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The afferent and efferent cortical and subcortical connections of the medial posterior parietal cortex (area 7m) were studied in cebus (Cebus apella) and macaque (Macaca fascicularis) monkeys using the retrograde and anterograde capabilities of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. The principal intraparietal corticocortical connections of area 7m in both cebus and macaque cases were with the ipsilateral medial bank of the intraparietal sulcus (MIP) and adjacent superior parietal lobule (area 5), inferior parietal lobule (area 7a), lateral bank of the IPS (area 7ip), caudal parietal operculum (PGop), dorsal bank of the caudal superior temporal sulcus (visual area MST), and medial prestriate cortex (including visual area PO and caudal medial lobule). Its principal frontal corticocortical connections were with the prefrontal cortex in the shoulder above the principal sulcus and the cortex in the shoulder above the superior ramus of the arcuate sulcus (SAS), the area purported to contain the smooth eye movement-related frontal eye field (FEFsem) in the cebus monkey by other investigators. There were moderate connections with the cortex in the rostral bank of the arcuate sulcus (purported to contain the saccade-related frontal eye field; FEFsac), supplementary eye field (SEF), and rostral dorsal premotor area (PMDr). Area 7m also had major connections with the cingulate cortex (area 23), particularly the ventral bank of the cingulate sulcus. The principal subcortical connections of area 7m were with the dorsal portion of the ventrolateral thalamic (VLc) nucleus, lateral posterior thalamic nucleus, lateral pulvinar, caudal mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and medial pulvinar, central lateral, central superior lateral, and central inferior intralaminar thalamic nuclei, dorsolateral caudate nucleus and putamen, middle region of the claustrum, nucleus of the diagonal band, zona incerta, pregeniculate nucleus, anterior and posterior pretectal nuclei, intermediate layer of the superior colliculus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch and dorsomedial parvicellular red nucleus (macaque cases only), dorsal, dorsolateral and lateral basilar pontine nuclei, nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis, locus ceruleus, and superior central nucleus. The findings are discussed in terms of the possibility that area 7m contains a "medial parietal eye field" and belongs to a neural network of oculomotor-related structures that plays a role in the control of eye movement.  相似文献   

The lateral premotor cortex plays a crucial role in visually guided limb movements. Visual information may reach this cortical region from the parietal cortex, the highest stage in the dorsal visual stream. Anatomical studies indicate that the parietal projections to the dorsal (PMd) and ventral (PMv) premotor areas arise from separate parietal regions, supporting the notion of parallel visuomotor pathways. We tested the degree of segregation of these pathways by injecting retrograde tracers into PMd and PMv in the same monkeys, under physiological control. Eleven injections were made in four animals, and the analysis of retrograde labelling revealed that parietal cells projecting to PMd and those projecting to PMv are largely segregated. The strongest projections to PMd arise from the superior parietal lobule, including the medial intraparietal area (MIP), PEc and PGm, and the parieto-occipital area. These areas were devoid of labelling following injections into PMv, which receives its major projections from the anterior intraparietal area (AIP), area PEip, the anterior portion of the inferior parietal gyrus (area 7b), and the somatosensory areas. In addition to their strong projections to PMv, areas 7b and PEip send minor projections to PMd as well. Additional projections to PMd arise from the ventral intraparietal area and the inferior parietal lobule. The present findings are direct anatomical evidence for largely segregated visuomotor pathways linking parietal cortex with PMd and PMv.  相似文献   

