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Summary In the process of skeletal changes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) the lower cervical spine may characteristically be affected by subluxation, discoligamentous insufficiency and bone resorption. These may cause severe pain and important neurological deficit and necessitate surgical intervention. Out of a series of 122 RA patients who underwent surgery of the cervical spine, in 23 the subaxial cervical spine was operated on. Pain was the leading symptom in all patients. In only six were there no pathological neurological findings, and all showed marked kyphotic deformity of the cervical spine. Fourteen patients were operated by a posterior approach, one by a ventral approach, and in eight patients the surgical procedure consisted of anterior decompression and dorsal stabilization. A mean of 21.3 months after surgery, clinical and radiological evaluation was performed. In two patients the sensomotor deficit improved, and out of 16 patients with cervical myelopathy, nine improved. No pseudoarthrosis was noted, and moderate loss of correction was seen in only three patients. In a subjective evaluation, 14 patients rated their result as good, six as fair and none as poor. In conclusion, following decompression, we noted good recovery from myelopathic symptoms. Sufficient stability in patients with RA is achieved by a combined anterior and posterior approach, the main goal of the anterior approach being decompression by vertebrectomy and that of the posterior approach stabilization by plate and screw fixation.  相似文献   

Sixteen patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis were operated on for subaxial subluxations. Four of the patients had slight, but progressive, tetraparesis, and 5 had severe or total tetraparesis; they were operated on 1-4 months after the first signs. Seven patients were treated for severe neck and shoulder pain. Nine patients had subluxation at the C3-4 level, the most common site, and 3 patients also had an atlantoaxial subluxation. Patients with cord compression were treated with posterior laminectomies and fusions that relieved the tetraparesis. Two patients died during the early postoperative period: 1 of a cardiac infarction and the other of pneumonia. During 4 (1.5-9) years' follow-up, 3 patients had new subluxations at other levels.  相似文献   

Clarke MJ  Cohen-Gadol AA  Ebersold MJ  Cabanela ME 《Surgical neurology》2006,66(2):136-40; discussion 140
OBJECTIVE: Cervical spine deformities are well-known complications of RA. A 5- to 20-year follow-up of 51 consecutive rheumatoid patients who underwent posterior cervical arthrodesis is presented to evaluate the recurrence of instability and need for further surgery. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of the clinical features of 11 men and 40 women with an established diagnosis of RA and associated cervical deformities who underwent cervical spine surgery at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) between 1979 and 1990. Their mean age was 61 +/- 10 years (SD), and their duration of RA averaged 21 +/- 8.9 years (SD). There were 22 patients who presented with myelopathy, 7 with radiculopathy, and 22 with instability/neck pain. There were 33 patients with AAS, 2 with SMO process into the foramen magnum, 8 with SAS, and 8 with combinations of these. Preoperative reduction was followed by decompression and fusion using wiring techniques and autologous bone graft. Postoperative halo orthosis was provided for at least 3 months. The mean follow-up was 8.3 +/- 6 years (SD). RESULTS: There were 31 patients (61%) who underwent atlantoaxial arthrodesis, 17 patients (33%) who underwent subaxial, and 3 patients (6%) who underwent occipitocervical arthrodesis. During follow-up, 39% (13/33) of patients with AAS developed nonsymptomatic (6) or symptomatic/unstable (7) SASs subsequent to C1-C2 fusion. The latter 7 patients (21%) subsequently required extension of their arthrodesis. Adjacent segment disease was most common at the C3-C4 interspace after atlantoaxial fusion in 62% (8/13). Among the 8 patients who underwent isolated cervical fusion for SAS, 1 patient (1/8, 12%) developed adjacent instability after a fall and required extension of the previous fusion. No secondary procedure was required for the 6 patients initially stabilized by C1-(C6-T1) fusions for combinations of AAS + SAS. None of the patients initially treated by C1-C2 arthrodesis for AAS progressed to SMO. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of subaxial instability in patients with rheumatoid disease who underwent cervical arthrodesis may be higher than previously reported, indicating the need for continued follow-up in these patients. Adjacent segment disease may be most common at the C3-C4 level following atlantoaxial fusion. Early stabilization of the C1-C2 complex in the patients with AAS may potentially prevent progression of SMO.  相似文献   

