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BackgroundAlterations in glenohumeral and scapulothoracic kinematics have been theorized to contribute to rotator cuff pathology by impacting the magnitude of the subacromial space.ObjectiveThe purpose of this review is to summarize what is currently known about the relationship between shoulder kinematics and subacromial proximities.ConclusionsA variety of methods have been used to quantify subacromial proximities including photographs, MR imaging, ultrasonography, and single- and bi-plane radiographs. Changes in glenohumeral and scapulothoracic kinematics are associated with changes in subacromial proximities. However, the magnitude and direction of a particular motion's impact on subacromial proximities often vary between studies, which likely reflects different methodologies and subject populations. Glenohumeral elevation angle has been consistently found to impact subacromial proximities. Plane of humeral elevation also impacts subacromial proximities but to a lesser degree than the elevation angle. The impact of decreased scapulothoracic upward rotation on subacromial proximities is not absolute, but instead depends on the angle of humerothoracic elevation. The effects of scapular dyskinesis and humeral and scapular axial rotations on subacromial proximities are less clear. Future research is needed to further investigate the relationship between kinematics and subacromial proximities using more homogenous groups, determine the extent to which compression and other factors contribute to rotator cuff pathology, and develop accurate and reliable clinical measures of shoulder motion.  相似文献   

肩峰下撞击综合征(subacromial impingement syndrome,SAIS)是肩关节病变中较为常见的疾患,对其整体了解仍有所不足.多年来,多种假设提出来描述肩峰下撞击征的发病机制,但尚未找到明确的解释.近年来,否认撞击存在的内源性机制越来越受到大众的认可;多个不同的肩峰下撞击综合征的体格检查特异性较低...  相似文献   

AimsThis study's primary aim is to address two questions. Firstly; what evidence exists regarding the inclusion of increasing thoracic movement within the management of subacromial impingement syndrome SIS?; and secondly, what proportion of Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine (SOMM) physiotherapists use this form of treatment within SIS management?MethodsAn online survey was conducted using a questionnaire incorporating a vignette describing a patient with chronic SIS. The SOMM physiotherapy members were sampled using convenience sampling.FindingsThis study has identified some evidence supporting increasing movement of the thoracic spine in the management of patients with SIS. No study or guideline protocols have been identified that advocate the use of this form of treatment, nor research identified that investigates physiotherapists’ use of this form of treatment within SIS management. Of the 1340 physiotherapists surveyed, 52 responded of which 79% stated that they would use treatment aimed at increasing movement of the thoracic spine within SIS management. Chi Square analysis suggests no significant association between using this treatment and number of years experience (p value = 0.15) or courses attended (p = 0.62).ConclusionsEvidence suggests it is beneficial to include treatment to increase thoracic spine mobility within SIS management. This study highlights the need for the clinician to be aware of the role of the thoracic spine in relation to the biomechanics of the shoulder complex. Of the sample of SOMM physiotherapists obtained, the majority stated that they would use this form of treatment. Further research is recommended.  相似文献   

目的探讨肩袖损伤合并肩峰下撞击综合征的MRI影像表现。材料与方法对33例X线片无骨折但临床怀疑肩袖损伤或肩峰下撞击综合征的患者,用1.5 T MRI机检查,观察肩袖损伤及肩峰下撞击综合征在MR上的影像特征,分析两者的相关性,并与手术结果对比,计算准确率。结果 33例中肩袖损伤20例(合并肩峰下撞击综合征10例),肩峰下撞击综合征15例(合并肩袖损伤10例)。肩袖损伤和肩峰下撞击综合征术前MR诊断准确率分别约为95.0%、71.3%。结论肩关节MRI扫描对肩袖损伤及肩峰下撞击综合征的诊断有较高的临床应用价值,肩袖损伤者中至少半数合并肩峰下撞击综合征,临床和影像应予重视。  相似文献   



Subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS) of the shoulder has a multi-factorial aetiology which includes both intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms. Upper extremity muscle fatigue has been proposed as a potential causative factor in extrinsic SAIS development.


