xenopus c-mos (c-mosxe) RNA into stages 4, 5, and 6 Xenopus oocytes. In stage 6 oocytes, maturation was induced by c-mosxe RNA, and, as is the case with progesterone treatment, all cyclin B2 was shifted to the phosphorylated form. However, c-mosxe RNA injected into stage 4 or 5 oocytes did not induce maturation or cause a shift in the relative proportion of the two cyclin B2 bands. These data suggest that Mos does not act directly to phosphorylate cyclin B2, causing the band shift during maturation. Cyclin B2 synthesis increases about 2-fold during maturation, in concert with total protein synthesis. Data from experiments on cyclin B2 stability indicate that the half-life of cyclin B2 is about 85 hr in stage 6. This suggests that if Mos protein has a direct effect on cyclin stability, it does so only at a later stage in oocyte maturation, but not at the onset.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure of pancreatic beta-cells to saturated fatty acids leads to loss of viability, an effect that has been implicated in the process of beta-cell 'lipotoxicity' associated with the progression of type 2 diabetes. The mechanisms involved are unknown but recent evidence has implicated the delta isoform of protein kinase C (PKCdelta) in mediating fatty acid toxicity. We have investigated this proposition in the clonal insulin-secreting cell line, BRIN-BD11. BRIN-BD11 cells were found to undergo apoptosis when exposed to palmitate and this response was attenuated by the purportedly selective inhibitor of PKCdelta, rottlerin. However, activation of PKCdelta with the phorbol ester, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), failed to promote cell death and down-regulation of PKCdelta did not prevent the cytotoxic effects of palmitate. Moreover, rottlerin remained effective as a blocker of the palmitate response in cells depleted of PKCdelta. Since rottlerin can inhibit various other kinases in addition to PKCdelta, a range of additional kinase inhibitors was also tested. Of these, only the putative Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II) inhibitor, KN-62, was found to inhibit palmitate-induced cell death. However, this effect was not reproduced by a more selective pseudo-substrate inhibitor of CaM kinase II. Therefore, the present results reveal that palmitate induces cell death in BRIN-BD11 cells and suggest that this may involve the activation of a rottlerin (and KN-62)-sensitive kinase. However, it is clear that PKCdelta is not required for this response.  相似文献   

A M Judd  I S Login  R M MacLeod 《Endocrinology》1989,125(3):1134-1141
This report presents findings pertaining to the role of protein kinase-Cs in the release of PRL and liberation of arachidonate from PRL-secreting cells. In our experiments, protein kinase-C activators increased PRL release and arachidonate liberation from anterior pituitary cells and from the PRL-secreting cell line MMQ. In cells depleted of pituitary protein kinase-Cs by chronic exposure to protein kinase-C activators, such as phorbol dibutyrate or 4 beta-phorbol 12 beta-myristate 13 alpha-acetate, TRH, angiotensin-II, and neurotensin each increased PRL release and [3H]arachidonate liberation in a normal manner. In addition, the PRL-releasing activities of protein kinase-C activators and those of TRH appeared to be synergistic, an unexpected effect if these substances were functioning through the same intracellular pathways. It, therefore, appears that phorbol diester-sensitive protein kinase-Cs may not be involved in the increased secretion of PRL or liberation of arachidonate that is caused by TRH, angiotensin-II, or neurotensin.  相似文献   

