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Until recently, the majority of newly recruited volunteer donors were typed for HLA-A and -B by serology onto the National Marrow Donor Program Registry. Quality control of this serological typing performed by contracted laboratories was carried out by retesting approximately 1% of each laboratory's test volume utilizing DNA-based techniques (SSOP). The criteria used for selection included samples presumed to be homozygotes, samples with split antigen specificities and samples with antigens considered to be difficult to define. Out of 1983 samples analyzed, 156 HLA-A (3.9%) and 265 HLA-B (6.7%) locus discrepancies were identified. Review of these discrepancies by both the serological and QC laboratory revealed that the majority of discrepancies were due to errors in serological typing. Serological discrepancies were categorized as follows: blank antigens identified (36.8%) and misassignments (63.2%). Misassignments were defined as either the incorrect assignment of antigens within a group ("wrong split"), or a complete misassignment. Antigens reported as blanks most frequently belonged to the A19 and A28 groups and to the B70, 46 and 40 groups. The most frequent misassignments within groups were the A19 and A10 groups, and the B40 and B15 groups. Other HLA-A misassignments included A2 vs A28 or A2 vs A69, while other HLA-B misassignments included B35 and B70. This QC analysis showed that serological typing of class I antigens for the purposes of NMDP registry typing is prone to a significant error rate. Careful evaluation and selection of contracted laboratories by the NMDP suggests methodological limitations rather than poor performance as the main cause of these observations.  相似文献   

DNA-based typing of HLA class I alleles of the HLA-A and HLA-B loci using sequence-specific oligonucleotide primers and/or probes has been used for the large-scale typing of individuals for the National Marrow Donor Program unrelated donor registry. Typing was performed by 16 laboratories at a low level of resolution (e.g. A*01, B*07). The results of blinded quality control analysis for the first 12 months of the project show the typing to be highly accurate, specific and reliable. The total error rate based on 11,545 HLA-A and 11,428 HLA-B assignments was 1.1% for HLA-A and 1.9% for HLA-B. This level of accuracy is particularly remarkable because the quality control samples could not be distinguished from 64,180 donor samples tested at the same time by the laboratories.  相似文献   

Unrelated volunteer donors (69) recruited by the National Marrow Donor Program were HLA typed by DNA-based methods for both the HLA-A and -B loci. Each donor had been previously typed by serology by at least two independent laboratories. Of the 69 samples, all serologic laboratories were in concordance for HLA-A in 62 typed samples and for HLA-B in 48 typed samples. Of the serologically concordant samples, 5 samples typed for HLA-A and 7 samples typed for HLA-B received DNA and serology types differing in their level of resolution. One sample typed for HLA-A and 3 samples typed for HLA-B by DNA methods gave different results from their serologic assignments. Of the samples exhibiting disparities among the different serologic typing laboratories, the DNA-defined types of 7 samples typed for HLA-A and 18 samples typed for HLA-B were consistent with at least one of the serologic assignments. The DNA types for the remaining 3 HLA-B typed samples did not agree with the serologic assignments and their alleles were subsequently sequenced. One of these sequences was a previously undefined allele, B*1537. Sharing of polymorphic sequences among HLA allelic products creates difficulties for consistent serologic assignments of some types complicating the process of identifying potential donors from bone marrow registries. Thus, the use of DNA-based typing techniques for characterization of donor class I types should allow a more consistent definition of types and should speed the donor selection process.  相似文献   

A medium resolution PCR-SSOP typing method, using 26 digoxigenin labelled probes, has been established for the identification of HLA-A alleles. The system is capable of discriminating all of the serologically defined specificities except for eight heterozygous combinations which are however rare in Caucasians. The method has been applied to 1,838 individuals on the local bone marrow registry who either had only one detectable HLA-A antigen, or a HLA-A antigen whose presence had been queried using the serological technique or a broad HLA-A specificity assigned by the serological technique. In all but one case the serologically assigned antigens were detected with the PCR-SSOP method. In addition, PCR-SSOP detected the presence of a second HLA-A allele in over 10% of individuals who had been previously homozygous. Frequency information, based on a population of 5,000 individuals, has been established using a combination of molecular and serological typing data.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization and sequence-specific primer polymerase chain reaction (PCR) typing suggested the presence of variants of HLA-B*40 in three individuals. Two were part of 3,500 potential marrow donors being screened for the National Marrow Donor Program, while the third was a clinical specimen. PCR products encompassing HLA-B locus exons 1 through 3 were prepared and subcloned. In one individual, a native of the Pacific Islands, sequencing revealed a novel HLA-B*40 allele (B*4023). In two other individuals, a previously unknown exon 1 sequence was determined for HLA-B*4016 (ethnicity unknown) and B*4020 (Hispanic). These findings further illustrate the substantial genetic variation present at the HLA-B locus within human populations.  相似文献   

