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The rate adaptive characteristics and pacemaker mediated tachycardia protection algorithm of an accelerometer based DDDR pacemaker were evaluated in 11 patients with bradycardia (seven atrioventricular block, four sick sinus syndrome). Rate adaptive programming was effected by collecting the acceleration level during a 3-minute moderate exercise ("tailoring" of sensor). In comparison with an externally attached piezoelectric sensor, the accelerometer sensor showed lower rate changes during external tapping of the pacemaker (16 +/- 3 vs 29 +/- 4 ppm, P less than 0.02) and applied direct pressure (1 +/- 1 vs 40 +/- 3 beats/min, P less than 0.001) on the pacemaker. At nominal setting, the accelerometer sensor showed improved rate stability and higher rate response to jogging and standing, although responses to other daily activities and treadmill exercise were similar. Apart from changing the rate responsive slope, rate response could be improved by repeat "tailoring" of the sensor at a lower exercise level, resulting in better overall rate response characteristics. The ability of the rate monitoring software to collect acceleration levels for an activity and profile the projected rate response at different rate responsive settings allowed programming to be effected with the minimum amount of exercise testing. The pacemaker also discriminated atrial tachyarrhythmias from normal sinus response using the sensor to judge the appropriateness of the atrial rate, which correctly identified and prevented rapid ventricular tracking in two patients during atrial flutter/fibrillation.  相似文献   

Sensolog 703 is a new activity sensing rate responsive pacemaker which detects body vibration during physical exercise and uses the vibration as an indicator of the physiological need for a rate increase. This pacemaker was implanted in 11 patients with complete heart block and atrial arrhythmias. Their mean age was 58 (range 39-72) years. With appropriate rate response, exercise capacity, as assessed by the duration of graded treadmill exercise using the Bruce protocol, was significantly improved over the VVI pacing mode (mean +/- SEM, 462 +/- 52 s in the rate responsive mode and 368 +/- 34 s in the VVI mode, P less than 0.02). Cardiac output at peak exercise, as assessed by continuous wave Doppler sampling of aortic root blood flow, was also significantly increased compared to the resting value in both piecing modes. However, the increase was more marked when exercise was performed in the rate response mode (93 +/- 22% increase over resting cardiac output in the rate responsive mode and 57 +/- 13% increase in the VVI mode, P less than 0.05). The rate responses of this pacemaker were compared with those of a Medtronic Activitrax pacemaker. Although both pacemakers responded to an increase in walking speed, neither responded appropriately to walking up different gradients, In both cases, ascending and descending four flights of stairs resulted in similar pacing rates. There was no response to physiological activities with minimal body movements such as isometric exercise and the Valsalva maneuver. Technical problems were encountered in two implanted Sensolog pacemakers: one had spontaneous rate acceleration at rest immediately following implantation and one showed intermittent rate acceleration while the patient was at rest. Both units were programmed to the VVI mode. In conclusion, satisfactory rate response, improvement in exercise duration and increase in cardiac output were achieved with the Sensolog 703 pacemaker. However, as body vibration is not closely related to physiological needs, it has similar limitations in rate response as the Activitrax pacemaker.  相似文献   

An accelerometer-based rate adaptive generator (EXCEL VR) has been introduced. A preclinical group of 22 subjects with strap-on devices was observed and reported. A clinical protocol including observation of rate adaptive response to typical daily activities and incremental exercise on a treadmill was administered in seven implanted patients. Indications for implantation in these patients was either second- or third-degree atrioventricular block (five patients, VVIR pacing mode) and sick sinus syndrome (two patients, AAIR pacing mode). Mean pacing rates were 50 ppm (supine), 56 ppm (standing), 77 ppm (descending the stairs), 81 ppm (slow walk), 83 ppm (slow stair climb), 91 ppm (fast walk), and 92 ppm (fast stair climb). When the arm proximal to the pulse generator was exercised, the rate rose to 92 ppm. When the distal arm was strained, the rate was 63 ppm. During treadmill testing, rates between 82 ppm (2 km/hour) and 104 ppm (5 km/hour) were observed. This accelerometer-based rate adaptive pulse generator provided a proportional response to graded activities of treadmill exercise and daily living in these groups of preclinical and clinical subjects.  相似文献   

