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目的探讨深低温对肝脏胆管系统三级以上分支的影响。方法本研究采用30只小猪,随机分为4组。用平底冷冻头分别对A组动物第一肝门部、B组动物左肝外叶的Glisson管道、C组动物左肝外叶Glisson管道的主要分支区域进行3分钟的直接深低温冷冻(冷冻时阻断肝门);对照组:仅阻断肝门3分钟。术后通过血清学、核素扫描、彩色多谱勒和病理学等方法了解肝组织及管道系统变化。结果A组动物肝门部的胆管系统在冷冻后出现严重损伤,表现为进行性、不可逆的胆管坏死、狭窄、胆瘘、化脓性胆管炎等并发症;在B、C组,冷冻可造成受冻部位肝实质、胆管及门静脉分支管壁的坏死,而肝动脉分支不受影响,术后8周原冷冻区的肝动脉、门静脉分支的管腔依然保持通敞,所在肝叶萎缩、纤维化。结论如对第一肝门部进行直接深低温冷冻,应注意避免损伤胆管系统。机体可耐受对部分肝叶胆管系统二、三级分支区域的直接深低温冷冻;冷冻可造成受冻部位肝实质的坏死,达到外科治疗目的。  相似文献   

目的:了解不同浓度盐酸消融胆管后兔的肝功及胆管组织改变,为临床应用消融栓塞胆管治疗肝内胆管结石提供实验依据。方法:观察20%、15%、10%和5%的盐酸消融右外叶胆管后兔的存活情况、肝脏功能和胆管组织病理改变。结果:胆管消融术后所有动物均未死亡,存活率100%。20%盐酸及15%盐酸胆管消融造成兔右外叶肝脏几近坏死。10%盐酸胆管消融导致兔右外叶近肝门部肝实质完全坏死,肝叶中部及边缘组织以汇管区为中心的大片坏死。5%盐酸胆管消融后兔右外叶近肝门部及中部肝实质以汇管区为中心的坏死,肝叶边缘仅胆管坏死。与20%、15%和10%盐酸组兔相比,5%盐酸组的肝功能损害最轻。结论:盐酸作为胆管消融剂,能够导致胆管组织凝固性坏死,破坏胆管上皮,终止胆管上皮及胆管周围腺体的分泌;5%为盐酸消融胆管的较理想浓度。  相似文献   

肛门胆管爆常需大块肝切除以获得较好的预后,Blumgart等提出肝切除的范围应与术后并发症诸如肝功能衰竭、脓毒症和吻合疾等密切联系。在肝门胆管癌,一个较小范围的肝叶切除而又伴有较低的术后并发症率是可行的,作者介绍了3例肝门胆管癌采用肝段Ⅰ、Ⅳ切除的体会。尾叶即肝段Ⅰ的肝内胆管分支源自双侧肝内胆管第一级分支.肝段Ⅳ的肝内胆管则起自邻近门静脉脐部的左肝管,位于肝门实质的腹一头部,故切除肝段Ⅰ、Ⅳ已足够。先打开肝十二指肠韧带,游离出肝动脉和门静脉,追踪远端胆管至胰腺,证实均无侵犯。切断远端胆管后,整块切除肝外…  相似文献   

高位胆管阻塞病变的定位定性诊断及其外科治疗,仍为胆道外科临床的困难课题,是提高复杂胆道外科疾病治疗水平的重要途径。高位胆管塞病变因其位于肝门部的特殊解剖位置;由于肝门胆管阻塞.导致肝脏肿大,可呈一致性肿大或左右叶不对称性肿大,严重黄疸,肝功损害及凝血障碍;肝门胆管的显露困难;手术易于出血;肝门部胆管与肝动脉、门静脉关系紧密,胆管与血管分支变异较多,肝动脉门静脉支横跨高位胆管,给手术增添更多困难;一些高位胆管阻塞较长时间的病例,特别是屡发化脓性肝胆管炎.常并发胆汁性肝硬变及门脉高压症.使高位胆管阻塞性病变的外科治疗相当困难。  相似文献   

