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International Urology and Nephrology - 相似文献
Besides amyloidosis and light chain deposition disease, themost common histological type of renal lesion is cast nephropathyin 30% of patients with multiple myeloma [2]. In contrast toamyloidosis, cast nephropathy is believed to be potentiallyreversible when circulating light chains are rapidly reduced.We report on three patients with multiple myeloma and cast nephropathytreated with a bortezomib-based chemotherapy in addition toa newly developed high-cutoff polyflux® haemofilter. Reductionin serum free light chain levels was achieved within 10–12days, with all three patients improving their renal function. 相似文献
BackgroundClinicopathological significance of light chain deposition in IgA nephropathy and the relation of monotypic IgA deposition to bone marrow abnormalities are important issues to be clarified. MethodsWe retrospectively investigated light chain deposition in 526 patients with IgA nephropathy. We divided the patients into 5 groups according to the balance of intensity of both light chain deposition: lambda monotypic, lambda dominant, polytypic, kappa dominant and kappa monotypic. Clinicopathological parameters were compared among the groups. The relation of monotypic IgA deposition to hematological malignancy was also evaluated. ResultsThe prevalence of monotypic IgA deposition was 6.3%, 33 patients (21 lambda and 12 kappa). Thirty-two (4.0%) and 10 patients (1.9%) were classified into lambda and kappa dominant groups, respectively. Polytypic IgA deposition was observed in 455 patients (85.7%). Age of onset, age at biopsy, urinary protein creatinine ratio, the percentage of global glomerulosclerosis, and the degree of IgA and C3 deposition were different among the groups. However, there was no gradual difference according to the groups. No patient with monotypic IgA deposition showed hematological abnormality at biopsy and during follow-up. ConclusionsThe prevalence of IgA monotypic deposition was extremely low. Clinicopathologically, we could not differentiate patients with monotypic IgA deposition from those with polytypic one and no hematological disorder was documented in patients with monotypic IgA deposition. Whether IgA nephropathy with monotypic IgA deposition and that with polytypic one is the same entity or not, and relation between monotypic IgA deposition and hematological malignancy should be clarified by further investigations. 相似文献
目的:总结轻链肾病(LCN)和轻链型淀粉样变(AL)肾脏损害临床和病理改变。方法:回顾性分析1990-2000年25例AL及6例LCN患者临床、实验室及组织病理检查结果。结果:首发症状多为水肿。96%AL和66.7%LCN出现蛋白尿,其中75%为肾病综合征(NS)。肾功能不全见于56%AL和83.3%LCN。约50%患者肾脏体积增大。肾小管功能不全发生率较高(>60%)。肾外改变以贫血和肝脾肿大最为常见。LCN光镜主要呈肾小球系膜结节性硬化(4例),6例LCN标本均见单克隆轻链(k4例,λ2例)在肾小管基底膜及部分肾小球内沉积。所有AL标本见肾小球、小管间质及小叶间动脉淀粉样物质沉积,刚果红染色(+),偏光显微镜下呈苹果绿双折光,高锰酸钾预处理试验不褪色(10例),免疫组化AA蛋白(-)。6例AL伴多发性骨髓瘤,骨髓浆细胞>15%。2例LCN合并异常增高IgM单株峰,病理亦支持巨球蛋白血症诊断。结论:AL和LCN并非少见病,临床以蛋白尿和NS最常见,肾功能受累发生率高,肾外表现多见。病理检查尤其特殊病理检查对诊断和鉴别有重要作用。 相似文献
The nature of the light chains in mesangial IgA deposits and serum IgA was studied in patients with IgA nephropathy. Immunofluorescence (IF) studies using murine monoclonal antibodies, rabbit and goat anti-human monospecific antisera were performed in kidney sections from 15 IgA nephritic patients with only IgA isotype detected in the renal biopsy. Lambda light chain IF was demonstrated in all biopsy specimens and kappa light chain IF in 11 renal biopsy specimens. The majority of renal biopsies showed a predominance of lambda light chain IF staining in the mesangial deposits. The concentration of individual immunoglobulins and their light chain fractions, and the kappa/lambda ratio were determined in the serum and the supernate from peripheral blood mononuclear cells culture of 30 IgA nephritic patients and 30 age-matched healthy controls. The IgA nephritic patients had a higher serum concentration of total IgA (P less than 0.001) and a significantly lower IgA kappa/lambda ratio (P less than 0.001) compared with the controls. The kappa/lambda ratio of supernatant IgA from IgA nephritic patients (N = 20) was also significantly lower than that of the normal subjects (N = 14), both in the unstimulated (P less than 0.01) and pokeweed mitogen stimulated, peripheral blood mononuclear-cell culture (P less than 0.05). Our results showed that patients with primary IgA nephropathy displayed a unique immunologic response characterized by a predominance of IgA with lambda light chain in circulation. 相似文献