In August 1991, a new single chamber pacemaker became available that utilizes information from two sensors, activity and stimulus-to-T wave (QT) interval. We are reporting on the first 90 implants in 21 centers. T wave sensing was adequate at implantation in 88/90 patients, with a safety margin of > 100% in 86/90, Activity sensing was adequate in all patients. The contribution of each sensor fsensor blending) is programmable for each patient. Of 75 patients assessed at 1 month after implant, three have been programmed to "Activity-Only" mode, and 72 to dual sensor mode. Of these, 18 have been programmed to "QT < Activity," 48 to "QT = Activity," and 6 to "QT > Activity." Forty-five patients underwent exercise testing in dual sensor mode and a subgroup of 15 also underwent exercise testing in Activity-Only mode. The dual sensor mode produced a more gradual increase in pacing rate. Sensor Cross Checkingtmsatisfactorily prevented a sustained high pacing rate in tests of false-positive activity sensing (tapping, vibrating pacemaker, or static pressure). The maximum pacing rate on walking downstairs (94.2 ± 7.2 ppm) was similar to that produced by walking upstairs (91.6 ± 5.9 ppm). We conclude that initial assessment of this dual sensor, single chamber, rate responsive pacemaker confirms that the algorithm for combining data from two sensors functions satisfactorily. Dual sensor rate responsive pacing may offer significant advantages over single sensor devices, and further studies of this novel device are indicated.  相似文献   

From November 1994 to October 1995, 63 patients (average age 66 years; 41 men) from 15 centers implanted with the Biotronik Dromos DR and Ergos TC 03 pulse generators were prospectively screened with an exercise test in the DDD mode for the presence of chronotropic incompetence (CI). Both pulse generators incorporate an identical accelerometer-based motion sensor. CI was defined as a maximum heart rate < 60% of age predicted maximum heart rate or 100 beats/min. Twenty-five patients (40%) met the criteria for CI. Two weeks later, CI patients were required to complete paired metabolic exercise testing in the DDD and DDDR modes on consecutive days with a 24-hour rest period. The order of testing was randomized and performed double blinded to minimize potential biases. Three patients who did not reach the anaerobic threshold (AT) and one patient who was unable to perform the metabolic testing were excluded from the analysis. Compared to the DDD mode, there were statistically significant improvements in the DDDR mode for all five endpoints: heart rate (84 ± 3.6 vs 113 ± 3.5 beats/min; P < 0.0001); total exercise time (8.23 ± 0.71 vs 9.15 ± 0.65 min; P = 0.0005); maximum VO2 (17.76 ± 1.36 vs 20.43 ± 1.75 mL/kg per min; P = 0.0001); V02 at AT (13.1 ± 0.87 vs 14.59 ± 0.79 mL/kg per min; P < 0.01); and exercise time to AT (5.65 ± 0.61 vs 6.33 ± 0.53 min; P = 0.02). In conclusion, the results of paired metabolic exercise tests with the Dromos DR and Ergos TC 03 pulse generators demonstrate a clear clinical benefit using the accelerometer-based sensor in the CI patient  相似文献   

A multicenter clinical evaluation of Sorin Swing 100, a new SSIR pacemaker with a gravimetric sensor, was performed by seven different centers enrolling a total of 89 patients, 56 men and 33 women, mean age 73.1 years, for pacemaker implantion (73 patients) or pacemaker replacement (16 patients). Pacing mode was VVIR in 73 patients and AAIR in 16. The behavior of pacing rate was evaluated 3 months after the implant by performing a 24-hour Holter monitor, an exercise stress test, and tests for the assessment of mechanical external interference (MEI). A physiological behavior of the paced rate was always observed during Holter monitoring. In 52 completely paced patients mean diurnal, nocturnal, and maximal heart rate were, respectively, 74.9 ± 5.7 ppm, 58.1 ± 5.8 ppm, and 113.4 ± 12.7 ppm; a paced rate exceeding 100 ppm was reached on the average 5.6 times/Holter monitor. In all but two patients the sleep rate (55 ppm) was reached during the night or long resting time. During exercise stress test a direct correlation between the increase in pacing rate and the increase in workload was observed; the mean maximal heart rate reached in 49 completely paced patients was, respectively, 102.8 ± 9 ppm in 17 patients who accomplished stage 1, 116.2 ± 13.6 ppm in 28 patients who accomplished stage 2, and 133 ± 6.7 ppm in 10 patients who accomplished stage 3 of the Bruce protocol. MEI testing never increased the pacing rate over the noise rate (10 ppm over the basic rate). In only seven patients the results obtained suggested to change the nominal set up of the pacemaker. Our experience clearly indicates that Swing 100 is an effective, reliable, and easy to use SSIR pacemaker. The availability of the sleep rate allows a more physiological pattern of pacing rate and can lead to significant energy saving.  相似文献   