肝门部胆管手术和部分肝脏手术常需解剖肝门,如探查高位胆管癌是否可被切除、确定肝门部胆管狭窄的部位和长度,或解剖出肝门部的半肝管道予以结扎、切断。常规解剖肝门是由前向后,逐一剪开分离肝十二指肠韧带,若为高位胆管手术则直接分离胆管。但在肝脏肿大、十二指肠上移、肝门部组织水肿、粘连和胆道肿瘤向前方浸润等情况下,由前向后解剖肝门管道比较困难,且易损伤后方的门静脉及其分支。由于肝门部的动脉小分支、淋巴结和神经纤维交织在一起,在组织粘连水肿的情况下,极易发生出血,以致手术野不清,加上黄疸患者有凝血功能障碍,…  相似文献   

肝门部胆管狭窄通常分为恶性狭窄和良性狭窄。如何有效处理肝门部胆管狭窄一直是胆道外科中的重点与难点。由于其涉及胆管系统、肝动脉系统、门静脉系统以及肝脏实质等,因此,对手术路径的选择至关重要。基于围肝门技术的肝门入路术式,能更好的显露肝门区各管道的解剖,并行精准处理,从而有效提高肝门部胆管癌的手术根治率,降低胆管狭窄的手术难度及手术风险。  相似文献   

切开肝内胆管治疗复杂肝内胆管结石的手术入路和方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨显露和剖开肝内各叶、段胆管的手术方法,提高复杂性肝内胆管结石病的治疗效果。方法 从肝内胆管手术显露的角度,研究了30个成人肝脏标本肝内各叶、段胆管与血管走行位置的解剖关系,设计了新的手术方法、用于治疗复杂性肝内胆管结石46例。结果 肝内胆管与血管走行的位置关系。从肝脏的脏面观:左右肝管均位于门静脉左右干的前上缘。左内叶胆管、右前叶胆管位于相应门静脉支的前内侧(近肝门侧)。右后叶胆管有73.3%(22/30)位于门静脉右前支(18/30)或门静脉右前下段支(4/30)脏面深侧;80%(24/30)走行于门静脉右后叶支脏面深侧(20/30)或后上缘(4/30)。左外叶胆管基本上都走行于门静脉矢状部脏面深侧,只有2个标本的左外叶下段支胆管在其浅侧。肝动脉在肝内各叶段的分支基本上走行与Glisson鞘内胆管与门静脉之间或侧旁。从肝脏膈面观:肝内各叶、段胆管与血管的解剖位置关系大致与脏面观相反或接近相反。据此,从肝脏脏面显露肝门、可以连续切开左右肝管和多数左内叶及右前叶胆管,但难以显露右后叶及右叶各段胆管和左外叶胆管;而从肝脏膈面进路切开肝方叶或肝中裂、再沿右后叶胆管投影方向切开肝实质,则可避开右肝内的门静脉主要分支,比较容易显露和切开右肝内各叶、段胆管汇合部及狭窄段。从肝左叶膈面切开左外叶胆管,可避免损伤左门静脉矢状况。设计经肝的脏面显露和剖开肝门及左右肝管与经肝的膈面显露和剖开肝内叶、段胆管相结合的手术方法,治疗复杂性肝内多叶、多段胆管多发结石并胆管狭窄的病人46例。无手术死亡。31例平均随访39个月,效果优良28例(90%),好转2例(6.5%),无效1例(3.5%)。结论 经肝的脏面和膈面相结合的手术入路,显露和剖开肝内外胆管及其狭窄段,便于取出结石。将剖开的肝内外胆管与空肠Roux-en-y大口吻合,则可解除胆道狭窄,建立通畅的胆流通道,是治疗复杂性肝内胆管结石有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