Summary There are few reports in the literature of the surgical treatment of cervical myelopathy secondary to rheumatoid arthritis below the level of the axis. Three cases are presented. All had severe motor and sensory loss in the upper and lower extremities. The cause of myelopathy differed in each case: in the first, the dura mater was infiltrated with rheumatoid material; the second was due to a stenotic spinal canal narrowed by a fixed subluxation of the cervical spine; in the third, traction myelopathy resulted from sub-axial subluxation and posterior angulation combined with cervical instability.Neurological assessment is particularly difficult in patients with rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical spine. Skull or halo traction is useful to gauge neurological improvement, to reduce the dislocation and to immobilise the cervical spine before, during and after surgery. Surgery is considered where conservative treatment is either ineffective or not tolerated, and is indicated if severe myelopathy is evident or progressive. Anterior interbody fusion is the operation of choice for mobile subluxation. Laminectomy is recommended in fixed subluxation where compression of the cord is demonstrated on myelography.
Résumé Il n'existe qu'un petit nombre de publications concernant le traitement chirurgical des myélopathies secondaires à une polyarthrite rhumatoïde siégeant audessous de l'axis. Les auteurs en rapportent trois cas. Tous les malades présentaient un déficit sensitivomoteur sévère au niveau des membres supérieurs et inférieurs. Dans chacun des cas la cause de la myélopathie était différente: chez le premier malade, la duremère était infiltrée de productions rhumatoïdes; chez le second, il existait une sténose du canal rachidien due à une subluxation permanente des vertèbres cervicales; chez le troisième, une myélopathie par élongation résultait d'une subluxation sous-axoïdienne et d'une angulation postérieure, associées à une instabilité cervicale.Le bilan neurologique est particulièrement difficile à établir chez les malades atteints d'une polyarthrite rhumatoïde du rachis cervical. La traction crânienne ou par halo est utile pour apprécier l'amélioration neurologique, pour réduire la luxation et pour immobiliser le rachis cervical, avant, pendant et après l'intervention. Le recours à la chirurgie doit être envisagé lorsque le traitement conservateur est inefficace ou mal toléré, et il est indiqué si une myélopathie sévère est évidente ou évolutive. L'intervention de choix, en présence d'une subluxation mobile, est l'arthrodèse corporéale antérieure. La laminectomie est préconisée dans les cas de subluxation fixée, quand la myélographie met en évidence une compression médullaire.

Summary and Conclusions The predominant preoperative signs and symptoms in 47 patients who underwent surgical intervention at the Mayo Clinic between 1950 and 1959 for cervical spondylosis associated with cervical myelopathy were those of involvement of the pyramidal tract.Prominent manifestations of hypertrophic changes of the cervical portion of the spinal column found at operation were the hard bony ridges standing against the durai sac in the floor of the neural canal.Age did not seem to bear any consistent relationship to the outcome of surgical treatment. Of importance, however, were the duration of the preoperative symptoms and the degree of the neurological deficit. In the group of patients unimproved by operation, the average duration of the preoperative symptoms was much longer and the neurological deficits were usually more advanced than in those patients who showed improvement after operation.Whether or not the osteophytic bars clearly produced compression of the cord at operation, the results produced by section of the dentate ligaments seemed beneficial in all cases of cervical myelopathy associated with cervical spondylosis.The over-all results in this series reveal that 38% of our 47 patients showed definite neurological improvement after operation, although none was cured completely. In 57% the progression of neurological deficits was arrested; 5% were not benefited by the surgical procedure.Early diagnosis and surgical intervention offer these patients a better prognosis; yet when the signs and symptoms of spinal cord dysfunction are advanced, their progression may be arrested by surgical intervention.
Zusammenfassung Pyramidenbahnsymptome waren die hervorstechendsten klinischen Erscheinungen bei 47 Patienten, die in der Mayo Clinic zwischen 1950 und 1959 wegen einer cervicalen Myelopathie bei deformer cervicaler Spondylose operiert wurden.Bei der Operation wurden die auf die cervicale deforme Spondylose zurückzuführenden Randwülste gefunden, die in den Wirbelkanal gegen den Duralsack vorragten.Das Ergebnis der chirurgischen Behandlung scheint unabhängig vom Alter der Patienten, abhängig aber von der Dauer und dem Ausmaß der Symptome zu sein. Bei den durch den Eingriff nicht gebesserten Patienten waren die präoperative Symptomendauer länger und die Ausfallserscheinungen schwerer als bei den operativ gebesserten.Gleichgültig ob die osteophytischen Leisten das Rückenmark bei der Operation komprimierten oder nicht, schien die Durchtrennung der Ligamenta denticulata in allen Fällen von cervicaler Myelopathie bei cervicaler deformer Spondylose einen günstigen Einfluß zu haben.38% von den 47 Patienten zeigten postoperativ eine deutliche Besserung der neurologischen Befunde, keiner wurde aber ganz geheilt.In 57% der Fälle wurde die Progression der Ausfallserscheinungen aufgehalten. In 5% war keine günstige Beeinflussung durch die Operation zu erkennen.Die frühzeitige richtige Diagnose und die frühzeitige chirurgische Behandlung verbessern die Prognose. Doch kann auch noch in spätem Stadien das Fortschreiten der Ausfallserscheinungen durch den Eingriff aufgehalten werden.