The minute ventilation is known to be one of the most physiological indicators of exercise. A curvilinear relationship between VE and the normal sinus rhythm (NSR) has been demonstrated in healthy patients. The aim of this study is to show that a pacemaker based on a VE sensor can reproduce such a relationship. Eighty-one patients received a Talent DR 213 (ELA Medical, Montrouge, France) pacemaker with a third-generation rate responsive algorithm. At 1-month follow-up, the patients underwent a treadmill exercise test, after which three groups were defined: group 1 had 6 patients who were 100% paced throughout the exercise test; group 2 had 10 patients who maintained NSR throughout the test; and group 3 had 12 patients who had cardiopulmonary recording during the exercise test. In group 1 patients, the simulation function computed the simulated rate (sim-rate), which was compared to the sensor-driven rate (SDR). In group 2 patients, sim-rate was compared to the NSR. In group 3 patients, cardiac and metabolic reserves were compared to determine the appropriateness of the rate response to exercise (HRR% vs MR%). The results showed that the mean correlation coefficient between sim-rate and SDR was 0.983 ± 0.005 (P < 0.001); the mean correlation coefficient between NSR and SDR was 0.92 ± 0.07 (P < 0.001); and a linear relationship was found between HRR% and MR%, with a mean slope of 1.1 ± 0.2 that was significantly equal to the theoretical value of 1 (P = NS). In conclusion, combining an activity-driven sensor with a physiological sensor allows the preservation of a physiological rate response during exercise.  相似文献   

This article describes the characteristics of a new implantable pacemaker controlled by right atrial oxygen saturation and reports the first clinical experience in man. During the observation period over 5 months, there was no evidence of malfunction due to tissue growth. The system's reaction to exercise changes proved to be quick (5 s to 17 s); decay times varied depending on the magnitude of the power previously performed. Under various exercise tests, the rate increase was linear to the stress load. Measurements of cardiac output showed the system's hemodynamic feedback and its potential self-optimization of pacing rate.  相似文献   

Pacemaker therapy with rate responsive systems becomes increasingly more important. Numerous clinical and experimental trials have been conducted thus far to investigate different sensors of metabolic demands of the body, functioning independently of an atrial electrogram. To transform mechanical energy into electrical energy, activity-triggered systems utilize a piezo-quartz as their sensor. Thirty jive patients suffering from pathological bradyarrhythmias and therefore from an inadequate increase of the heart rate during exercise were supplied with a Sensolog® 703. Clinical follow-up was first performed with the help of treadmill ergometry, later on by walking on flat ground and climbing steps. The settings due to the first test caused inadequately high stimulation rates. A 24-h-Hoher-ECG was necessary to control the programming and the rate profile in the patient's daily life. Using only the histogram and the rateread function, all rate adaptive parameters of the Sensolog® 703 could be set by walking on flat ground and climbing steps. We defined a frequency of 75–85 min−1 to be appropriate during walking, respectively "low work." Individual programming ranged from 2–5/8–15/high-low/very fast-medium/fast-medium (slope, threshold, gain, reaction and recovery time). Reprogramming based on 24-h-Holter ECG was only necessary if the pacemaker was formerly adjusted with the help of treadmill ergometry. Besides, we observed an increase of the stimulation rate due to vibrations not related to exercise, e.g., by driving in a car.  相似文献   