Ⅲ型肝门部胆管癌的外科治疗(附35例分析)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的总结Ⅲ型肝门部胆管癌的手术经验。方法回顾性分析我院1999年1月至2006年12月,行手术切除的35例Ⅲ型肝门部胆管癌的临床资料。Ⅲa型16例,行肝门部胆管切除8例,行联合右半肝+右侧尾状叶切除7例,行联合右半肝+尾状叶切除、门静脉分叉部切除主干左支吻合1例。Ⅲb型19例,行肝门部胆管切除8例,行联合左半肝+左侧尾状叶切除9例,行联合左半肝+尾状叶切除、门静脉分叉部切除主干右支吻合1例.行联合左半肝+尾状叶切除、门静脉分叉部切除主干右支吻合、肝固有动脉分叉部切除主干右支吻合1例。结果本组32例获得随访,随访时间18~113个月。肝门部胆管切除病例术后病理根治性切除率为37.5%,联合肝叶切除病例术后病理根治性切除率73.7%,3例联合肝叶切除+血管切除病例均获术后病理根治性切除。肝门部胆管切除术后并发症发生率为31.3%,联合肝叶切除组术后并发症发生率为31.6%。3例联合肝叶切除+血管切除病例术后均无胆肠吻合口漏、肝断面坏死、胆漏等严重并发症。结论联合肝叶切除,必要时行受累分叉部血管切除重建,有益于提高Ⅲ型肝门部胆管癌的根治性切除率,且不增加术后并发症的发生率。  相似文献   

肝门部胆管癌手术方式选择   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对于肝门部胆管癌手术,肝门部的肝板系统是重要的局部解剖。肝板系统由肝门板、脐静脉板和胆囊板等三个板形成。近端从胆管、肝固有动脉和门静脉的分叉处起,右至管道的右前叶和右后叶分叉处,上邻左内叶脏面和尾状叶,左包绕门静脉脐部,还包括胆囊的表面。肝板覆盖在肝外脉管系脏面的板组织较厚,胆管和动脉可以从门静脉剥离。在板内有很多淋巴管和交感神经出入。  相似文献   

大鼠门静脉转流下耐受入肝血流阻断的安全时限   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
目的 评估在排除门静脉淤血条件下动物耐受人肝血硫阻断的安全时限。方法 利用大鼠肝脏及肝蒂分支分叶的解剖特点,阻断肝左,中和右叶肝蒂,以尾叶静脉系统作为阻断入肝血流期间门静脉血液的流出道,肝脏复流后切除尾叶,在这一模型上,以阻断入肝血流不同时程后动物7d存活率,肝脏病理组织学改变及肝脏能量代谢功能损害的严重诬蔑工及可逆性来推断动物耐受常温下入肝血流阻断的安全时限。结果 门静脉转流下阻断入肝血流90min以内,术后7d动物全部存活,其肝脏缺血-再灌流损害以肝窦淤血和肝细胞变性等可逆性病变为主,而肝脏能量代谢功能损害可得以代偿和恢复,阻断入肝血流100、110、120min后动物7d存活率分别为50%,30%和20%,肝脏缺血120min后肝脏缺血-再灌流损害则以大量肝组织坏死为显特性,其肝脏能量代谢功能严重受损而陷入失代偿状态。结论 大鼠在门静脉轻流时对常温下持续入肝血流阻断的耐受性显增强。其安全时限是90min。  相似文献   

We report a case of anomaly of the intrahepatic portal system in a 65-year-old man with hilar bile duct cancer. Preoperatively, percutaneous transhepatic portography demonstrated that there was a right posterior portal vein arising from the main portal vein. In addition, a large portal branch originated from the left portal vein and coursed toward the right hepatic lobe. Following portal embolization of the right posterior branch, the patient underwent an extended right hepatectomy with a caudate lobectomy. Intraoperatively, to the left at the porta hepatis and then it first gave off the right anterior portal vein originated from the left portal vein and coursed toward the right hepatic lobe horizontally behind the gallbladder and then separated into superior and inferior segmental branches to supply the right anterior segment of the liver. The ramification of some major branches without malposition of the gallbladder or round ligament was the important clinical feature of this anomaly.  相似文献   