Until recently, the majority of HLA class I typing has been performed by serology. Expensive commercial typing trays are frequently used for testing non-Caucasian subjects and new strategies using DNA-based methods have been adopted for improving clinical histocompatibility testing results and adapted as supplements in proficiency testing. A double-blind comparison of the typing of HLA-B specificities in 40 samples was carried out between serology and two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods, PCR amplification with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) and PCR amplification and subsequent hybridization with sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes (PCR-SSOP). The results demonstrated 22.5% misassignments of HLA-B antigens by serology. There was complete concordance between the results obtained with the two PCR based typing methods. A second panel of 20 donor samples with incomplete or ambiguous serologic results was analyzed by PCR-SSP and SSOP. Both PCR methods identified correctly the HLA-B antigens. Our results suggest that more accurate typing results can be achieved by complementing serologic testing with DNA-based typing techniques. The level of resolution for HLA-B antigen assignment can be obtained by this combination of serology and limited DNA-based typing is equivalent to the HLA-B specificities defined by the WHO-HLA Committee. This level of resolution cannot routinely be achieved in clinical histocompatibility testing or in proficiency testing using serologic reagents only.  相似文献   

Several methods for low-resolution class I typing of potential bone marrow donors are available. The National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) has initiated pilot projects for large-scale DNA-based class I typing to initially characterize donors. Sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization and sequence-specific primer polymerase chain reaction (PCR) screening of 3,500 NMDP potential donors suggested the presence of variants of known HLA-B*15 variants in 3 donors. PCR products encompassing HLA-B locus exons 1 through 3 were prepared and subcloned. Sequencing revealed 3 alleles differing from known HLA-B*15 alleles by nucleotide substitutions resulting in predicted novel HLA-B antigens. The new alleles occur in distinct ethnic groups. These findings further illustrate the substantial genetic variation present at the HLA-B locus within human populations.  相似文献   

This study aimed to report the antigen and haplotype frequencies (HFs) of volunteer bone marrow donors (VBMDs) from the state of Piauí who were enrolled in the National Volunteer Bone Marrow Donor Registry (REDOME). The research subjects were 21,943 volunteer bone marrow donors, predominantly young adult women (53.3%). The most frequent allelic group was HLA-A2, followed by -DRB1*13, -DRB1*04, -DRB1*07, -B*15, -B∗35, -B*44, -A*24 and -A*03.  相似文献   

The HLA-DRB1 sequencing based typing strategies reported to date require separate amplifications of each sample with a series of group-specific primers followed by sequencing of any resulting polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. Whilst this results in high resolution typing in the majority of cases, a number of unnecessary amplifications are performed. We report here a novel approach where amplification of the second exon of HLA-DRB1 is performed in a single tube for all alleles. Retrospective analysis of 642 consecutive Western Australian unrelated bone marrow registry donors has shown that this approach results in unambiguous typings in 71.1% of cases. Ambiguities can be readily resolved if necessary with a single additional sequencing reaction on the original PCR product.  相似文献   

In this study we typed HLA-A polymorphisms by a new sequence-based typing (SBT) method, which involved one PCR reaction and four sequencing reactions covering exon 2 and exon 3. This method allowed complete identification of all known HLA-A alleles and revealed the presence of a new allele, named HLA-A*2608. We also introduced sequencing of exon 4 for some samples in order to discriminate the allelic pairs that are identical in exon 2 and 3, thus improving SBT resolution. Finally, we compared the results obtained by SBT with data obtained by serological typing and the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS-PCR). Together, our results suggest that the SBT here described provides an optimal HLA-A typing technique that may be useful in selecting donor-recipient pairs in bone marrow transplantation between unrelated individuals.  相似文献   

We have identified a new A*66 allele (A*6603) in three related individuals, an Arabic patient suffering from acute myeloid leukemia and two of her relatives. The A*66 alleles differ in three amino acid residues at positions 70, 90 and 163. The closer relationship between A*6602 and A*6603, which only differ at amino acid 70, replacing GLN with HIS, suggests that the alloreactive potential in this mismatch combination is lower than in all other mismatched A*66 donor-recipient combinations, which exhibit two (A*6601 versus A*6602) and three (A*6601 versus A*6603) differences at the pivotal positions, respectively. This emphasizes the potential role of the A*66 subtypes in bone marrow transplantation with alternative donors. For that reason, allelic subtyping should be considered in donor-recipient matching to identify the kind of disparity.  相似文献   

