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We report on 4 generations in a family with 3 living males, 3 males who died in infancy, and 3 females with neurologic impairment and agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC). Manifestations in the surviving males include severe acquired micrencephaly, mental retardation, limb contractures, scoliosis, tapered digits with hyperconvex nails, a characteristic face with large eyes, prominent supraorbital ridges, synophris, optic atrophy, broad alveolar ridges and seizures. Urologic anomalies include renal dysplasia, cryptorchidism, and hypospadias. Two affected females were less severely impaired and continued to be socially responsive as adults, but had spastic quadriplegia and seizures. One obligate heterozygote was retarded with emotional problems while another obligate carrier female and her daughter were clinically normal. Pedigree analysis suggested X-linked inheritance with variable expression in females. These findings are inconsistent with the well-described X-linked conditions with ACC including FG syndrome and Aicairdi syndrome. ACC has not been described in Coffin-Lowry syndrome, a condition with similar clinical findings, which also demonstrates marked variability of expression in carrier females. In order to assist in carrier determination, brain imaging studies and DNA linkage analysis of the affected relatives was performed. We found a spectrum of agenesis of the corpus callosum with the most severe manifestations in the most severely affected males. DNA analysis using a series of X-linked probes suggests linkage with a LOD score of 1.26 at theta = 0 to a region between p 11.3 and p 21.3.  相似文献   

Ullrich-Turner syndrome with agenesis of the corpus callosum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report on a 19-year-old woman with 45,X Ullrich-Turner syndrome who was severely mentally retarded and had hypotonia. Computer tomography (CT) scan showed agenesis of the corpus callosum. There have been few reports of gross developmental central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities in Ullrich-Turner syndrome. Only one case of Ullrich-Turner syndrome with agenesis of the corpus callosum has been reported. The high prenatal lethality of Ullrich-Turner syndrome may mask a CNS abnormality.  相似文献   

A new syndrome with mental retardation, short stature and an Xq duplication   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We describe a new X-linked syndrome of marked short stature, severe intellectual handicap and an unusual facial appearance. High resolution prometaphase banding showed affected males to have an X chromosome tandem duplication; their karyotypes were designated 46,dup(X) (q13.1-q21.1)Y. In carrier females the abnormal X chromosome was late replicating. To verify the duplication, gene dosage studies were performed using an enzyme assay and DNA techniques. Prenatal diagnosis is available for carrier females using chromosome analysis of amniocytes or chorionic villi.  相似文献   

We report on a female patient with G syndrome. The clinical expression is relatively severe and includes 2 manifestations not previously reported, ie, agenesis of the corpus callosum and umbilical hernia. These new findings support the notion that there is a developmental defect of the midline as the basis of the G syndrome.  相似文献   

X-linked mental retardation associated with expression of a fragile site at Xq27.3 has attracted much interest because transmission can occur through phenotypically normal males. Several theories have been proposed to explain the segregation pattern. Linkage analysis in affected families indicates a high frequency of recombination around this site in some families, although in others the genetic relationships are quite different and closer linkage between bridging markers is suggested. The problems associated with the clinical and cytogenetic analyses of this fascinating disorder await the results of detailed molecular approaches.  相似文献   

Mental retardation (MR) is a genetically heterogeneous, clinically variable condition. Many cases of MR are linked to the X chromosome. The aim of this study was to identify candidate loci for nonspecific MR in Spanish samples. We selected seven families with nonspecific MR and a pattern of inheritance compatible with an X-linked disorder and a group of 26 sib pairs of mentally retarded individuals. We performed linkage analysis with a panel of 15 markers evenly distributed along the X chromosome. The study showed linkage to marker DXS8076, located in Xq21.1, by the lod score method (z = 2.11 at straight theta = 0.155) and the nonparametric extended relative pair analysis method (chi(2) = 5.32; P < 0.03). Genetic heterogeneity was found, with an estimated 75% of the families linked at recombination fraction straight theta = 0.10 to the DXS8076 locus (chi(2) = 9.51; P < 0.009). Xq13-q21 is one of the critical regions for X-linked MR previously reported, and our study supports the idea that this region may contain a locus for MR in Spanish patients.  相似文献   

