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肝癌及癌旁组织中端粒酶检测的临床意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究端粒酶作为原发性肝细胞癌(HCC)肿瘤标志物的可能性。方法采用TRAP方法检测了33例原发性肝细胞癌及其33例癌旁组织、4例肝转移癌及其4例癌旁组织、6例肝良性肿瘤和6例正常肝组织中的端粒酶活性。结果33例原发性肝细胞癌组织中,有30例端粒酶表达阳性,其阳性率为90.9%。33例癌旁组织中,有9例端粒酶表达阳性,其阳性率为27.3%。4例肝转移癌端粒酶活性均阳性,4例癌旁组织中,2例端粒酶表达阳性。6例肝良性肿瘤中,仅1例端粒酶表达阳性。6例正常肝组织端粒酶表达均阴性。肝癌组织端粒酶表达与肿瘤临床病理特征无关。结论肝癌组织中普遍存在端粒酶活性表达,而良性和正常肝组织中端粒酶活性较少表达。端粒酶有可能成为诊断原发性肝细胞癌的肿瘤标志物  相似文献   

胃癌及癌前病变组织中端粒酶RNA表达及其临床意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 探讨胃癌及癌前病变胃粘膜端粒酶RNA与端粒酶活性检测及临床意义。方法 分别采用原位逆转录-PCR、端粒重复序列扩增法(TRAP)检测114例胃粘膜组织标本端粒酶RNA与端粒酶活性,其中包括慢性浅表性胃炎(CSG)32例、不典型增生(AH)34例、胃癌(GC)48例。结果 原位逆转录-PCR检测胃粘膜活检标本的端粒酶RNA阳性率为57.9%(66/114),显著高于TRAP法检测端粒酶活性检出率(44.7%,51/114,P<0.05)。在不同胃粘膜病变中,AH及GC组的端粒酶RNA阳性率分别为52.9%、100%,而CSG组胃粘膜中未检出端粒酶RNA;AH及GC组的胃粘膜端粒酶RNA阳性率分别显著高于CSG(P<0.05),而GC组端粒酶RNA阳性率亦明显高于AH组(P<0.05)。端粒酶RNA主要分布于胃粘膜癌细胞及癌前病变上皮细胞的胞核内。结论 端粒酶RNA表达与胃癌的发生密切相关。原位逆转录-PCR检测胃粘膜端粒酶RNA可能是较端粒酶活性更灵敏的生物学指标,对胃粘膜癌变的预测和早期诊断有重要价值。  相似文献   

大肠癌及癌旁组织中端粒酶活性的检测及临床意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:建立测定端粒酶活性的PCR-TRAP方法并探讨其在大肠癌诊断中的意义。方法:应用端粒酶活性的PCR-TRAP方法,对40例大肠癌及其癌旁组织进行了检测。结果:40例大肠癌组织中有37例端粒酶活性呈阳性,阳性检出率为91.75%,癌旁组织中有2例阳性,阳性检出率为5.00%,两者相比差异有极显著性(P〈0.001);40例大肠癌均为腺细胞癌,其中11例伴随淋巴结转移的标本中10例检测出活性,而  相似文献   

肺癌组织中端粒酶活性检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 目的 探索端粒酶活性与肺癌发生发展的关系。方法 采用TRAP-PCR-ELISA定量及银染定性法,对30例肺手术标本进行端粒酶活 性 的分析。结果 24例肺癌组织端粒酶水平明显高于良性病变组织。端粒酶 在肺癌组织中的阳性检出率为75%。肺鳞癌端粒酶活性水平明显高于腺癌。随肿瘤范围的扩 大以及手术分期越晚的患者,其端粒酶阳性率有相对增加趋势,但差异无显著性。结论 端粒酶激活与肺癌的发生发展有密切关系。  相似文献   

肺癌组织中端粒酶活性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yang J  Li X  Li Q 《中国肺癌杂志》2000,3(2):98-100
目的 探讨端粒酶的表达与原发性肺癌的病理类型、病理分期及淋巴结转移之间的关系。方法 采用端粒重复扩增技术(TRAP)-PCR-ELISA定量分析及TRAP-PCR银染定性分析主地24例肺癌新鲜手术标本及6例肺良性肿瘤手术标本进行端粒酶活性的分析。结果 肺癌组织端粒酶水平明显高于良性肿瘤组织。端粒酶在肺癌组织中的阳性检出率为75%;肺鳞癌端粒酶活性水平高于腺癌,两者差异有显著性(t=2.235,P〉  相似文献   

喉癌及癌旁组织端粒酶活性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 目的:研究原发喉癌及相应癌旁上皮组织中的端粒酶活性表达,并探讨其作为喉癌肿瘤标志物的可能性。方法:采用以PCR技术为基础的TRAP方法研究了39例原发喉癌和17例相应癌旁上皮组织中的端粒酶活性。结果:在39例原发喉癌组织中,发现有35例端粒酶表达阳性,阳性率为89.7%,端粒酶表达与喉癌临床资料无相关性。在17例癌旁组织中有6例显示端粒酶阳性,阳性率为35.3%。结论:端粒酶激活与喉癌的发生发展有密切关系,并有可能成为喉癌的临床肿瘤标志物。  相似文献   