Resumen Se informa acera de 47 casos de pacientes con mielopatía cervical asociada a espondilosis cervical, casos que han sido operados en la clínica Mayo.El cuadro clínico de estos enfermos está dominado por la presencia de déficit piramidales.El fenómeno más importante de los cambios hipertróficos de la columna cervical, comprobados durante la operación, estaba provocado por los osteofitas en el fondo del canal espinal, que se habían desarrollado muy próximos de la medula y de sus vainas meningeas.Pareció que la edad de los enfermos no desempeñase un papel muy importante en la prógnosis.Lo que resultó en vez muy importante respecto a esto, fueron la duración y la gravedad de los déficit neurológicos preoperatorios.En los pacientes que no lograron ningún beneficio de la operación, la duración y gravedad de los dichos déficit se mostraron mucho más superiores que en los pacientes que consiguieron una mejoría neurológica por efecto de la operación.La sección bilateral de los ligamentos dentellados al nivel de los osteofitas alcanzó porcentajes de mejoría neurológica casi sobresalientes sea en los casos, en que existía claramente compresión medular, sea en los que en el momento de la operación la medula se hallaba libre en el canal vertebral.El 38% de los 47 pacientes manifestó una mejoría neurológica después de la operación aunque nadie haya logrado una mejoría completa.En el 50% de los casos se detuvo la marcha de los señales deficitarios. Tan sólo el 5% de los casos no logró ningún beneficio de la operación. Diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento quirúrgico son indispensables para estos pacientes. Cuando los déficit neurológicos son graves y de larga duración el tratamiento quirúrgico puede a lo máximo obstacular su proseguimiento.

Résumé On présente 47 cas de patients atteints de myélopatie cervicale associée à Spondylose cervicale, qui ont été opérés à la Clinique Mayo.Le tableau clinique de ces malades était dominé per la présence de déficits pyramidaux.La manifestation la plus importante des changements ipertrophiques de la colonne cervicale remarquée au cours de l'intervention chirurgicale fut la présence d'ostéophytes de la paroi antérieur du canal épinal qui s'étaient développés contre la moelle et ses gaines méningées.L'âge des malades ne parut pas avoir une grande importance du point de vue du pronostic. Ce qui, au contraire, parut très important à cet effet, ce furent la durée et la gravité des déficits neurologiques avant l'opération: celles-ci résultèrent avoir été bien plus importantes chez les patients qui n'avaient tiré aucun bienfait de l'intervention chirurgicale, que chez les patients dont l'état s'était amélioré à la suite de l'opération.Le pourcentage des améliorations neurologiques provoquées par la section bilatérale des ligaments dentelés au niveau des ostéophytes fut à peu près le même pour les patients qui présentaient une compression médullaire et pour les patients chez qui la moelle paraissait libre dans les trous vertébraux.38% des 47 cas présentèrent une amélioration neurologique à la suite de l'intervention chirurgicale, même si dans aucun cas on n'obtient une guérison totale.Dans 50% des cas on eut un arrêt du progrès des signes déficitaires.5% seulement des cas ne tirèrent aucun profit de l'opération.Un diagnostic et une intervention précoces sont essentiels pour ces patients: lorsque les déficits neurologiques sont graves et qu'ils datent de longtemps, la thérapie chirurgicale ne peut qu'arrêter leur progrès.

