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1133例海洛因依赖者首次吸毒月份及人口学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解高危人群首次使用毒品的时间规律及人口学特征,为禁毒宣传和打击毒品犯罪提供参考和依据。方法:采用自填问卷方式,对2002年2月5日在我所强制戒毒的1133例海洛因依赖者的首次使用毒品的年龄、月份、职业、文化程度等内容进行问卷调查。结果:首次使用毒品的月份以1-4月及7月的比例最大;76.9%的吸毒者的初始吸毒年龄在14~25a之间;农村人口比例高达42.3%;初中及初中以下文化程度占83.7%;无业占89.8%。结论1-4月及7月新生吸毒者多;青少年、低文化、无业仍是滥用毒品高危人群的基本特征;提高青少年受教育程度,提供就业机会,有利于减少新生吸毒人数。禁毒宣传及打击毒品犯罪应常抓不懈。  相似文献   

海洛因依赖者初始吸毒的人口学特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的:了解北京地区海洛因依赖者初始吸毒人群特征变化情况,为海洛因依赖防治工作提供科学依据。方法:问卷调查2002年6月至2002年12月北京市公安局强制戒毒所收治的强制戒毒人员1409例,了解其初始吸食海洛因时的性别、年龄、婚姻、文化程度、职业、经济条件以及违法犯罪史并进行对照研究。结果:北京地区海洛因依赖者初始吸食海洛因时具有青年、男性、未婚、初中文化程度、无业闲散及个体经商人员占多数等特征,近年来还呈现以下发展趋势:①女性吸毒所占比重上升;②夫妻离异者沾染毒品所占比重上升;③由低文化群体向高文化群体蔓延;④由高收入群体向低收入群体蔓延;⑤个体经商者所占比重下降,无固定职业者所占比重迅速加大;⑥初始吸毒人群逐渐低龄化。结论:北京市吸毒群体正向低龄、女性、无固定职业、未婚、离异以及低收入和高文化群体蔓延。加强毒品知识和吸毒危害的宣传教育,特别是对青少年和高危人群的教育刻不容缓。  相似文献   

2686例海洛因依赖者HCV感染情况分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨海洛因依赖者HCV流行情况及感染因素,为防止海洛因依赖人群中HCV感染提供有效途径.方法:对2002年1月-2004年6月收入院的2 686例海洛因依赖者进行抗-HCV实验室检测,对抗-HCV阳性者按吸毒方式分为烫吸组和静脉注射组,对两组HCVAb阳性率进行统计分析.结果:静脉注射组HCVAb阳性率明显高于烫吸组,吸毒时间在2 a以上者HCVAb阳性率明显高于2 a以下者,女性吸毒者HCVAb阳性率高于男性吸毒者.结论:静脉注射毒品是HCV感染的重要途径.对吸毒者进行预防HCV感染的相关知识的宣传教育及危险行为的干预是十分重要的.  相似文献   

毒品的滥用问题面临越来越严重的局面,如何拒绝毒品的侵扰,加强对青少年的宣传教育是今后亟待解决的问题。本文对1993年至2000年800例海因依赖者的住院资料分析,反映了这段时间的特点和对策。1研究对象与方法年龄在15岁以上,1993年1月1日至2000年12月31日800例自愿住院脱毒治疗者,全部符合CCMD-Ⅲ阿片依赖诊断标准,无精神病史。对所有病例的一般资料和吸毒概况进行汇总,统计分析。2结果与分析2.1一般资料分析从自愿住院戒毒者年龄上看,戒毒者的年龄集中在20岁至54岁,其中20岁至34岁的年青人占56.38%,很明显戒毒者年龄偏低。其中男、女分别…  相似文献   

海洛因复吸防治的策略   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
海洛因依赖作为一种慢性脑病, 主要特征是复吸(relapse),而复吸仍然是当前戒毒领域所面临的最大挑战。海洛因依赖是一种可以治疗的疾病,其行为可以预防。1998年秦伯益、韩济生和池志强等院士发起的105次香山科学会议上达成共识,我国在戒毒领域的研究重点放在复吸预防、复吸机制以及干预治疗上[1]。预防策略应该从三方面着手:减少初吸者; 干预和阻断药物滥用; 改善治疗措施。通过宣传教育,强化主流价值观,充分宣传吸毒的危害性、依赖性和违法性,建立广泛和立体的宣传网络,减少青少年尝试毒品的数量。对药物滥用的干预和阻断着重于外部管理和…  相似文献   