实时定量检测肝癌组织中端粒酶逆转录酶基因的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在肝癌中 ,端粒酶活性高达 80 %以上 ,且活性越高 ,复发率也越高。因此 ,定量检测端粒酶活性对诊断肝癌、预测复发等有重要意义。我们采用实时定量RT PCR方法 ,对 5 0例肝癌及癌旁组织中的端粒酶hTERT基因表达水平进行了定量检测 ,现将结果报告如下。一、资料与方法1 组织标本 :5 0例肝癌及配对的癌旁组织为我校肿瘤医院 1998~ 2 0 0 0年手术的肿瘤标本 ,均经病理检查确诊。男4 6例 ,女 4例 ;患者年龄 2 6~ 72岁 ,平均 4 8.1岁。2 组织总RNA的提取 :用Trizol(Gibco公司 )提取总RNA ,操作按说明书进行。提取后…  相似文献   

大肠癌及癌旁黏膜组织中端粒酶活性检测的临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究端粒酶活性检测在大肠癌临床诊断和确定手术切除范围中的意义。方法:应用已建立的银染TRAP方法,检测29例大肠癌组织及癌旁(近端即食管端距癌组织2cm,4cm,6cm,10cm,远端即肛门端距癌组织2cm,4cm,6cm) 黏膜组织,共8个标本的端粒酶活性。结果:大肠癌组织的端粒酶活性阳性率为89.7%(26/29),其中近端2cm癌旁黏膜组织的阳性率为13.8%(4/29),远端2cm癌旁黏膜组织的阳性率为3.4%(1/29),而近端4cm,6cm,10cm,远端4cm,6cm癌旁黏膜组织端粒酶活性检测阳性率均为0(0/29),端粒酶活性与大肠癌的分化程度及肠系膜淋巴结转移无相关性(P>0.05)。结论:端粒酶活性既有可能成为大肠癌诊断的标志物,又可望为临床上确定手术切除范围提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

肝癌组织端粒酶活性表达及DNA含量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究肝癌组织、癌旁组织端粒酶活性的表达及DNA含量的变化.方法取肝癌手术标本30例,每例均取癌组织、癌旁肝组织及外侧切缘肝组织.采用PCR-ELISA法检测其端粒酶的活性;流式细胞仪技术检测细胞DNA含量,DNA倍体及细胞分期.结果肝癌组织端粒酶阳性率为76.7%(23/30),癌旁组织端粒酶阳性率为16.7%(5/30),外侧切缘肝组织无阳性(0/30),肝癌组织与癌旁组织及外侧切缘肝组织端粒酶的表达有显著差异(P《0.01).癌旁组织与外侧切缘肝组织端粒酶的表达也有显著差异(P《0.05).肝癌组织与外侧切缘肝组织DNA异倍体表达率有显著差异(P《0.05).端粒酶阳性及阴性组间DNA异倍体率、DNA指数(DI)、S期细胞比率(SPF),细胞增殖指数(PI)未见明显变化.结论端粒酶与肿瘤的恶性行为存在一定的密切关系,其作为肝癌诊断的分子标志具有一定的价值.同时检测DNA倍体类型可进一步提高其临床参考价值.  相似文献   

Telomerase activity in oral cancer   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Telomerase activity can be detected in most human cancers. This is consistent with the telomere hypothesis, which predicts upregulation of telomerase expression after a number of mitotic divisions to prevent the progressive and catastrophic loss of telomeres. However, telomerase has not been fully analyzed in oral cancers. In this report, telomerase activity was analyzed in 31 human oral malignant tumors, 11 leukoplakias, three pleomorphic adenomas, and 40 samples taken from normal tissues of the oral cavity, using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay. Telomerase activity was detected in most oral cancers [squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, adenoid cystic carcinomas, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, osteosarcoma, acinic cell carcinoma, rhabdomyosarcoma]. None of the normal tissues or pleomorphic adenomas displayed telomerase activity. In leukoplakia, telomerase activity was seen in moderate or severe dysplastic tissue and carcinoma in situ. Mild dysplasia did not reveal telomerase activity. In SCC, there was no clear association between relative telomerase activity and grade or stage. These results suggest that detection of telomerase activity in oral tissues could be used to differentiate malignant from benign or normal tissues.  相似文献   

头颈部鳞癌及癌旁组织端粒酶活性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陶泽璋  刘剑锋  肖伯奎  杨强  詹汉章 《癌症》2000,19(7):671-673
研究原发头颈部鳞癌及相应癌旁组织中端粒酶活性表达,并探讨其作为头颈部鳞鳞癌分子生物学标志物的可能性。方法:采用TRAP-PCR-ELISA法对32例原发头颈癌鳞癌及15例相癌组织进行端粒酶活性的定性和定量检测。结果:原发头癌鳞癌组端粒酶活性值明显高于癌旁组。  相似文献   