The new DDDR pacemaker META DDDR utilizes a minute veritilation sensor based on transthoracic impedance measurements. The sensor determines the metabolic indicated interval, the atrioventricular (AV) delay and the postventricular atrial refractory period (PVARP). The baseline PVARP must be carefully selected to define nonphysiological tachycardias. If a Pwave falls within the PVARP the pacemaker will automatically switch to the VVIR mode. This behavior prevents tracking of paroxysmal atrial tachyarrhythmias (PAT). Twenty-eight patients with sinus node dysfunction (n = 20), AV junction ablation (n = 5), complete or intermittent AV block (n = 3); who received a META DDDR pacemaker were studied. The mean age was 65 ± 13 years. Results: mode switching (reversion) to VVIR was observed in 57% of the patients. Forty-two percent had episodes of mode switching to VVIR during a stress test four related to PAT, and seven to sinus tachycardia. Fifty percent had episodes of mode switching to VVIR during a 24-hour Holter, four related to PAT, three to retrograde P wave sensing, and two to sinus tachycardia. At the last follow-up, 20 of the 26 patients initially programmed to the DDDR mode remained in the DDDR mode, while five were reprogrammed to the DDD and one to the VVIR mode. Mode switching has a high sensitivity but a low specificity for PAT. It appears to be a useful approach to prevent rapid tracking of atrial tachyarrhythmias. Careful PVARP programming is critical to appropriate reversion behavior, but further modifications of the algorithm are needed to improve its performance.  相似文献   

Fourteen patients were implanted with a single chamber dual sensor pacemaker (Legend Plus®) that measures minute ventilation (VE) via variations in impedance between a bipolar lead and the pacemaker case, and activity via a piezoelectric crystal bonded to the pacemaker case. Chronotropic incompetent patients were exercised an a treadmill and a bicycle in dual sensor mode. Activity only indicated pacing rate was measured using a strap-on pacemaker. Both implanted and strap on pacemakers were adjusted to yield a steady-state pacing rate of 100 beats/min during hall walk. Pacing rate, VE, and oxygen uptake (VO2) were measured continuously. Linear curve fit analysis slopes for plots of VE versus pacing rate during exercise (1.33-1.49) compared favorably to values reported in normals. Peak pacing rates achieved for treadmill and bicycle testing for dual sensor mode were higher than activity mode alone. Slopes of heart rate to VE or VO2 were not significantly different (P < 0.05) for dual sensor mode in contrast to activity alone. In conclusion, the Legend Plus dual sensor rate adaptive pacing therapy delivered pacing rates more proportional to VE and VO2 under different types of exercise than rates indicated by a strap-on pacemaker in activity mode.  相似文献   

The pocing rate response of a new acceleration driven pulse generator (SWING 100, SORIN BIOMEDICA) was compared with simultaneous normal sinus rhythm (NSR) during two different treadmill exercises. This pacemaker has a gravitational acceleration sensor able to discriminate between physical activities and vibrations. Six healthy volunteers (three male, three female; aged 21.7 ± 4,3 years), with the pacemaker strapped to their right infraclavicular area, performed each test three times with different rise response curve (RRC) each time: fast, normal, and slow. The fall response curve used was the same as the rising one during each test. Pacing rates were recorded using the VEGA analyzer (SORIN BIOMEDICA) and compared with simultaneous NSR recorded by a 7-channel ECG recorder (MINGOGRAF 7, SIEMENS), During all tests immediate (within seconds) rapid increase in pacemaker rate was seen up to about 60 seconds, then a slower increase followed thereafter. The mean correlation between pacing rates and NSR during the Bruce tests were 0.7941 ± 0.10, 0.8562 ± 0.14, and 0.8292 ± 0.07; during the discontinous tests 0.7292 ± 0.16, 0.7233 ± 0.10, and 0.7480 ± 0.11 for fast, normal, and slow RRC, respectively. Each 30 seconds, nonsignificant differences were present between pacing rate and NSR during all the discontinuous tests; similar responses were observed only during the first two stages of Bruce tests after which NSR was significantly higher than pacemaker rates. The speed of rise to upper rate was the main difference between the different programs (fast, normal, and slow). The discontinuous tests showed that the pacemaker responds more to speed than to grade. In conclusion, the Swing pacemaker is easy to use and program, fast, reliable, and is able to mimic the normal sinus behavior especially during discontinuous activities.  相似文献   

Dual sensor pacemakers should respond more appropriately during differing exercise modes than a single sensor device. The Topaz™ models 515 (QT and activity count [ACT] sensing) pacemaker shows appropriate rate response during treadmill exercise testing. We postulated that adjustments to relative sensor contribution should allow fine tuning of the onset of rate response. Eleven patients with this pacemaker were studied. Three standard exercise tests were performed with adjustment of sensor blending and activity threshold between each one. We also assessed the response to isometric exercise and a false positive activity signal. Results : Times to 100 ppm (3.7 ± 1.3, 4.4 ± 2.0, 5.3 ±1.5 mins), times to peak rate (6.1 ± 1.6, 5.6 ± 1.4, 6.5 ± 1.3 mins) and accelerations to peak (9.0 ± 2.4, 9.2 ± 5.3, 7.7 ± 2.8 ppm/min) were measured in all three different sensor settings (QT = ACT, QT 相似文献   