Summary To reveal the organization and relative magnitude of connections from various parts of the cerebral cortex to the cerebellar paramedian lobule via the pontine nuclei, horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin was injected in the paramedian lobule in conjunction with injection of the same tracer in various parts of the cerebral cortex in 14 cats. Termination areas of cortical fibres (anterogradely labelled) and pontine neurons projecting to the paramedian lobule (retrogradely labelled) were carefully plotted in serial sections through the pons. On the average 89% of all labelled cells were found in the pontine nuclei contralateral to the cerebellar injection, 11% in the ipsilateral pontine nuclei. The highest degree of overlap between anterograde and retrograde labelling was found after injections in the posterior sigmoid gyrus (SmI), while less overlap was found after injections of the anterior sigmoid gyrus (MsI). Injections of the second somatosensory area (SmII) and the parietal association cortex (areas 5 and 7) gave moderate degrees of overlap. Very little or no overlap was found after injections of the premotor cortex (area 6), the visual areas 17, 18 and 19 and the auditory cortex (AI and AII).It is concluded that a major cortical input to the paramedian lobule arises in the posterior sigmoid gyrus (SmI), but that additional contributions arise in the anterior sigmoid gyrus (MsI), the parietal areas 5 and 7 and the second somatosensory cortex (SmII). Among the latter regions probably the parietal areas contribute most. Overlap between terminal regions of cortical fibres and cells projecting to the paramedian lobule takes place at numerous discrete sites at virtually all rostrocaudal levels of the pons. Cerebrocortical afferents via the pontine nuclei to the intermediate zone of the posterior lobe are organized according to the same principles as described previously for cortical afferents to the hemispheral parts of the posterior lobe (crus I and II).  相似文献   

