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Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL), is a highly malignant T-cell neoplasm caused by human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), characterized by poor prognosis. Two viral proteins, Tax-1 and HTLV-1 basic-zipper factor (HBZ) play important roles in the pathogenesis of ATL. While Tax-1 can be found in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of HTLV-1 infected patients, HBZ is exclusively localized in the cytoplasm of HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers and in patients with the chronic neurologic disease HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). HBZ is only localized in the nucleus of ATL cell lines, suggesting that the nuclear localization of HBZ can be a hallmark of neoplastic transformation. In order to clarify this crucial point, we investigated in detail the pattern of HBZ expression in ATL patients. We made use of our monoclonal antibody 4D4-F3, that at present is the only reported reagent, among the few described, able to detect endogenous HBZ by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy in cells from asymptomatic carriers, HAM/TSP and ATL patients. We found that HBZ is localized both in the cytoplasm and nucleus of cells of ATL patients irrespective of their clinical status, with a strong preference for the cytoplasmic localization. Also Tax-1 is localized in both compartments. As HBZ is exclusively localized in the cytoplasm in asymptomatic carriers and in non-neoplastic pathologies, this finding shows that neoplastic transformation consequent to HTLV-1 infection is accompanied and associated with the capacity of HBZ to translocate to the nucleus, which suggests a role of cytoplasmic-to-nuclear translocation in HTLV-1- mediated oncogenesis.  相似文献   

Xie L  Yamamoto B  Haoudi A  Semmes OJ  Green PL 《Blood》2006,107(5):1980-1988
HTLV-1 cellular transformation and disease induction is dependent on expression of the viral Tax oncoprotein. PDZ is a modular protein interaction domain used in organizing signaling complexes in eukaryotic cells through recognition of a specific binding motif in partner proteins. Tax-1, but not Tax-2, contains a PDZ-binding domain motif (PBM) that promotes the interaction with several cellular PDZ proteins. Herein, we investigate the contribution of the Tax-1 PBM in HTLV-induced proliferation and immortalization of primary T cells in vitro and viral survival in an infectious rabbit animal model. We generated several HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 Tax viral mutants, including HTLV-1deltaPBM, HTLV-2+C22(+PBM), and HTLV-2+ C18(deltaPBM). All Tax mutants maintained the ability to significantly activate the CREB/ATF or NFkappaB signaling pathways. Microtiter proliferation assays revealed that the Tax-1 PBM significantly increases both HTLV-1- and HTLV-2-induced primary T-cell proliferation. In addition, Tax-1 PBM was responsible for the micronuclei induction activity of Tax-1 relative to that of Tax-2. Viral infection and persistence were severely attenuated in rabbits inoculated with HTLV-1deltaPBM. Our results provide the first direct evidence suggesting that PBM-mediated associations between Tax-1 and cellular proteins play a key role in HTLV-induced cell proliferation and genetic instability in vitro and facilitate viral persistence in vivo.  相似文献   

A determinant of human T-lymphotropic virus-1 (HTLV-1)-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) development is the HTLV-1-infected cell burden. Viral proteins Tax and HBZ, encoded by the sense and antisense strands of the pX region, respectively, play key roles in HTLV-1 persistence. Tax drives CD4(+)-T cell clonal expansion and is the immunodominant viral antigen recognized by the immune response. Valproate (2-n-propylpentanoic acid, VPA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor, was thought to trigger Tax expression, thereby exposing the latent HTLV-1 reservoir to immune destruction. We evaluated the impact of VPA on Tax, Gag, and HBZ expressions in cultured lymphocytes from HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers and HAM/TSP patients. Approximately one-fifth of provirus-positive CD4(+) T cells spontaneously became Tax-positive, but this fraction rose to two-thirds of Tax-positive-infected cells when cultured with VPA. Valproate enhanced Gag-p19 release. Tax- and Gag-mRNA levels peaked spontaneously, before declining concomitantly to HBZ-mRNA increase. VPA enhanced and prolonged Tax-mRNA expression, whereas it blocked HBZ expression. Our findings suggest that, in addition to modulating Tax expression, another mechanism involving HBZ repression might determine the outcome of VPA treatment on HTLV-1-infected-cell proliferation and survival.  相似文献   