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in patients with multiple myeloma (MM), most commonly caused by cast nephropathy resulting from precipitation of free light chains (FLC) in renal tubules. AKI may be irreversible and require dialysis and predicts a poor prognosis. Reduction in serum FLC concentration is thought to be associated with improved likelihood of kidney function recovery in MM patients with AKI. Plasma exchange (PE), by removing circulating FLC, has been used as a treatment modality to improve kidney function in MM, although its efficacy remains uncertain. Extracorporeal treatment with extended high cutoff hemodialysis (HCO-HD) has also recently been studied as a potentially more effective means of FLC removal. Both PE and HCO-HD may be beneficial in some patients, but only when used as adjuncts to successful chemotherapy. Further research is necessary to establish the specific efficacy of each of these extracorporeal methods in the treatment of cast nephropathy. 相似文献
A case of multiple myeloma in a 41-year-old white man that resulted in chronic renal failure is discussed. During the period of hemodialysis treatment, remission of the patient's myeloma was induced by chemotherapy. Thereafter a transplanted cadaver kidney functioned well for 3.5 years despite episodes of sepsis, administration of nephrotoxic chemotherapeutic agents, and recurrence of the myeloma with intermittent excretion of Bence Jones protein in the urine. The results of this fully documented case, as well as two other cases we have previously reported, support the strategy of offering cadaver renal transplantation to carefully selected individuals who require long-term dialysis and whose myeloma is in remission after chemotherapy. 相似文献
A successful cadaveric transplantation in a patient with irreversible renal insufficiency due to light chain nephropathy is reported. Remission of the monoclonal gammopathy was induced with melphalan and prednisone and after 4.5 years of hemodialysis a cadaveric kidney transplantation was performed, which resulted in excellent renal function up to 3.5 years after transplantation. Along with 8 previously reported patients in the literature this case demonstrates that renal transplantation can no longer be withheld from this category of patients, when they are in remission and no other major complications of their monoclonal gammopathy are present. 相似文献
目的 探讨磷酸化肌球蛋白轻链(pMLC)在慢性移植肾肾病(CAN)中的作用与机制.方法 依照标准的CAN大鼠模型进行左肾原位移植,受者为LEW大鼠,供者为F344大鼠,另取雄性F344大鼠和LEW大鼠仅行单肾切除术,分别作为对照.分别于术后4、8及12周时,收集各组大鼠的24 h尿量,并检测其尿肌酐水平,计算肌酐清除率.然后取各组大鼠血液标本,测定血清肌酐水平.采用Banff分级标准评定各组肾小球肾病、肾小管萎缩、间质纤维化及血管内膜增厚程度.采用免疫组织化学法和采用蛋白质印迹法检测肾组织中磷酸化MLC(pMLC)和整合素连接激酶(ILK)的表达部位及表达水平.结果 移植组大鼠术后4周时肾间质可见单个核细胞浸润,12周时可见血管平滑肌细胞的移行与增殖.移植组大鼠各时相肾组织pMLC和ILK表达水平显著高于Lewis对照组及F344对照组,且随着移植时间的延长有逐渐增高趋势.大鼠移植肾组织中pMLC表达水平与24 h尿蛋白定量、血清肌酐水平、肾间质单个核细胞浸润、肾小动脉血管平滑肌细胞数量、Banff评分等呈显著正相关,相关系数(r)分别为0.273(P<0.05)、0.434(P<0.01)、0.525(P<0.01)、0.676(P<0.01)、0.570(P<0.01),在移植后4周时,pMLC表达水平与肾小管间质ILK表达水平呈显著正相关,r=0.778(P<0.01).结论 pMLC在慢性移植肾病早期病理变化中发挥重要作用,移植肾肾小管间质及肾小动脉中pMLC表达上调与ILK的作用机制相关. Abstract:Objective To investigate the role and mechanism of phosphate myosin light chain (pMLC) in the rat kidney of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) model. Methods The left donor kidneys from Fisher (F344) rats were orthotopically transplanted into Lewis recipients. Meanwhile, the F344 rats and LEW rats with resection of the right kidney served as control groups. Animals were harvested respectively at the 4th, 8th and 12th week after transplantation. The creatinine clearance rate (CCr) was calculated by urine creatinine of 24-h urine. Blood samples were collected from rats for determination of serum creatinine. The expression of pMLC was detected by using Western blotting and immunohistochernistry, and that of integrin-linked kinase (ILK) by using immunohistochemistry. Results Mononuclear cells infiltration of allografts was markedly aggravated as compared to the controls. Allografts got severe interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy at 12th week after transplantation. The expression of pMILC and ILK was up-regulated in the kidney of CAN rats after transplantation, and increased more significantly as the time went on. The expression of pMILC was significantly correlated with 24-h urine protein excretion (r= 0. 273, P<0. 05), serum creatinine levels (r = 0. 434, P<0. 01 ), the number of tubulointerstitial infiltrated mononuclear cells (r = 0. 525, P<0. 01 ), the number of smooth muscle cells (SMC) in vascular wall (r= 0. 676, P<0. 01 ) and the extent of interstitial fibrosis (r= 0. 570, P<0. 01 ).There was a significantly positive correlation between ILK and pMLC in CAN rats at the 4th week after transplantation (r= 0. 778, P<0. 01 ). Conclusion pMLC might play an key role in CAN, and the over-expression of ILK might be involve in the pathogenesis of CAN. 相似文献