Hantgan  RR; Endenburg  SC; Sixma  JJ; de Groot  PG 《Blood》1995,86(3):1001-1009
The role of the RGDX putative receptor-recognition sites, which are present on the alpha chains of fibrin, in promoting platelet adhesion has been examined in flowing whole blood using the rectangular perfusion chamber at wall shear rates of 340 and 1,600/s. Platelets adhered to a comparable extent to surfaces coated with native fibrin and surfaces coated with fragment X-fibrin, a product of limited fibrinolysis that lacks the RGDS sites normally present at positions 572 to 575 of the alpha chains. The strengths of these adhesive interactions were comparable based on the concentrations of the antiadhesive peptide D-RGDW required to block platelet deposition to native and fragment X-fibrin at both low and high wall shear rate. Blocking either or both RGDX sequences with peptide-specific monoclonal antibodies did not inhibit platelet deposition in perfusion experiments performed with normal blood at 340/s, indicating that neither RGD motif is required for adhesion. However, adhesion was partly inhibited by anti-RGDX antibodies when perfusions were performed with blood from an afibrinogenemic patient, suggesting the RGDX sequences may play a limited role in platelet deposition. Exposure of fibrin surfaces to plasminogen/tissue-type plasminogen activator did cause a time- dependent loss of adhesiveness, but this effect was only weakly correlated with proteolysis of the fibrin alpha chains. These observations provide evidence that neither RGDX sequence is required for platelets to adhere avidly to fibrin in flowing blood. These results further suggest that incomplete fibrinolysis yields a highly thrombogenic surface.  相似文献   

The content of progesterone and oestradiol was estimated in three generations of corpora lutea (CL) isolated from rat ovaries at 11.00 and 18.00 h at consecutive stages of 4-day oestrous cycle. The highest amount of progesterone was found in the youngest CL on the day of metoestrus and on the morning of dioestrus. The second, much lower rise was observed in this generation on the evening of pro-oestrus. The progesterone concentration was relatively high in the older CL at oestrus but decreased thereafter. The oldest CL contained very little of progesterone. All generations of CL contained very low amounts of oestradiol. These results suggest that not only the preovulatory follicles but also the youngest CL can contribute to progesterone peak before the ovulation in rats. As judged from CL progesterone content, morphological analysis, CL weight and size, full luteolysis of CL takes place when they are about 6 days old.  相似文献   

Insulin binding and the capacity of insulin to stimulate the conversion of glucose to carbon dioxide and lipid, and to activate the protein tyrosine kinase associated with the insulin receptor have been investigated in adipocytes isolated from pregnant and non-pregnant women. Insulin binding and the conversion of glucose to lipid were the same for both groups. However, conversion of glucose to CO2 was higher in the non-pregnant group due to an elevated basal activity, and the increase produced by insulin was similar in both groups. The tyrosine kinase activity of the isolated receptor preparations was higher in the pregnant group due to an increase in the basal non-insulin dependent activity, and the increase produced by insulin was similar in both groups. These findings show the in vitro insulin responsiveness of isolated adipocytes is similar for both groups, and suggests that the in vivo insulin resistance of late pregnancy, as far as adipose tissue is concerned, is not due to any inherent defect in insulin action at the receptor or post-receptor level. In vivo insulin resistance may result from an increased level of circulating insulin antagonists.  相似文献   

Although medical treatment is the first-line therapy for myocardial bridges, in some cases revascularization may be required. Percutaneous intervention with bare metal stents is associated with a high restenosis rate. It has been speculated that drug eluting stents might be useful in this setting, although data are limited. We present a patient who suffered multifocal in-stent restenosis after a paclitaxel stent in a myocardial bridge.  相似文献   

Serum concentrations of progesterone begin to rise just before the midcycle gonadotropin surge that leads to ovulation. To examine the role of progesterone in the regulation of these events, we evaluated the effects of a low dose (1 mg/day, orally) of the antiprogesterone RU 486 on the timing of the gonadotropin surge and ovulation in normally cycling women. The drug or a placebo was given for 5 or 15 days, starting when the dominant follicle reached 14-16 mm. RU 486 consistently delayed the timing of the midcycle gonadotropin surge and the subsequent collapse of the dominant follicle, despite rising estradiol concentrations and normal follicular development. Unexpectedly, RU 486 also delayed the emergence of the periovulatory progesterone rise. The addition of progesterone (5-10 mg/day, im, for 2 days) to a 5-day course of RU 486 after the emergence of a mature follicle readily induced LH and FSH surges and completely reversed the effects of RU 486 at midcycle. Our results suggest that RU 486 delays the midcycle gonadotropin surge and ovulation by suppressing or antagonizing an ovarian progestational signal. Progesterone may, thus, represent the ultimate ovarian signal to the estrogen-primed hypothalamic-pituitary unit to trigger the gonadotropin surge that leads to ovulation.  相似文献   