目的:了解中卫市美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)门诊患者丙型肝炎病毒感染情况,为我市预防措施提供科学依据,为美沙酮门诊综合服务干预提供平台。方法:对2009年3月26日至2014年5月31日新入组的每一例海洛因依赖者进行丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)抗体检测。结果:458例海洛因依赖者中HCV抗体检测阳性140例,感染率30.60%,注射吸毒者HCV感染率高于单纯烫吸者HCV感染率,女性感染率高于男性。结论:(1)静脉注射是海洛因依赖者感染HCV的主要途径之一;(2)女性吸毒者HCV感染率高于男性吸毒者;(3)吸毒时间越长HCV感染率越高;(4)未婚吸毒者HCV感染率高于已婚者。  相似文献   

目的 :了解我国部分地区吸毒人群的人口学特征、探讨其变化趋势。方法 :采用单因素分析方法 ,对三次不同时间药物流行病学调查的非法成瘾物质滥用者人口学指标进行纵向比较。结果 :三次调查吸毒人群中 ,女性所占比例逐次增加 ,分别为 10 1%、17 1%和 2 2 4 % ;吸毒人员中 ,2 0 - 2 9a和 30 - 39a两年龄组人员最多 ,且年龄呈增加趋势。约 5 0 %吸毒人员未婚 ,离婚比例逐次增加 (3 3%、7 2 %和 17 0 % ) ,分居比率后两次调查 (6 2 %和5 9% )高于首次调查 (2 3% )。 1993年调查小学或以下文化的吸毒人员占 86 4 % ,后两次调查初中文化者分别占6 5 0 %和 6 2 3%。无业、工人或个体户是吸毒人员最常见的职业 ,无业者逐次增加。年收入 10 0 0元以下者和 70 0 0元以上者是吸毒者主体 ,随调查逐次增加 ,吸毒与经济收入呈“U”字关系。结论 :青中年男性、受教育程度较低者、无业或非固定性职业、未婚或非稳定婚姻形式人员是吸毒的高危人群 ;女性使用非法物质者越来越多 ,应加强对她们的关注。吸毒人群年轻化在研究中没有得到证实。  相似文献   

310例海洛因依赖者心电图分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
海洛因对心血管系统的危害较大,为了观察其对心脏电活动的影响,我们对310例来我中心自愿戒毒的海洛因依赖者进行常规静息心电图检查进行了分析,现报道如下。1资料与方法1.1病例选择选择2002年3月至2002年8月在我中心自愿戒毒的海洛因依赖者310例(男232,女78);年龄18~50岁,平均(34.9?.6)岁;单用海洛因者259例(占83.5%),海洛因合并杜冷丁16例(占5.2%),海洛因合并精神类药品23例(占7.4%),海洛因、杜冷丁及精神类药品三者合用者12例(占3.9%)。滥用时间:最短6个月,最长15年,平均(5.5?.6)年。滥用量:最小量0.2g/d,…  相似文献   

Introduction and Aims. The effect of heroin administration route on speed of transition to regular use is unknown. This paper aims to determine whether the speed of transition from initiation of heroin use to daily heroin use differs by route of administration (injecting, chasing/inhaling or snorting). Design and Methods. Privileged access interviewer survey of purposively selected sample of 395 current people who use heroin (both in and not in treatment) in London, UK (historical sample from 1991). Data on age and year of initiation, time from initiation to daily use and routes of administration were collected by means of a structured questionnaire. Generalised ordered logistic models were used to test the relationship between route of initial administration of heroin and speed of transition to daily heroin use. Analyses were adjusted for gender, ethnicity, daily use of other drug(s) at time of initiation, year of initiation and treatment status at interview. Results. After adjustment, participants whose initial administration route was injecting had a 4.71 (95% confidence interval 1.34–16.5) increase in likelihood of progressing to daily use within 1–3 weeks of initiation, compared to those whose initial administration route was non‐injecting. Discussion and Conclusions. The speed of transition from first use to daily heroin use is faster if the individual injects heroin at initiation of use. Those who initiate heroin use through injecting have a shorter time frame for intervention before drug use escalation. [Hines LA, Lynskey M, Morley KI, Griffiths P, Gossop M, Powis B, Strang J. The relationship between initial route of heroin administration and speed of transition to daily heroin use. Drug Alcohol Rev 2017;00:000‐000]  相似文献   