The human biliary system is formed from the hepatic diverticulum, a structure which develops from the embryonic foregut in the fourth week of gestation. The cephalic portion of the hepatic diverticulum lies within the septum transversum, and gives rise to entodermal cells which become the primitive hepatocytes. The caudal part of the hepatic diverticulum is molded by mesenchyme to form the gallbladder, cystic duct, and extrahepatic bile duct. The gallbladder is initially tubular in shape, and undergoes morphological changes to become saccular during the 11th week of gestation. The extrahepatic bile duct elongates and widens as gestation progresses, and intramural mucus glands develop. There is no solid stage during the development of the extrahepatic bile duct. The extrahepatic bile duct is a well-defined tubular structure by the 6th week of gestation, whereas the intrahepatic biliary system during this period of gestation is represented by the primitive ductal plate. The ductal plate undergoes structural changes from the 11th week of gestation, beginning at the porta hepatis and progressing through gestation to the periphery of the liver. This remodeling process shapes the ductal plate from a flat sheath of biliary epithelium surrounding the portal vein branches into a network of interconnecting tubular structures. Mesenchyme plays an important role in ductal plate remodeling. The intrahepatic biliary system is in luminal continuity with the extrahepatic bile duct throughout gestation at the porta hepatis. The major bile ducts at the porta hepatis are fully formed by the 16th week of gestation. Received: September 30, 2000 / Accepted: January 10, 2001  相似文献   

In 117 livers with fascioliasis, this study was focused on the number of Fasciola, the number and intrahepatic localization of affected hepatic ducts and bile ducts, and the degree of fibrosis in the hepatic segments and bile ducts. The degree of pathological changes in bile ducts caused by fascioliasis was classified into five levels. The site of Fasciola habitation was most often the hepatic ducts of the porta hepatis: it was the left hepatic duct in 101 livers and the right hepatic duct in 88 livers. Casts were prepared by infusing synthetic resin into the hepatic arterial, portal, hepatic venous and biliary systems of 15 bovine livers with fascioliasis and then examined. In the left lobe, quadrate lobe, and caudate process where atrophic fibrosis was noted, the bile ducts became rod‐shaped by losing branches, and the samples resembled dead branches of liver. Portal branches were thinned or completely terminated with marked fibrosis. Fine and irregular newly formed bile ducts not parallel with portal branches were observed in livers with markedly chronic fascioliasis. Distal portal branches in the right lobe, caudate lobe, and papillary process showed hypertrophic proliferative changes. The arterial system was generally well developed in thickened walls of bile ducts and formed vascular beds, and surrounded the bile ducts as tubes. In livers with severe fibrosis, capillaries were markedly developed and resembled glass cotton.  相似文献   