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is attributed to a failure of pancreatic beta cells to maintain insulin secretion at a level sufficient to compensate for underlying insulin resistance. In the ZDF rat, a model of NIDDM that closely resembles the human syndrome, we have previously reported profound underexpression of GLUT-2, the high-Km facilitative glucose transporter expressed by beta cells of normal animals. Here we report that islets of diabetic rats exhibit a marked decrease in the volume of GLUT-2-positive beta cells and a reduction at the electron-microscopic level in the number of GLUT-2-immunoreactive sites per unit of beta-cell plasma membrane. The deficiency of GLUT-2 cannot be induced in normal beta cells by in vivo or in vitro exposure to high levels of glucose nor can it be prevented in beta cells of prediabetic ZDF rats by elimination of hyperglycemia. We conclude that this dearth of immunodetectable GLUT-2 in NIDDM is not secondary to hyperglycemia and therefore that it may well play a causal role in the development of hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

D A Hart 《Haemostasis》1986,16(1):34-42
C57B1/6 mice bearing the B16-F1 melanoma, an invasive variant (BL6) or a highly 'metastatic' variant (B16-F10) were found to develop elevated levels (200-300% of control) of neutral proteinase activity in their plasma during the progression of the disease. The magnitude of the level of proteinase activity detected was not dependent on tumor burden. Similar elevations in activity were detected with all 3 variants when they were transplanted either subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. However, transplantation of the B16-F10 line to the anterior chamber of the eye did not induce elevated plasma proteinase activity. Animals bearing intraocular tumors developed splenomegaly and lived the same length of time as animals bearing intraperitoneal or subcutaneous tumors. The development of increased levels of activity appeared to occur equally in male and female mice and was not dependent on the presence of a spleen, which undergoes enlargement during the disease process. These various lines of evidence support the hypothesis that the elevated level of plasma proteinase activity observed in melanoma-bearing mice is regulated by the host.  相似文献   

The high degree of polymorphism found among the class I genes of the murine major histocompatibility complex (H-2) has led to the postulation that specific genetic mechanisms are responsible for their diversity. These same genetic mechanisms are probably responsible for the high spontaneous mutation frequency seen in H-2 alleles. The bml mutation of the H-2Kb gene has been shown to be 7 base pair changes over a 13 base pair region that result in three amino acid substitutions in the C1 domain of the protein product. The clustering of base-pair changes has suggested that the bm1 mutation resulted from a recombinational event analogous to gene conversion between the H-2Kb gene and a "donor" gene sequence. A 23-base oligonucleotide complementary to the bm1 mutant sequences was synthesized and used to probe genomic DNA restriction digests of the parental H-2b haplotype as well as other H-2 haplotypes. Our results indicate that a potential donor gene sequence is present in the genomes of all of the five mouse strains studied. Of eight tissues that were tested by blot-hybridization analysis, the potential donor gene sequences are transcribed only in the liver. Models for the generation of polymorphism among the H-2 class I genes via subgene rearrangements are proposed.  相似文献   

Acetone extracts from a variety of rat tissues were tested for their ability to stimulate renal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity at 2 min in an in-vitro cytochemical assay which is a marker of the sodium potassium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase (Na+-K+-ATPase) inhibiting activity. Extracts of the hypothalamus were the only ones found to be active in this system. Acetone extract of hypothalamus also inhibited renal Na+-K+-ATPase activity in vitro. The G6PD-stimulating activity from one hypothalamus was about 10000 to 100000 times greater than that of 1 ml plasma. The G6PD-stimulating activity of hypothalamic extracts from rats which had been on a high sodium intake for 4 weeks were approximately 150 times more active than those obtained from rats which had been on a low sodium diet. The G6PD-stimulating activity of the corresponding plasma was sixfold more active. These findings suggest that a circulating sodium transport inhibitor(s) may be secreted from the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

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