Clinical Experience with an Activity Sensing Pacemaker   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During clinical evaluation of the Medtronic * Activitrax pacemaker in a worldwide multicenter study, implant and follow-up data were provided by 61 investigators on 222 patients. Pacing indications included two- and three-degree AV block in 149 and atrial arrhythmias in 174 patients; 16 patients received atrial pacing. Average and longest documented follow-up periods were 7.5 and 16 months respectively. Paired treadmill tests, one in Activity mode and one in VVI/AAI mode, were performed by 120 patients. At peak exercise, average heart rate was 95 bpm in VVI/AAI mode and 118 bpm in Activity mode (p < 0.0001). Average exercise time was 9.4 minutes in VVI/AAI mode and 10.8 minutes in Activity mode (p < 0.0001). In 54 patients who exclusively had paced rhythm during both treadmill tests, average heart rates and exercise times were 70 ppm and 8.1 minutes in VVI/AAI mode and 111 ppm and 10.3 minutes in Activity mode respectively (p < 0.0001). 24-hour Holter recordings typically demonstrated pacing at or near basic rate during periods of rest and appropriate increase in pacing rate during daily activities. Patients had significantly fewer problems with physical effort in daily life during a week of Activity mode pacing than during a week of VVI/AAI mode pacing (p < 0.05) as assessed from the symptom scores recorded by 62 patients in special diaries.  相似文献   

The Topaz model 515 (Vitatron B.V.) is a dual sensor rate responsive pacemaker for single chamber stimulation. It can be driven by activity counts (ACT) and QT interval measurements. Inappropriate rate modulation due to one sensor can be corrected by "sensor cross-checking." It was implanted in ten patients (20-86 years) of whom seven had complete heart block and atrial arrhythmias. After implantation T-wave amplitude ranged from 0.9mV-3.5 mV. T-wave sensing ranged from 88%–99% in 9/10 patients at the follow-up of 3 weeks. Eight patients remained in default setting of the activity threshold, after evaluation with a short walking test. An exercise test was performed on all patients. In one test, QT sensing was marginal because of lead implantation in the right ventricular outflow tract. Therefore, this pacing rate was only modulated by ACT sensing. All others were tested with equal contribution of information from both sensors (ACT = QT). In 7/9, rate response was satisfactory. When the treadmill was repeated with ACT in five of these seven patients, rate generally accelerated too fast. In one patient the setting was adjusted to "QT > ACT," because of inappropriate acceleration due to activity sensing, in another it was adjusted to "QT < ACT" because of delayed response to activity. The pacing rate and the ACT during treadmill tests in "QT = ACT" mode were more closely correlated in the first 3 minutes, compared with the last 3 minutes. We feel that rate modulation with this new pacemaker is adequate. Sensor blending and sensor cross-checking are of clinical importance.  相似文献   

Sensolog 703 is a new single chamber activity sensing rate modulated pacemaker that offers an automatic adjustment of settings called Autoset. Units were implanted in 11 patients (mean age: 67 years) for atrioventricular block (two patients), sinoatrial block (three patients), sick sinus syndrome (four patients), chronotropic incompetence (one patient), and atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response (one patient). The devices were programmed in VVIR mode using Autoset. The accuracy of the settings was verified by the built-in histogram function. In 6/11 patients, these settings were not satisfactory. Autoset was repeated at 6 months (nine patients) and 10 months (five patients) after implantation. External telemetric recordings during daily life activities, Holter monitoring, bicycle or treadmill stress tests helped in the evaluation of the rate response obtained with the automatic programming. The following problems were encountered: maximum pacing rate for a low level of exercise (four patients), insufficient rate increase (four patients), higher pacing rate during low than during heavy exercises (four patients). A time-consuming (15 to 48 minutes) manual programming was necessary in eight out of nine patients (6 months) and five out of five patients (10 months). In our study, Sensolog 703 algorithm tended to behave as an on/off system; automatic programming was time consuming and only indicative.  相似文献   