Increasing heroin use in Australia over the past 30 years has been associated with a decline in the age of initiation to heroin use. The 2001 Australian heroin shortage was used to assess the effects of a reduction in heroin supply on age of initiation into heroin injecting. Data collected from regular injecting drug users (IDU) over the period 1996 - 2004 as part of the Australian Illicit Drug Reporting System were examined for changes in self-reported age of first heroin use after the onset of the heroin shortage. Estimates were also made of the number of young people who may not have commenced injecting heroin during the heroin shortage. The proportion of IDU interviewed in the IDRS who were aged ≤24 years decreased from 46% in 1996 to 12% in 2004, with the most marked drop in 2001, the year in which there was an abrupt and marked reduction in heroin availability. Of those who reported first injecting between 1993 and 2000, similar proportions reported heroin and amphetamine as the first drug injected. After 2000, methamphetamine was the drug most often reported as being the first injected. Estimates suggested that between 2745 and 10 560 young people may not have begun to inject heroin in 2001 as a result of reduced heroin supply. If around one in four of these young users had progressed to regular or dependent heroin use, then there may have been a reduction of between 700 and 2500 dependent heroin users. There was an increase in amphetamine injecting but it is unclear to what extent any reduction in heroin injecting has been offset by increased amphetamine injecting. Reduced heroin availability probably resulted in a reduction in the number of new heroin injectors in Australia. Efforts need to be made to reduce the chances that young people who have initiated methamphetamine injecting do not move to heroin injecting when the heroin supply returns. [Day C, Degenhardt L, Hall W. Changes in the initiation of heroin use after a reduction in heroin supply. Drug Alcohol Rev 2006;25:307 - 313]  相似文献   

To describe the sociodemographic characteristics and HIV and Hepatitis C prevalence among persons who died of a drug overdose in the Vancouver metropolis health region in 1998. Methods: A retrospective review was conducted on all overdose death files in the Vancouver/Richmond health region reported to the Office of the Chief Coroner. The files included, autopsy, toxicology, virology, and coroner reports. External linkages were done to determine the proportion of individuals on antiretro-viral treatment. Contingency analyses were conducted to determine factors associated with Hepatitis C and HIV seropositivity. Results: Data on a total of 199 deaths were obtained from the coroner's office. Of these 37 (18.6%) were female and 162 (81.4%) were male. A total of 25 (12.6%) deaths were among persons of First Nations descent and 134 (73.6%) were among chronic drug users. The median age at death was 38 years (Interquartile range [IQR]: 32–45 years). The drug most commonly responsible for overdose was heroin [89 (47.3%) deaths]. A total of 91 (45.7%) deaths were tested for HIV and 95 (47.7%) deaths were tested for HCV. Of those deaths, 28 (29.8%) were HIV-positive and 78(78.0%) were HCV-positive. Conclusion: Our analysis suggests that those dying of illicit drug overdose in Vancouver during 1998, are largely comprised of older, male, chronic injection drug users. Rates of HIV and HCV positivity are very high in this group.  相似文献   