Small organic molecules termed osmolytes are harnessed by a variety of cell types in a wide range of organisms to counter unfavorable physiological conditions that challenge protein stability and function. Using a well characterized reporter system that we developed to allow in vivo observations, we have explored how the osmolyte proline influences the stability and aggregation of a model aggregation-prone protein, P39A cellular retinoic acid-binding protein. Strikingly, we find that the natural osmolyte proline abrogates aggregation both in vitro and in vivo (in an Escherichia coli expression system). Importantly, proline also prevented aggregation of constructs containing exon 1 of huntingtin with extended polyglutamine tracts. Although compatible osmolytes are known to stabilize the native state, our results point to a destabilizing effect of proline on partially folded states and early aggregates and a solubilizing effect on the native state. Because proline is believed to act through a combination of solvophobic backbone interactions and favorable side-chain interactions that are not specific to a particular sequence or structure, the observed effect is likely to be general. Thus, the osmolyte proline may be protective against biomedically important protein aggregates that are hallmarks of several late-onset neurodegenerative diseases including Huntington's, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. In addition, these results should be of practical importance because they may enable protein expression at higher efficiency under conditions where aggregation competes with proper folding.  相似文献   

Cross-species infection with transmissible spongiform encephalopathy agents may lead to subclinical infection and to adaptation of the infection to new species. This is of particular concern for the millions of people possibly exposed to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) by consumption of BSE-infected beef. Subclinical infection was studied by making 4 serial passages of hamster scrapie agent (263K) in mice. At each step, infectivity was followed by inoculation of hamsters and mice. Subclinical infection was demonstrated either by detection of abnormal protease-resistant prion protein (PrP-res) or in the absence of PrP-res by detection of infectivity. Replication and adaptation of hamster infectivity in mice was shown in year 2 after initial mouse passage. In third and fourth passages, dual-tropic, mouse-tropic, and hamster-tropic infectivity was found in different animals. In some cases infectivity similar to the original 263K hamster scrapie strain was found after 2 or 3 serial mouse passages totaling 1200-1550 days.  相似文献   

Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection is known to affect hepatitis C virus (HCV) clearance and to accelerate the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in HCV-infected patients. In this study, we found the prevalence and titer of an antibody recognizing the central region of the HTLV-1 Gp46 protein to be associated with the severity of chronic liver disease. The antibody prevalence was significantly correlated with the stage of chronic liver disease (P < 0.0001): 3 (14.3%) of 21 patients with minimal-mild chronic hepatitis, 12 (24%) of 50 with moderate-severe chronic hepatitis, 7 (87.5%) of 8 with liver cirrhosis, and 13 (100%) of 13 with hepatocellular carcinoma. These results indicate that the antibody may be a useful marker of the deterioration of liver disease in patients co-infected with HCV and HTLV-1. This antibody may be useful for the diagnosis of liver diseases and the development of more effective treatments.  相似文献   

We developed a real-time (RT) PCR quantitative assay to measure the level of the integrated viral genome of HTLV-1 in host peripheral blood-mononuclear cells (PB-MNC) from healthy carriers and patients with adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). All of the clinical specimens were serologically and molecularly characterized by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Southern blot hybridization (SBH) analyses. The assay system for quantifying the proviral copy level was sensitive, accurate, and reproducible over a wide range of density from 100 to 0.1% with a coefficient of variation (%) of 4.5 to 9.6. The proviral load of the healthy carriers and patients with ATL was 301 +/- 339 copies per 10(4) MNC (3 +/- 3.4%) on average and varied depending on the ATL cell number and the SBH band-status of single or multiple bands. In ATL cases with multiple bands detected by SBH analysis, their ATL cells were shown to harbor multiple copies within one ATL cell, so that the corrected copy number interpolated by the band number in SBH was closely equivalent to the expected ATL cell number in PB, corresponding to the virus-infected cell burden. The proviral load in healthy carriers ranged from 0.1 to 15% of PB-MNC, and, in combination with the fraction (%) of ATL-like flower cells defined by PB smear morphology, enabled carriers to be subgrouped into three categories. This result indicates that the detection of proviral load by(RT) PCR is sufficient and relevant to monitor the infected cell number in the PB and to evaluate the HTLV-1 pathologic status.  相似文献   