Prism-CLR is a new single chamber unipolar pace, bipolar or unipolar sense, rate responsive pacemaker that utilizes a closed-loop system based on the analysis of the evoked potential for rate adjustment. It also has an automatic output regulation feature for capture verification and threshold search. Five patients in whom this pacemaker was implanted exhibited an appropriate rate increase with exercise and psychological stress. Automatic output regulation functioned appropriately in three of five patients. Preliminary data suggest that Prism-ClR is an effective pacemaker for patients who may benefit from rate responsive pacing. The automatic output regulation recognition algorithm may need modification in some patients.  相似文献   

Manual slope programming in rate adaptive pacemakers can be time consuming. This may become worse with dual sensor devices. The remedy is to let the pacemaker automatically learn the slopes. Fast learning replaces initial manual slope programming. Daily learning is a continuous process to determine and optimize slopes during daily life. Both methods are known for a QT sensing pacemaker. Fast learning is known for other single sensor devices. The aim of this study was to follow daily learning in a QT and activity dual sensor pacemaker, starting with factory slope settings. Six patients were studied for about 8 weeks. The daily learning algorithm appeared to be elective, showing the desired regulation processes. It took 2–5 weeks to reach full rate response.  相似文献   

By cross-checking the relative sensor activation between a nonspecific and specific sensor during extraneous interference, a multisensor rate adaptive pacemaker may he able to limit inappropriate rate responses. The effects of activity (ACT) sensor programming on rate response kinetics of a QT and ACT dual sensor VVIR pacemaker with sensor cross-checking algorithm were studied in four patients with atrial fibrillation and complete heart block. The rate adaptive setting of each sensor was individually optimized, and an equal rate contribution for the QT and ACT sensors (QT = ACT) was used in the dual sensor VVIR mode. Three maximal treadmill exercise tests were performed in random order in three different VVIR modes driven by QT only, QT = ACT, and in the dual sensor mode with the most sensitive (low threshold) ACT setting. In the two dual sensor modes, the time for onset of rate response (delay time) was reduced (both < 15 sec) compared with QT only VVIR mode (233 ± 70 sec). However, the time to 50% of rate response in the low ACT threshold dual sensor mode was delayed compared with to QT = ACT (450 ± 110 [95% confidence interval 234–666] vs 311 ± 103 [109–513]sec, P < 0.05) and was similar to the QT only mode (401 ± 120 [l66–636]sec). The time to reach 90% of rate response was similar in the three modes tested. The resting activity counts registered by the ACT sensor were < 5 and 16 ± 2 counts/mm in the optimally programmed and low threshold ACT settings, respectively. This resulted in sensor cross-checking at rest in the overprogrammed dual sensor VVIR mode, thereby limiting the rate response. Thus, the combined sensor system provides a faster initial response to exercise than the QT only sensor. Programming the ACT threshold to low will prevent this faster response because of sensor cross-checking.  相似文献   

Clinical Experience with a New Multiprogrammable Dual Chamber Pacemaker   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We evaluated the clinical performance of a new dual chamber pacemaker, ELA Chorus(tm), in 35 patients. This device incorporates linear rate adaptive AV delay (AVDR), rate smoothing, fallback, impedance telemetry, pacemaker mediated tachycardia (PMT) recognition and reprogramming software, intracardiac electrogram displays, aufothreshold testing, diagnostic data, battery depletion curves, and laptop computer programming. Mean patient age was 68 years; 18 patients had AV block, six had sinus node dysfunction (one with AV block), nine had carotid sinus hypersensitivity (three with AV block), and two had vagally mediated syncope. At hospital discharge, programming was DDD with a mean low rate of 60 (50–70) beats/min, mean high rate of 126 (120–154) beats/mm; AVDR was ON in 21 patients, rate smoothing ON in six patients, fallback ON in six patients, and PMT reprogramming algorithm ON in 27 patients, Pacemaker follow-up involved 500 clinic visits over 14.3 months (1–36). Three patients developed atrial fibrillation, reprogrammed to DDI mode (two patients) or fallback (one patient). Fallback was used 617 times. PMT occurred 427 times in six patients; the PMT algorithm reprogrammed AV delay and postventricular atrial refractory period (PVARPJ automatically, a function unique to the Chorus(tm). Intracardiac electrograms and autothreshold testing improved follow-up efficiency. This new dual chamber pacemaker enhances programming flexibility and improves diagnostic accuracy at follow-up.  相似文献   

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