目的 :作为第三次全国非法成瘾物质使用流行病学调查报告的第二部分 ,本文报告我国 2 0 0 0年 6个吸毒高发区非法成瘾物质使用种类和方法。方法 :整群抽样 ,采用自行设计的调查表 ,以挨户、线索和机构调查相结合的方式调查了 5 374 7例 15a及 15a以上社区人群 (男 2 812 6 ,占 5 2 3% ,女 2 5 6 2 1,占 4 7 7% )的非法成瘾物质使用情况。结果 :使用者最近一个月非法使用的成瘾物质中 ,97 18%为海洛因 ,2 4 5 %为阿片 ,其它种类罕见 ;采用烫吸和静脉注射者所占比例分别为 6 8 4 2 %和2 2 98% ;75 99%的使用者使用频度在 7- 2 7次 周之间。结论 :目前我国非法使用的成瘾物质仍以阿片类为主 ,其中海洛因占首位 ,阿片次之 ;使用途径仍以烫吸为主 ,静脉注射其次。对其它非法成瘾物质使用流行病学调查仍有待深入  相似文献   

This study examined characteristics attributed to a person using an illegal narcotic drug (heroin) and sought to change established stereotypes by participation in a group education experience. Prior to the main study, 100 Advanced Psychology students generated lists of adjectives they would use to describe a heroin user. The most frequently mentioned characteristics were placed in structured lists as pre- and post-test measures. Both semantic differential and open-choice formats were used. The Prevention Role Play, a recently developed strategy in drug education, was used to challenge the group's stereotypes. Significant shifts in attributions were revealed between the pre- and post-test measures. After the Role Play students reduced their negative stereotype on a number of dimensions though they still described the heroin user as confused, insecure, troubled and lonely. The discussion considers possible strategies for facilitating positive attitude change.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe past two decades have seen an increase in heroin-related morbidity and mortality in the United States. We report on trends in US heroin retail price and purity, including the effect of entry of Colombian-sourced heroin on the US heroin market.MethodsThe average standardized price ($/mg-pure) and purity (% by weight) of heroin from 1993 to 2004 was from obtained from US Drug Enforcement Agency retail purchase data for 20 metropolitan statistical areas. Univariate statistics, robust Ordinary Least Squares regression and mixed fixed and random effect growth curve models were used to predict the price and purity data in each metropolitan statistical area over time.ResultsOver the 12 study years, heroin price decreased 62%. The median percentage of all heroin samples that are of South American origin increased an absolute 7% per year. Multivariate models suggest percent South American heroin is a significant predictor of lower heroin price and higher purity adjusting for time and demographics.ConclusionThese analyses reveal trends to historically low-cost heroin in many US cities. These changes correspond to the entrance into and rapid domination of the US heroin market by Colombian-sourced heroin. The implications of these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

An array of intellectual, practical and political challenges will be faced both if the Australian Capital Territory "heroin trial" does or does not eventuate. The intellectual challenges include the development of new methodologies and analytical tools for some of the outcome measures; the further development of a research process which involves all the relevant disciplines and interest groups; and capitalizing on an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the pharmacokinetics of heroin. The practicalities of setting up a trial also present a number of challenges, as does incorporating a health development approach. Political challenges include getting a sensible decision made about the trial, avoiding capture of the debate by supporters or opponents of drug law reform and avoiding unrealistic expectations. The major challenge if the trial does not go ahead is to implement other well-considered proposals which can be carefully evaluated.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(11):1479-1489
Background: This study was based on over 30,000 U.S. respondents who completed General Social Surveys between 1978 and 2002. Aims: We approached these respondents prospectively, comparing and contrasting the responses of those who subsequently died from drug-poisonings (N = 135) with all respondents who were still living, N = 23,559. Method: We employed cross-tabulation and logistic regression analyses to test for statistically significant differences between drug-poisoning death casualties and all living respondents. Results: Consistent with past research findings, younger males were over-represented among drug death casualties. Also consistent with past studies, drug casualties showed evidence of perceiving themselves as socially marginalized in comparison to living respondents: More reported themselves in poorer health, as having been sexual minority members during the last 5 years, as having spent their younger years in homes where parents’ marriages disrupted, with fewer owning homes and feeling less satisfied about their financial situations. Conclusions: These exploratory findings obtained from a general population survey reinforce findings from clinical studies and help advance clinical assessments of potential at-risk individuals who might be identified sooner, lest they succumb to future fatal drug poisonings.  相似文献   

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