A murine retrovirus-infected human T-cell line, HPB-Ma, supported replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) at least as well as the previously reported Molt4-Ma cells. Cloning of HPB-Ma cells revealed a clonal variation of cellular susceptibility to HCV infection. Using one of the sensitive clones, we tested HCV inocula from different sources for their infectivity titer in cell culture. The in vitro titers obtained correlated with the reported infectivity titers of the inocula in chimpanzees. Thus, the system appears to be useful for estimating the in vivo infectivity of HCV.  相似文献   

p-Tyramine, an endogenous amine with sympathomimetic action, is found in the mammalian hypothalamus. When injected ip, p-tyramine reduced serum PRL without altering LH and TSH serum titers in adult orchidectomized rats and rats subjected to ether or immobilization stress. The hyperprolactinemia achieved by this last procedure was inhibited by both tyramine and dopamine; tyramine produced the same effect as dopamine at a dose 5 times greater. When PRL levels were increased by pretreatment with alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine or haloperidol, once again both tyramine and dopamine lowered PRL titers. The hypoprolactinemic effect of p-tyramine was also observed in median eminence-lesioned animals, suggesting a pituitary site of action. These results show that low amounts of tyramine, a naturally occurring amine, can inhibit in vivo increases in PRL levels achieved physiologically or pharmacologically.  相似文献   

HIV, HTLV-1/-2, and HCV share routes of transmission, and such virus co-infections could account for worse outcomes of associated diseases. Measuring cytokines/chemokines, CD4 and CD8 T cells, and HIV viral load (VL) in HIV single-infected and co-infected individuals has prognostic value. We analyzed such biomarkers in 129 blood samples of HIV-infected individuals matched for age and sex and divided into six groups (G1 (69 HIV); G2 (9 HIV/HTLV-1); G3 (6 HIV/HTLV-2); G4 (11 HIV/HCV); G5 (19 HIV/HCV/HTLV-1); and G6 (15 HIV/HCV/HTLV-2)). Eight cytokines/chemokines from fifteen analytes could be compared. The highest levels of Th1 and pro-inflammatory cytokines were detected in G2 (IFN-γ) and G6 (IL-6 and IL1-β) and of chemokines in G1 (MIG, IP10, RANTES), G4 (MCP1), and G6 (MIP1-β). The highest CD4 cells number and the lowest HIV VL were identified in G3 and the opposite results in G2. Positive correlations between CD4 and CD8 cells counts and IL-6 levels were detected in G2 and G5 and of HIV VL and RANTES in G4. Negative correlations were detected between CD8 and IFN-γ in G4 and HIV VL and RANTES in G6. Despite the small number of the cohort analyzed, and although the cross-sectional study design does not allow firm conclusions, the homogeneity of the characteristics of HIV/HTLV-co-infected individuals regarding age, time and route of HIV acquisition, and criteria for introducing ART enable us to suggest a negative impact of HTLV-1 and a possible protective role of HTLV-2 in HIV infection progression in such patients.  相似文献   

Serologic markers for HBV, HDV, HIV-1 and HTLV-1 were tested in 42 patients with a primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC); 19 with a malignancy of epithelial origin (EPM) and 16 with a non-epithelial malignancy (NEPM) in the Gizan Area of Saudi Arabia. HBV exposure in 77 PHC, EPM and NEPM patients was 92.2 per cent for any marker (overall) while 75.3 per cent positive for HBsAg. 3.9 per cent positive for anti-HBc and 12.9 per cent positive for anti-HBs. There was no inter PHC, EPM, NEPM or intersex variation for an individual marker or total HBV exposure. Among HBsAg-positives, 9 of the 12 PHC tested, 7 of the 10 EPM, 1 of the 9 NEPM were anti-D IgG positive. The HDV prevalence was the lowest in NEPM (p < 0.01). In patients with a malignancy, all HBV and HDV markers were higher than those of control population, even though anti-HBs was lower (p < 0.001). The probable contribution through different viruses in pathogenesis of malignancies of different types should be ascertained through polymerase chain reaction for viral components, oncogenes, etc. on tumourous biopsy tissues. The aggravation in PHC morbidity in HBV hyperendemic foci through HIV infection should be monitored through tests for unintegrated and integrated viral DNA in tumorous and non-tumorous tissues.  相似文献   

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