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为探讨研究生对分类培养模式的认识,采用自制问卷,调查研究生对分类培养必要性、开始时间、分类标准的看法。结果显示,34.1%的研究生认为分类培养必要,20.4%的研究生认为不必要;26.5%认为报考时开始进行分类培养更为合适,其次是入学时(24.5%)、课程学习时(18.5%)等;对于分类标准,最多的是认为应当按照培养目的进行分类(34.7%)。  相似文献   

浅谈护生实习前教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对当前护生质量下降,为培养合格的新型实用人才,重视实习前教育应从政治思想、医院介绍、素质培养、强化技能训练和护理文书书写几方面进行。  相似文献   

Medical educators' views on medical education reform   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To determine whether medical educators perceive a need for change in medical student education, we analyzed data from a 1989 survey of 1369 respondents from all US schools of allopathic medicine. Except for basic sciences faculty, a majority of educators stated that "fundamental changes" are needed in medical student education in the United States. Nearly three fourths of deans and associated deans reported the need for "fundamental changes" or "thorough reform." At least 79% of educators voiced support for six specific reforms, such as rewarding teaching excellence and increasing clinical education in ambulatory and community settings. While slight majorities supported reducing class size and centralizing governance, substantial proportions stated that they would "work against" such reforms. Most educators reported that a broad base of support within the school would be essential for change. The survey suggests a restlessness among the leaders of medical education.  相似文献   

A total of 277 third and fourth year medical students and 304 house officers and senior house officers were asked to prioritise the content and methods of clinical teaching. Response rates were poor, but similar to that in market surveys. Bedside teaching and medical clerking were considered the most valuable methods of teaching and training in practical procedures such as venepunctures and urinary catheterisation was seen as valuable. The design of new curricula in medical education will need to accommodate the views of its clients.  相似文献   

随着教育思想和教育观念的改变 ,素质教育已成为目前教育界普遍关心的一个焦点。高等学校中关于素质教育的讨论已越来越多[1~ 2 ] 。素质教育包含了政治素质、职业道德素质、科学文化素质、身体素质、美学素质及心理素质等多方面内容。高等学校作为培养高层次人才的阵地 ,科学文化素质的培养尤为重要。要真正提高大学生的科学文化素质 ,离不开创新意识和创新能力的培养 ,它直接关系到一个民族的未来和一个国家的繁荣昌盛。当前 ,摆在各高等学校面前的任务不是去讨论是否有必要加强学生创新意识和创新能力培养的问题 ,而是要想方设法去解决…  相似文献   

加强高校护理专业学生法律知识教育的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了满足目前法律的不断健全、确保护理人员和病人的合法权益、减少医疗护理纠纷等需要,必须加强护生的法律知识教育。同时,提出了通过课程改革、教学方法改革、师资培养、将法律教育融入临床护理学科教学中等措施来加大对法律知识的学习,提高护理专业学生的法律意识,为临床输送合格的护理人才。  相似文献   

An overview of medical education at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Canadian faculties of medicine is provided. Particular attention is focused on changes that have occurred in the 1990s and their effect on medical students and on educational programs. Also considered are the effects of reductions in the number of entry-level positions for residency training and the changes in educational requirements for licensure on senior medical students.  相似文献   

Nursing education in the United States began in the 1870s with hospital training schools modeled after the Nightingale plan. Presently there are three educational paths that students may take to become a registered nurse (RN). These are the baccalaureate degree (BS), the associate degree (AD) and the diploma. Accelerated nursing programs are also available for people who have a baccalaureate degree in another field. Nursing education and nursing practice in the United States is regulated by each of the 50 states. The focus of nursing education is the preparation of nurses who use critical thinking skills to provide comprehensive patient-centered care to a variety of clients. It is expected that nurses will function using evidence-based practice in a culturally competent, safe manner. Nursing schools must be approved by the state in which they exist. In addition to this, most nursing schools are also accredited, a voluntary process that is done by a non-governmental association. All graduates take the same licensing exam, a computer adaptive test that is from 75 to 265 items long educated graduates were first time test takers; 85.5% passed the exam. Trends in nursing education In 2008 almost 120,000 US include a focus on evidence based practice, an emphasis on safety and quality, patient education and management of chronic conditions, genetics and genomics and the use of simulation in nursing education  相似文献   

临床实习是学生理论与实践结合的阶段,是医学生向医生成长的必由之路.临床实习的目的是使医学生将所学知识系统化,学会运用医学知识解决临床实际问题,掌握基本的临床技能,在医疗实践中学会临床思维并养成良好的职业道德.因此,临床教师应通过多种形式的教学查房及各种医疗活动强化医学生的医学知识,培养其各种临床能力.通过带教教师的言传身教,培养医学生高尚的医德,初步完成从医学生向医生的转变.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of 1,334 patients at three community health centers operated by the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford are presented and discussed. The research was designed to begin to obtain a better understanding of the patient's views on the quality of care and medical students in the medical education setting. Patients in the study reported being attracted to the educational site for the same reasons they would go to a private physician, that is, location, advice of a friend, or dissatisfaction with their previous doctor. They also reported satisfaction with care in general and with the specific components of care at the health centers. However, the patients expressed different views of the medical student's role, and there were differences in the patients' preferences for a student or a faculty physician depending on their medical problem or condition. These views of the student's role and the patients' preferences of physicians were found to be related significantly to the patient's age, the patient's perception of his primary source of medical care, the patient's evaluation of the effect of medical schools on health care, and the patient's level of satisfaction with the care received.  相似文献   

医学院校的学生由于学业繁重,学习年限较长,加之医学院校单科设置,文体活动普遍不如综合性院校、理工科院校活跃,所以在学习生活中遇到的困难较多,容易产生心理问题.因此,了解医学生心理问题产生的根源,加强心理健康教育,是高校德育工作者面临的重要课题.  相似文献   

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