Summary The afferent and efferent connections of the prelunate visual association area V4 of macaque monkeys were investigated by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method. The specific thalamic afferents from the dorsolateral segment of the medial pulvinar and the lateral segment of the inferior pulvinar were topographically organized. A band of cells was labelled in the intralaminar nuclei (nucl. centr. med. and lat., reaching into LD and the most dorsal part of VL), and a few cells in the interlaminar layers of the lateral geniculate body. Other diencephalic afferents included the claustrum, the nucleus basalis Meynert and the pars compacta of the substantia nigra. Ipsilateral cortical areas which projected into V4 included area 18 (V2), the inferior parietal cortex, the anterior and posterior parts of the superior temporal sulcus, the frontal eye fields and the temporo-basal association cortex on the lateral half of the parahippocampal gyrus and around the occipito-temporal sulcus. In the contralateral cortex, discontinuous regions in areas V4 and V5 on the prelunate gyrus and some cells at the 17/18-border were labelled. All regions in which labelled cells were found and, in addition a restricted region in the dorsal cap of the head and the tail of the caudate nucleus showed fibre and terminal labelling. In addition mesencephalic afferents and efferents were identified but not investigated in detail. An attempt to estimate the quantitative contribution of the various afferent systems to the prelunate cortex was made by counting the labelled cells in the different areas. The afferent and efferent organization of the prelunate visual association area indicates that it is incorporated in a network of cortical and subcortical regions involved in various aspects of visual behavior.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to identify cholinergic neurons of the brain stem which project to the forebrain, retrograde labeling of neurons in the brain stem was examined by autoradiography following injections of 20 Ci [3H]choline into the thalamus, hypothalamus, basal forebrain and frontal cortex. After injections into the thalamus, retrogradely labeled neurons were evident within the lateral caudal mesencephalic and dorsolateral oral pontine tegmentum (particularly in the laterodorsal and pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei) and in smaller number within the latero-medial caudal pontine (Reticularis pontis caudalis, Rpc) and medullary (Reticularis gigantocellularis, Rgc) reticular formation. Following [3H]choline injections into the lateral hypothalamus and into the basal forebrain, retrogradely labeled neurons were localized in the dorsolateral caudal midbrain and oral pontine tegmentum and in smaller number in the medial medullary reticular formation (Rgc), as well as in the midbrain, pontine and medullary raphe nuclei. After injections into the anterior medial frontal cortex, a small number of retrogradely labeled cells were found in the brain stem within the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus and the dorsal raphe nucleus. In a parallel immunohistochemical study, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-positive neurons were found to be located in most of the regions of the reticular formation where cells were retrogradely labeled from the forebrain following [3H]choline injections. These results suggest that multiple cholinergic neurons within the lateral caudal midbrain and dorsolateral oral pontine tegmentum and a few within the caudal pontine and medullary reticular formation project to the thalamus, hypothalamus and basal forebrain and that a limited number of pontine cholinergic neurons project to the frontal cortex.Abbreviations of Neuroanatomical Terms 3 oculomotor nuc - 4 trochlear nuc - 4V fourth ventricle - 6 abducens nuc - 7 facial nuc - 7n facial nerve - 8n vestibulocochlear nerve - 10 dorsal motor nuc vagus - 12 hypoglossal nuc - 12n hypoglossal nerve - Amb ambiguus nuc - Aq cerebral aqueduct - bic brachium inf colliculus - CB cerebellum - CG central gray - CLi caudal linear nuc raphe - Cnf cuneiform nuc - cp cerebral peduncle - Cu cuneate nuc - D nuc Darkschewitsch - DCo dorsal cochlear nuc - DLL dorsal nuc lateral lemniscus - DPB dorsal parabrachial nuc - DR dorsal raphe nuc - dsc dorsal spinocerebellar tract - DTg dorsal tegmental nuc - dtgx dorsal tegmental decussation - ECu external cuneate nuc - Fl flocculus - IC inferior colliculus - icp inferior cerebellar peduncle - IF interfascicular nuc - InC interstitial nuc Cajal - IO inferior olive - IP interpeduncular nuc - KF Kolliker-Fuse nuc - LC locus coeruleus - Ldt laterodorsal tegmental nuc - Ifp longitudinal fasciculus pons - ll lateral lemniscus - LRt lateral reticular nuc - LRtS5 lateral reticular nucsubtrigeminal - LSO lateral superior olive - LTz lateral nuctrapezoid body - LVe lateral vestibular nuc - mcp middle cerebellar peduncle - Me5 mesencephalic trigeminal nuc - MGD medial geniculate nuc, dorsal - ml medial lemniscus - mlf medial longitudinal fasciculus - MnR median raphe nuc - Mo5 motor trigeminal nuc - MSO medial superior olive - MTz medial nuc trapezoid bbody - MVe medial vestibular nuc - PBg parabigeminal nuc - Pgl nuc paragigantocellularis lateralis - Pn pontine nuc - PPTg pedunculopontine tegmental nuc - Pr5 principal sensory trigeminal - PrH prepositive hypoglossal nuc - py pyramidal tract - Rgc reticularis gigantocellularis - Rgca reticularis gigantocellularis pars alpha - Rmes reticularis mesencephali - RMg raphe magnus nuc - RN red nuc - Ro nuc Roller - ROb raphe obscurus nuc - Rp reticularis parvicellularis - RPa raphe pallidus nuc - Rpc reticularis ponds caudalis - RPn raphe pontis nuc - Rpo reticularis pontis oralis - RR retrorubral nuc - rs rubrospinal tract - RtTg reticulotegmental nuc pons - s5 sensory root trigeminal nerve - SC superior colliculus - SCD superior colliculus,deep layer - SCI superior colliculus, intermediate layer - scp superior cerebellar peduncle - SCS superior colliculus, superficial layer - SGe suprageniculate nuc pons - SNC substantia nigra compact - SNL substantia nigra,lateral - SNR substantia nigra, reticular - SolL solitary tract nuc,lateral - SolM solitary tract nuc, medial - sp5 spinal tract trigeminal nerve - sp5I spinal trigeminal nuc, interpositus - Sp5O spinal trigeminal nuc, oral - spth spinothalamic tract - SpVe spinal vestibular nuc - SuVe superior vestibular nuc - tp tectopontine - ts tectospinal tract - tz trapezoid body - VCo ventral cochlear nuc - VLL ventral nuc lateral lemniscus - VPB ventral parabrachial nuc - vsc ventral spinocerebellar tract - VTA ventral tegmental area - VTg ventral tegmental nuc - vtgx ventral tegmental decussation - xscp decussation superior cerebellar peduncle This investigation was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council (MRC) of Canada (MT-6464: BEJ and MT 7376: AB). B.E. Jones holds a Chercheur Boursier Senior Award from the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Quebec (FRSQ), and A. Beaudet a Scientist Award from MRC  相似文献   