We studied 10 members of a 4 generation Missouri kindred with a dominant mental retardation syndrome with increasing severity in males. The 21 year-old propositus presented with severe mental retardation, microcephaly, asymmetric face, exotropia, hypogonadism, joint hypermobility, rocker bottom feet, and 10 low digital arches. Two brothers and a male cousin had similar features. The mother, sister, niece, maternal aunt, female cousin, and grandmother were examined and each had 8 to 10 low digital arches. Five of the women had exotropia and one had pes cavus feet. Chromosome analysis for fragile X in multiple relatives was normal. To determine the likelihood that this was an X-linked syndrome. DNA from relatives was hybridized to probes which detect 13 different loci spanning the X-chromosome. A peak LOD score of 2.78 at theta equal to 0.0 was calculated for the syndrome locus and DXYS1 (pDP34). The more distal Xq loci showed increasing recombination with the syndrome locus. These results are consistent with location for this syndrome near Xq21.31, the chromosomal locus for DXYSI.  相似文献   

We report on a patient with agenesis of corpus callosum, mental retardation, and unusual hitherto undescribed bone changes. The latter include multiple Wormian bones, thin ribs, short, straight, laterally tapering clavicles, small iliac bodies, high iliac angles, triangular areas of sclerosis in the iliac bones, minimal metaphyseal irregularity, striated trabecular pattern in some metaphyses, granular ossification pattern of the patellae, hypoplastic distal phalanges, minimal flatness of phalangeal epiphyses, and retarded bone age. This patient represents a new mental retardation syndrome with agenesis of corpus callosum and unusual bone changes. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Four males, the sons of 2 sisters, apparently have a new syndrome of mental retardation, seizures and psoriasis. Due to the relationship between the affected males we propose the inheritance to be X-linked recessive although cosegregation of two separate disorders may be occurring. Psoriasis has never been reported as a monogenic disorder. Results of cytogenetic studies, including fra (X) and high-resolution prometaphase analysis, were negative. Steroid sulfatase activities of cultured fibroblasts from 2 surviving affected males were normal. The results of HLA typing of all available relatives did not indicate a strong association between the skin disorder and certain HLA antigens. A healthy sister, who may be heterozygous carrier of the mutant X chromosome, decided on termination of 3 successive pregnancies after prenatal male sex determinations. Her fourth pregnancy with a female fetus is ongoing.  相似文献   

More than 100 X-linked mental retardation syndromes have been described. We report the localization of the disease gene, MRX23, in one family to Xq23-24. Affected family members present with non- specific X-linked mental retardation with verbal disability (BDOAS 10, 1-100). MRX23 is tightly linked to the markers DXS1220 (Z = 3.76 at theta = 0.1) and DXS424 (Z = 3.9 at theta = 0.06). Multipoint linkage analysis, taking five loci (DXS1072-0.07-DXS1220-0.014-MRX23-0.01-DXS 424-0.08-DXS1001) at a time, gives a maximum LOD score of 6.7 between these two markers. The next most likely location, between DXS424 and DXS1001 is 120-fold less likely. Haplotype analysis also indicates the most likely location for the disease gene is between DXS1220 and DXS424.   相似文献   

To sibs and an unrelated single patient have a combination of iris coloboma, ptosis, hypertelorism, broad nasal bridge, short stature, and mental retardation. The London Dysmorphology Database was used to determine whether this is a new syndrome.  相似文献   

We describe a brother and sister with severe developmental delay, hypotonia, partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, pontine hypoplasia, focal white matter degenerative abnormalities, macrocrania, frontal bossing, deep-set eyes, and hypertelorism. The brother also had Duane syndrome type II and an ectopic right ureter. The coexistence of these multiple physical and brain abnormalities in a brother and sister suggests a new autosomal recessive syndrome with a slowly progressive course. Am. J. Med. Genet. 73:184–188, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In several families with non-specific X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) linkage analyses have assigned the underlying gene defect to the pericentromeric region of the X chromosome, but none of these genes have been isolated so far. Here, we report on the cloning and characterization of a novel gene, DXS6673E, that maps to Xq13.1, is subject to X-inactivation and is disrupted in the 5' untranslated region by a balanced X;13 translocation in a mentally retarded female. The DXS6673E gene is highly conserved among vertebrates and its expression is most abundant in brain. It encodes a hydrophilic protein of 1358 amino acids (aa) that does not show sequence homology to other known proteins. A segment of this protein consisting of neutral and hydrophobic aa with a proline residue in every second position may represent a transmembrane domain. Almost complete sequence identity was found between the 3' end of the DXS6673E gene and two expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and between the 5' end of the DXS6673E gene and a third EST. Moreover, weaker sequence similarity was observed between coding regions and two other ESTs.   相似文献   