This review summarises the current state of knowledge regarding fatigue-induced glenohumeral (GH) and scapulothoracic (ST) kinematic changes as they relate to subacromial space reduction and subsequent SAIS. It specifically addresses evidence for mechanisms including superior humeral head translation and scapular reorientation.

Major findings:

Global upper extremity muscle fatigue elicits GH kinematic changes that increase SAIS risk. Concurrent compensatory ST kinematic alterations, primarily scapular upward rotation (UR), lessen this risk. Additionally, fatiguing protocols aimed to selectively exhaust certain muscles or muscle groups without fatiguing the rotator cuff were unsuccessful, suggesting that rotator cuff fatigue is likely for a wide range of fatiguing upper extremity tasks.


Despite the compensatory response of scapular reorientation in fatigued conditions, the dimensions of the subacromial space still pose increased risk for SAIS development, and the variability in kinematic responses produces highly differential risk, particularly for those exposed to tasks requiring increased rotator cuff muscle demand.  相似文献   

目的探讨骨形态发生蛋白-2及7在肩峰下撞击综合征患者肩峰下滑囊中表达及临床意义。方法肩峰下撞击综合征患者12例为观察组,非肩峰下撞击综合征肱骨外科颈骨折10例为对照组,观察组采用肩关节镜微创手术方式取肩峰下滑囊标本,对照组采取开放手术方式取标本,采用ELISA法检测肩峰下滑囊骨形态发生蛋白-2及7含量。结果观察组骨形态发生蛋白-2及7表达水平(760.36士98.61)pg/mL及(620.34±101.43)pg/mL明显高于对照组(230.35±97.30)pg/mL及(320.42±98.51)pg/mL(P%0.05)。结论肩峰下撞击综合征肩峰下滑囊骨形态发生蛋白-2及-7表达水平明显增加,可能与肩峰下骨赘、肩袖退变等肩峰下间隙内病理变化有关。  相似文献   

Background: Physiotherapists commonly use orthopaedic special tests to reproduce subacromial shoulder impingement (SIS) pain by increasing compression or tension within the subacromial space. However, these tests do not differentiate between purported extrinsic and intrinsic mechanisms associated with SIS.

Objective: To identify, and determine the reliability and validity of clinical tests used to assess extrinsic factors associated with SIS.

Method: A scoping review identified tests for extrinsic SIS. A systematic approach was then used to search six electronic databases in July 2016 to identify clinical tests used to measure (1) posterior shoulder range, (2) cervical and/or thoracic posture, (3) 2D scapula movement, (4) rotator cuff strength. The 14 articles included in the review were assessed using a modified Downs and Black quality assessment tool.

Results: Moderate quality studies investigated 2D scapula measurements (N = 2), resting pectoralis minor length (N = 2) and rotator cuff strength (N = 5). High quality studies measured forward head position and/or thoracic posture (N = 2) and rotator cuff strength (N = 1).

Conclusion: A good level of assessment reliability and significantly less range and strength was identified in those with SIS for: posterior shoulder range (passive shoulder adduction and internal rotation and passive internal rotation in supine); isokinetic peak torque values for internal and external shoulder rotation (isokinetic testing); forward head position (lateral photograph) and thoracic range of motion (tape measure or ultrasound tomography). Good to excellent reliability was reported for lateral scapular slide test positions and resting pectoralis minor muscle length. These clinical tests should be considered for use in SIS assessment.  相似文献   



Shoulder impairments are often associated with altered scapular kinematics. As muscles control scapular movement, functionally altering muscle performance through fatigue may produce scapular kinematics that mimic those of injured patients. The aim of this study was to examine if changes in scapular tilt, rotation and pro/retraction following two different upper extremity fatiguing protocols have any implications with respect to subacromial impingement.


Scapular orientation was monitored during posturally constrained static holds (at 0°, 45° and 90° of humeral elevation) before and after two fatiguing protocols, one global and one local. Both protocols are associated with producing changes in shoulder skeletal arrangement.


