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Sleep and waklng EEG of 522 patients with epilepsy and various disease with attack nature were studled, EEG showed paroxysmal activities(PA) in 2]7 cases. PA appeared only during sleep in 96 cases, posirive rate of EEG diagnosis increased from 23.2 percent in waking recordings to 41.6 percent, Fifty of 97 benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spike(5l.6%) had focal PA only during sleep. Two of 6 cases with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome showed tonic seizure and/or generalized paroxysmal fast activities,Seizure types of 15 patients were deigned hy interictal PA and ictal EEG during sleep. There was no corresponding relationship between seizure time(waking or sleep) and PA sensitivity to state of vigilance.  相似文献   

Clinical, electromyographic and pathological features were studied in 18 patients with lipid storage myopathy (group I ) and 18 patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis (group Ⅱ ). The results showed a remarhable lower stxmtaneous activity(SA) incidence (14%) in group I than that (55%) in group Ⅱ ;46% and 34% short-duration motor unit potentials(MUAPs) with polyphasic potentials and 74% and 71% short-duration MUAPs without polyphasie potsntials respectively; the percentages of increased polyphasic MUAPs wre same in the Vwo groupa. The reduced or pathologic interfereuce palms accmmted for 61% in the group I and 50% in group Ⅱ. Increased CPK, LDH and HBD were also found in both of them. It is suggested that the lipid storage myopathy may be diagnosed when patients have muscle weakness and myalgia with short-duration and low-amplitude and polyphasic MUAPs without or with occasional spoataneous activitie*, and increased CPK, LDH and HBD.  相似文献   

ResumeObjectifEvaluerl'exactitudebesdonneesprovenantduquestionnaireI--PSSdansiesinvestigationscliniques.MethodesUnquestionnaireI--PSSavecsuPPlement(avecquestionssur4autresSymptbinesdemictionajoutdesanI--PSSstandard)adidpresentsd204hommesages57-72ansdansunedtuderetrospective.Putsdansl'dtudeprospectivequisuit,iesmaladesdevaientobserveretenregistrerminutieusementleurconditionsdemictionchaquejourdurantunepdriodede4semaines,suivantiesquestionsposhessurlalistedeI--PSS.Finalement,iesdonndesa…  相似文献   



This paper reports the profile of reproductive hormone levels in the serum and seminal plasraa, and the concentration of zinc and fructose in the seminal plasma of eleven healthy men before and two years after vasectomy. The normal fertile volunteers were  相似文献   

Serum lipids were determined in 100 psoriatics and the results indicated (1) the incidences of hypercholesterolemia (9%) and hypertriglyceridemia (17%) in psoriatics were significantly higher than in controls; (2) the mean values of serum TC, LDL-C and TC/HDL-C in psoriatics were significantly higher as compared with normal healthy controls matched for sex and age; (3) serum TC, LDL-C and TG values were significantly higher in cases whose disease was progressive or whose lesions involved more than 20% of body surface area than in cases whose disease stationary or lesions less than 20%. As the incidences of hypertension and coronary heart disease were also significantly higher in psoriatics than in controls, the authors proposed that some integrated relationship would exist.  相似文献   

Eighty-one patients with suspected renovascular hypertension (RVH) were studied using^99mTc-MAG3 renog-raphy before and after administration of 25 mg captopril (CAP).Among the 81 cases,22 were proven by renal arteriography or DSA.The results showed that by using CAP,the sensitivity and specificity of renography in RVH diagnosis increased from 66% to 72% and from 33%to 100%,respectively.We conclude that renography is a simple,noninvasive,sensitive and specific method for screening RVH and is suitable for use in hospitals with no γ-cameras.  相似文献   

Objeetves. The aim of this paper is to describe the clinical characteristics, diagnostie procedure andoperative management of Mirrizi syndrome. Methods. Sixteen cases of Mirrizi syndrome were selected and reviewed from 1987 to 1997. Results. In the 16 eases, 6 cases were male, 10 eases were female, the average age was 62. 7 years old. Ten eases were diagnosed to be Mirrizi syndrome preoperativaly(62. 5 % ) ; 3 cases were considered to bile duct tumor, the other 3 eases were emergency, they were confirmed the diagnosis after the operation. Conclusions. Ultrasound is recommended as the first choice of screening method, while ERCP may confirm the diagnosis. Surgical approach is considered to be the choice and technical procedures are sug-gested to prevent intraoperative injury and to repair defects of the common bile duct.  相似文献   