Riassunto Vengono presentati 47 easi di pazienti con mielopatia cervicale associata a spondilosi cervicale operati alla Clinica Mayo.Il quadro clinico di questi malati era dominato dalla presenza di deficit piramidali.La manifestazione più importante dei cambiamenti ipertrofici della colonna cervicale, riscontrati all'intervento operatorio, era costituita dagli osteofiti del pavimento del canale spinale sviluppatisi a ridosso del midollo e delle sue guaine meningee.L'età dei malati non sembró rivestire grande importanza prognostica. Molto importanti, invece, a questi effetti, risultarono essere la durata e la gravitá dei deficit neurologici preoperatori. Nei pazienti che non risentirono alcun beneficio dall'intervento chirurgico la durata e la gravitá di questi ultimi si dimostrarono molto superiori che nei pazienti che conseguirono un miglioramenlo neurologico in seguito all'operazione.La sezione bilaterale dei ligamenti dentati a livello degli osteoflti portó a percentuali di miglioramento neurologico pressochè sovrapponibili tanto nei casi nei quali esisteva chiaramente compressione midollare che in quelli nei quali, al momento dell'intervento, il midollo appariva libero nello speco vertebrale.Il 38% dei 47 pazienti presentò un miglioramento neurologico in seguito all'intervento operatorio anche se in nessun malato si ottenne una guarigione completa. Nel 50% dei casi si ebbe un arresto della marcia dei segni deficitari. Solo il 5% dei casi non trasse alcun beneficio dal trattamento chirurgico.Diagnosi ed intervento precoci sono essenziali in questi pazienti; quando i deficit neurologici sono gravi e di lunga durata la terapia chirurgica puó al massimo arrestare la loro progressione.

目的 探讨多节段脊髓型颈椎病的外科治疗入路及方法。方法 自2009-01-2013-01行连续性多节段脊髓型颈椎病手术治疗63例患者,其中36例行前路分节段脊髓减压,27例行后路改良锚定单开门椎板扩大成形术。结果 所有患者得到随访平均24个月(12-36个月)。前路组平均手术时间明显长于后路组,前路组术中失血量多于后路组(P〈0.05),而住院天数后路组长于前路组,前路组术后后凸畸形矫正方面明显好于后路组,在末次随访VAS评分2组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。在术后末次随访时VAS评分、JOA评分、Odom评分、NDI评分等2组无明显区别,在轴性症状、C5神经根麻痹方面后路组多于前路组。结论 前路组及后路组在治疗多节段脊髓型颈椎病均可以取得满意的临床疗效,前路组在手术时间、出血量多于后路组,前路组恢复颈椎的序列,并发症少于后路组,但必须根据患者具体情况选择手术方式。  相似文献   

Surgical aspects of the cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Grob D 《Der Orthop?de》2004,33(10):1201-12, quiz 1213-4
Approximately 20% percent of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis show pathology in the cervical spine. The translational instability between axis and atlas might be painful and leads in the long term to myelopathic changes due to chronic traumatization of the myelon. Ongoing osseous resorption of the lateral masses of the atlas cause upward migration of the dens into the foramen magnum. In the subaxial cervical spine, the inflammatory process causes instability and deformity. Neck pain is the most common indication for surgery, but neurological symptoms with myelopathy or radicular deficits might be the primary cause for surgery. Neurophysiological investigation is suitable to obtain objective results. Stabilization of the atlantoaxial segment is the most common procedure for treatment of atlantoaxial instability. It is performed by screw fixation technique from a posterior approach. In case of severe occipitocervical dislocation, the fixation has to be extended to the occiput. Persistent dislocation or compression by the dislocated dens has to be treated by transoral decompression. In the subaxial spine, instabilities may be treated by posterior plate fixation with lateral mass screws or pedicle screws. Concomitant nar-rowing of the spinal canal should be approached by anterior decompression with corpectomy and/or posterior laminectomy. The timing of surgery in rheumatoid patients is crucial to obtain satisfactory clinical results.  相似文献   

Expansive laminoplasty of the cervical spine was performed for 15 patients with subaxial lesion (SAL) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with or without symptomatic occipitocervical pathology. Clinical results were satisfactory, and radiographic evaluation revealed that the range of movement of the cervical spine decreased to 56.3%, spinal alignment was well preserved, and intervertebral slipping advanced only slightly. Therefore, expansive laminoplasty is shown to be clinically effective in decompressing the subaxial spinal cord without the need for fusion of this region, yet it avoids exacerbating or creating significant instability. We found that it can serve as a useful procedure for treating spinal cord compression caused by SAL in RA. For patients with upper cervical instability, laminoplasty with upper cervical fusion appears to be an effective option. In a case in which kyphosis was observed preoperatively, its deformity became worse after laminoplasty. Thus, it may be advisable to consider subaxial fusion in such cases.  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年人脊髓型颈椎病手术及围手术期特点。方法 回顾性分析了32例老年人脊髓型颈椎病临床资料,术前JOA评分为3~14分,平均5.8分。32例均行颈前路减压,植骨融合术,其中20例行自锁钢板内固定。结果 32例中随访27例,时间4~60个月,平均29.4个月,JOA评分5~17分,平均10.5分,改善率为9.2~82.40%,平均71.82%。Odom’s临床疗效评定标准:优6例,良13例,好转5例,差3例,优良率70.37%。结论 重视老年人术前危险情况的针对性处理,选择好手术时机,术后密切观察病情变化。对老年人CSM术前全面客观的评价,有助于减少手术并发症,使手术更加安全可靠。  相似文献   