Following the global fatiguing protocol, there was significantly more scapular posterior tilt (P < 0.01) and upward rotation (P < 0.02), particularly at 90° humeral elevation. No changes in scapular orientation occurred following the local fatiguing protocol.


Scapular orientation changes following muscle fatigue acted to increase the subacromial space. Thus, the rotator cuff muscles, not the scapular stabilizers, have more influence on actively preventing mechanical subacromial impingement. The lack of evidence of reduction of the subacromial space thus implicates superior humeral head translation as a more likely primary mechanism of the initiation of subacromial impingement.  相似文献   

总结了30例关节镜下肩峰下减压微创治疗肩峰撞击征患者的康复护理.对患者实施分阶段康复训炼,注意循序渐进,避免关节粘连.本组按计划完成康复训练,患肩主动前屈、外展、中立位外旋、体侧内旋均较术前均明显增加,美国肩肘外科医师评分(ASES)由术前66.53分提高到93.62分,26例患者无疼痛残留,4例残留轻度的疼痛,所有患者均表示对治疗和康复效果满意.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肩峰下撞击综合征(SIS)的经皮超声引导下肩峰下滑囊造影(PUSB)表现。方法 对150例经临床诊断为SIS患者行PUSB检查,动态观察造影剂在滑囊内的弥散情况及是否进入肩袖、关节腔。结果 53例造影剂在滑囊内呈线状均匀分布,诊断为单纯性肩峰下滑囊炎。97例造影剂在滑囊内分布不均匀,诊断为粘连性肩峰下滑囊炎。40例可见造影剂由滑囊进入肩袖肌腱,但未达肱骨头表面;32例可见造影剂由滑囊进入肩袖肌腱,到达肱骨头表面;78例造影剂未进入肩袖肌腱。结论 PUSB可实时动态评估肩峰下滑囊炎、滑囊粘连、肩袖损伤等情况,对SIS的诊断具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Anterior impingement is a common problem in dancers occurring primarily secondary to the repetitive forced ankle dorsiflexion inherent in ballet. Symptoms generally occur progressively and may respond to conservative treatment including addressing biomechanical faults that contribute to the problem. As impingement progresses, movements essential to ballet may become impossible and arthroscopic ankle surgery is often effective for both diagnosis and treatment, allowing athletes to return to dance.  相似文献   

目的 分析MRI征象Ⅲ型肩峰、肱肩间隙狭窄和肩袖撕裂对肩峰下撞击综合征(SAIS)的诊断价值。方法 对 92例肩关节MRI疑诊SAIS患者,以关节镜结果为诊断金标准,比较Ⅲ型肩峰、肱肩间隙狭窄和肩袖撕裂单一征象或联合征象诊断SAIS的效能。结果 Ⅲ型肩峰、肩峰下间隙变窄、肩袖撕裂和联合征象诊断SAIS的敏感度分别为51.06%(24/47)、72.34%(34/47)、80.85%(38/47)和85.11%(40/47),单一肩袖撕裂诊断敏感度与联合征象比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.17,P=0.68),特异度(64.44%,29/45)低于联合征象(84.44%,38/45),差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.11,P=0.008)。结论 MRI可显示SAIS肩袖损伤、肩峰形态和最短肱肩间隙狭窄,根据以上三种征象联合诊断SAIS的效能较高。  相似文献   

目的:对肩峰肱骨距离、冈上肌肌腱厚度以及肩、颈姿势进行评估,对肩峰下撞击综合征(SIS)患者肩峰下空间变化的机制进行探讨。方法:纳入试验组SIS患者20例,同期招募的年龄、性别、体重均匹配健康人对照组20例(试验组及对照组均为右利手)。使用超声测量肩峰肱骨距离(AHD)以及冈上肌肌腱厚度。使用GPS姿势分析系统分析头前伸姿势(FHP)和肩前伸姿势(FSP)。分别测量颅椎角(CA)和肩前伸角度(FSA)联合上述两种方式对肩峰下空间变化的机制进行探讨。结果:试验组冈上肌肌腱厚度明显大于对照组,两者差异具有显著性意义(P0.01)。两组之间AHD无显著性差异(P0.05)。试验组冈上肌厚度与AHD比值大于对照组,差异具有显著性意义(P0.01)。试验组FSA小于对照组,具有显著性差异(P0.01)。两组CA相比,差异无显著性意义(P0.05)。试验组FSA与AHD两者间存在中度相关(P0.05,R=0.62)。CA与AHD之间不存在相关关系(P0.05)。结论:SIS与试验组患者相比,冈上肌肌腱更厚且肩前伸更为明显。  相似文献   