In this study, we utilized a double retrograde axonal tracing technique to investigate the possible existence of collateralized axonal projections from the pontine nuclei (PN) to the rostral (rPML) and caudal (cPML) parts of cerebellar paramedian lobule in the rabbit, known to be the forelimb and hindlimb regions, respectively. Following injections of fluorescent tracers Fast Blue (FB) and Diamidino Yellow (DY) within rPML and cPML, respectively, substantial numbers of FB and DY single labeled neurons were found in the dorsolateral, paramedian, lateral and peduncular pontine nuclei bilaterally with a very clearcut contralateral preponderance. No labeling was observed in the ventral pontine nucleus. Extensive areas of overlap of FB or DY labeled neurons indicated that no somatotopical relationship existed in projection from PN to the two functionally different PML target regions. In addition, a small number of double FB + DY labeled neurons was detected in the common areas of FB and DY single labeling in PN. These neurons give rise to pontocerebellar projections to rPML and cPML simultaneously by way of axonal collaterals and thus they may play a role in the coordination of unilateral forelimb and hindlimb movements.  相似文献   

R P Vertes 《Neuroscience》1984,11(3):669-690
The origins of projections within the medial forebrain bundle from the upper brainstem were examined with the horseradish peroxidase technique. Labeled cells were found in approximately 15 upper brainstem nuclei following injections of a conjugate of horseradish peroxidase and wheat germ agglutinin at various levels of the medial forebrain bundle. Labeled nuclei included (from caudal to rostral): dorsal and ventral parabrachial nuclei; Kolliker-Fuse nucleus; dorsolateral tegmental nucleus; A7 (lateral pontine tegmentum medial to lateral lemniscus); median and dorsal raphe nuclei; distinct group of cells oriented mediolaterally in the dorsal pontine tegmentum below the central gray; B9 (ventral midbrain tegmentum dorsal to medial lemniscus); retrorubral nucleus; nucleus of Darkschewitsch, interfascicular nucleus; rostral and caudal linear nuclei; ventral tegmental area; medial part of substantia nigra, pars compacta; and the supramammillary nucleus. With the exception of the ventral parabrachial nucleus, Kolliker-Fuse, A7, B9 and substantia nigra, pars compacta, each of the nuclei mentioned above sent strong projections along the medial forebrain bundle to the rostral forebrain. Sparse labeling was observed throughout the pontine and midbrain reticular formation. With the exception of the dorsal raphe nucleus, projections to the most anterior regions of the medial forebrain bundle (level of the anterior commissure) essentially only arose from presumed dopamine-containing nuclei-retrorubral nucleus (A8 area), interfascicular nucleus, rostral and caudal linear nuclei, substantia nigra pars compacta, and ventral tegmental area. Evidence was reviewed indicating that major forebrain sites of termination for these dopaminergic nuclei are structures that have been collectively referred to as the 'ventral striatum'. It is concluded from the present findings that several pontine and mesencephalic cell groups are in a position to exert a strong, direct effect on structures in the anterior forebrain and that the medial forebrain bundle is the main communication route between the upper brainstem and the forebrain.  相似文献   