Cast nephropathy is the most common cause of renal disease in multiple myeloma, however, treatment with plasma exchange remains controversial even after 3 randomized controlled studies. We sought to determine the importance of diagnostic confirmation and goal directed therapy in the treatment of cast nephropathy in forty patients with confirmed multiple myeloma and renal failure who underwent plasma exchange. A positive renal response was defined as a decrease by half in the presenting serum creatinine and dialysis independence. No baseline differences were noted between eventual renal responders and non-responders. Three quarters of the patients with biopsy proven cast nephropathy resolved their renal disease when the free light chains present in the serum were reduced by half or more but there was no significant response when the reduction was less. The median time to a response was about 2 months. In patients without cast nephropathy, renal recovery occurred despite reductions in free light chain levels of the serum. No association was found between free light chains in the serum, urinary monoclonal proteins, overall proteinuria and cast nephropathy. We found that the relationship between renal recovery and free light chain reduction was present only in patients with biopsy proven cast nephropathy showing the importance of extracorporeal light chain removal in this disease. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Conventional chemotherapy for myeloma yield unsatisfactory results in light and/or heavy chain deposition disease [(H)CDD] Because of the well-established dose-response effect of high dose melphalan in multiple myeloma, aiming to dramatically reduce the pathogenic monoclonal immunoglobulin (MIg) level, high dose therapy is a tempting alternative approach. METHODS: We treated 11 young patients with L(H)CDD by high dose therapy with the support of autologous blood stem cell transplantation. All had renal symptoms, including four who required dialysis and seven who had various, mainly cardiac, extrarenal manifestations. RESULTS: No toxic deaths occurred. A decrease in the MIg level was observed in eight patients, with complete disappearance from serum and urine in six cases. Improvement in manifestations related to MIg deposits were observed in six patients, including renal, cardiac, and hepatic responses in 4/11, 4/4, and 2/2 cases, respectively. Histologic regression of MIg deposits was documented in cardiac, hepatic, and skin biopsies. In contrast, examination of the kidney still showed light chain deposits in one patient who had renal transplantation 3 years after high dose therapy, at a time when he was in persisting remission. Within a median follow-up of 51 months, three patients were retreated because of multiple myeloma relapse, of whom one died and one required hemodialysis, and renal function secondarily deteriorated in a patient who had resistant multiple myeloma. Otherwise, no manifestations related to MIg deposits occurred or recurred in any patient. CONCLUSION: Present results of this retrospective study argue in favor of a benefit of high dose therapy with stem cell support in young patients with L(H)CDD. 相似文献
A rarely diagnosed nodular glomerulopathy is presented arising secondary to kappa light chain deposition and clinically characterized by hypertension, congestive heart failure, massive proteinuria and slowly progressive azotemia. Kappa light chains were detected in the urine, the glomerular nodules, and the basement membranes of both glomeruli and tubules. A malignant proliferation of plasma cells could not be detected. Two morphologic features were unusual: the presence of microaneurysms, and the deposition of immunoglobulin and complement in a similar pattern to the kappa light chains. Noteworthy clinical aspects included the elusiveness of the proper diagnosis, the massive proteinuria in the absence of amyloid deposits, and the remarkable improvement in renal function following intermittent chemotherapy. 相似文献
Two patients with light chain nephropathy are described. The diagnosis and management of this rare condition is discussed. 相似文献