Management of Blunt and Penetrating Injuries to the Porta Hepatis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Injuries to the porta hepatis pose difficult problems in management, and transection of the bile ducts, portal vein and hepatic artery is among the most challenging. Twenty-one patients with severe injuries to the porta hepatis were treated over a ten-year period. Ages ranged from 13 to 56 years, and follow-up was up to nine years. Among the 14 patients with bile duct injury, eight were found to have complete transection, and five suffered a tangential laceration or incomplete disruption with a portion of a duct wall remaining intact. Five of the eight patients who had complete transection underwent primary end-to-end repair with T-tube splinting, while three were treated with primary Roux-en-Y choledocojejunostomy. All patients with incomplete disruption underwent primary repair with or without T-tube splinting. Of the five patients with complete disruption who were treated with primary end-to-end anastomosis of the bile duct in conjunction with T-tube splinting, all required secondary biliary tract reconstruction of some type. No patient with complete transection that was treated with primary Roux-en-Y biliary enteric anastomosis required reoperation. Partial transections were successfully treated with primary repair. Portal vein injury was encountered in ten patients. Injury was successfully managed by primary closure, interposition of a vein, or splenicmesenteric vein bypass. Associated injuries to liver, pancreas, kidney and duodenum were common. In four patients there was injury to the main or left or right hepatic artery which was managed successfully by repair or ligation, with or without hepatic lobectomy. By adhering to the principles of management to be outlined, many patients with injury to the porta hepatis will survive, and the long term outcome can be gratifying.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the porta hepatis, with particular emphasis on the hilar relationships of the bile ducts to the portal vein, has been investigated in 30 fresh cadaver specimens. Meticulous dissertion delineated three major types of anatomic variations. Type A, the most common, revealed a left hepatic duct which, when it branched, sent its largest and major tributary beneath the portal vein to the lateral segment of the left lobe. Type B was characterized by the major division of the left hepatic duct running parallel to the portal vein into the hepatic sulcus. In Type C the divisions were of equal caliber. These observations should assist the surgeon in dissections of the hepatic ducts above their confluence.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝门部格利森蒂血流阻断在解剖性肝右叶肝癌切除术中的应用.方法 回颐性分析38例肝右叶肝癌患者的临床资料,20例采用肝门部格利森带血流阻断(A组)进行解剖性肝切除;18例采用间歇性第一肝门阻断(B组)进行肝肿瘤局部切除;对2组术中出血、术后肝功能及胆瘘情况进行比较.结果 2组病例均无死亡病例,A组无出现腹水病例...  相似文献   

Operative liver biopsies and specimens of the extrahepatic ducts and porta hepatis have been studied in 12 cases of biliary atresia. In all cases, the liver showed giant cell transformation and inflammation with mononuclear cells and neutrophils. Most had other features of neonatal hepatitis, including necrosis of hepatocytes. In the intrahepatic bile ducts of all cases but one, the hepatic ducts and glands at the porta hepatis, and in the extrahepatic ducts where epithelium remained, there was degeneration of the epithelium and intramural inflammation. In the ducts at the porta hepatis and in 6 of 8 extrahepatic ducts where epithelium remained, there was extensive mural fibrosis compromising the diameter of the duct lumens. Three cases showed the inflammatory changes distal to sites of closure of the extrahepatic ducts. These findings demonstrate that in biliary atresia, hepatitis, intrahepatic cholangitis, and sclerosing cholangitis of the extrahepatic ducts all interact to produce acquired obstruction to bile flow.  相似文献   

Histopathologic study was carried out on specimen of extrahepatic biliary system in 23 patients with congenital biliary atresia, and the data were compared with those obtained from a control group of 43 autopsy cases of newborns and infants. In the control cases, accessory tubulo-alveolar glands were observed around the extrahepatic bile duct, and in addition some small ductules were observed in the area of the porta hepatis. In cases of biliary atresia, characteristic findings were histologically detected at each level of the extrahepatic biliary system. In the area of the porta hepatis, there were many epithelial luminal structures in fibrous tissue with inflammatory infiltrates. Near the confluence, the bile duct completely disappeared to be replaced by fibrosis, and in the area between the porta hepatis and the confluence, granulation tissue surrounded by fibrosis was observed. The epithelial luminal structures in the area of the porta hepatis were thought to originate from the bile duct, draining ductules and accessory glands observed in the normal controls. These structures tended to decrease in number with time. In cases possessing a patent common bile duct, the gallbladder showed many mucous glands and no inflammatory changes. On the other hand, in cases with an obliterated common bile duct, the gallbladder showed chronic atrophic cholecystitis without any mucous glands. The pathogenesis remains unknown, but it is thought that this disorder results from non-infectious inflammatory changes initiated near the confluence of the normally developed bile duct.  相似文献   

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