Background Measurement of thymidine phosphorylase (TP) activity in normal liver tissue adjacent to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) may predict multicentric recurrence a long time after an operation. The authors investigated this activity in 92 patients with HCC who had a single HCC equal to or less than 5 cm.Methods Fresh samples (tumors with adjacent normal tissues) were collected from 92 patients with HCC who underwent curative hepatic resection. The levels of TP activity in nonfixed, fresh, and frozen HCC specimens with adjacent noncancerous liver tissue were biochemically measured by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method.Results Patients who had a high TP level in normal liver tissue had significantly earlier recurrence (median disease-free survival, 819 days; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 478–1044 days) compared with patients who had a low TP level (median disease-free survival, 1376 days; lower limit of 95% CI, 921 days; P = 0.0171). Multivariate analysis showed that patients who had a low TP level in adjacent liver tissue had a 0.387-fold higher risk of postoperative recurrence compared with patients who had a high TP level (P = 0.0067).Conclusion TP activity in normal liver tissue adjacent to HCC is related to tumor occurrence and may predict postoperative tumor recurrence.  相似文献   

Telomerase activity and prognosis in breast cancer.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
AIMS: Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme which appears to play an important role in carcinogenesis. Its reactivation is associated with the acquisition of immortalization and malignancy. The present study aims to examine the association between telomerase activity and prognosis in breast cancer. METHODS: Using a PCR-based assay, we retrospectively examined telomerase activity in 45 frozen human breast cancer specimens. Telomerase activity was compared with histopathological and clinical data. RESULTS: Telomerase activity was detected in 20 (44%) of 45 cases and was associated with advanced histopathological grade and tumour type (ductal vs. lobular). The association with these histological parameters was statistically significant (chi-squared test P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the overall survival rate (78 vs. 77%) or disease-free survival (73 vs. 69%) at 5 years (Kaplan-Meier method, log-rank test P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The present results indicate that telomerase activity in human breast cancer is not associated with nodal status or disease outcome.  相似文献   

人胃癌结直肠癌组织中的端粒酶活性   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Chen W  Zhang Q  Wan D 《中华肿瘤杂志》1998,20(4):261-263
目的细胞中端粒(telomere)的长度与细胞寿命的调控密切相关,端粒长度的维持需要端粒酶(telomerase)的激活,近年来的研究发现,端粒酶的激活与肿瘤的发生、发展关系密切。本文报道人胃癌和结、直肠癌端粒酶活性。方法采用端粒重复序列扩增法(telomericrepeatamplificationprotocol,TRAP)来检测人胃癌(11例)、结肠癌(9例)和直肠癌(20例)以及其中39例相应的癌旁组织中的端粒酶活性。结果在40例肿瘤组织中,有36例端粒酶呈阳性(90%),且与肿瘤发展阶段、恶性程度不相关;而39例癌旁组织中只有1例阳性。结论端粒酶可能是肿瘤诊断的一个很好的指标,有关端粒酶特性及调控方面研究的深入将有助于发展新的肿瘤确诊方法  相似文献   

Telomerase activity in endoscopically visible lung cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To examine the correlation between telomerase activity and clinical features in patients with lung cancer, we examined 86 patients with endoscopically visible lung cancer including 61 with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and 25 with small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Telomerase activity was detected by using Telomerase ELISA Kit (B?hringer Manheim, Germany). The median and interquartile ranges of telomerase activity in normal lung, NSCLC and SCLC were 65 and 51-75, 106 and 58-349 and 285 and 117-2214, respectively. Normal lung, NSCLC and SCLC had significantly different telomerase activity (p < or = 0.0001). Between NSCLC and SCLC, SCLC exhibited higher telomerase activity than did NSCLC (p=0.0029). A cut-off level of absorbance [A450nm-A690nm] of 86 derived from 90% specificity in normal lung was used; sensitivity for overall lung cancer, NSCLC and SCLC was 62.8%, 54.1% and 84.0%, respectively. There was no significant difference in telomerase activity between each stage in NSCLC (p=0.9243). In SCLC, however, the median and interquartile range of telomerase activity in extensive disease (2128 and 292-2681) was significantly higher than those in limited disease (207 and 97-252) (p=0.0285).  相似文献   

F K P'eng  W Y Lui  T J Chang  H L Kao  L H Wu  T Y Liu  C W Chi 《Cancer》1988,62(10):2134-2138
Glucocorticoid and progesterone receptors, tyrosine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase and alpha-fetoprotein levels were determined in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and adjacent liver tissues. Glucocorticoid receptor was present in seven of ten HCC samples, values ranged from 1.9 to 66.8 fmol/mg protein. Progesterone receptor was present in two of ten HCC samples with values of 1.7 and 7.2 fmol/mg protein, respectively. In the adjacent liver tissues, no measurable progesterone receptor was found and only one sample had glucocorticoid receptor with a value of 3.0 fmol/mg protein. The increase of glucocorticoid receptor in HCC samples was coincident with a decreased level of tyrosine aminotransferase and an increased level of gamma-glutamyltransferase. No correlation was found among glucocorticoid receptor level, serum or tissue alpha-fetoprotein levels. The presence of glucocorticoid receptors in HCC suggest that hormones may play an important role in the formation of hepatoma, and hormonal therapy may be useful for patients with HCC.  相似文献   

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