高龄脊髓型颈椎病的手术治疗   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
目的了解伴发各种全身性疾病的高龄脊髓型颈椎病患者手术治疗的可能性并分析手术疗效。方法自 1993年 1月~ 1998年 10月共治疗 70岁以上 (70~ 84岁,平均 72.3岁 )的脊髓型颈椎病患者 43例,其中有全身性伴发疾病者 26例,部分患者存在一种以上伴发疾病,包括糖尿病 4例、冠心病 6例、高血压病 12例、心律失常 12例、脑血管疾患 4例。 43例中 5例施行前路椎间盘切除植骨融合术, 38例行颈椎后路椎管扩大成形术。结果手术后发生心律失常 2例、应激性溃疡 1例、糖尿病酮症酸中毒 1例、硬膜外血肿 2例、伤口延迟愈合 1例、脑脊液漏 2例。 43例术前 JOA评分 2~ 13分,平均 6.7分;术后 2周 JOA评分 6~ 16分,平均 11分,平均改善率 42.8%。 29例患者术后随访 6~ 60个月,平均 24.6个月, JOA评分 7~ 17分,平均改善率 65.2%;疗效优 11例 (38% )、良 11例 (38% )、可 6例 (20.6% )、差 1例 (3.4% )。结论对高龄脊髓型颈椎病患者,术前只要认真处理伴发疾病及并发症,一般均能平稳度过围手术期,并取得良好的手术效果。  相似文献   

前后入路联合手术治疗脊髓型颈椎病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脊髓型颈椎病以颈椎退行性变或发育性椎管狭窄为基础,因颈髓受压和脊髓血供障碍导致脊髓功能障碍,有进行性发展的特点。脊髓的腹侧、背侧同时受压,单纯采用前方或后方手术,脊髓不能获得彻底减压,影响术后效果。自2002年12月至2005年10月手术治疗脊髓型颈椎病69例,其中16例脊髓腹、背侧均受压者采取前后路联合手术治疗,疗效满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   

Surgical options for the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Cervical spondylotic myelopathy is a disease of the cervical spinal cord that results from circumferential compression of the degenerative cervical spine, often in a congenitally narrow spinal canal. Surgical recommendations must be based on patient characteristics, symptoms, function, and neuroradiologic findings. ACDF is an excellent option for one- or two-level spondylosis without retrovertebral disease. Anterior corpectomy and strut grafting may provide an improved decompression and is ideal for patients with kyphosis or neck pain. Laminectomy historically yields poor results from late deformity and late neurologic deterioration but yields improved results with good surgical technique. Laminoplasty was developed to address cervical stenosis of three or more segments and compares favorable with anterior corpectomy and fusion for neurologic recovery. Laminoplasty has a lower complication rate than corpectomy and strut grafting but has a higher incidence of postoperative axial symptoms.  相似文献   

Surgical treatment of the elbow in rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Major disability secondary to involvement of the elbow in RA is uncommon. The indications for surgery are pain and loss of motion unresponsive to medical management. With painful synovitis and decreased function, good results are obtained with synovectomy and radial head excision. Advanced joint destruction may require TEA which produces good to excellent results in 75 to 90 per cent of cases. Arthrodesis of the elbow is not a useful procedure in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and multiple joint involvement. Salvage procedures such as resection arthroplasty and distraction arthroplasty can produce fair results in most cases.  相似文献   

发育性颈椎管狭窄合并脊髓型颈椎病的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨发育性颈椎管狭窄合并颈椎病的安全、有效、合理的治疗方法.方法回顾性分析并对109例发育性颈椎管狭窄合并脊髓型颈椎病的治疗进行总结,其中采用Cloward环锯法手术20例,采用颈椎体次全切除治疗62例,采用单开门颈椎管扩大成形术27例.前路手术同期均采取自体髂骨植骨融合.结果 109例中95例获12~76个月的随访,平均随访36个月,优良率81.1%,改善率3.7%~84%,平均73.4%,无脊髓、神经根或椎动脉损伤等并发症的发生.结论对于发育性颈椎管狭窄合并脊髓型颈椎病前路、后路各种术式有着各自不同的适应证,选择合理的治疗手段十分重要.  相似文献   

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