Summary The origin, course, and termination of parieto-temporal connections in the rhesus monkey were studied by autoradiographic techniques. The caudal third of the inferior parietal lobule (including the adjacent lower bank of the intraparietal sulcus) is the chief source of these projections. It projects to three separate architectonic areas in the superior temporal sulcus and to three different areas on the ventral surface of the temporal lobe: the parahippocampal gyrus, presubiculum, and perirhinal cortex. The mid-inferior parietal lobule and medial surface of the parietal lobe, by contrast, project only to the caudal upper bank of the superior temporal sulcus. The rostral inferior parietal lobule and the superior parietal lobule, as well as the postcentral gyrus and rostral parietal operculum, do not project to the temporal lobe. Fibers travel from the posterior parietal region to temporal cortex by way of several different routes. One fiber bundle courses in the superior temporal gyrus and terminates in the superior temporal sulcus. Another proceeds ventrally, between the depth of the superior temporal sulcus and the geniculocalcarine tract, to the parahippocampal area. A separate bundle, coursing part of the way in the company of the cingulum bundle, conveys posterior parietal fibers to the presubiculum.Preliminary results of this investigation were presented at the meeting of the American Association of Anatomists, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1983  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence and distribution of labeled cells in the pontine nuclei were mapped following injections of small amounts of horseradish peroxidase (0.05–0.5 l, 50% suspension) in the flocculus, nodulus and the dorsal and ventral paraflocculus in adult albino rabbits. While no labeled cells were found in the pontine nuclei following injections in the nodulus, some were present following injections in the flocculus and a great number following injections in the paraflocculus. The projections onto the flocculus and paraflocculus are precisely organized. Following injections in the paraflocculus labeled neurons are arranged in four columns (E and G in the paramedian pontine nucleus, F in the peduncular and H in the dorsolateral nucleus). Following injections in the ventral paraflocculus labeled cells are present only in parts of column E and F, while columns G and H and parts of E and F project onto the dorsal paraflocculus. Following injections in the flocculus labeled cells occur in the rostral part of column E only.A comparison between the sites of termination of pontine afferents and the areas giving origin to floccular and parafloccular fibers shows that only few fibers mediating visual impulses end in these pontine areas, while they receive numerous fibers from gyrus cinguli and areas 18 and 19 of the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Summary A cyto- and myeloarchitectonic parcellation of the intraparietal sulcus in the rhesus monkey was correlated with the pattern of afferent connections from the parietal lobe as determined by autoradiographic techniques. Area PEa in the upper bank receives topographically-organized input from the ventral and caudal superior parietal lobule and the medial surface of the parietal lobe. Area POa in the lower bank is the recipient of a projection from the rostral inferior parietal lobule. Area IPd, situated in the depth of the intraparietal sulcus, receives converging input from the caudal superior parietal lobule, medial surface of the parietal lobe, and mid-and caudal inferior parietal lobule. Finally, intrinsic sequences of connections, directed from rostral to caudal and caudal to rostral, exist within both areas PEa and POa, each having a distinctive laminar pattern of origins and terminations.Preliminary results of this investigation were presented at the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Boston, November 1983  相似文献   

Summary Following stereotactically performed lesions in nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis (N.r.t.) degenerating fibers are traced to the contralateral N.r.t., to the pontine nuclei, through brachium pontis to restricted areas of the cerebellar nuclei and to most parts of the cerebellar cortex where they terminate in the granular layer. Most degenerating fragments are found in the contralateral half of the cerebellum with the greatest density in the vermal lobules VI and VIIA and in the flocculus.Following injections of HRP in the various cerebellar lobules labeled cells are mainly present within limited groups in the N.r.t.. Injections in vermal lobules VI-VIII B give rise to labeled cells within circumscribed areas in the dorsal and ventral parts throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the N.r.t.. In cases with injections in lobule IX or the ventral paraflocculus labeled cells are found ventrally in the rostral half of the N.r.t., while following injections in the vermal lobules I-V labeled cells are mainly found in the ventral and caudal part of the N.r.t.. Following injections in the intermediate and lateral parts of the anterior lobe, Crus I and II, the paramedian lobule and the dorsal paraflocculus labeled cells occur within groups in medial and lateral parts throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the N.r.t.. Following injections in the flocculus labeled cells are found in a very distinct group in the dorsal and rostral part of the N.r.t., While an injection in the nodulus (lobule X) gave rise to a smaller group of labeled neurons in the dorsolateral corner in the caudal part of the N.r.t.. Labeled cells within processus tegmentosus lateralis (p.t.l.) are only found following injections in lobules VI-VIIIA, Crus I and II and the dorsal paraflocculus.From what is known about afferents to the N.r.t., it is concluded that no cerebellar lobule gets information from one only of these sources via the N.r.t.. Visual information can probably be mediated from the superior colliculus via the N.r.t. to the flocculus and to a minor extent to the vermal lobules VI-VIII B, and from the pretectum via the N.r.t. to both vermal and lateral parts of the cerebellum.  相似文献   