Sequence specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization and sequence specific primer PCR typing of volunteer bone marrow donors suggested the presence of variants of known HLA-B alleles in two individuals. PCR products encompassing HLA-B locus exons 1, 2, and 3 were prepared, subcloned and sequenced. A Hispanic individual had a novel B*07 allele (B*0714) and a Chinese individual had a novel B*27 allele (B*2718). In two other individuals, a previously unknown sequence of exon 1 was determined for HLA-B*0709 (African American) and B*2714 (Native American). These findings further illustrate the substantial genetic variation present at the HLA-B locus within human populations. We discuss the structural variation in the protein sequence for these HLA-B alleles and its potential functional effects.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid-based methods for allele identification have revealed more than 470 polymorphic variants at the HLA-B locus. Screening of potential bone marrow donors with sequence specific primer polymerase chain reactions and sequence specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization assays revealed apparent variants within the B*58, *44, *15, and *48 allele groups. DNA sequencing of cloned DNA identified the new alleles B*5804, B*4418, and B*1558 within these groups and observed new sequence information for the previously reported allele B*4805. These findings further extend our knowledge of the substantial genetic variation present at the HLA-B locus within human populations.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of HLA class I alleles has continued to reveal the true extent of polymorphism, particularly for B-locus alleles. This diversity can arise through reshuffling of polymorphic sequences generated by point mutation, resulting in interallelic recombination or intergenic recombination (1). Here we describe a new B-locus allele, B*8202, which is structurally most similar to B*8201, having only one nucleotide difference in exon 3 at nucleotide 557, resulting in an amino acid change of aspartic acid to glycine at residue 162. Glycine is the consensus amino acid for B-locus alleles, which suggests that B*8202 is older than B*8201 in evolutionary terms. B*8201 was found to be a hybrid of B*4501 and B*5602 that may have arisen through recombination events, explaining the serological patterns observed with these allotypes. The importance of high-resolution typing is emphasised here as routine typing suggested the presence of B*8201 and the new variant allele may have been missed had it not been typed further by sequence-based typing.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization and sequence-specific primer polymerase chain reaction (PCR) typing of volunteer bone marrow donors suggested the presence of variants of known HLA-B alleles in five individuals. PCR products encompassing HLA-B locus exons 1 through 3 were prepared and subcloned. Three African-American individuals had a novel HLA-B*39 allele (B*3917), and another African-American was found to have a novel HLA-B*14 allele (B*1405). In a third individual of Hispanic origin, a novel HLA-B*35 allele (B*3528) was identified. These findings further illustrate the substantial genetic variation present at the HLA-B locus within human populations.  相似文献   

HLA-A and HLA-B genes were typed by DNA sequencing in a mestizo population from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Thirty-seven HLA-A and 51 HLA-B alleles were observed in 103 samples. The common typical Amerindian alleles (>5%) and haplotypes (>or=2.0%) found were A*02010101, *24020101, *310102, B*350101, and *4002, and A*310102-B*4002, A*240201-B*350101, and the typical European alleles were A*010101, *29010101, B*1402, B*180101, and A*020101-B*1402, A*020101-B*510101, and A*3002-B*180101. This reflects the blending of the two main parental populations of mestizos: Amerindian and Iberian. Mexicans were found to be relatively closer to the Portuguese than to Spaniards. This proximity may indicate a larger Portuguese influence in Mexicans than previously considered. Present data contribute to the understanding of the genetic structure in Mexico.  相似文献   

Identification of a novel allele HLA-A*1113 in a Japanese donor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anew HLA-A*11 allele, A*1113, was identified in a healthy Japanese female. She was typed as HLA-A11?, A2, B46, B67, Cw1, Cw7 (Bw6) with unusual serological reactivity of A11, suggesting possible presence of a new A*11 allele. The novel A*1113 allele was identified by haplotypic group-specific allele amplification using A*11 allele-specific primer pairs and sequence-based typing. The A*1113 allele differs from A*11011 by one nucleotide substitution in exon 3 at position 503 (A --> G) which causes an amino acid change in the alfa2 domain at residue 144 (lysine : K --> arginine : R), thus resulting in the unusual serological reactivity.  相似文献   

The new HLA-A*9237 differs from HLA-A*020601 by one nonsynonymous nucleotide exchange at codon 127 (AAA to AAC).  相似文献   

The identification of the new allele HLA-A*6813, which was found in a woman of Syrian origin and her son, is described. In the sequence analysis the new allele differs from A*68011 by positions 259 (A>G) and 261 (C>G) in exon 2. As the structure is thus identical to the HLA-A consensus sequence it is likely that the new allele originated by gene conversion. At the protein level, the new allele has one amino acid difference from A*6801 (Asn63Glu), which results in a distinct banding pattern in one dimensional-isoelectric focusing. Amino acid residue 63 contributes to the formation of pocket A and B and is thus important for peptide binding. A*6813 was serologically detectable only by two of six polyclonal, but by three monoclonal antisera. The restricted serological A68 activity may be explained by altered peptide binding as presented peptides can affect the serological recognition of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Moreover, our findings suggest that a possible mismatch with the other known A*68 variants may impair clinical outcome of bone marrow transplantation.  相似文献   

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