Endoscopic xenon ion laser induced autofluorescence spectra in various gastric diseases were tested in 104 patients diagnosed by endoscopy and biopsy, including 28 gastric cancer, 9 gastric ulcer, 46 chronic atrophic gastritis, and 21 superficial gastritis. The autofluorescence spectrum excited with the 365 nm line of pulsed xenon ion laser was measured. The xenon ion laser beam having an output energy of 0.5 mJ with a duration of 0.6μs and a repetition rate of 10 Hz was used as the excitation source. A coaxial optical cable for laser light and autofluorescent light transmission was inserted via the biopsy channel of an endoscope into the cavity of stomach. The tip of opitcal cable was aimed at the gastric tissue and autofluorescence spectrum was plotted on X-Y recorder. As the monochromator scanned in the range 500-750 nm, a single-pulse fluorescence spectrum could be obtained by using an optical multichannel analyser, and then this fluorescence spectrum was stored in the computer. The whole procedure could be completed within 15 seconds. The results of the present study show that autofluorescence spectra of gastric cancer have characteristic peaks near 630 nm and 690 nm, while no such peaks appear in the spectra of the corresponding normal regions. A consistency of 75% was observed in gastric cancer as compared with the pathologic diagnosis. It is claimed that this is a harmless, safe, simple, and fast procedure in the diagnosis of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Data on serum total (Trp) and free (fTrp) and bound (bTrp) tryptophan concentrations in patients with chronic renal failure were analysed. The results revealed marked decrease of serum Trp and bTrp, increase of fTrp concentrations and negative correlation between serum creatinine and bTrp/albumin ratio. The mechanism leading to these alterations is not clear. Increased serum fTrp concentration may play a role in causing uremic syndrome.  相似文献   

Fifteen cases,27 hips,of idiopathic necrosis of the femoral head (INFH) were included iour series.The role of radiography,isotopic bone scanning,intraosseous pressure measure-ment and intraosseous venography in the diagnosis of INFH were evaluated.Radiologicalexamination could not reveal early cases,while isotopic bone scanning was more sensitive.There was an increase of intraosseous pressure in most of the diseased hips.and intraos-seous venography showed abnormalities in all examined hips.The latter two tests couldtherefore detect early INFH.Core decompression was performed in 23 hips,21 of whichwere followed for 7 to 27 months.Functional evaluation was good or excellent in 18 hips.Radiological re-examination remained unchanged in 19 hips.Postoperative intraosseouspressure measurement and intraosseous venography revealed a decrease of intraosseous pres-sure and improvement of venous drainage.Core decompression is therefore an ideal methodof treatment for early INFH.  相似文献   

The differences of serum lipid and lipoprotein (LP,profiles of animals susceptible (rabbit)and nonsusceptible (Beijing duck) to atherosclerosis as well as the distribution of apolipo-protein (apo) A-I and its catabolism in vivo were studied.Eight items,i.e.total cholesterol(TC),high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol,triglyceride,percentage of a-LP and β-LP,β-LP concentration,lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT),and agarose and polyacryla-mide gel electrophoresis of both species were assayed before and after feeding a high fat,high cholesterol diet.Results indicate that the exogenous cholesterol consumed by Beijingducks was carried and transported by HDL,while that in rabbits was transported by lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL).The biological half lives of apo A-I in serum and in HDL were41.11±2.4 and 42.8±1.7 h respectively.and its distribution in different organs was in theorder of liver>kidney>spleen>lung>heart>intestine>muscles>aorta.These resultsshow that the liver is the major organ for metabolizing HDL apo A-I.and the kidneyis also important.The results also imply that in Beijing ducks the cholesterol carried byHDL may be catabolized through apo A-I receptors in the liver and kidney.The differencesin cholesterol binding and in lipoprotein and apolipoprotein metabolism of the two speciesprovide important clues for the elucidation of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Constipation and insomnia are commonamong aged person and refractory to treatment.The authors used mulberry extract for this pur-pose and found it effective in most cases.Syrupof Fructus Crataegi was used as placebo fordouble blind control.  相似文献   

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