In macaque monkeys, the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is concerned with the integration of multimodal information for constructing a spatial representation of the external world (in relation to the macaque's body or parts thereof), and planning and executing object-centred movements. The areas within the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), in particular, serve as interfaces between the perceptive and motor systems for controlling arm and eye movements in space. We review here the latest evidence for the existence of the IPS areas AIP (anterior intraparietal area), VIP (ventral intraparietal area), MIP (medial intraparietal area), LIP (lateral intraparietal area) and CIP (caudal intraparietal area) in macaques, and discuss putative human equivalents as assessed with functional magnetic resonance imaging. The data suggest that anterior parts of the IPS comprising areas AIP and VIP are relatively well preserved across species. By contrast, posterior areas such as area LIP and CIP have been found more medially in humans, possibly reflecting differences in the evolution of the dorsal visual stream and the inferior parietal lobule. Despite interspecies differences in the precise functional anatomy of the IPS areas, the functional relevance of this sulcus for visuomotor tasks comprising target selections for arm and eye movements, object manipulation and visuospatial attention is similar in humans and macaques, as is also suggested by studies of neurological deficits (apraxia, neglect, Bálint's syndrome) resulting from lesions to this region.  相似文献   

In a previous meta-analysis across almost 200 neuroimaging experiments, working memory for object location showed significantly stronger convergence on the posterior superior frontal gyrus, whereas working memory for identity showed stronger convergence on the posterior inferior frontal gyrus (dorsal to, but overlapping with Brodmann’s area BA 44). As similar locations have been discussed as part of a dorsal frontal—superior parietal reach system and an inferior frontal grasp system, the aim of the present study was to test whether the regions of working-memory related “what” and “where” processing show a similar distinction in parietal connectivity. The regions that were found in the previous meta-analysis were used as seeds for functional connectivity analyses using task-based meta-analytic connectivity modelling and task-independent resting state correlations. While the ventral seed showed significantly stronger connectivity with the bilateral intraparietal sulcus (IPS), the dorsal seed showed stronger connectivity with the bilateral posterior inferior parietal and the medial superior parietal lobule. The observed connections of regions involved in memory for object location and identity thus clearly demonstrate a distinction into separate pathways that resemble the parietal connectivity patterns of the dorsal and ventral premotor cortex in non-human primates and humans. It may hence be speculated that memory for a particular location and reaching towards it as well as object memory and finger positioning for manipulation may rely on shared neural systems. Moreover, the ensuing regions, in turn, featured differential connectivity with the bilateral ventral and dorsal extrastriate cortex, suggesting largely segregated bilateral connectivity pathways from the dorsal visual cortex via the superior and inferior parietal lobules to the dorsal posterior frontal cortex and from the ventral visual cortex via the IPS to the ventral posterior frontal cortex that may underlie action and cognition.  相似文献   