The primary cilium is a key organelle in numerous physiological and developmental processes. Genetic defects in the formation of this non‐motile structure, in its maintenance and function, underlie a wide array of ciliopathies in human, including craniofacial, brain and heart malformations, and retinal and hearing defects. We used exome sequencing to study the molecular basis of disease in an 11‐year‐old female patient who suffered from growth retardation, global developmental delay with absent speech acquisition, agenesis of corpus callosum and paucity of white matter, sensorineural deafness, retinitis pigmentosa, vertebral anomalies, patent ductus arteriosus, and facial dysmorphism reminiscent of STAR syndrome, a suspected ciliopathy. A homozygous variant, c.870_871del, was identified in the CDK10 gene, predicted to cause a frameshift, p.Trp291Alafs*18, in the cyclin‐dependent kinase 10 protein. CDK10 mRNAs were detected in patient cells and do not seem to undergo non‐sense mediated decay. CDK10 is the binding partner of Cyclin M (CycM) and CDK10/CycM protein kinase regulates ciliogenesis and primary cilium elongation. Notably, CycM gene is mutated in patients with STAR syndrome. Following incubation, the patient cells appeared less elongated and more densely populated than the control cells suggesting that the CDK10 mutation affects the cytoskeleton. Upon starvation and staining with acetylated‐tubulin, γ‐tubulin, and Arl13b, the patient cells exhibited fewer and shorter cilia than control cells. These findings underscore the importance of CDK10 for the regulation of ciliogenesis. CDK10 defect is likely associated with a new form of ciliopathy phenotype; additional patients may further validate this association.  相似文献   

Desmosterolosis is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of elevated levels of the cholesterol precursor desmosterol in plasma, tissue and cultured cells. With only two sporadic cases described to date with two very different phenotypes, the clinical entity arising from mutations in 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase (DHCR24) has yet to be defined. We now describe consanguineous Bedouin kindred with four surviving affected individuals, all presenting with severe failure to thrive, psychomotor retardation, microcephaly, micrognathia and spasticity with variable degree of hand contractures. Convulsions near birth, nystagmus and strabismus were found in most. Brain MRI demonstrated significant reduction in white matter and near agenesis of corpus callosum in all. Genome-wide linkage analysis and fine mapping defined a 6.75 cM disease-associated locus in chromosome 1 (maximum multipoint LOD score of six), and sequencing of candidate genes within this locus identified in the affected individuals a homozygous missense mutation in DHCR24 leading to dramatically augmented plasma desmosterol levels. We thus establish a clear consistent phenotype of desmosterolosis (MIM 602398).  相似文献   

We report on a patient with agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC), severe mental retardation, infantile spasms and subsequent intractable epilepsy, spastic/dyskinetic quadriparesis, severe limb contractures, and scoliosis. This complex, newly described phenotype, is due to a novel non-conservative missense mutation in the ARX homeodomain (c.1072A>T; p.R358W), inherited from the unaffected mother. Differently from previously reported non-conservative mutations falling within the same domain, p.R358W did not cause XLAG. It is therefore possible that differences in clinical manifestations between our patient and those with XLAG, are related to the different position of the amino acid substitution in the homeodomain, or to the different chemical properties introduced by the substitution itself. To test the hypothesis that the patient's mother was asymptomatic because of non-random X chromosome inactivation (XCI), we performed DNA methylation studies of the human androgen receptor gene, demonstrating skewing of the XCI ratio (85:15). The complex phenotype described here combines different traits that had previously been linked to various ARX mutations, including conservative missense mutations in the homeodomain and expansion in the first ARX polyalanine tract and contributes to the expanding pleiotropy associated with ARX mutations.  相似文献   

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