BackgroundShoulder pain or omalgia is one of the main types of osteoarticular pain that can be observed in every-day clinical practice, frequently causing significant functional impairment. The most common cause of shoulder pain is impingement syndrome.ObjectiveTo decrease the intensity of short- and mid-term pain in the injured shoulder by means of acupuncture.MethodRandomized controlled trial with two groups of participants: one group received true acupuncture (TA) and the other received acupuncture at sham points (SA). The treatment was carried out over 4 weeks, with the participants receiving a session every week. The results were measured immediately after the treatment (T1) and 3 months later (T2). To evaluate the results, we used the 100 mm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and to assess the functionality of the shoulder we employed the UCLA questionnaire (0–35 points).ResultsA total of 68 participants were included in the analysis (TA, n = 35; SA, n = 33), with a mean age of 33.4 years (SD 12.53). We found significant differences in the analyzed results between the two groups, as we observed a decrease on the intensity of pain for the TA group of 44.13 mm at T1 (CI 95% 36.7; 51.5) and 87.58 mm at T2 (CI 95% 28.32; 46.81), while the decrease in the FA group was of 19.84 mm at T1 (CI 95% 12.2; 27.4) and 20 mm at T2 (CI 95% 10.9; 29.09). When the UCLA scores were analyzed, the results were clinically meaningful in support of TA in terms of functional assessment of the shoulder. No adverse effects were reported.ConclusionsThe use of acupuncture to treat impingement syndrome seems to be a safe and reliable technique to achieve clinically significant results and could be implemented in the therapy options offered by the health services.  相似文献   

目的:对比分析肩峰撞击综合征(SIS)患者与健康人群肩峰下滑囊(SAB)的超声图像特征,探讨一种简便而准确的SAB超声评估方法。方法:选取确诊为SIS的患者58例(病例组)共65个患肩,以及无任何肩关节不适的健康志愿者50例(正常对照组)共50个优势肩。均行肩关节超声检查,观察SAB是否增厚、有无积液等,并分别在肩胛下肌腱长轴及短轴切面、冈上肌腱长轴及短轴切面测量SAB厚度。结果:病例组滑囊增厚、积液发生率明显高于正常对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=71.265,P<0.001;χ2=15.345,P<0.001)。病例组和正常对照组冈上肌腱短轴切面测得的SAB平均厚度均大于肩胛下肌腱长轴、短轴及冈上肌腱长轴切面所测结果,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:超声能准确评估SIS患者SAB增厚、积液扩张等病理改变,冈上肌腱短轴切面测量SAB厚度简单可靠。  相似文献   

The concept of role overlap between occupational therapy and physiotherapy has been the subject of debate for at least three decades. Stroke rehabilitation is an area where role overlap between occupational therapists and physiotherapists occurs. This article reports an exploratory study carried out with nine physiotherapists and nine occupational therapists working in a variety of in-patient stroke rehabilitation settings. Analysis of qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews revealed that the majority of the participants recognised the existence of role overlap as inevitable within collaborative health care and felt it was of benefit to patients. However, it appeared that the concept was also perceived as a challenge to role security by many when considered from a professional perspective. Acceptance of role overlap depended upon the extent to which it occurred in the particular setting. Generic therapy was seen as an extreme form of overlap and regarded as an undesirable progression by most participants. The main strategy used to challenge this development was to emphasise professional uniqueness through role delineation. However, this strategy was found to be weak in the context of increasing demands for collaboration at a policy level.  相似文献   

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