M. Matsushita  N. Okado 《Neuroscience》1981,6(11):2393-2405
Cells of origin of the brainstem afferents to lobules I and II of the cerebellar anterior lobe were identified by means of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase technique. In order to avoid diffusion into other lobules, injections were made under direct visual control through the fourth ventricle, after having removed ventral parts of the posterior lobe.With clearcut localization, the major projections originated from neurons of the following nuclei; the pontine nuclei (dorsal to the lateral nucleus, and the lateral and dorsal part of the peduncular nucleus) and nucleus corporis pontobulbaris; vestibular nuclear complex (the superior, medial and descending vestibular nuclei and group x), nucleus of Martin and interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve; the ventrolateral part of the external cuneate nucleus; lateral reticular nucleus (mainly the parvocellular portion); the inferior olivary complex (the caudal and central parts of the medial accessory nucleus and the lateral part of the dorsal accessory nucleus at middle levels). Small projections originated from the paramedian reticular nucleus, prepositus hypoglossi nucleus, nuclei raphe obscurus and pallidus, and the gracile and main cuneate nuclei.It was suggested that lobules I and II function not only as representations of the hindlimb-tail regions but also of the neck region by receiving afferents from the central cervical nucleus and the ventrolateral part of the external cuneate nucleus that receives dorsal root afferents C1 to C4.  相似文献   

Ascending projections from the several nuclei of the medullary reticular formation were examined using the autoradiographic method. The majority of fibers labeled after injections of [3H]leucine into nucleus gigantocellularis ascended within Forel's tractus fasciculorum tegmenti which is located ventrolateral to the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Nucleus gigantocellularis injections produced heavy labeling in the pontomesencephalic reticular formation, the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus, the pontine and midbrain central gray, the anterior pretectal nucleus, the ventral midbrain tegmentum including the retrorubral area, the centromedian-parafascicular complex, the fields of Forel/zona incerta, the rostral intralaminar nuclei and the lateral hypothalamic area. Nucleus gigantocellularis projections to the rostral forebrain were sparse. Labeled fibers from nucleus reticularis ventralis, like those from nucleus gigantocellularis, ascended largely in the tracts of Forel and distributed to the pontomedullary reticular core, the facial and trigeminal motor nuclei, the pontine nuclei and the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum including the locus coeruleus and the parabrachial complex. Although projections from nucleus reticularis ventralis diminished significantly rostral to the pons, labeling was still demonstrable in several mesodiencephalic nuclei including the cuneiform-pedunculopontine area, the mesencephalic gray, the superior colliculus, the anterior pretectal nucleus, the zona incerta and the paraventricular and intralaminar thalamic nuclei. The main bundle of fibers labeled by nucleus gigantocellularis-pars alpha injections ascended ventromedially through the brainstem, just dorsal to the pyramidal tracts, and joined Forel's tegmental tract in the midbrain. With the brainstem, labeled fibers distributed to the pontomedullary reticular formation, the locus coeruleus, the raphe pontis, the pontine nuclei, and the dorsolateral tegmental nucleus and adjacent regions of the pontine gray. At mesodiencephalic levels, labeling was present in the rostral raphe nuclei (dorsal, median and linearis), the mesencephalic gray, the deep and intermediate layers of the superior colliculus, the medial and anterior pretectal nuclei, the ventral tegmental area, zona incerta as well as the mediodorsal and reticular nuclei of the thalamus. Injections of the parvocellular reticular nucleus labeled axons which coursed through the lateral medullary tegmentum to heavily innervate lateral regions of the medullary and caudal pontine reticular formation, cranial motor nuclei (hypoglossal, facial and trigeminal) and the parabrachial complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In four squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), the tracer biotin dextranamine (BDA) was injected into the ventrolateral pons at a site at which injection of the glutamate antagonist kynurenic acid blocked vocalization electrically elicited from the periaqueductal gray (PAG). Anterograde projections could be traced into all cranial motor and sensory nuclei involved in phonation, that is, the nucleus ambiguus, facial, hypoglossal and trigeminal motor nuclei, the motorneuron column in the ventral gray substance innervating the extrinsic laryngeal muscles, the nucleus retroambiguus, solitary tract and spinal trigeminal nuclei. Projections were also found into a number of auditory nuclei, namely the nucleus cochlearis-complex, superior olive, ventral and dorsal nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and inferior colliculus. Furthermore, there were projections into the reticular formation of the lateral and dorsocaudal medulla and lateral pons, into nucleus gracilis, inferior and medial vestibular nuclei, lateral reticular nucleus, ventral raphe, pontine gray, superior colliculus, PAG and mediodorsal thalamic nucleus. Injection of the tracer wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase into the ventrolateral pontine vocalization-blocking area in one animal yielded retrograde labeling throughout the PAG. Injection of BDA into a vocalization-eliciting site of the PAG in another animal yielded projections into the ventrolateral pontine vocalization-blocking area. It is concluded that the ventral paralemniscal area in the ventrolateral pons represents a relay station of the descending periaqueductal vocalization-controlling pathway.  相似文献   

Grasp-related responses in neurons of the macaque rostral inferior parietal lobule [PF/PFG and the anterior intraparietal area (AIP)] are modulated by task context. Event-related functional MRI was used to determine whether this is true in putative homologs of the human cortex, the rostral inferior parietal lobule (rIPL) and the anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS). Fifteen healthy, right-handed adults were required to select prospectively the most comfortable way to grasp a horizontally oriented handle using the cued hand (left or right). In the "no-rotation" condition, the task was simply to grasp the handle, whereas in the "rotation" condition, the goal was to plan to grasp and rotate it into a vertical orientation with the cued end (medial or lateral) pointing downward. In both conditions, participants remained still and indicated their grip preferences by pressing foot pedals. As in overt grasping, participants' grip preferences were significantly influenced by anticipation of the demands associated with handle rotation. Activity within the aIPS and rIPL increased bilaterally in both the rotation and no-rotation conditions. Importantly, these responses were significantly greater in the rotation vs. no-rotation condition. Similar context effects were detected in the presupplementary motor area, caudal intraparietal sulcus/superior parietal lobule, and bilateral dorsal and left ventral premotor cortices. Grasp representations within the rIPL and aIPS are sensitive to predicted task demands and play a role in context-sensitive grip selection. Moreover, the findings provide additional evidence that areas involved in the sensorimotor control of grasp also contribute to feedforward planning.  相似文献   

In the behaving monkey, inferior parietal lobe cortical neurons combine visual information with eye position signals. However, an organized topographic map of these neurons' properties has never been demonstrated. Intrinsic optical imaging revealed a functional architecture for the effect of eye position on the visual response to radial optic flow. The map was distributed across two subdivisions of the inferior parietal lobule, area 7a and the dorsal prelunate area, DP. Area 7a contains a representation of the lower eye position gain fields while area DP represents the upper eye position gain fields. Horizontal eye position is represented orthogonal to the vertical eye position across the medial lateral extents of the cortices. Similar topographies were found in three hemispheres of two monkeys; the horizontal and vertical gain field representations were not isotropic with a greater modulation found with the vertical. Monte Carlo methods demonstrated the significance of the maps, and they were verified in part using multiunit recordings. The novel topographic organization of this association cortex area provides a substrate for constructing representations of surrounding space for perception and the guidance of motor behaviors.  相似文献   

 In order to determine whether the cells in the monkey claustrum which project to visual area V4 are found in the same territory as cells projecting to other visual areas, we made injections of the retrograde fluorescent tracer diamidino yellow into area V4 in two monkeys. Injections of a second tracer, fast blue, were also made in area PM, an area just medial to area V4 on the prelunate gyrus, in one animal. Area V4 injections labeled cells in ventral claustrum over about 5–6 mm of its anterior-posterior extent. The more medial prelunate injection labeled cells in adjacent dorsal and more lateral claustrum. These results, together with data from other studies, suggest that in the monkey, as in the cat, there is a ”visual” region of claustrum that is interconnected with multiple visual areas including V1, V2, V4, MT, FST, MST, TEO and TE. The data also suggest that dorsal and lateral to this region is another zone which is connected with different visual areas, including several in posterior parietal cortex. Received: 10 April 1996 / Accepted: 3 September 1996  相似文献   

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